Nature magazine yanks global-warming study


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Scientist Nic Lewis, who pointed out the errors shortly after the study was published, said it was "just the latest example of climate scientists letting themselves down by using incorrect statistics."

Oops! Nature magazine yanks global-warming study for 'systematic errors' - WND

Nature is a British multidisciplinary scientific journal, first published on 4 November 1869. It is one of the most recognizable scientific journals in the world, and was ranked the world's most cited scientific journal by the Science Edition of the 2010 Journal Citation Reports and is ascribed an impact factor of 43.070, making it one of the world's top academic journals. It is one of the few remaining academic journals that publishes original research across a wide range of scientific fields.
That was the study that induced the hysterical handwaving over the oceans supposedly warming much faster than we thought.
The study of Climate Science has few real scientists and a boatload of cheerleaders.

CO2 Rah rah rah!
So, the science corrects itself.

So much for denier conspiracy kookery.

Your stupidity keeps growing and growing...., it was a "denier" who exposed the screamingly obvious errors of the paper, that manage to sail through.... he he... ha ha.... peer review unfettered. It took a "denier" to find the errors that warmists failed to notice, they were obvious errors they has manage to miss, too much koolaid?

You don't even know who Nicholas Lewis is.
So, the science corrects itself.

So much for denier conspiracy kookery.

Your stupidity keeps growing and growing...., it was a "denier" who exposed the screamingly obvious errors of the paper, that manage to sail through.... he he... ha ha.... peer review unfettered. It took a "denier" to find the errors that warmists failed to notice, they were obvious errors they has manage to miss, too much koolaid?

You don't even know who Nicholas Lewis is.

I also noted that the retraction was not nearly as loud as the "warming faster than we though: hysterics that the media and climate sceince itself spewed over the paper's release...
Chalk up yet one more alarmist pseudoscientific steaming pile of excrement being retracted...

But watch them continue to claim that the oceans are "warming faster than we ever thought."

Even after the pseudoscience is relegated to the dustbin of history, the claimed based on it continue on....a prime example of zombie science..a prime example of the entirety of the CAGW claims..

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