Nazi Pelousy MUST send the Articles of Impeachment to Senate, or Trump wasn't impeached.

trump has been impeached already. What is at stake at the trial is whether he loses his job or not. Unfortunately, the Senate majority leader has stated that he will not fulfill his constitutional role as an impartial juror, so he has rejected his oath of office and has announced this fact to the American people.

Why should Mitch McConnell 'fulfill his constitutional role' when Pelosi did not do the same? The House Impeachment hearing was a FARCE!!! Secret testimony, exculpatory witnesses denied, 'witnesses' to nothing who bloviate on their OPINIONS of what Trump MEANT! Absolutely 0 in the transcript of any 'high crimes and misdemeanors' no bribery, no quid pro quo......So NOW the disingenuous Democrats are trying divine their way out of this mess. Goodbye Democrat Party in 2020.

This "secret testimony" only had to do with deposing these witnesses under oath, and republicans were present when this "secret testimony" was given. Exculpatory witnesses were not denied, they were invited and even subpoenaed, but refused to show up to contribute.
This "secret testimony" only had to do with deposing these witnesses under oath, and republicans were present when this "secret testimony" was given. Exculpatory witnesses were not denied, they were invited and even subpoenaed, but refused to show up to contribute.

It was still secret testimony. Republicans were denied witnesses and even time on the House floor by Schiff and Nadler. We all saw it. Only selected witnesses were allowed. This is a rail road job by the Democrats, nothing less. You have been duped.
The US Constitution clearly states that the Senate SHALL HAVE the sole power to try all impeachments. Nazi can't withhold that from the Senate. If she does, she is in violation of the Constitution, and Trump wasn't impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Yeah, well it doesn't say WHEN she needs to send it by, does it? Does Merrick Garland ring a bell?
Where did I say anything about a time frame, Moron.

Learn to read.


you dont know wtf youre talking about do you moronboi ..

It doesn’t matter what anyone is ok with. That dizzy bitch doesn’t know what to do. If she sends it, it most likely gets thrown out. If it doesn’t, he gets a trial and dim corruption gets exposed. The witnesses get called, and shitt hits the fan. The fact that he is charged with no crime, is laughable. Guess we’ll have to settle for millions of dollars coming in for donations for now?

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That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!

Of fake warrants you mean?

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CRC trumpanzees:

Nah, definitely looks like LGBTQAOC. That there’s a a dim lib zombie if I’ve ever seen one. Note the telltale two year old tantrum, and colorful gay attire.

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This entire impeachment debacle has turned out better than even I imagined it could. And I have quite an imagination.
The US Constitution clearly states that the Senate SHALL HAVE the sole power to try all impeachments. Nazi can't withhold that from the Senate. If she does, she is in violation of the Constitution, and Trump wasn't impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Didn’t see a timeframe there just like you didn’t see a timeframe on the Senate approving Supreme Court Nominees

Funny how that stuff works out

So if she's holding out for a Dem Controlled Senate Trial; the result will be the same. lmao

I agree

trump is not impeached till the issue reaches the senate

You get pulled over.
You whine like the little bitch you are.
You get arrested.
You are assigned a court date.
You hire a lawyer.
Lawyers on each side can't agree and delay/postpone the court date.

Are you all at once "Not Arrested" ?

Fuck you contards are stupid.
"But I heard it on talk radio, so it must be true."
This is the congress not traffic court

No less than the democrats own impeachment expert says the house has to formally transmit the articles to the senate to make it a fact
Poor whiny snowflake IMPOTUS (IMpeached President of the United States) supporters, they can not recognize or accept their crooked pathological lying President being impeached.
The US Constitution clearly states that the Senate SHALL HAVE the sole power to try all impeachments. Nazi can't withhold that from the Senate. If she does, she is in violation of the Constitution, and Trump wasn't impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Pelosi has all you bonehead Trumpsters jumping through hoops. Didn't you hear her say to all of you mucks Merry Christmas and see you next year?

Why doesn't she want to save our "democracy" anymore? Nazi told us Trump was a threat to our "democracy" and our national security, which is why they rushed the impeachment vote. I guess her vacation is more important than national security and our "democracy".
The US Constitution clearly states that the Senate SHALL HAVE the sole power to try all impeachments. Nazi can't withhold that from the Senate. If she does, she is in violation of the Constitution, and Trump wasn't impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia

trump has been impeached already. What is at stake at the trial is whether he loses his job or not. Unfortunately, the Senate majority leader has stated that he will not fulfill his constitutional role as an impartial juror, so he has rejected his oath of office and has announced this fact to the American people.
Not according to the Constitutional Expert on impeachment the Dimwingers brought in to testify.

