Nazi Rally Across The Street From White House OKed


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The National Park Service has issued the permit necessary for the idiot trump’s Nazis to hold a rally in Lafayette Park , which is across the street from the White House. The permit covers the dates of August 11 and 12.

The permit limits the attendance to 400 persons, but should thrill the idiot trump when the crowd turn towards the White House and shouts, “Sieg heil” with their right arms outstretched. Naturally, after he wallows in their adoration, the idiot trump will greatly exaggerate the number of his Nazi fans attending the “Unite the Right 2” obscenity in Lafayette Park, by at least ten fold. (even if he is elsewhere at the time)

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., told reporters, “ ‘On Sunday we know that we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate.’ ”

Organizers for counter protests received two permits for the same day for gatherings at separate locations in the city. The D.C. police department plans a major presence to prevent any of the Nazis from driving their car(s) into the crowds of counter protesters, as was done by James Alex Fields Jr., when he injured dozens of people in Charlottesville, Virginia, and killed thirty-two-year-old Heather Heyer.

The United States fought and defeated the fascists of Nazi Germany in WWII. Sadly, with the idiot trump’s racism and bigotry as inspiration, the Nazi cancer is growing in this country. People of reason and good conscience around the world must, once again, unite to eradicate the disease of Nazism where ever it begins to take root.

'Unite the Right' organizer Jason Kessler gets go-ahead for round two near the White House


The Nazis new Führer.


The National Park Service has issued the permit necessary for the idiot trump’s Nazis to hold a rally in Lafayette Park , which is across the street from the White House. The permit covers the dates of August 11 and 12.

The permit limits the attendance to 400 persons, but should thrill the idiot trump when the crowd turn towards the White House and shouts, “Sieg heil” with their right arms outstretched. Naturally, after he wallows in their adoration, the idiot trump will greatly exaggerate the number of his Nazi fans attending the “Unite the Right 2” obscenity in Lafayette Park, by at least ten fold. (even if he is elsewhere at the time)

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., told reporters, “ ‘On Sunday we know that we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate.’ ”

Organizers for counter protests received two permits for the same day for gatherings at separate locations in the city. The D.C. police department plans a major presence to prevent any of the Nazis from driving their car(s) into the crowds of counter protesters, as was done by James Alex Fields Jr., when he injured dozens of people in Charlottesville, Virginia, and killed thirty-two-year-old Heather Heyer.

The United States fought and defeated the fascists of Nazi Germany in WWII. Sadly, with the idiot trump’s racism and bigotry as inspiration, the Nazi cancer is growing in this country. People of reason and good conscience around the world must, once again, unite to eradicate the disease of Nazism where ever it begins to take root.

'Unite the Right' organizer Jason Kessler gets go-ahead for round two near the White House

View attachment 209493
The Nazis new Führer.


Really? Then you must live in the neighborhood...if not, sit down and STFU.

The National Park Service has issued the permit necessary for the idiot trump’s Nazis to hold a rally in Lafayette Park , which is across the street from the White House. The permit covers the dates of August 11 and 12.

The permit limits the attendance to 400 persons, but should thrill the idiot trump when the crowd turn towards the White House and shouts, “Sieg heil” with their right arms outstretched. Naturally, after he wallows in their adoration, the idiot trump will greatly exaggerate the number of his Nazi fans attending the “Unite the Right 2” obscenity in Lafayette Park, by at least ten fold. (even if he is elsewhere at the time)

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., told reporters, “ ‘On Sunday we know that we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate.’ ”

Organizers for counter protests received two permits for the same day for gatherings at separate locations in the city. The D.C. police department plans a major presence to prevent any of the Nazis from driving their car(s) into the crowds of counter protesters, as was done by James Alex Fields Jr., when he injured dozens of people in Charlottesville, Virginia, and killed thirty-two-year-old Heather Heyer.

The United States fought and defeated the fascists of Nazi Germany in WWII. Sadly, with the idiot trump’s racism and bigotry as inspiration, the Nazi cancer is growing in this country. People of reason and good conscience around the world must, once again, unite to eradicate the disease of Nazism where ever it begins to take root.

'Unite the Right' organizer Jason Kessler gets go-ahead for round two near the White House

View attachment 209493
The Nazis new Führer.


Really? Then you must live in the neighborhood...if not, sit down and STFU.

And I second that...

The National Park Service has issued the permit necessary for the idiot trump’s Nazis to hold a rally in Lafayette Park , which is across the street from the White House. The permit covers the dates of August 11 and 12.

