NBC & BBC Provide Video Evidence Trump Was Correct - Violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville

You guys fail to understand that Nazis and white supremacy is a hate group and a disgrace for this country to give them a platform. That's like giving Isis a permit to flex muscles in an American town ....or hold on a minute they are a non white group so no freedom of speech there.

Some will say the neo-Nazis aren't a terrorist group. Heck yeah they are, they are terrorizing non whites, their members went on shooting sprees, in fact they killed more Americans than Isis members.
Trump can and should condemn any violent protesters. But he shouldn't condemn nazi protesters after an event where the nazis killed a person and tried to kill many. Why don't people get this. You cant unite the country by making nazi/kkk leaders happy.
BTW, Trump did condemn all of them. both sides. So perhaps you don't know what the word 'all' means. not sure but it's sure been clear here you have a problem with the word.

It's clear you don't understand that by focusing on the protesters and trying to relate to the Nazis gives the impression he blames both sides equally. Yet it was one side who killed a person while trying to kill many. We have a tragedy because the nazi side killed someone.
It's clear you have no idea what you talk about.

it was one person in a car, the neo nazis weren't in cars. so, you're very confused.

So you are saying he wasn't a neo nazi?
I have no idea. do you know? what makes him neo nazi, because he drove a car?
I answered your question, but you don't like my answer which is typical loony leftist habit. and you won't condemn them therefore you are one of the antifa's thanks for letting us know. Hey everyone slade is an antifa, he won't condemn them.
How old are you? Seriously...
probably old enough to be your father.
You act like a grade schooler seeking attention. Until you can have a grown up conversation without the petty provocation and name calling I have no interest in smack talking back and forth.
look everyone the antifa here, can't condemn them. I call you out schmuck. antifa, condemn them or you are them.
Antifa killed that poor girl. Forced those poor Nazi to march with tiki torches chanting anti-Jew and Nazi slogans. I weep.
how do you know he wasn't his car was with them. Maybe he was a nobody in the wrong spot at the wrong time. fact is you have no facts. so, not sure your point other than the kid drove his car into a group of protesters, who knows who they were since they were all together.
You guys fail to understand that Nazis and white supremacy is a hate group and a disgrace for this country to give them a platform. That's like giving Isis a permit to flex muscles in an American town ....or hold on a minute they are a non white group so no freedom of speech there.

Some will say the neo-Nazis aren't a terrorist group. Heck yeah they are, they are terrorizing non whites, their members went on shooting sprees, in fact they killed more Americans than Isis members.
so dude what are you going to do about them? what's your plan?
Trump can and should condemn any violent protesters. But he shouldn't condemn nazi protesters after an event where the nazis killed a person and tried to kill many. Why don't people get this. You cant unite the country by making nazi/kkk leaders happy.
BTW, Trump did condemn all of them. both sides. So perhaps you don't know what the word 'all' means. not sure but it's sure been clear here you have a problem with the word.

It's clear you don't understand that by focusing on the protesters and trying to relate to the Nazis gives the impression he blames both sides equally. Yet it was one side who killed a person while trying to kill many. We have a tragedy because the nazi side killed someone.
It's clear you have no idea what you talk about.

it was one person in a car, the neo nazis weren't in cars. so, you're very confused.

So you are saying he wasn't a neo nazi?
I have no idea. do you know? what makes him neo nazi, because he drove a car?

He was in a March that used anti Jewish and nazi chants.

Charlottesville Crash Suspect 'Idolized Hitler, Nazism'
BTW, Trump did condemn all of them. both sides. So perhaps you don't know what the word 'all' means. not sure but it's sure been clear here you have a problem with the word.

It's clear you don't understand that by focusing on the protesters and trying to relate to the Nazis gives the impression he blames both sides equally. Yet it was one side who killed a person while trying to kill many. We have a tragedy because the nazi side killed someone.
It's clear you have no idea what you talk about.

it was one person in a car, the neo nazis weren't in cars. so, you're very confused.

So you are saying he wasn't a neo nazi?
I have no idea. do you know? what makes him neo nazi, because he drove a car?

He was in a March that used anti Jewish and nazi chants.

