Navy SEAL who killed bin Laden left in poverty with no pension, healthcare or protect

would you like Obama to CHANGE THE LAW of the land and make an exception for this man via EXECUTIVE ORDER? ;)

Wonder why this man got out of the Service at 16 years and did not finish his 20? Did it say somewhere?

Don't understand why he is not receiving Veteran disability benefits for himself for all of his injuries....did the article say?

Obama can make a phone call and change someone's life in a few minute if he wants to.

He owes that shooter a lot. He needs to take care of him, but he won't. He's only concerned about himself.
You people whined about Bush about peeling paint at Walter God Damned Reed. Where is your sense of fairness?
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When the Iraq war started 1,000-1,200 dollars a day for PSDs.
Seems the GOP that thinks everything private is better than government must be right.:clap2:
If you really want to know what Obama thinks of SEALs, he dipped the flag, put it at half mast for Whitney Houston but not for any of the SEAL team Six members that have died. He wouldn't do it for Chris Kyle. But he did it for a crackhead

More manufactured bullshit!

Obama did not lower the flag to half mast for Whitney Houston.

New Jersey's Republican Governor did. And he also puts the flag at half mast for every New Jersey soldier who is KIA.


Fuck you.

I heard about it this morning.

And in typical dipshit fashion regurgitated it without question because it made Obama look bad. What a good little obedient rube you are!

Just how stupid are you? I would think after getting your nuts repeatedly kicked in for spreading lies, you would start fact-checking your sources who are shoveling all this shit into your mouth.

I'll spend as much time defending the accusation as the left spent defending Harry Reid's lie that Romney never paid taxes.

Tu quoque fallacy. Shabby attempt to divert from your screwup. And I never spread that lie. Or defended it. Quite the opposite.

But explain to me why a Republican felt compelled to honor Whitney Houston. Did somebody ask him too?

You don't know, do you?

I do know. Why don't you?

Why would a white repug honor a black person of Whitney Houston's stature? Aren't all Repugs racist?

Fact is it's highly unlikely, unless he was Obama's butt-buddy he proved to be all along.

Keep drinking the piss, rube.
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As I mentioned earlier, one of the ideas currently on the table is doing away with the current pension plan and creating a 401k-style pension plan for active duty military. This way, someone like the SEAL would have a nest egg built up when he quit after 17 years.

But it carries the risk of active duty quitting earlier than 20 years since they would not have to wait 20 years to get a retirement nest egg, thus depriving the military of experienced troops.

The fiscal upside, from the government's perspective, is that this plan would be cheaper. Which implies, from the 20-year service member's perspective, it is not as good as the existing pension plan.
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would you like Obama to CHANGE THE LAW of the land and make an exception for this man via EXECUTIVE ORDER? ;)

Wonder why this man got out of the Service at 16 years and did not finish his 20? Did it say somewhere?

Don't understand why he is not receiving Veteran disability benefits for himself for all of his injuries....did the article say?

Obama can make a phone call and change someone's life in a few minute if he wants to.

He owes that shooter a lot. He needs to take care of him, but he won't. He's only concerned about himself.
You people whined about Bush about peeling paint at Walter God Damned Reed. Where is your sense of fairness?
You really believe that....? You believe that Obama, all by his lonesome, can change the laws on the books about retirement and medical benefits for Military servicemen and their families when they don't serve the 20 years?

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and help this guy out by bitching to Congress to get Congress to do something about it?

In addition to this, why hasn't somebody started a "fund" to help this guy out instead of relying solely on our government? I'm certain there are many Americans who would easily give up some of their own money to reward this guy for his heroism....

btw, I thought you right wingers said that Osama Bin Laden was never killed by Seal team 6 and that Bin Laden was killed years ago?

So what do you believe? Do you think your counterparts were just making up another lie so to bash our President or do you think it was true what they were saying and Bin Laden was already dead....and if he was already dead, why should this seal get anything?

MAKE UP YOUR MINDS, pretty please, and try to be consistent.
would you like Obama to CHANGE THE LAW of the land and make an exception for this man via EXECUTIVE ORDER? ;)

Wonder why this man got out of the Service at 16 years and did not finish his 20? Did it say somewhere?

Don't understand why he is not receiving Veteran disability benefits for himself for all of his injuries....did the article say?

Obama can make a phone call and change someone's life in a few minute if he wants to.

He owes that shooter a lot. He needs to take care of him, but he won't. He's only concerned about himself.
You people whined about Bush about peeling paint at Walter God Damned Reed. Where is your sense of fairness?
Yet in Washington they only have to serve 6 years to get full benefits and pay.. So yeah. How fair is that. If Obama wants to be fair just change some of those rules huh.

