Navajo Politician leaves the racist democrat party to join the Republican party of free thinkers...

I looked up the story on real websites .

Where are u getting this racism thing? Just making it up ?

Conservatives were the party of slavery . The dem/repub name switch pretty much happened in the 60s.

Conservatism is a philosophy, not a political party, the democrat party fought to move slavery into new states joining the union, they wanted to restart the slave trade and went to war with the north, firing the first shots in the conflict, to protect their right to own slaves.

After republicans defeated them and freed the slaves, democrats created the klan to murder and harass the newly freed blacks and their republican allies, and even implemented jim crow laws to keep blacks from having all the rights of free people……

In the 1960s the smarter democrats realized that they could not lynch, bomb, firehouse or murder enough blacks and republicans to keep blacks from voting so lydon johnson and the others decided to buy the votes of blacks….to keep power….

They then began the lie………that democrats supported blacks and the republicans were the racists…and because the democrats have had control of the news industry and education, they were able to perpetrate that lie on the people who didn't pay attention……

The democrat party was and still is the party of racism…..every single core group in the party is openly and proudly racist…as are the leaders, including obama…who belonged to an openly and proudly racist church for over 20 years and allowed the openly and proudly racist pastor, jeremiah wright to marry him and his wife and to baptize their children….

so no…Republicans and conservatives are not racists…the democrats are.
Yes… might just be that the people most impacted by the racism inherent in the democrat party are now becoming wise to that racism….

Navajo Indian And Democratic Senator Leaves To Join GOP | The Daily Caller
Some state legislator no one ever heard of joins the GOP.

Welcome, redskin! Here's some firewater to celebrate your entry into a racist organization.

No…he is leaving the racist party, the democrats….and joining the party that doesn't care about race, the Republicans…try to keep up…...
Yes… might just be that the people most impacted by the racism inherent in the democrat party are now becoming wise to that racism….

Navajo Indian And Democratic Senator Leaves To Join GOP | The Daily Caller
Some state legislator no one ever heard of joins the GOP.

Welcome, redskin! Here's some firewater to celebrate your entry into a racist organization.

No…he is leaving the racist party, the democrats….and joining the party that doesn't care about race, the Republicans…try to keep up…...

poor little imbecile. lol...
Navajo Politician leaves the racist democrat party to join the Republican party of free thinkers...

That would be the Democratic Party which for decades has fought for and defended the rights of all Americans of all races, often defending the rights of minority Americans from efforts by conservatives to deny them their rights.

And the Republican Party which for decades has exhibited nothing but fear and hostility toward change, diversity, expressions of individual liberty, and free thought – a Republican Party that seeks to force women to give birth against their will, seeks to deny gay and transgender Americans their protected liberties solely because of who they are, seeks to deny African-Americans their right to vote, and seeks to deny immigrants their right to due process because of their religion or national origin.

No, the facts and history can't be covered up by ridiculous lies from the right, this thread being one of many examples.

No, twit. The democrat party has been the home of racism since they supported the slave trade…they have not changed their beliefs, they have changed their tactics…

All of the core groups which make up the democrat party are proudly, and openly racist…all of the racists of the various races, have come together to use the democrat party to gain power….to use government to punish their enemies…..

Blacks, Hispanics and the other minorities have suffered greatly for blindly supporting the racist democrat party….just look at the conditions they live in under democrat rule...
What party is it that hates gays and Muslims and Mexicans and blacks?

Oh, yeah. The Republican party.

Just ask Trump.

"We're a big tent party, as long as you are white and Christian."

Republicans don't hate anyone….

Trump never said he hated anyone…

And the party of racism is the democrat party….
Yes… might just be that the people most impacted by the racism inherent in the democrat party are now becoming wise to that racism….

Navajo Indian And Democratic Senator Leaves To Join GOP | The Daily Caller
Some state legislator no one ever heard of joins the GOP.

Welcome, redskin! Here's some firewater to celebrate your entry into a racist organization.

No…he is leaving the racist party, the democrats….and joining the party that doesn't care about race, the Republicans…try to keep up…...

lol! Only ones buying that line are the racist republicans .

