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NAZI's have taken controll of the Democratic party !!! Demonazi's !!

NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.

As was recently noted in another thread NAZI's have taken controll of the Democratic party !!! Demonazi's !! :
  • Democrats are no different from Nazis from their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
There is no denying the sameness of Democrats and Nazis. We deny it at our own peril, just as the Germans did

2020 Democrats strongly defend abortion rights at forum
Iowa prof says 'I am Antifa'; once posted desire to bash Trump with baseball bat
Opinion | Why Bernie Sanders Isn’t Afraid of ‘Socialism’
it is the right wing who are the bigots, not the left.
And that's why the Democrat Socialists in the FBI leadership decided to go against the Republican President of the United States whom they are supposed to protect? :rolleyes:
we still expect them to be professional. they don't lose the franchise when joining public service.

The only Democratic Socialist are those supporting Bernie Sanders, and I seriously doubt that includes many in the FBI.
Or those supporting Hillary.
NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.

As was recently noted in another thread NAZI's have taken controll of the Democratic party !!! Demonazi's !! :
  • Democrats are no different from Nazis from their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
There is no denying the sameness of Democrats and Nazis. We deny it at our own peril, just as the Germans did

2020 Democrats strongly defend abortion rights at forum
Iowa prof says 'I am Antifa'; once posted desire to bash Trump with baseball bat
Opinion | Why Bernie Sanders Isn’t Afraid of ‘Socialism’
Just like the Peoples Republic of China is a Republic, right?

No, anytime a country has "the peoples republic of............insert socialist/communist country here, it ain't a republic or anything free.
Wait....so you are saying that calling your country a certain form of government...like "republic" or "socialist" isn't necessarily true?
you are the one with the bigotry, not me.
No you are... See how that works ? We can do this all day.
lol. that is why i resort to the fewest fallacies.

Any argument with any fallacy is still wrong.
You have to eliminate all fallacies.
You’re arguments are full of fallacies.
Basic English, please.
Fuck you! Is that basic enough?
NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.

As was recently noted in another thread NAZI's have taken controll of the Democratic party !!! Demonazi's !! :
  • Democrats are no different from Nazis from their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
There is no denying the sameness of Democrats and Nazis. We deny it at our own peril, just as the Germans did

2020 Democrats strongly defend abortion rights at forum
Iowa prof says 'I am Antifa'; once posted desire to bash Trump with baseball bat
Opinion | Why Bernie Sanders Isn’t Afraid of ‘Socialism’
it is the right wing who are the bigots, not the left.
And that's why the Democrat Socialists in the FBI leadership decided to go against the Republican President of the United States whom they are supposed to protect? :rolleyes:
they were investigating foreign influence in our elections.
So they left Hillary alone after refusing to turn over hard drives to authorities until she scrubbed them, and she and her staff smashed cell phones with hammers. Hmmmm. Russia hacking Hillary campaign was her fault because she didn’t follow protocol. Then, after the fake dossier, FBI turns on a dime and tries to derail Trump campaign.

I don't like Hillary due to her pro war stance, but there was nothing remotely illegal about her private email server, scrubbing drives, or smashing cell phones.
There was never a subpoena.
She was never accused of violating any law, but was just being requested to satisfy the Freedom of Information Act in case someone in the future wanted to do archive research.
NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.

As was recently noted in another thread NAZI's have taken controll of the Democratic party !!! Demonazi's !! :
  • Democrats are no different from Nazis from their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
There is no denying the sameness of Democrats and Nazis. We deny it at our own peril, just as the Germans did

2020 Democrats strongly defend abortion rights at forum
Iowa prof says 'I am Antifa'; once posted desire to bash Trump with baseball bat
Opinion | Why Bernie Sanders Isn’t Afraid of ‘Socialism’
it is the right wing who are the bigots, not the left.
And that's why the Democrat Socialists in the FBI leadership decided to go against the Republican President of the United States whom they are supposed to protect? :rolleyes:
they were investigating foreign influence in our elections.
So they left Hillary alone after refusing to turn over hard drives to authorities until she scrubbed them, and she and her staff smashed cell phones with hammers. Hmmmm. Russia hacking Hillary campaign was her fault because she didn’t follow protocol. Then, after the fake dossier, FBI turns on a dime and tries to derail Trump campaign.
there was no, turning on a dime. Your guys showed up as national security concerns. Who's fault is that?
Give it up, you read like a dime store cheap novel.
you are the one with the bigotry, not me.
No you are... See how that works ? We can do this all day.
lol. that is why i resort to the fewest fallacies.

Any argument with any fallacy is still wrong.
You have to eliminate all fallacies.
You’re arguments are full of fallacies.

