Navy Detected Titanic Sub Implosion Sunday But Biden Waited Till Today To Tell Us About It

Of all the stupid crap I have heard from the right the last 40 years or so, this sub conspiracy thing is the stupidest by far. And that is saying something.
I've been deployed with Canadians before...and they've never taken the lead.
Nobody has the capabilities of our military, so Canada is in support.
Something that seems to be a constant around the world.....the US has a habit of defending other countries.
That's why our Defense Budget is so massive.
Same could be said of that Chinese Spy Balloon.
The Canadian PM deferred to the US in dealing with it.
even though in international waters off Canada, a Canadian ship took the Titan out there and the Titan launched from this ship. The Canadians took ground control of the incident and became command center.

and besides that, why would the public and family and friends be told at that point, on the tv news, that their family members are dead, without actual confirmation?

the noise detection gave the two coast guards, U.s. and Canadian, where to search and confirm.

the news and attention paid by the news on this would have been no less, whether the bang was announced or not.

you are whining for the sake of the whine.... ABOUT Nothing.
even though in international waters off Canada, a Canadian ship took the Titan out there and the Titan launched from this ship. The Canadians took ground control of the incident and became command center.

and besides that, why would the public and family and friends be told at that point, on the tv news, that their family members are dead, without actual confirmation?

the noise detection gave the two coast guards, U.s. and Canadian, where to search and confirm.

the news and attention paid by the news on this would have been no less, whether the bang was announced or not.

you are whining for the sake of the whine.... ABOUT Nothing.
Just another stupid RWNJ conspiracy theory trying to say Biden used it to deflect attention from Hunter or the fake evidence Grassley has or something. Just really dumb right wing nut job stuff.
even though in international waters off Canada, a Canadian ship took the Titan out there and the Titan launched from this ship. The Canadians took ground control of the incident and became command center.

and besides that, why would the public and family and friends be told at that point, on the tv news, that their family members are dead, without actual confirmation?

the noise detection gave the two coast guards, U.s. and Canadian, where to search and confirm.

the news and attention paid by the news on this would have been no less, whether the bang was announced or not.

you are whining for the sake of the whine.... ABOUT Nothing.
It wasn't a bang.
It was an implosion.....and the Navy could identify that immediately, because this isn't the first implosion of a sub in history. They've heard it before. They also triangulated where exactly it happened and noted that it was precisely where they lost contact of the sub.
The search area was small because they knew where the sub was when it lost communication. All they had to do was send down a remote sub and they found wreckage.
My understanding is they didn't have a backup in case something went wrong, but you say the Canadians had this well in hand. GOOD JOB, CANADA.
Another win for the massive Canadian Fleet that I never saw while I was in the US Navy.
The DOD puts out some fake story about "Banging Sounds" to throw off the press giving everyone false hope that somebody might be alive down there running out of oxygen. But it was all just a delay tactic to keep the story in the news.

When it comes to our Navy........they aren't idiots. They know their sh*t, and this isn't their first time doing a rescue mission.
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The DOD puts out some fake story about "Banging Sounds" to throw off the press giving everyone false hope that somebody might be alive down there running out of oxygen. But it was all just a delay tactic to keep the story in the news.

Yeah, agree. I dunno who put it out there, but cable news entertainment programming ran with it. Of course, in reality, those platforms are largely just extentions of the state department anyway and tend to echo and seed whatever the narrative of the day might be.

When it comes to our Navy........they aren't idiots. They know their sh*t, and this isn't their first time doing a rescue mission.

Pretty much this...
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Sad to hear the little things that were somewhat ignored that caused the disaster. It really went over their heads, since the President of Oceangate put his life on the line that made people think that all was well. I think this was a clarion call to pay attention to details in the wake of a certain disaster. All the sorrow in the world cannot bring those six men back. :(

I understand that there was one of America's best engineers who was fired for noticing that everything there was not all right for true safety on the submersible. They possibly fired the very man who would have saved their lives. Too many people fire people who tell the whole truth, just because it gets in the way of that righting the wrong was too expensive. Gambling with ignorance is what it is.
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Sad to hear the little things that were somewhat ignored that caused the disaster. It really went over their heads, since the President of Oceangate put his life on the line that made people think that all was well. I think this was a clarion call to pay attention to details in the wake of a certain disaster. All the sorrow in the world cannot bring those six men back. :(

I understand that there was one of America's best engineers who was fired for noticing that everything there was not all right for true safety on the submersible. They possibly fired the very man who would have saved their lives. Too many people fire people who tell the whole truth, just because it gets in the way of that righting the wrong was too expensive. Gambling with ignorance is what it is.
Now they're covering this fake Russian Civil War that appears to be just a photo-op.
Anything to keep the media from covering the disastrous Biden Adm.
He knew that for sure ? Where does it say that….show us.
The navy knew Sunday. You mean to tell me that Biden doesn't know anything about major news events? He is that clueless? Lol, I already know the answer, but it must suck being you.
The navy knew Sunday. You mean to tell me that Biden doesn't know anything about major news events? He is that clueless? Lol, I already know the answer, but it must suck being you.
Who said the navy knew for sure what it was on Sunday. Where is your proof ?
The navy helped narrow the search area.
Tell us, who knew for sure ?
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