The permit limits the attendance to 400 persons, but should thrill the idiot trump when the crowd turn towards the White House and shouts, “Sieg heil” with their right arms outstretched. Naturally, after he wallows in their adoration, the idiot trump will greatly exaggerate the number of his Nazi fans attending the “Unite the Right 2” obscenity in Lafayette Park, by at least ten fold. (even if he is elsewhere at the time)

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., told reporters, “ ‘On Sunday we know that we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate.’ ”

Organizers for counter protests received two permits for the same day for gatherings at separate locations in the city. The D.C. police department plans a major presence to prevent any of the Nazis from driving their car(s) into the crowds of counter protesters, as was done by James Alex Fields Jr., when he injured dozens of people in Charlottesville, Virginia, and killed thirty-two-year-old Heather Heyer.

The United States fought and defeated the fascists of Nazi Germany in WWII. Sadly, with the idiot trump’s racism and bigotry as inspiration, the Nazi cancer is growing in this country. People of reason and good conscience around the world must, once again, unite to eradicate the disease of Nazism where ever it begins to take root.

'Unite the Right' organizer Jason Kessler gets go-ahead for round two near the White House

View attachment 209493
The Nazis new Führer.

Never been to Lafayette Park have you...


The National Park Service is required to issue permits for any lawful protest, demonstration, rally or gathering. It's in the Constitution...freedom to assemble.

Lafayette Park is probably best known by my generation as the hub of the anti-Vietnam War protests in Washington.
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The crazy left isn't as stupid as we think. Commies were good at diverting attention going back to the 30's when democrats flirted with socialism. It's easy to plant a group to disrupt society and blame it on the administration and angry idiots (mostly democrats) fall for it because they need the dose of hatred that is spoon fed to them by the media. The incident in Charlottesville was about a democrat governor inviting bus loads of rabble to protest the republican administration. When you have the media on your side it's easy to blame the administration when things go bad and the democrat governor got away clean without a single member of the media asking him what the hell he was doing while the Trump administration was blindsided with allegations and hard questions. It's an old trick and democrats are really good at it.
The New Nazi is anyone who disagrees with the left. If you truly believe the opposition yo be Nazi then you must pick up whatever weapon you can and drive those nazis from your streets.
Thank you for letting us know!

You forgot the most important part, where do we sign up?

The National Park Service has issued the permit necessary for the idiot trump’s Nazis to hold a rally in Lafayette Park , which is across the street from the White House. The permit covers the dates of August 11 and 12.

The permit limits the attendance to 400 persons, but should thrill the idiot trump when the crowd turn towards the White House and shouts, “Sieg heil” with their right arms outstretched. Naturally, after he wallows in their adoration, the idiot trump will greatly exaggerate the number of his Nazi fans attending the “Unite the Right 2” obscenity in Lafayette Park, by at least ten fold. (even if he is elsewhere at the time)

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., told reporters, “ ‘On Sunday we know that we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate.’ ”

Organizers for counter protests received two permits for the same day for gatherings at separate locations in the city. The D.C. police department plans a major presence to prevent any of the Nazis from driving their car(s) into the crowds of counter protesters, as was done by James Alex Fields Jr., when he injured dozens of people in Charlottesville, Virginia, and killed thirty-two-year-old Heather Heyer.

The United States fought and defeated the fascists of Nazi Germany in WWII. Sadly, with the idiot trump’s racism and bigotry as inspiration, the Nazi cancer is growing in this country. People of reason and good conscience around the world must, once again, unite to eradicate the disease of Nazism where ever it begins to take root.

'Unite the Right' organizer Jason Kessler gets go-ahead for round two near the White House

View attachment 209493
The Nazis new Führer.

There's some of those "good people" trump was talking about. Will L. Ingraham be an honored guest speaker?
I bet the main attraction will be: kicking Antifa ass.

The National Park Service has issued the permit necessary for the idiot trump’s Nazis to hold a rally in Lafayette Park , which is across the street from the White House. The permit covers the dates of August 11 and 12.

The permit limits the attendance to 400 persons, but should thrill the idiot trump when the crowd turn towards the White House and shouts, “Sieg heil” with their right arms outstretched. Naturally, after he wallows in their adoration, the idiot trump will greatly exaggerate the number of his Nazi fans attending the “Unite the Right 2” obscenity in Lafayette Park, by at least ten fold. (even if he is elsewhere at the time)

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., told reporters, “ ‘On Sunday we know that we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate.’ ”

Organizers for counter protests received two permits for the same day for gatherings at separate locations in the city. The D.C. police department plans a major presence to prevent any of the Nazis from driving their car(s) into the crowds of counter protesters, as was done by James Alex Fields Jr., when he injured dozens of people in Charlottesville, Virginia, and killed thirty-two-year-old Heather Heyer.

