Nazism in Israel


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
"Okay everybody, grab your monkey!"

That has nothing to do with the thread (I was just watching Ironman 3), but this does...

Israel treats Arabs the way Nazis treated Jews – a racist, fascist, white Jewish supremacist (the chosen people nonsense), Arab-hating society systematically ghettoizing and terrorizing people for praying to the wrong God.

Palestinians are treated like sub-humans, enduring virtually every type indignity and mistreatment under brutalizing militarized rule, civil justice denied.

Institutionalized racism worse than South African apartheid denies them fundamental human and civil rights. De-Arabization is official Israeli policy. Occupation harshness facilitates slow-motion genocide.

Millions suffer horrifically. Anyone resisting tyranny is eliminated – brutalized, imprisoned or murdered.
I challenge anyone to provide proof this is not happening.
YOU said "If I looked I could see it" Well I looked and all I saw were two Mexicans working on a car.
I didn't say that. Why are you making up stupid bullshit?

Oh, I get it. You're trying to derail the thread, because you have nothing valid to argue against the OP.
Tis true . One can read all about it by reading the newspapers from the area. Terror daily. Trying to take over the Dome of the Rock, bulldozing homes, I guess they are treated like the blacks use to be in the US,
as I'm not sure Germans were as bad as the Jews say.
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Dictatorship style press, under the title of "research".
10/10 Propaganda.
Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article. The Center of Research on Globalization grants permission to cross-post original Global Research articles on community internet sites as long as the text & title are not modified. The source and the author's copyright must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact:[email protected]
Dictatorship style press, under the title of "research".
10/10 Propaganda.
Dan, Dan, Dan..................Dan 'ole bean, ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

Do you care to address any of the comments in the OP specifically?

Or are you trying to say the Pals are not demonized and treated like they're sub-human?
Even the King of Jordan is getting pissed off :

AMMAN — His Majesty King Abdullah has intensified Jordan's efforts to counter the Israeli aggression on Al Aqsa Mosque and discussed the recent clashes with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey over the phone Thursday, a Royal Court statement said.

They agreed on the need for more coordination among Islamic states to end violations and to stand up to Israeli attempts to Judaise holy sites in occupied Jerusalem

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour also chastised Israel for its aggression targeting Al Aqsa Mosque and Muslim worshippers there.

“The recent Israeli acts of aggression against Al Aqsa Mosque and Al Haram Al Sharif contradict the Israeli government’s pledges, not only those that are part of the Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty, but also those made at international meetings,” Ensour said.

The premier was speaking during a meeting Thursday with Interior Minister Salameh Hammad, Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications Mohammad Momani, governors and directors of security bodies at the Interior Ministry to address Arab concerns of the recent skirmish in Jerusalem.

Israeli forces stormed the mosque on Sunday morning, firing rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades, thus injuring people inside, according to reports.

“Israel realises that such acts of aggression pose danger to the region and to the Palestinian-Israeli peace process,” Ensour said during the Interior Ministry meeting

- See more at: King, Erdogan discuss latest escalation in Jerusalem | Jordan Times
"Okay everybody, grab your monkey!"
That has nothing to do with the thread (I was just watching Ironman 3), but this does...
Israel treats Arabs the way Nazis treated Jews – a racist, fascist, white Jewish supremacist (the chosen people nonsense), Arab-hating society systematically ghettoizing and terrorizing people for praying to the wrong God.
Palestinians are treated like sub-humans, enduring virtually every type indignity and mistreatment under brutalizing militarized rule, civil justice denied.
Institutionalized racism worse than South African apartheid denies them fundamental human and civil rights. De-Arabization is official Israeli policy. Occupation harshness facilitates slow-motion genocide.
Millions suffer horrifically. Anyone resisting tyranny is eliminated – brutalized, imprisoned or murdered.
I challenge anyone to provide proof this is not happening.
Billo_Really, et al,

This is so wrong, I scarcely know where to begin...

"Okay everybody, grab your monkey!"

That has nothing to do with the thread (I was just watching Ironman 3), but this does...

Israel treats Arabs the way Nazis treated Jews – a racist, fascist, white Jewish supremacist (the chosen people nonsense), Arab-hating society systematically ghettoizing and terrorizing people for praying to the wrong God.

Palestinians are treated like sub-humans, enduring virtually every type indignity and mistreatment under brutalizing militarized rule, civil justice denied.

Institutionalized racism worse than South African apartheid denies them fundamental human and civil rights. De-Arabization is official Israeli policy. Occupation harshness facilitates slow-motion genocide.

Millions suffer horrifically. Anyone resisting tyranny is eliminated – brutalized, imprisoned or murdered.
I challenge anyone to provide proof this is not happening.