Point them out and I will fix them.
Anti semitism [the squad] .... attacks on white Christian conservatives ,outing [doxing] Trump donors and supporters targeting them and attacking with militant mobs like [ANTIFA ], a demand for the socialist takeover of the economy and private sector ,calls for forced gun confiscation and much much more are similar to the tactics used by Adolf Hitler !! the democratic party should be called the Demonazi party !!
So, the trumpettes try to paint Democrats as Nazis to hide the fact the Trump is following in the footsteps of his Homeland's Hitler.
please explain how Trump or Trump supporters are following in the footsteps of Hitler ...we have truthfully outlined some the of lefts Nazi tactics and policies so please tell us what conservatives have done to justify your bullshit claim ....please explain you socialist Nazi !!!or should i say Demonazi !
So I would really like it if your kind would explain something. Donald Trump said these aren’t people, they’re animals.

Listen up fuckwad, Trump did not say mexican immigrants were animals, he said [THE BAD ONES] illegal mexicans were animals. Quit twisting everything your president says and start acting like an American, if you have it in you. Which I doubt. So far, all you're showing is your stupid parts. :206::206::206: :290968001256257790-final:
he cant, he is an anti American socialist Nazi .
Last edited:
And only a complete idiot would say socialism could even possibly be totalitarian.
Socialism is collaborative enterprise, and you can't have anything collaborative unless there is popular input in decision making as well as profit sharing. That is just plain and straight definition by fact, and no opinion can change that.
You are pathetic.

Socialism isn't implemented by purified Unicorns. Its implemented by corrupt, selfish, greedy tyrants.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Capitalism gives more power to the citizens. The Bill of Rights ensures their rights.... That's why Democrats hate them both.

If a single individual takes over, that is the opposite of socialism, which has to inherently be collaborative.
Socialism is the only way to distribute power to the people.
Capitalism concentrates power in the hands of those with the most capital, and encourages the majority of the population from having any capital or power.
The Bill of Rights is supposed to ensure rights, but clearly has totally failed, since we have a federal war on drugs, federal gun laws, etc.
But the Bill of Rights would encourage local socialism, just not much federal socialism.
Really. Nazi, Germany, Stalinist Soviet Union, and Castro’s Cuba blows your argument out of the water.

Nazi Germany was entirely right wing, fascist, oligarchs, and not even remotely close to socialist.
Stalin also murder off all the socialists, and by the time he took over, there were not left outside the Gulags.
I don't know that much about Castro's Cuba.
But Mao's China was not at all socialist, but Stalinist.

When people are acting out of personal profit desire, that is capitalism, like Stalin and Mao.
Anti semitism [the squad] .... attacks on white Christian conservatives ,outing [doxing] Trump donors and supporters targeting them and attacking with militant mobs like [ANTIFA ], a demand for the socialist takeover of the economy and private sector ,calls for forced gun confiscation and much much more are similar to the tactics used by Adolf Hitler !! the democratic party should be called the Demonazi party !!
Nazi socialist would support it !
It’s sad the filth the Republican Party has become. They put an adulterer in office and they worship his lies.

Bill Clinton?

Such a sad and pathetic people.
The problem with Trump becoming a cult leader for his cult followers is that they’ve become just as despicable and awful as he is now that they know he’s lying, but they simply don’t care.
Even worse, many of them like him because of his lies. And they want their children to be just like him.

It's hard for you. You thought you had won. You thought the struggle to end America was over, Mob Boss Hillary would put another Marxist on the court and the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments would be a thing of the past forever, Americans would know their place and BOW to their masters. But Trump fucked it all up for you, you won't be able to use the court to end the Republic for a generation,

It was so close, you nearly snuffed out freedom from the world for a thousand years, ushered in the dark age you so long for, but Trump snatched it from your evil little claws.
Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies. He has a record number of his aides in prison and more going to trial.
The proof is in the pudding. And Trump’s pudding is a sticky bowl of nasty diarrhea.
NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.

As was recently noted in another thread NAZI's have taken controll of the Democratic party !!! Demonazi's !! :
  • Democrats are no different from Nazis from their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
There is no denying the sameness of Democrats and Nazis. We deny it at our own peril, just as the Germans did

2020 Democrats strongly defend abortion rights at forum
Iowa prof says 'I am Antifa'; once posted desire to bash Trump with baseball bat
Opinion | Why Bernie Sanders Isn’t Afraid of ‘Socialism’
Just like the Peoples Republic of China is a Republic, right?

No, anytime a country has "the peoples republic of............insert socialist/communist country here, it ain't a republic or anything free.
Wait....so you are saying that calling your country a certain form of government...like "republic" or "socialist" isn't necessarily true?

Like Brutus and Cassius killed Caesar because they claimed he was a threat to the Republic, when in reality they caused the Republic to become lead by imperialist monsters like Caligula and Nero.
NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.

As was recently noted in another thread NAZI's have taken controll of the Democratic party !!! Demonazi's !! :
  • Democrats are no different from Nazis from their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
There is no denying the sameness of Democrats and Nazis. We deny it at our own peril, just as the Germans did

2020 Democrats strongly defend abortion rights at forum
Iowa prof says 'I am Antifa'; once posted desire to bash Trump with baseball bat
Opinion | Why Bernie Sanders Isn’t Afraid of ‘Socialism’
Just like the Peoples Republic of China is a Republic, right?