I suppose she could hold out until December to see what the house and Senate look like but I believe SCOTUS Will intervene at that point and toss it.

Her problem is that she knows it's DOA in the Senate And it drives her crazy that she cannot control that.

She can point to pending court decisions as justification for holding back

Second Article is Obstruction of Congress. If the court instructs Trump to release records and allow testimony and Trump refuses, Senate has no choice but to convict
Too late for that. The time for holding back was before the vote was taken, if she wanted to include the testimony. As it stands now, it's just a rank political stunt.
Who says so?
It is not in the Constitution.

The House will prosecute the case in the Senate
They can send the case when Pelosi says so

Let Impeached President Trump run on his impeachment

I say it's a rank political stunt because it's glaringly obvious that Pelosi is trying to force a particular outcome and is trying to control the Senate to get it. Let her try to defend that on the campaign trail. It's an easy one for Trump, because all he has to do is repeat over and over again that she's scared to send the articles over because she knows they'll be dismissed. If he can goad her into sending them, they're either immediately dismissed or the democrats have to stay in session and can't campaign. The longer she waits, the harder her choice becomes.
Political stunt?

That would be denying to affirm Merrick Garland
The Great Nancy Pelosi is defending our Constitution

She is attempting to control the Senate. That most emphatically is NOT defending the Constitution.
Not sure why there is any question here. The House agreed on a pure partisan vote to articles of impeachment...but they have not CHARGED (impeached) the president yet. At some point I'm sure she WILL refer the articles to the senate...and they will be dismissed as they should be. The Senate will be the jury to the trial in the House and essentially, the prosecution...the democrats...rested their case without calling a single witness that could testify to the actual crimes that they are accusing the president of.
I suppose she could hold out until December to see what the house and Senate look like but I believe SCOTUS Will intervene at that point and toss it.

Her problem is that she knows it's DOA in the Senate And it drives her crazy that she cannot control that.

She can point to pending court decisions as justification for holding back

Second Article is Obstruction of Congress. If the court instructs Trump to release records and allow testimony and Trump refuses, Senate has no choice but to convict
Too late for that. The time for holding back was before the vote was taken, if she wanted to include the testimony. As it stands now, it's just a rank political stunt.
Who says so?
It is not in the Constitution.

The House will prosecute the case in the Senate
They can send the case when Pelosi says so

Let Impeached President Trump run on his impeachment

I say it's a rank political stunt because it's glaringly obvious that Pelosi is trying to force a particular outcome and is trying to control the Senate to get it. Let her try to defend that on the campaign trail. It's an easy one for Trump, because all he has to do is repeat over and over again that she's scared to send the articles over because she knows they'll be dismissed. If he can goad her into sending them, they're either immediately dismissed or the democrats have to stay in session and can't campaign. The longer she waits, the harder her choice becomes.
Political stunt?

That would be denying to affirm Merrick Garland
The Great Nancy Pelosi is defending our Constitution

She is attempting to control the Senate. That most emphatically is NOT defending the Constitution.
She's going to send them to the Senate.

She never said she would not.... That was everyone else talking but her.
In the meantime, she is trying to EXTORT the Senate for a QUID PRO QUO.

The Great Pelosi is trying to present her case to the Senate in the best way possible.

Maybe if Impeached President Trump would release requested documents she could hurry it along

The best way possible is to take them over and drop them off. Other than that is not her call.
The US Constitution clearly states that the Senate SHALL HAVE the sole power to try all impeachments. Nazi can't withhold that from the Senate. If she does, she is in violation of the Constitution, and Trump wasn't impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia

trump has been impeached already. What is at stake at the trial is whether he loses his job or not. Unfortunately, the Senate majority leader has stated that he will not fulfill his constitutional role as an impartial juror, so he has rejected his oath of office and has announced this fact to the American people.
Articles of Impeachment remain in effect as long as the 116th Congress is active.
That means Pelosi has till Jan 3 2021 to present them

There is no urgency to present them right now
The impeachment of Trump will never expire - regardless whether it is ever sent to the Senate. It will not expire in a year, next Congress, 10 years - or ever. Trump is impeached forever - even if the Articles of Impeachment are never sent to the Senate.

And if they are never sent, Pelosi will forever be known as the House leader that refused to even try to convict the president. It will backfire badly.

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