No they don't. Fact check your chain emails, would you?

Congress Pensions
So they get 80 percent . but they only have to serve 5 years. So , they do hardly any work and they get pensions. Military put their lives on the line and have to serve 20 years..
He got out too early. He is not entitled to anything.
but Why did he do that? Why not wait and give just 4 more years? I totally feel sorry for him....I truly do....but SOMETHING must have made him change his mind and not be a 'lifer', a 20 year plus Military man....

Was he just too beat up over the years so much that he physically could not take it anymore? was he afraid to stay on another 4 years because he was certain to be sent back in to combat? What makes a man leave the Service after 16 years serving and not stay the extra 4 years to get retirement for life and medical for life for him and his family? Was he mentally spent....? Was he traumatized by killing Bin Laden close up like he did?

and doesn't a truck driver's pay still amount to more than he is making now, which is nothing but unemployment benefits?

I really do feel for this guy....

Yet, I also think there is more to this than described in the article....
Yet in Washington they only have to serve 6 years to get full benefits and pay.. So yeah. How fair is that. If Obama wants to be fair just change some of those rules huh.

No they don't. Fact check your chain emails, would you?

Congress Pensions
So they get 80 percent . but they only have to serve 5 years. So , they do hardly any work and they get pensions. Military put their lives on the line and have to serve 20 years..

YOU did NOT read the full link.
People don't join the military to get rich, they join the military to serve their nation and their fellow citizens.

....And, THEN they qualify for the big buck$!!!!

[ame=]Blackwater: Murderous Crusaders for Christ - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Bush on Contractors in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]​

Nothing wrong with getting paid better to grease rag head muslims. Hell, exterminators are supposed to be well paid as nobody likes to live with vermin.
More manufactured bullshit!

Obama did not lower the flag to half mast for Whitney Houston.

New Jersey's Republican Governor did. And he also puts the flag at half mast for every New Jersey soldier who is KIA.


Fuck you.

I heard about it this morning.

And in typical dipshit fashion regurgitated it without question because it made Obama look bad. What a good little obedient rube you are!

Just how stupid are you? I would think after getting your nuts repeatedly kicked in for spreading lies, you would start fact-checking your sources who are shoveling all this shit into your mouth.

Tu quoque fallacy. Shabby attempt to divert from your screwup. And I never spread that lie. Or defended it. Quite the opposite.

But explain to me why a Republican felt compelled to honor Whitney Houston. Did somebody ask him too?

You don't know, do you?

I do know. Why don't you?

Why would a white repug honor a black person of Whitney Houston's stature? Aren't all Repugs racist?

Fact is it's highly unlikely, unless he was Obama's butt-buddy he proved to be all along.

Keep drinking the piss, rube.

How's that dick taste?

That Democrat dick, how's it taste?
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would you like Obama to CHANGE THE LAW of the land and make an exception for this man via EXECUTIVE ORDER? ;)

Wonder why this man got out of the Service at 16 years and did not finish his 20? Did it say somewhere?

Don't understand why he is not receiving Veteran disability benefits for himself for all of his injuries....did the article say?

Obama can make a phone call and change someone's life in a few minute if he wants to.

He owes that shooter a lot. He needs to take care of him, but he won't. He's only concerned about himself.
You people whined about Bush about peeling paint at Walter God Damned Reed. Where is your sense of fairness?
You really believe that....? You believe that Obama, all by his lonesome, can change the laws on the books about retirement and medical benefits for Military servicemen and their families when they don't serve the 20 years?

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and help this guy out by bitching to Congress to get Congress to do something about it?

In addition to this, why hasn't somebody started a "fund" to help this guy out instead of relying solely on our government? I'm certain there are many Americans who would easily give up some of their own money to reward this guy for his heroism....

btw, I thought you right wingers said that Osama Bin Laden was never killed by Seal team 6 and that Bin Laden was killed years ago?

So what do you believe? Do you think your counterparts were just making up another lie so to bash our President or do you think it was true what they were saying and Bin Laden was already dead....and if he was already dead, why should this seal get anything?

MAKE UP YOUR MINDS, pretty please, and try to be consistent.

Along with taking care of Chris Kyle's family Glenn Beck started a fund to take care of Bin Laden's shooter. Thing is this shouldn't be necessary. When a G.I. serves in this manner, with such distinction, he should be well compensated. There was a $25 million dollar bounty on Bin Laden that the team members aren't going to be able to collect.