No, anytime a country has "the peoples republic of............insert socialist/communist country here, it ain't a republic or anything free.
Wait....so you are saying that calling your country a certain form of government...like "republic" or "socialist" isn't necessarily true?

Quit being goofy.
Nazis were for big business, social darwinism, against homosexuals, and Jews.
Let's examine that.
  • Nazis were for big business. So you are saying that it is better to be AGAINST the one thing which creates most jobs for people, drives the economy and brings most substantive new products and inventions which improve quality of life to people? And you wonder why more democrats are poor?
  • Nazis were for social Darwinism. That nature selects winners and losers and survival of the fittest is a universal proven fact in all the living world. That you are against it suggests its opposite: Social Engineering of forcing less qualified people to get hired first, and social equity of making people of different abilities all come out equal regardless. Some people call that fascism.
  • Nazis were against homosexuals. Homosexuality is an obviously deviant behavior that brings chaos into society, so yes, I can see that the Nazis were against that, but even if you are not against it, why would you be FOR sexual disorder?
  • Nazis were against Jews. Last I checked, it was Obama and the Dems that were always railing against Israel while Trump and the GOP are their friends.
You are correct. Nazi, Germany controlled the economy and were not pro-business at all.

That is totally untrue.
If you look at any weapons development in Germany during WWII, there were always multiple contract bidders, and they were always then built for profit. There was not a single industry nationalized or taken over. The fascists were not only pro-business, but they were created, supported, picked, and put in power by the industrialists.
It’s sad the filth the Republican Party has become. They put an adulterer in office and they worship his lies.

Bill Clinton?

Such a sad and pathetic people.
The problem with Trump becoming a cult leader for his cult followers is that they’ve become just as despicable and awful as he is now that they know he’s lying, but they simply don’t care.
Even worse, many of them like him because of his lies. And they want their children to be just like him.

It's hard for you. You thought you had won. You thought the struggle to end America was over, Mob Boss Hillary would put another Marxist on the court and the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments would be a thing of the past forever, Americans would know their place and BOW to their masters. But Trump fucked it all up for you, you won't be able to use the court to end the Republic for a generation,

It was so close, you nearly snuffed out freedom from the world for a thousand years, ushered in the dark age you so long for, but Trump snatched it from your evil little claws.
Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies. He has a record number of his aides in prison and more going to trial.
The proof is in the pudding. And Trump’s pudding is a sticky bowl of nasty diarrhea.
wheres the pudding Nazi ???you had an entire team of leftwing Trump hating Hillary supporters trying to prove collusion working with Mueller ??? they would have charged Trump with jaywalking if they could have !!! the entire investigation was a set up to implement a socialist Nazi coup !
So I would really like it if your kind would explain something. Donald Trump said these aren’t people, they’re animals.

Listen up fuckwad, Trump did not say mexican immigrants were animals, he said [THE BAD ONES] illegal mexicans were animals. Quit twisting everything your president says and start acting like an American, if you have it in you. Which I doubt. So far, all you're showing is your stupid parts. :206::206::206: :290968001256257790-final:

All Dem's have are lies and twisted distorted narratives.
Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies. He has a record number of his aides in prison and more going to trial. The proof is in the pudding. And Trump’s pudding is a sticky bowl of nasty diarrhea.

Then impeach him you gutless bunch of Mary's, grow a pair.
Nazis were for big business, social darwinism, against homosexuals, and Jews.
Let's examine that.
  • Nazis were for big business. So you are saying that it is better to be AGAINST the one thing which creates most jobs for people, drives the economy and brings most substantive new products and inventions which improve quality of life to people? And you wonder why more democrats are poor?
  • Nazis were for social Darwinism. That nature selects winners and losers and survival of the fittest is a universal proven fact in all the living world. That you are against it suggests its opposite: Social Engineering of forcing less qualified people to get hired first, and social equity of making people of different abilities all come out equal regardless. Some people call that fascism.
  • Nazis were against homosexuals. Homosexuality is an obviously deviant behavior that brings chaos into society, so yes, I can see that the Nazis were against that, but even if you are not against it, why would you be FOR sexual disorder?
  • Nazis were against Jews. Last I checked, it was Obama and the Dems that were always railing against Israel while Trump and the GOP are their friends.
You are correct. Nazi, Germany controlled the economy and were not pro-business at all.
Pro war is what they were. Force economic stability and ideology at the end of a gun barrel. Never works if the belief or ideology is totally wrong headed.

The Nazis were only pro war because that is what the industrialist wanted them to be.
The industrialists wanted war profiteering.
Look at the records.
They made record profits during WWII, even when Allied bombing was destroying their insured factories.

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