Charlottesville Crash Suspect 'Idolized Hitler, Nazism'
well actually his car was with the antifa's. right? and how is a car exactly part of a march?
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

Or raising the alt-left to the same standard as the alt-right which is correct. Groups like Antifa and their Black Blog are a nasty bunch bent of bending people to their will thru violence and intimidation. Pull your butt out of your head and call late hate instead of measuring degrees. I kind of like having a President who calls a spade a spade instead of some mushy, touchy, feely words that "sound presidential".
Yeah he is doing a great job calling out those spades. The great unifier!

Following in Obama's footsteps as a "unifier".
At least Obama tried

No, not really. He denigrated one side and gave the other side a pass. That doesn't unite. It divides and is in large part why we got to where we are today. This didn't happen overnight. It has been years in developing. Race relations took a bad turn with Obama at the helm.
Yeah, they are much better now aren't they... It's probably all Obamas fault right?
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups.

Why do you snowflakes keep spreading that lie?

Please point out to me in his condemnation where Trump equates them as the same or that they deserve EQUAL blame for the violence in Va:


"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend."

It is nowhere in what he said.

Did not condemn the white supremacists? Yes, he did.

Violence, in the name of ANY ideology or opinion, is 'evil'.

Democrats / snowflakes beat and bloodied Trump supporters during the campaign, blew up a GOP HQ, rioted/looted/committed arson/destroyed property - all in the name of the Democratic party - and you seriously want to engage in a discussion about to what degree which group is worse and deserves more condemnation?! SERIOUSLY?

This is not a choice of wither you condemn white supremacists OR you condemn the violent, pee-throwing leftist who sought - like at the Berkeley riots - to shut down Freedom of Speech and to assemble....

You damn-well condemn them both. Trump did. The left doesn't like being called out and think that just because they beat down Trump supporters in the name of political ideology they get a pass?

SERIOUSLY? So why is Trump facing major major backlash from all over even from inside his own party. Because of defending the KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacist and Alt Right hate groups.

1. Several high ranking Republican senators including Bob Corker came out blasting Trump as incompetent. Corker is a Trump supporter.
2. From Newt Gingrich president Trump is more isolated than he realizes. A Trump supporter.
3. His band of CEOs abandoned him.
4. Major charities are canceling events at Maralago.
5. Foreign leaders like his friend May from Europe blasted Trump.
6. Mitt Romney blasted Trump.
7. Current top military chief of staff came out disagrees with Trump.
8. Today the President's Committee Art and Humanities (chairwoman First Lady) had resigned.
9. Jewish communities blasted Trump. Some are from Israel.
10. Carl Icahn a billionaire Trump adviser step down.
11. Susan Bro mother of Heather Heyer killed during the rally refused to talk to Trump. Telling Trump think before you talk.
12. Member of Trump Evangelical Advisory Board resigned because of different values.
More backlash are expected.

THAT SAID----- Are you saying that they are ALL wrong that you or others here and Trump are correct?
Not to mention many many others that blasted Trump ineptness. Some are calling Trump to resign.

BTW------ Aside from bad people like the hate groups and racist. Did anyone came out in support of toxic Trump?
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
No, the liberal media was not the only one to get pissed off... Republican party leaders got pissed, many on Fox news were shocked, military leaders spoke out, the CEO's of some of our largest companies who were on Trumps council said bye bye. You can't pretend that this is liberal MSM fake outrage. The evidence does not support your spin. Maybe you should stop talking for a minute and try listening.

Yes there are Trump haters in the GOP that was obvious during the GOP primaries. This is classic liberal media gotcha politics. The CEO's know full well if they challenge the liberal view the left will attack them, hence its best for business leaders and their corporations to avoid getting tangled up in politics, the left are just too unstable.
Excuses excuses... I don't even know if they are worth a response. You just babble bullshit. The GOP Trump haters were not the only ones that came out against him. Many that have had his back spoke out against him. The HEADS OF EACH OF OUR MILITARY BRANCHES SPOKE OUT. That never happens. This is a clusterfuck, admit it!

Facts not excuses, facts you cannot dispute which is why you didn't even try. There are over 300 million people in the US how many spoke out 80?

Your comparison is way off between 80 and 300 is way off.
You plugged in a lots of lies like Easy so what are you babbling about?