Go back and look at the voting map back around civil war times. Those pro slavery states , they are today's red states .
so no…Republicans and conservatives are not racists…the democrats are.

only in rightwingnuthackworld

Which democrat group or individual is not a racist….?

Article that lists past democrat racism in detail...and other stuff post this...if it comes up...

Will Democrats Apologize for Slavery and Segregation The American Spectator

Articles When Erasing Symbols of Slavery Don t Forget the Democratic Party

Does it never get old attributing racism to the one group in this country conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members who aren't racist.....? There are actual...honest to goodness racists in the democrat party, the party of raza, the hispanic racists, the NAACP, the Nation of racists...including jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and barak obama, black racist leaders......since you guys voted for a racist...barak obama, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, allowed a black racist to marry him and his wife and a black racist to baptize his daughters, and have actual white democrats with ties to actual segregationists still in your party...bill clinton (a sexual predator to boot) whose political mentor was willam actual segregationist...and robert "sheets" byrd (named sheets by tip o'neal for his membership in the democrat kkk).......

Which party do these known racists and racist groups belong to.....

La Raza...hispanic racists
The nation of racists
the NAACP, the modern racists (they just kicked out a white woman...remember?)
the congressional black caucus....

George takei...asian racist...
Al racist
jesse racist
raul racist...
bill clinton...white racist....remember the old segregationists...he gave them medals and presented statues in their honor
robert "kkk" byrd...white racist
barak racist ( sat in a rabidly racist church for 20 years and was good friends with the racist pastor, the rabid racist pastor, jeremiah wright married the obama's and baptized their children0

Billl whittle video

Yes… might just be that the people most impacted by the racism inherent in the democrat party are now becoming wise to that racism….

Navajo Indian And Democratic Senator Leaves To Join GOP | The Daily Caller
Some state legislator no one ever heard of joins the GOP.

Welcome, redskin! Here's some firewater to celebrate your entry into a racist organization.

No…he is leaving the racist party, the democrats….and joining the party that doesn't care about race, the Republicans…try to keep up…...

lol! Only ones buying that line are the racist republicans .

Go back and look at the voting map back around civil war times. Those pro slavery states , they are today's red states .

Wrong…been through this a number of times…the racists stayed in the democrat party, the new, young, industrializing south became republican….
Yes… might just be that the people most impacted by the racism inherent in the democrat party are now becoming wise to that racism….

Navajo Indian And Democratic Senator Leaves To Join GOP | The Daily Caller
Some state legislator no one ever heard of joins the GOP.

Welcome, redskin! Here's some firewater to celebrate your entry into a racist organization.

No…he is leaving the racist party, the democrats….and joining the party that doesn't care about race, the Republicans…try to keep up…...

lol! Only ones buying that line are the racist republicans .

Go back and look at the voting map back around civil war times. Those pro slavery states , they are today's red states .

Here you go twit…..learn something….see how the democrats and their allies in the news industry and education have lied to Americans since the 60s….

the creator of the southern strategy was rejected….

Nixon’s Southern Strategy: The Democrat-Lie Keeping Their Control Over the Black Community | Black Quill and Ink


Desegregation before brown…kevin d. williams

on what Goldwater did for civil rights

Desegregation, before Brown | National Review Online

Red state article on Southern strategy myth…..detailed….good look

More on the myth….
The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Yes… might just be that the people most impacted by the racism inherent in the democrat party are now becoming wise to that racism….

Navajo Indian And Democratic Senator Leaves To Join GOP | The Daily Caller
Some state legislator no one ever heard of joins the GOP.

Welcome, redskin! Here's some firewater to celebrate your entry into a racist organization.

No…he is leaving the racist party, the democrats….and joining the party that doesn't care about race, the Republicans…try to keep up…...

lol! Only ones buying that line are the racist republicans .

Go back and look at the voting map back around civil war times. Those pro slavery states , they are today's red states .
Those states turning red show racist thinking DYING fool.
Democrats FIRST racist group? The KKK.
Democrats LATEST racist group? BLM.
Did you know the very founding of the NRA was by Republicans? And its purpose was to ARM and protect the Negro?
The NRA was the counter to the KKK.

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