The United States fought and defeated the fascists of Nazi Germany in WWII. Sadly, with the idiot trump’s racism and bigotry as inspiration, the Nazi cancer is growing in this country. People of reason and good conscience around the world must, once again, unite to eradicate the disease of Nazism where ever it begins to take root.

'Unite the Right' organizer Jason Kessler gets go-ahead for round two near the White House

View attachment 209493
The Nazis new Führer.

Do these people consider themselves Nazis and call themselves so or only you and others like you who simply don't like any sort of nationalist or supremacist views? When Obama and his ilk were holding LGBT rallies and rainbow White Houses, antifa or BLM rallies marching that they were better than everyone else, did you consider them supremacists as well? Or is it only when you don't agree with their agenda?

You know, it's not really being a Supremacist if you REALLY ARE better than other people! And these days, most ANYONE is better than the Left.

The National Park Service has issued the permit necessary for the idiot trump’s Nazis to hold a rally in Lafayette Park , which is across the street from the White House. The permit covers the dates of August 11 and 12.

The permit limits the attendance to 400 persons, but should thrill the idiot trump when the crowd turn towards the White House and shouts, “Sieg heil” with their right arms outstretched. Naturally, after he wallows in their adoration, the idiot trump will greatly exaggerate the number of his Nazi fans attending the “Unite the Right 2” obscenity in Lafayette Park, by at least ten fold. (even if he is elsewhere at the time)

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., told reporters, “ ‘On Sunday we know that we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate.’ ”

Organizers for counter protests received two permits for the same day for gatherings at separate locations in the city. The D.C. police department plans a major presence to prevent any of the Nazis from driving their car(s) into the crowds of counter protesters, as was done by James Alex Fields Jr., when he injured dozens of people in Charlottesville, Virginia, and killed thirty-two-year-old Heather Heyer.

The United States fought and defeated the fascists of Nazi Germany in WWII. Sadly, with the idiot trump’s racism and bigotry as inspiration, the Nazi cancer is growing in this country. People of reason and good conscience around the world must, once again, unite to eradicate the disease of Nazism where ever it begins to take root.

'Unite the Right' organizer Jason Kessler gets go-ahead for round two near the White House

View attachment 209493
The Nazis new Führer.

You probably never been to Lafayette Park. You should check it out sometime........ Pretty crazy people hang out there, you'd fit in just fine...... :eusa_whistle:
Maybe Trump will invite them in and give them a free tour of the White House.

The National Park Service has issued the permit necessary for the idiot trump’s Nazis to hold a rally in Lafayette Park , which is across the street from the White House. The permit covers the dates of August 11 and 12.

The permit limits the attendance to 400 persons, but should thrill the idiot trump when the crowd turn towards the White House and shouts, “Sieg heil” with their right arms outstretched. Naturally, after he wallows in their adoration, the idiot trump will greatly exaggerate the number of his Nazi fans attending the “Unite the Right 2” obscenity in Lafayette Park, by at least ten fold. (even if he is elsewhere at the time)

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., told reporters, “ ‘On Sunday we know that we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate.’ ”

Organizers for counter protests received two permits for the same day for gatherings at separate locations in the city. The D.C. police department plans a major presence to prevent any of the Nazis from driving their car(s) into the crowds of counter protesters, as was done by James Alex Fields Jr., when he injured dozens of people in Charlottesville, Virginia, and killed thirty-two-year-old Heather Heyer.

The United States fought and defeated the fascists of Nazi Germany in WWII. Sadly, with the idiot trump’s racism and bigotry as inspiration, the Nazi cancer is growing in this country. People of reason and good conscience around the world must, once again, unite to eradicate the disease of Nazism where ever it begins to take root.

'Unite the Right' organizer Jason Kessler gets go-ahead for round two near the White House

View attachment 209493
The Nazis new Führer.


THIS is AMERICA, as in the United States of... Here in the United States we have the right of Free Speech and to Peacefully Assemble, and those rights are protected by both the Constitution and Rule of Law.

That means people - all people, even those who you hate because they do not share your f*ed up beliefs / agendas / views - have the right to assemble and hold their rallies wherever they are able to obtain legal permits to do so.

I am sorry you are so emotionally disturbed by Constitutional Rights being exercised and I know you would do away with them if you could, you intolerant, triggered socialist butt-hurt cry-baby.

The fact is, though, they have the legal right to do so as well as the right to meet without being physically assaulted by violent liberal socialist f*s!

The fact that you despise the Constitution so much and would deny Americans of their Constitutional Rights because of your own socialistic intolerance makes you far more like a 'Nazi' than their peacefully assembling to voice their beliefs makes them one.
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The National Park Service has issued the permit necessary for the idiot trump’s Nazis to hold a rally in Lafayette Park , which is across the street from the White House. The permit covers the dates of August 11 and 12.