If you are talking about 300 millions. Remember only 63+ millions voted for this petulant asshole president. You do not expect that numbers will go up. Believe it or not those numbers are dwindling fast.
Bigots always support their kind of bigotry :rolleyes:

I don't have problem fighting against KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacist or Alt Right or any hate groups ------ Bare hands or hand to hand combat.

Fighting against these animals is always a good cause like WW2 and Civil War.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

Antifa IS a hate group, jackass.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on
Why is race hate worse than hate from bigotry?
Shouldnt we condemn all hate?

Wrong again dude.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

Antifa IS a hate group, jackass.
Who do they hate?
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

Antifa IS a hate group, jackass.

So If these KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacist or other hate groups come to my city and I will engage in anti rally. I hate these animals. Is that mean I'm equivalent to them? Is that mean I belong to antifa?

We went to WW2 because of hate why is fighting these animals any different today?
Trump can and should condemn any violent protesters. But he shouldn't condemn nazi protesters after an event where the nazis killed a person and tried to kill many. Why don't people get this. You cant unite the country by making nazi/kkk leaders happy.
BTW, Trump did condemn all of them. both sides. So perhaps you don't know what the word 'all' means. not sure but it's sure been clear here you have a problem with the word.

It's clear you don't understand that by focusing on the protesters and trying to relate to the Nazis gives the impression he blames both sides equally. Yet it was one side who killed a person while trying to kill many. We have a tragedy because the nazi side killed someone.
It's clear you have no idea what you talk about.

it was one person in a car, the neo nazis weren't in cars. so, you're very confused.

So you are saying he wasn't a neo nazi?
I have no idea. do you know? what makes him neo nazi, because he drove a car?

How about calling him a white nationalists or hate groups. Is that any different?
You guys fail to understand that Nazis and white supremacy is a hate group and a disgrace for this country to give them a platform. That's like giving Isis a permit to flex muscles in an American town ....or hold on a minute they are a non white group so no freedom of speech there.

Some will say the neo-Nazis aren't a terrorist group. Heck yeah they are, they are terrorizing non whites, their members went on shooting sprees, in fact they killed more Americans than Isis members.
so dude what are you going to do about them? what's your plan?

Fight these hate groups like we (not you) always do. And you can stand on their side.
It's clear you don't understand that by focusing on the protesters and trying to relate to the Nazis gives the impression he blames both sides equally. Yet it was one side who killed a person while trying to kill many. We have a tragedy because the nazi side killed someone.
It's clear you have no idea what you talk about.

it was one person in a car, the neo nazis weren't in cars. so, you're very confused.

So you are saying he wasn't a neo nazi?
I have no idea. do you know? what makes him neo nazi, because he drove a car?

He was in a March that used anti Jewish and nazi chants.

Charlottesville Crash Suspect 'Idolized Hitler, Nazism'
well actually his car was with the antifa's. right? and how is a car exactly part of a march?

Are you always this dumb Jc?
I congratulate Trump for dividing this country big time. We are heading the wrong directions.
Made us a laughing stock, ignorant, dumb, bluffer, arrogant and racist all over the world. Most especially he degraded us all Americans. Total Embarrassment and Total Failure.

I wonder what happened to Make America Great Again?
It's worse than we imagined. This country is at the lowest point. I just hope the economy doesn't follow.

I congratulate Trump for dividing this country big time. We are heading the wrong directions.
Made us a laughing stock, ignorant, dumb, bluffer, arrogant and racist all over the world. Most especially he degraded us all Americans. Total Embarrassment and Total Failure.

I wonder what happened to Make America Great Again?
The left continues to misrepresent what Trump said. He NEVER said "some NAZI are fine people". Even if he felt that, which I doubt, he'd have to be rock-dumb to say it.

Yes, many of the protesters are white scum. I don't agree with racism on any level. Yes some of the protesters are "fine people", and they have a legitimate gripe. Yes many on the left are scum. Yes some are "fine people".

BTW, my mom's paternal family are all Jewish. But I sell out to nobody, and sure as fuck not to false narratives, which is what the left is built on. While my family doesn't participate, I do admit some of the liberal elite are in fact Jewish, and they have bad intentions.

Contrary to popular belief, not all Jews are liberal. Many are very much conservative and recognize the left for what they are.
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