Nazi Pelousy MUST send the Articles of Impeachment to Senate, or Trump wasn't impeached.

If Republicans perverted the system as much as Democrats do then this would be our game plan:
Schiff said upfront, his statement was a parody, before he made his comment.

He still should have refrained, imho.

He came up with "It was a parody" after he was slammed for his blatant lies.
He said he was PARAHRAISING the President's comment BEFORE he made his comment...

Look up the video of it.
It's not a paraphrase when it bears little resemblance to truth.

Sure, whatever!

It was very close to the truth in every manner and the impeachment hearing witness sworn testimony supported his comments.
Even him trying to pretend it was a parody betrayed the truth. You don't try to make a joke like that during the impeachment process. And it was ludicrously far from the truth. Actually, I believe it was what he originally intended to pass off as the truth, and was stymied when Trump release the transcript.
The transcript was already out. That's how dumb, and how huge of a liar, Schifferbrains is.
It looks to me like both houses of Congress can be Derelict of their duties. there's a lot of room for this to be a bunch of hocus-pocus, which it is.

A real high crime and misdemeanor would be taken seriously by both houses of Congress.

So far the Senate has had no opportunity to do anything about impeachment.
The US Constitution clearly states that the Senate SHALL HAVE the sole power to try all impeachments. Nazi can't withhold that from the Senate. If she does, she is in violation of the Constitution, and Trump wasn't impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Yeah, well it doesn't say WHEN she needs to send it by, does it? Does Merrick Garland ring a bell?
Where did I say anything about a time frame, Moron.

Learn to read.


you dont know wtf youre talking about do you moronboi ..
Why wouldn’t you be ok with her delay?

you’re ok with the tortoise rigging the proceeding?

Funny that it was so pressing to get this done because Trump was such an immediate threat that Schiff just couldn't take the time to go to court over the blocked testimony, but now Pelosi has all the time in the world to try to control the Senate trial. All to guarantee the outcome she wants, of course.

He came up with "It was a parody" after he was slammed for his blatant lies.
He said he was PARAHRAISING the President's comment BEFORE he made his comment...

Look up the video of it.
It's not a paraphrase when it bears little resemblance to truth.

Sure, whatever!

It was very close to the truth in every manner and the impeachment hearing witness sworn testimony supported his comments.
Even him trying to pretend it was a parody betrayed the truth. You don't try to make a joke like that during the impeachment process. And it was ludicrously far from the truth. Actually, I believe it was what he originally intended to pass off as the truth, and was stymied when Trump release the transcript.
Trump admitted everything he did, you psychotic freak.
Got a quote on that?
And according to your expert all the Senate has to do is refuse to ever hold a trial and there is no impeachment. Does that really seem valid to you?
I didn't see him say the last part and that does not make sense because the House has the SOLE power to impeach.
And according to your expert all the Senate has to do is refuse to ever hold a trial and there is no impeachment. Does that really seem valid to you?
I didn't see him say the last part and that does not make sense because the House has the SOLE power to impeach.

Some where in this thread there is a quote from him saying the impeachment is not valid until the Senate holds a trial. So, all the Senate would ever have to do is not hold the trial. That is how you know this "expert" is talking out of his ass.
It can work any way the Great Nancy Pelosi chooses

Ball is still in her court
Her Fascist powers are far less than she appears to think.

So now she thinks the House has more Totalitarian authority than the Executive Branch, the Jusicial Branch and the Senate.

At some point even bootlickers will become embarrassed by her Gestapo acts.
Some where in this thread there is a quote from him saying the impeachment is not valid until the Senate holds a trial. So, all the Senate would ever have to do is not hold the trial. That is how you know this "expert" is talking out of his ass.
I quoted him on another thread saying impeachment isn't valid until the articles are transmitted to the Senate. I don't know if he's right about that, but the plain language of the Constitution is clear about the House having plenary power to impeach.
Yeah, it will give McConnell and the White House more time to coordinate the best defense, how long to keep the democrats off the campaign trail, which democrats to call in the investigation into how the phone call was handled, that sort of thing. I mean, the democrats are already insisting that the Senate not restrict itself only to what the House passes over, so why not really open it up?
McConnell is suppose to be impartial, this is a Senate trial for ALL of the American people... we deserve to hear the truth, and the President deserves a fair trial, so ALL of 'we the people' can see why he is acquitted of the article charges.

A FIX in an impeachment trial by the Senate leader, Is NOT what our founders created.

