Nature Magazine says the Asia Rivers report is overblown

While the glacial water may not be large in the overall percentage, it is critical in it's timing. For that is the water that agriculture on those rivers depends on in the last part of the crop cycle.

Global warming's impact on Asia's rivers overblown : Nature News

Nevertheless, the study concludes that climate change will reduce water supplies enough that by 2050, declines in irrigation water are likely to reduce the number of people the region's agriculture can support by about 60 million — 4.5% of the region's present population.

Model uncertainty
One caveat, Immerzeel notes, is that climate models don't fare well at simulating the effect of warming on Asian rainfall. "There's still a lot of research going into the effect of climate change on the behaviour of the monsoon," he says.
While the glacial water may not be large in the overall percentage, it is critical in it's timing. For that is the water that agriculture on those rivers depends on in the last part of the crop cycle.

Global warming's impact on Asia's rivers overblown : Nature News

Nevertheless, the study concludes that climate change will reduce water supplies enough that by 2050, declines in irrigation water are likely to reduce the number of people the region's agriculture can support by about 60 million — 4.5% of the region's present population.

Model uncertainty
One caveat, Immerzeel notes, is that climate models don't fare well at simulating the effect of warming on Asian rainfall. "There's still a lot of research going into the effect of climate change on the behaviour of the monsoon," he says.


I get it, its not the fault of global warming "per-say" but its sort of like it just the same... LOL, okay douchebag, ok.....:lol::lol:
I see. You find the prospect of 60 million people in starvation status amusing.

Nice try at diversion fuckhead that was not the topic nor was it the debate here you weasel.... You just keep on digging your hole you hack... LOL:lol::lol:
Goodness sakes, take another nitro pill, you are going to have a big one at this rate.
Goodness sakes, take another nitro pill, you are going to have a big one at this rate.

oh don't worry about my health puppet master I am just fine.. Watching you dance and pose like an idiot while shuffling through your troll diversionary playbook is hilarious...:lol::lol:
While the glacial water may not be large in the overall percentage, it is critical in it's timing. For that is the water that agriculture on those rivers depends on in the last part of the crop cycle.

Global warming's impact on Asia's rivers overblown : Nature News

Nevertheless, the study concludes that climate change will reduce water supplies enough that by 2050, declines in irrigation water are likely to reduce the number of people the region's agriculture can support by about 60 million — 4.5% of the region's present population.

Model uncertainty
One caveat, Immerzeel notes, is that climate models don't fare well at simulating the effect of warming on Asian rainfall. "There's still a lot of research going into the effect of climate change on the behaviour of the monsoon," he says.

And your point is?
Nevertheless, the study concludes that climate change will reduce water supplies enough that by 2050, declines in irrigation water are likely to reduce the number of people the region's agriculture can support by about 60 million — 4.5% of the region's present population.


WHERE does water GO???

UP, into our cloud layer, to be redistributed.

DOWN, into our aquifers, to be purified.

We don't LOSE it, it doesn't just DISAPPEAR,

ever how much is here?

Is STILL going to BE here.

Perhaps in different areas, but that's how CYCLES work, and how the Earth, itself, is replenished.

We bleed out THIS tract? We use the next one.

The water is going to "move."

It's a protection mechanism for the earth, so that NO PLACE should be "sucked dry" of the nutrients in the soil by human beans that think they can plant, harvest, replant, harvest, ad infinitum.

Even if we WERE able to "run out" of water??? The flippin' asteroids sailing around and many of this solar systems planets could provide more than enough for ALL of our world.
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Speaking of the which,

we should probably make provisions for sea life with the ACTUAL "gold" we've got,

aka : SALT.

What's going to happen to them?

And they're mammals, too.
I think some of you don't realize how disruption of the weather patterns our infrastructures depend upon will impact this world's economy.

Your cavalier dismissal of the impact that will have on us seems ignorant.

The difference bwtween a bumper crop and no food can be a very slight change in weather patterns.

If you doubt that, just as any farmer.
While the glacial water may not be large in the overall percentage, it is critical in it's timing. For that is the water that agriculture on those rivers depends on in the last part of the crop cycle.

Global warming's impact on Asia's rivers overblown : Nature News

Nevertheless, the study concludes that climate change will reduce water supplies enough that by 2050, declines in irrigation water are likely to reduce the number of people the region's agriculture can support by about 60 million — 4.5% of the region's present population.

Model uncertainty
One caveat, Immerzeel notes, is that climate models don't fare well at simulating the effect of warming on Asian rainfall. "There's still a lot of research going into the effect of climate change on the behaviour of the monsoon," he says.

And your point is?

Careful now! or olsocks will accuse you of wanting the deaths of all those chinese on your hands....:lol:

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