Obama loves SEALs when he can use them but now that he doesn't he feels that giving Obama phones to toothless old ladies is more important. Most of what Obama has done, repeatedly pounding his chest saying "I got Bin Laden" has made targets of SEAL Team members. Because of that Obama owes them. He can sign an executive order to take care of the guys that did his dirty work for him. All he has to do is take it to Congress to get the funding. I doubt they would tell him no.
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Obama can make a phone call and change someone's life in a few minute if he wants to.

He owes that shooter a lot. He needs to take care of him, but he won't. He's only concerned about himself.
You people whined about Bush about peeling paint at Walter God Damned Reed. Where is your sense of fairness?
You really believe that....? You believe that Obama, all by his lonesome, can change the laws on the books about retirement and medical benefits for Military servicemen and their families when they don't serve the 20 years?

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and help this guy out by bitching to Congress to get Congress to do something about it?

In addition to this, why hasn't somebody started a "fund" to help this guy out instead of relying solely on our government? I'm certain there are many Americans who would easily give up some of their own money to reward this guy for his heroism....

btw, I thought you right wingers said that Osama Bin Laden was never killed by Seal team 6 and that Bin Laden was killed years ago?

So what do you believe? Do you think your counterparts were just making up another lie so to bash our President or do you think it was true what they were saying and Bin Laden was already dead....and if he was already dead, why should this seal get anything?

MAKE UP YOUR MINDS, pretty please, and try to be consistent.

Along with taking care of Chris Kyle Glenn Beck started a fund to take care of him. Thing is this shouldn't be necessary. When a G.I. serves in this manner, with such distinction, he should be well compensated.

Obama loves SEALs when he can use them but now that he doesn't he feels that giving Obama phones to toothless old ladies is more important. Most of what Obama has done, repeatedly pounding his chest saying "I got Bin Laden" has made targets of SEAL Team members. Because of that Obama owes them. He can sign and executive order to take care of the guys that did his dirty work for him. All he has to do is take it to Congress to get the funding. I doubt they would tell him no.

And to think, you were questioning whether or not the SEALs killed Bin Laden a while back.

Tell us how that dick tastes boy.
You really believe that....? You believe that Obama, all by his lonesome, can change the laws on the books about retirement and medical benefits for Military servicemen and their families when they don't serve the 20 years?

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and help this guy out by bitching to Congress to get Congress to do something about it?

In addition to this, why hasn't somebody started a "fund" to help this guy out instead of relying solely on our government? I'm certain there are many Americans who would easily give up some of their own money to reward this guy for his heroism....

btw, I thought you right wingers said that Osama Bin Laden was never killed by Seal team 6 and that Bin Laden was killed years ago?

So what do you believe? Do you think your counterparts were just making up another lie so to bash our President or do you think it was true what they were saying and Bin Laden was already dead....and if he was already dead, why should this seal get anything?

MAKE UP YOUR MINDS, pretty please, and try to be consistent.

Along with taking care of Chris Kyle Glenn Beck started a fund to take care of him. Thing is this shouldn't be necessary. When a G.I. serves in this manner, with such distinction, he should be well compensated.

Obama loves SEALs when he can use them but now that he doesn't he feels that giving Obama phones to toothless old ladies is more important. Most of what Obama has done, repeatedly pounding his chest saying "I got Bin Laden" has made targets of SEAL Team members. Because of that Obama owes them. He can sign and executive order to take care of the guys that did his dirty work for him. All he has to do is take it to Congress to get the funding. I doubt they would tell him no.

And to think, you were questioning whether or not the SEALs killed Bin Laden a while back.

Tell us how that dick tastes boy.

I'll let you know when you pull it out of your ass. :cool:
Along with taking care of Chris Kyle Glenn Beck started a fund to take care of him. Thing is this shouldn't be necessary. When a G.I. serves in this manner, with such distinction, he should be well compensated.

Obama loves SEALs when he can use them but now that he doesn't he feels that giving Obama phones to toothless old ladies is more important. Most of what Obama has done, repeatedly pounding his chest saying "I got Bin Laden" has made targets of SEAL Team members. Because of that Obama owes them. He can sign and executive order to take care of the guys that did his dirty work for him. All he has to do is take it to Congress to get the funding. I doubt they would tell him no.

And to think, you were questioning whether or not the SEALs killed Bin Laden a while back.

Tell us how that dick tastes boy.

I'll let you know when you pull it out of your ass. :cool:

That doesn't even make sense. Your bitter hatred of Obama has made you crazy. First you said killing Bin Laden was a mistake. Then you questioned whether he was dead. Then you changed both those stories. Now you're alleging that Obama pressured Christie to lower the New Jersey flag for Whitney Houston.

Yeah, you've taken your make-believe world a bit too far there faggot.

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