We The people need to know the trial is fair and JUST, in order to accept the end results and not be so divided.

Divided only helps the politicians, not the citizens of this Nation.
This whole thing was emphatically partisan from the get-go. Is it any wonder McConnell is willing to reject it out of hand?
The House are simply the overzealous prosecutors bringing charges... they only need probable cause for them as grand jurors to indict.

The Senate is where there is the allegedly fair trial, where the burden of proof and evidence and testimony, has to be BEYOND a reasonable doubt for Senators/ the jury to convict and 2/3s having to do such for eviction from office.

This is why all evidence is not needed to Charge

and More much as possible, from both the defendant and prosecution, so the jury can make, impartial, sound, decisions.
It is not like Trump is sitting in prison awaiting trial. He is a free man

Pelosi can point to many reasons for a delay including :

Pending lawsuits on release of records and testimony
McConnell admitting he is not impartial in violation of Senate oath
McConnell coordinating prosecution with the accused
Plus, most importantly, she needs to know what Managers from the House to use in the prosecution team for the trial...

This would vary, depending on McDonnell's strategy... allow witnesses, use strong interrogator prosecutors, use only evidence with no witnesses allowed, she would need good story telling Prosecutor Managers for the impeachment trial to send over.
why? their job is to present the house argument. what does it matter what happens in the Senate. she has no advantage here, she's just not going to release them. EVAH!!!!! hahahahahaha you fking loser.

What is it about you leftist fks that your brains fall out of your head all the time?
Just send Schifferbrains over there to make it all up again. It would have to be better than the case they have.

She has no power. She is along for the ride now.
Schiff said upfront, his statement was a parody, before he made his comment.

He still should have refrained, imho.

He came up with "It was a parody" after he was slammed for his blatant lies.
He said he was PARAHRAISING the President's comment BEFORE he made his comment...

Look up the video of it.
It's not a paraphrase when it bears little resemblance to truth.

Sure, whatever!

It was very close to the truth in every manner and the impeachment hearing witness sworn testimony supported his comments.
it wasn't even on the same planet. too fking funny.
If I were in the majority dog-shit House GOP leadership, I would hold impeachment votes immediately after a democrat president is elected, just to get the "impeached" label. Never send it to the Senate.


And according to your expert all the Senate has to do is refuse to ever hold a trial and there is no impeachment. Does that really seem valid to you?
It looks to me like both houses of Congress can be Derelict of their duties. there's a lot of room for this to be a bunch of hocus-pocus, which it is.

A real high crime and misdemeanor would be taken seriously by both houses of Congress.

huh? what the fk does this mean exactly? you know the senate doesn't have the articles and because of that can't do a fking thing. so explain to me how they are derelict of their duty? you know, I hate fking posts like this. No fking class dude. none.
She found a clever way out. Don’t send it, Mitch null and voids their silly attempt, impeachment moniker avoided by Trump because Dems did not complete the process, a save face win win for all.
She found a clever way out. Don’t send it, Mitch null and voids their silly attempt, impeachment moniker avoided by Trump because Dems did not complete the process, a save face win win for all.
the votes are there though, so we now know that the dems would love to use impeachment to overturn presidents. that's really sad for our country. the funny thing is that they blame trump for their behavior rather than accepting their own sad status. but I laugh at their loserability.
If I were in the majority dog-shit House GOP leadership, I would hold impeachment votes immediately after a democrat president is elected, just to get the "impeached" label. Never send it to the Senate.


And according to your expert all the Senate has to do is refuse to ever hold a trial and there is no impeachment. Does that really seem valid to you?
It looks to me like both houses of Congress can be Derelict of their duties. there's a lot of room for this to be a bunch of hocus-pocus, which it is.

A real high crime and misdemeanor would be taken seriously by both houses of Congress.

huh? what the fk does this mean exactly? you know the senate doesn't have the articles and because of that can't do a fking thing. so explain to me how they are derelict of their duty? you know, I hate fking posts like this. No fking class dude. none.

Do you not know what the phrase "can be" means? Fuck dude
This is going to be a real emotional toughie for libs. Their dear Nancy voided all their feelings outpourings to smear Trump. No impeachment stain.
Now this is a Fact so expect a lot of but....but....but....blubberings

He was wrong when he testified for the Dems and he is wrong now.

Something you and him are always wrong.
Hmmmm..................who to believe...........a halfwit libnut hack on the innerweb, or a Constitutional Scholar on Impeachment?

Did you believe the Constitutional Scholar on Impeachment when he was testifying against Trump?

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