The permit limits the attendance to 400 persons, but should thrill the idiot trump when the crowd turn towards the White House and shouts, “Sieg heil” with their right arms outstretched. Naturally, after he wallows in their adoration, the idiot trump will greatly exaggerate the number of his Nazi fans attending the “Unite the Right 2” obscenity in Lafayette Park, by at least ten fold. (even if he is elsewhere at the time)

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., told reporters, “ ‘On Sunday we know that we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate.’ ”

Organizers for counter protests received two permits for the same day for gatherings at separate locations in the city. The D.C. police department plans a major presence to prevent any of the Nazis from driving their car(s) into the crowds of counter protesters, as was done by James Alex Fields Jr., when he injured dozens of people in Charlottesville, Virginia, and killed thirty-two-year-old Heather Heyer.

The United States fought and defeated the fascists of Nazi Germany in WWII. Sadly, with the idiot trump’s racism and bigotry as inspiration, the Nazi cancer is growing in this country. People of reason and good conscience around the world must, once again, unite to eradicate the disease of Nazism where ever it begins to take root.

'Unite the Right' organizer Jason Kessler gets go-ahead for round two near the White House

View attachment 209493
The Nazis new Führer.


THIS is AMERICA, as in the United States of... Here in the United States we have the right of Free Speech and to Peacefully Assemble, and those rights are protected by both the Constitution and Rule of Law.

That means people - all people, even those who you hate because they do not share your f*ed up beliefs / agendas / views - have the right to assemble and hold their rallies wherever they are able to obtain legal permits to do so.

I am sorry you are so emotionally disturbed by Constitutional Rights being exercised and I know you would do away with them if you could, you intolerant, triggered socialist butt-hurt cry-baby.

The fact is, though, they have the legal right to do so as well as the right to meet without being physically assaulted by violent liberal socialist f*s!

The fact that you despise the Constitution so much and would deny Americans of their Constitutional Rights because of your own socialistic intolerance makes you far more like a 'Nazi' than their peacefully assembling to voice their beliefs makes them one.
Nazi's are NOT socialists.

They are your kind.

The National Park Service has issued the permit necessary for the idiot trump’s Nazis to hold a rally in Lafayette Park , which is across the street from the White House. The permit covers the dates of August 11 and 12.

The permit limits the attendance to 400 persons, but should thrill the idiot trump when the crowd turn towards the White House and shouts, “Sieg heil” with their right arms outstretched. Naturally, after he wallows in their adoration, the idiot trump will greatly exaggerate the number of his Nazi fans attending the “Unite the Right 2” obscenity in Lafayette Park, by at least ten fold. (even if he is elsewhere at the time)

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., told reporters, “ ‘On Sunday we know that we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate.’ ”

Organizers for counter protests received two permits for the same day for gatherings at separate locations in the city. The D.C. police department plans a major presence to prevent any of the Nazis from driving their car(s) into the crowds of counter protesters, as was done by James Alex Fields Jr., when he injured dozens of people in Charlottesville, Virginia, and killed thirty-two-year-old Heather Heyer.

The United States fought and defeated the fascists of Nazi Germany in WWII. Sadly, with the idiot trump’s racism and bigotry as inspiration, the Nazi cancer is growing in this country. People of reason and good conscience around the world must, once again, unite to eradicate the disease of Nazism where ever it begins to take root.

'Unite the Right' organizer Jason Kessler gets go-ahead for round two near the White House

View attachment 209493
The Nazis new Führer.


THIS is AMERICA, as in the United States of... Here in the United States we have the right of Free Speech and to Peacefully Assemble, and those rights are protected by both the Constitution and Rule of Law.

That means people - all people, even those who you hate because they do not share your f*ed up beliefs / agendas / views - have the right to assemble and hold their rallies wherever they are able to obtain legal permits to do so.

I am sorry you are so emotionally disturbed by Constitutional Rights being exercised and I know you would do away with them if you could, you intolerant, triggered socialist butt-hurt cry-baby.

The fact is, though, they have the legal right to do so as well as the right to meet without being physically assaulted by violent liberal socialist f*s!

The fact that you despise the Constitution so much and would deny Americans of their Constitutional Rights because of your own socialistic intolerance makes you far more like a 'Nazi' than their peacefully assembling to voice their beliefs makes them one.
Nazi's are NOT socialists.

They are your kind.

The word comes from national socialist.

And they certainly aren't "my kind", just like any other socialist.
The New Nazi is anyone who disagrees with the left. If you truly believe the opposition yo be Nazi then you must pick up whatever weapon you can and drive those nazis from your streets.

Nazis are Nazis whether they agree with me or not.

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