Navy Seal Chief Edward Gallagher


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
It's kind of strange that the case isn't getting much publicity. Chief Gallagher is facing Court Martial on a charge of killing an ISIS fighter but his helmet cam apparently clears him so the Navy doubled down and accused him of opening fire on civilians. Gallagher claims that he is being framed by Seals who resent his strong leadership. Republican congressman Duncan Hunter is apparently convinced of his innocence and rumor has it that President Trump is set to pardon him. So what the hell is going on in the Seal world? Are Navy Seals really trying to frame their own CPO? This is more troubling than posing in a photo with an enemy corpse.
It's kind of strange that the case isn't getting much publicity. Chief Gallagher is facing Court Martial on a charge of killing an ISIS fighter but his helmet cam apparently clears him so the Navy doubled down and accused him of opening fire on civilians. Gallagher claims that he is being framed by Seals who resent his strong leadership. Republican congressman Duncan Hunter is apparently convinced of his innocence and rumor has it that President Trump is set to pardon him. So what the hell is going on in the Seal world? Are Navy Seals really trying to frame their own CPO? This is more troubling than posing in a photo with an enemy corpse.
Any sourcing here?
It's kind of strange that the case isn't getting much publicity. Chief Gallagher is facing Court Martial on a charge of killing an ISIS fighter but his helmet cam apparently clears him so the Navy doubled down and accused him of opening fire on civilians. Gallagher claims that he is being framed by Seals who resent his strong leadership. Republican congressman Duncan Hunter is apparently convinced of his innocence and rumor has it that President Trump is set to pardon him. So what the hell is going on in the Seal world? Are Navy Seals really trying to frame their own CPO? This is more troubling than posing in a photo with an enemy corpse.
Duncan Hunter? The one under indictment for his own dishonesty? :71:
It's kind of strange that the case isn't getting much publicity. Chief Gallagher is facing Court Martial on a charge of killing an ISIS fighter but his helmet cam apparently clears him so the Navy doubled down and accused him of opening fire on civilians. Gallagher claims that he is being framed by Seals who resent his strong leadership. Republican congressman Duncan Hunter is apparently convinced of his innocence and rumor has it that President Trump is set to pardon him. So what the hell is going on in the Seal world? Are Navy Seals really trying to frame their own CPO? This is more troubling than posing in a photo with an enemy corpse.
Any sourcing here?
Navy SEALs Were Warned Against Reporting Their Chief for War Crimes
It's kind of strange that the case isn't getting much publicity. Chief Gallagher is facing Court Martial on a charge of killing an ISIS fighter but his helmet cam apparently clears him so the Navy doubled down and accused him of opening fire on civilians. Gallagher claims that he is being framed by Seals who resent his strong leadership. Republican congressman Duncan Hunter is apparently convinced of his innocence and rumor has it that President Trump is set to pardon him. So what the hell is going on in the Seal world? Are Navy Seals really trying to frame their own CPO? This is more troubling than posing in a photo with an enemy corpse.