• Praying to the wrong "God?" I thought that the God of Abraham was the same God for both the Jewish and the Islamic?
• I think this "Sub-human" remark has more to do with a dysfunctional Palestinian Government than then Genocide by the Occupation Force.
• Who published the Israeli "De-Arabization is official Israeli policy?"
• Article 68 of the Geneva Convention

Most Respectfully,
Billo_Really, et al,

This is so wrong, I scarcely know where to begin...

"Okay everybody, grab your monkey!"

That has nothing to do with the thread (I was just watching Ironman 3), but this does...

Israel treats Arabs the way Nazis treated Jews – a racist, fascist, white Jewish supremacist (the chosen people nonsense), Arab-hating society systematically ghettoizing and terrorizing people for praying to the wrong God.

Palestinians are treated like sub-humans, enduring virtually every type indignity and mistreatment under brutalizing militarized rule, civil justice denied.

Institutionalized racism worse than South African apartheid denies them fundamental human and civil rights. De-Arabization is official Israeli policy. Occupation harshness facilitates slow-motion genocide.

Millions suffer horrifically. Anyone resisting tyranny is eliminated – brutalized, imprisoned or murdered.
I challenge anyone to provide proof this is not happening.

• Praying to the wrong "God?" I thought that the God of Abraham was the same God for both the Jewish and the Islamic?
• I think this "Sub-human" remark has more to do with a dysfunctional Palestinian Government than then Genocide by the Occupation Force.
• Who published the Israeli "De-Arabization is official Israeli policy?"
• Article 68 of the Geneva Convention

Most Respectfully,
It's not wrong at all. It's right on the money. Although you're right about it being the same God, that doesn't do you any good when you are Arab living in the "Jewish State".
Billo_Really, et al,

Are you sure.

It's not wrong at all. It's right on the money. Although you're right about it being the same God, that doesn't do you any good when you are Arab living in the "Jewish State".

I would be interested in knowing what the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry describe themselves as? Not long ago, I was attending a fraternal meeting of retired members of my profession, and was politely corrected when I referred to them as Israel-Palestinians; informed that the correct term is Arab-Israeli. Somewhat embarrassed, I listened more than I spoke.

What do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry refer to themselves as in Israel??? Do they prefer to live under the same standard of living as Palestine (west Bank & Gaza) or Jordan?
Do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry prefer living under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority or HAMAS?

Most Respectfully,
Billo_Really, et al,

This is so wrong, I scarcely know where to begin...

"Okay everybody, grab your monkey!"

That has nothing to do with the thread (I was just watching Ironman 3), but this does...

Israel treats Arabs the way Nazis treated Jews – a racist, fascist, white Jewish supremacist (the chosen people nonsense), Arab-hating society systematically ghettoizing and terrorizing people for praying to the wrong God.

Palestinians are treated like sub-humans, enduring virtually every type indignity and mistreatment under brutalizing militarized rule, civil justice denied.

Institutionalized racism worse than South African apartheid denies them fundamental human and civil rights. De-Arabization is official Israeli policy. Occupation harshness facilitates slow-motion genocide.

Millions suffer horrifically. Anyone resisting tyranny is eliminated – brutalized, imprisoned or murdered.
I challenge anyone to provide proof this is not happening.

• Praying to the wrong "God?" I thought that the God of Abraham was the same God for both the Jewish and the Islamic?
• I think this "Sub-human" remark has more to do with a dysfunctional Palestinian Government than then Genocide by the Occupation Force.
• Who published the Israeli "De-Arabization is official Israeli policy?"
• Article 68 of the Geneva Convention

Most Respectfully,
I think this "Sub-human" remark has more to do with a dysfunctional Palestinian Government...​

Do you mean the one installed by the US?
Billo_Really, et al,

Are you sure.

It's not wrong at all. It's right on the money. Although you're right about it being the same God, that doesn't do you any good when you are Arab living in the "Jewish State".

I would be interested in knowing what the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry describe themselves as? Not long ago, I was attending a fraternal meeting of retired members of my profession, and was politely corrected when I referred to them as Israel-Palestinians; informed that the correct term is Arab-Israeli. Somewhat embarrassed, I listened more than I spoke.

What do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry refer to themselves as in Israel??? Do they prefer to live under the same standard of living as Palestine (west Bank & Gaza) or Jordan?
Do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry prefer living under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority or HAMAS?

Most Respectfully,
I'd like to know why Jews from all over the world can come to Israel, but Palestinian's who were driven out of the area (when Israel declared itself a state), cannot come back?
That's a typical ( for you) pointless comparison. The Pal'istanians have been treated with measured responses in view of their Islamic terrorist proclivities.
The comparison does have a point, only in your case, that would be "clueless" comparison.

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