Political Correctness has infiltrated ROE. Go kill or kidnap that guy. Wait, we're gonna prosecute you for killing or kidnapping that guy. Famous shit.
It sounds like Dave Philips of the NY Times already has Chief Gallagher convicted on hearsay before he stands trial. Picking off a school aged girl and an old man from a sniper's roost? Should Seals check I.D.'s before they pull the trigger? Have they lowered the standards for Seals so much that they end up with virtual school girls who tattle about "shocking things"? What if Gallagher is found not guilty? What happens to those sensitive Seals?
You don't get to be a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy and especially the Seals by exhibiting erratic behavior. The Times used to be pro-Veteran and pro-Military when the concept became trendy in the elite liberal establishment during the Obama administration so the attack on Chief Gallagher must have some political implications. Gallagher isn't charged with sniper shootings of school girls or old men so why did the Times use this hearsay in a story designed to condemn a hard charging Navy leader? Something ain't right.
I already posted about the bodycam footage.
The command authority's stubbornness on this puzzles me. The president, their Commander-in-Chief, already stepped in about his form of incarceration. What more does it need?
I already posted about the bodycam footage.
The command authority's stubbornness on this puzzles me. The president, their Commander-in-Chief, already stepped in about his form of incarceration. What more does it need?
The media's agenda is puzzling. The NY Times is obviously determined to sink Chief Gallagher. If Chief Gallagher is innocent, which seems to be the case, what the hell is going on in the Seal world? Evidence indicates that the Seals somehow have become the private little army of the CIA. Luttrell's book claimed that Seals refused to be housed with other branches of the Service because they might blurt out secrets in their sleep. Does this sound realistic? There is no shortage of Army and Marine snipers who go through the same training as Seals but for some reason Seal snipers end up on Iraq desert roof tops. Who is calling the shots? My guess is that Chief Gallagher might have gotten on the wrong side of the CIA.
Luttrell was what, a Seaman 3rd class and the only survivor of a thoroughly botched Seal mission and they made a freaking movie and he wrote a best seller and the media turned him into a celebrity. Gallagher is (was) a hard charger combat Seal CPO and the Navy wants to put him in freaking prison and no civilian sissie or phony Vet. gives a damn because the NY Times called him a war criminal. Yeah right.
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Well it seems a LOT of Navy Seals have complained about him murdering innocent civilians and children.
Democrats in 2016 came real close to returning to slavery,, they are so pissed they are trying to take out the best this country has.
The Gallagher issue brings up the differences in the modern Military mission. Marines are just green kids who learn to follow orders in Boot Camp better than most other branches and as Admiral Nimitz said it during WW2 "uncommon valor was a common virtue". Army Airborne and Special Forces are full of hard charger motivated kids who follow orders and often achieve greatness. The SEALS are a different breed. They are motivated enough to withstand hypothermia in special training but not much else. SEALS distinguished themselves in the sniper killing of the pirates who hijacked a commercial ship and kidnapped an American but that's just about it and that's the limited SEAL mission in a nutshell. Other than that Seals get the the same sniper training as Marines and Army Special forces. Marcus Luttrell's best seller didn't deal with victory, it focused on failure. The point is why were SEALS sent to eliminate Bin Ladin when Marines and Army special forces were just as skilled? The short answer is that SEALS have become the private little military force of the CIA and they are accountable to no military leadership including the Pentagon. Seals are a loose cannon. That brings the issue back to CPO Gallagher. By all accounts he is a hard charger of hard chargers but why are the kids under his command whining about his leadership? The short answer is that SEALS are no supermen, they are kids who are filled with bullshit and celebrity legend and easily offended about the harsh realities of modern warfare. My guess is that the CIA decided that CPO Gallagher should be eliminated for some reason and the dumb assed kids went along with it and filled the NY Times with bogus crap.
The Gallagher issue brings up the differences in the modern Military mission. Marines are just green kids who learn to follow orders in Boot Camp better than most other branches and as Admiral Nimitz said it during WW2 "uncommon valor was a common virtue". Army Airborne and Special Forces are full of hard charger motivated kids who follow orders and often achieve greatness. The SEALS are a different breed. They are motivated enough to withstand hypothermia in special training but not much else. SEALS distinguished themselves in the sniper killing of the pirates who hijacked a commercial ship and kidnapped an American but that's just about it and that's the limited SEAL mission in a nutshell. Other than that Seals get the the same sniper training as Marines and Army Special forces. Marcus Luttrell's best seller didn't deal with victory, it focused on failure. The point is why were SEALS sent to eliminate Bin Ladin when Marines and Army special forces were just as skilled? The short answer is that SEALS have become the private little military force of the CIA and they are accountable to no military leadership including the Pentagon. Seals are a loose cannon. That brings the issue back to CPO Gallagher. By all accounts he is a hard charger of hard chargers but why are the kids under his command whining about his leadership? The short answer is that SEALS are no supermen, they are kids who are filled with bullshit and celebrity legend and easily offended about the harsh realities of modern warfare. My guess is that the CIA decided that CPO Gallagher should be eliminated for some reason and the dumb assed kids went along with it and filled the NY Times with bogus crap.

Wow. Ok fucknuts. When veteran Navy seals are saying he murdered innocent children, that isn't "kids whining about leadership who are easily offended". That's having the courage and integrity to do the right thing.

And no, Seals don't get "the same sniper training". They have their own scout/sniper school, the longest of all of them with the highest attrition rate. What you are doing is one of two things there. Either arguing from a position of ignorance on the subject (which would make sense from your depiction there, seems like if Hollywood didn't make a movie about it, it doesn't exist in your world), or intentionally lying to further your cause.

Either you are a fool or a liar.

I'd request that maybe instead of continuing this conversation, you first go educate yourself on the topic of which you speak (watching Charlie sheen in Navy seals does not count). Or not, just prove you are a lying fool instead.
Luttrell was what, a Seaman 3rd class and the only survivor of a thoroughly botched Seal mission and they made a freaking movie and he wrote a best seller and the media turned him into a celebrity. Gallagher is (was) a hard charger combat Seal CPO and the Navy wants to put him in freaking prison and no civilian sissie or phony Vet. gives a damn because the NY Times called him a war criminal. Yeah right.

OK, you have shown yourself to be a complete dumbass on the topic.

Luttrell was a Navy Corpsman Second Class (E-5) at the time and retired as a Petty Officer First Class (E-6) There is no such thing as a seaman third class!

The mission was not botched. He wrote a book which was then made into a movie. Perhaps you should try reading the book before you judge him. He was awarded the Navy Cross.
The Gallagher issue brings up the differences in the modern Military mission. Marines are just green kids who learn to follow orders in Boot Camp better than most other branches and as Admiral Nimitz said it during WW2 "uncommon valor was a common virtue". Army Airborne and Special Forces are full of hard charger motivated kids who follow orders and often achieve greatness. The SEALS are a different breed. They are motivated enough to withstand hypothermia in special training but not much else. SEALS distinguished themselves in the sniper killing of the pirates who hijacked a commercial ship and kidnapped an American but that's just about it and that's the limited SEAL mission in a nutshell. Other than that Seals get the the same sniper training as Marines and Army Special forces. Marcus Luttrell's best seller didn't deal with victory, it focused on failure. The point is why were SEALS sent to eliminate Bin Ladin when Marines and Army special forces were just as skilled? The short answer is that SEALS have become the private little military force of the CIA and they are accountable to no military leadership including the Pentagon. Seals are a loose cannon. That brings the issue back to CPO Gallagher. By all accounts he is a hard charger of hard chargers but why are the kids under his command whining about his leadership? The short answer is that SEALS are no supermen, they are kids who are filled with bullshit and celebrity legend and easily offended about the harsh realities of modern warfare. My guess is that the CIA decided that CPO Gallagher should be eliminated for some reason and the dumb assed kids went along with it and filled the NY Times with bogus crap.

Sounds like you have a very bad case of SEAL envy. Having seen all types of Special Operations troops operate from a distance of sometimes inches, I can assure you that they each have their own special talents and abilities. You post is pure egotistical bullshit!
The Gallagher issue brings up the differences in the modern Military mission. Marines are just green kids who learn to follow orders in Boot Camp better than most other branches and as Admiral Nimitz said it during WW2 "uncommon valor was a common virtue". Army Airborne and Special Forces are full of hard charger motivated kids who follow orders and often achieve greatness. The SEALS are a different breed. They are motivated enough to withstand hypothermia in special training but not much else. SEALS distinguished themselves in the sniper killing of the pirates who hijacked a commercial ship and kidnapped an American but that's just about it and that's the limited SEAL mission in a nutshell. Other than that Seals get the the same sniper training as Marines and Army Special forces. Marcus Luttrell's best seller didn't deal with victory, it focused on failure. The point is why were SEALS sent to eliminate Bin Ladin when Marines and Army special forces were just as skilled? The short answer is that SEALS have become the private little military force of the CIA and they are accountable to no military leadership including the Pentagon. Seals are a loose cannon. That brings the issue back to CPO Gallagher. By all accounts he is a hard charger of hard chargers but why are the kids under his command whining about his leadership? The short answer is that SEALS are no supermen, they are kids who are filled with bullshit and celebrity legend and easily offended about the harsh realities of modern warfare. My guess is that the CIA decided that CPO Gallagher should be eliminated for some reason and the dumb assed kids went along with it and filled the NY Times with bogus crap.

Wow. Ok fucknuts. When veteran Navy seals are saying he murdered innocent children, that isn't "kids whining about leadership who are easily offended". That's having the courage and integrity to do the right thing.

And no, Seals don't get "the same sniper training". They have their own scout/sniper school, the longest of all of them with the highest attrition rate. What you are doing is one of two things there. Either arguing from a position of ignorance on the subject (which would make sense from your depiction there, seems like if Hollywood didn't make a movie about it, it doesn't exist in your world), or intentionally lying to further your cause.

Either you are a fool or a liar.

I'd request that maybe instead of continuing this conversation, you first go educate yourself on the topic of which you speak (watching Charlie sheen in Navy seals does not count). Or not, just prove you are a lying fool instead.
People tend to use the "F" bomb when they are too ignorant to argue a point. Gallagher wasn't charged by the Navy with the murder of civilians. He was charged by the N.Y Times. If there was any proof other than a bunch of whiny SEALS who believe their own hype, Gallagher would have been charged. The ironic thing is that Senator "swift boat" Kerry self recommended himself for the Silver Star for essentially what Gallagher is charged with.
Luttrell was what, a Seaman 3rd class and the only survivor of a thoroughly botched Seal mission and they made a freaking movie and he wrote a best seller and the media turned him into a celebrity. Gallagher is (was) a hard charger combat Seal CPO and the Navy wants to put him in freaking prison and no civilian sissie or phony Vet. gives a damn because the NY Times called him a war criminal. Yeah right.

OK, you have shown yourself to be a complete dumbass on the topic.

Luttrell was a Navy Corpsman Second Class (E-5) at the time and retired as a Petty Officer First Class (E-6) There is no such thing as a seaman third class!

The mission was not botched. He wrote a book which was then made into a movie. Perhaps you should try reading the book before you judge him. He was awarded the Navy Cross.
The mission wasn't botched? Everybody was killed including the rescue team that landed in front of a guy with an RPG and nothing was accomplished. The only thing that wasn't botched was Luttrell's book sales. The ironic thing was that Luttrell was rescued by Army Rangers.
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The Gallagher issue brings up the differences in the modern Military mission. Marines are just green kids who learn to follow orders in Boot Camp better than most other branches and as Admiral Nimitz said it during WW2 "uncommon valor was a common virtue". Army Airborne and Special Forces are full of hard charger motivated kids who follow orders and often achieve greatness. The SEALS are a different breed. They are motivated enough to withstand hypothermia in special training but not much else. SEALS distinguished themselves in the sniper killing of the pirates who hijacked a commercial ship and kidnapped an American but that's just about it and that's the limited SEAL mission in a nutshell. Other than that Seals get the the same sniper training as Marines and Army Special forces. Marcus Luttrell's best seller didn't deal with victory, it focused on failure. The point is why were SEALS sent to eliminate Bin Ladin when Marines and Army special forces were just as skilled? The short answer is that SEALS have become the private little military force of the CIA and they are accountable to no military leadership including the Pentagon. Seals are a loose cannon. That brings the issue back to CPO Gallagher. By all accounts he is a hard charger of hard chargers but why are the kids under his command whining about his leadership? The short answer is that SEALS are no supermen, they are kids who are filled with bullshit and celebrity legend and easily offended about the harsh realities of modern warfare. My guess is that the CIA decided that CPO Gallagher should be eliminated for some reason and the dumb assed kids went along with it and filled the NY Times with bogus crap.

Wow. Ok fucknuts. When veteran Navy seals are saying he murdered innocent children, that isn't "kids whining about leadership who are easily offended". That's having the courage and integrity to do the right thing.

And no, Seals don't get "the same sniper training". They have their own scout/sniper school, the longest of all of them with the highest attrition rate. What you are doing is one of two things there. Either arguing from a position of ignorance on the subject (which would make sense from your depiction there, seems like if Hollywood didn't make a movie about it, it doesn't exist in your world), or intentionally lying to further your cause.

Either you are a fool or a liar.

I'd request that maybe instead of continuing this conversation, you first go educate yourself on the topic of which you speak (watching Charlie sheen in Navy seals does not count). Or not, just prove you are a lying fool instead.
People tend to use the "F" bomb when they are too ignorant to argue a point. Gallagher wasn't charged by the Navy with the murder of civilians. He was charged by the N.Y Times. If there was any proof other than a bunch of whiny SEALS who believe their own hype, Gallagher would have been charged. The ironic thing is that Senator "swift boat" Kerry self recommended himself for the Silver Star for essentially what Gallagher is charged with.

No actually that is a lie. Gallagher was charged with shooting Iraqi civilians.

And actually the big difference between the two, is that while some swift boat members with ties to Bush's presidential campaign who didn't serve with or under him, created stories he wasn't fit for command, his surviving crewmen he actually served with completely disputed them. Whereas it was actually the seals working with Gallagher. And Gallagher's team accused him of multiple murders. None of Kerry's accusations were about that. But hey if the shoe doesn't fit, just lie enough until it does. The only person who joined that swift boat group opposing Kerry for president at ANY of his awarded actions was there for his silver star and said he praised Kerry's tactics and stated that he earned his Silver Star. Other than that every single person who was around Kerry for any of the actions he was awarded a medal supported him. so you're saying that the best way to judge a person is not by the people that were around him when those actions happened, but those who were not. The best way to judge Kerry isn't by those who served with him, but rather people who were never even in Vietnam at the same time.

You literally have to suspend logical thought to buy your crap.

And no, a lieutenant Jr grade does not recommend himself for a silver star. Is everything that comes out of your mouth either retarded or lies?? That makes no sense. But if you have a copy of his opnav 1650 recommendation to himself is love to see it. Or you can admit you are full of tired useless shit and want to make the impossible sound true.

When you have to lie to try and cover your previous lie, it doesn't help your cause.
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