NBC Drops Damning Info About Hunter and China That Blows up Joe's Lie

August 12 2020
Greene has repeated and promoted QAnon theories and phrases, praising the mythical Q as a "patriot" in a video from 2017 and describing the conspiracy theory as "something worth listening to and paying attention to." She added, "He is someone that very much loves his country, and he's on the same page as us, and he is very pro-Trump."

Trump congratulated Greene on Twitter Wednesday morning, saying she is "strong on everything and never gives up - a real WINNER!"
You're FOS, too.
Mueller, however, refrained from recommending prosecution, saying that there were “difficult [legal] issues that would need to be resolved,” in order to reach a conclusion that the crime of obstruction of justice was committed by Trump.

Factoring into his decision not to weigh in on prosecution, Mueller wrote, was an opinion issued by the Office of Legal Counsel finding that “the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions” in violation of “the constitutional separation of powers.”

“Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct,” Mueller wrote.

Mueller emphasized, however, that his analysis of the evidence did not clear the president of obstruction. Said Mueller: “f we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.”
cool, and OLC, DOJ and adam shifty and the house determined there wa son obstruction. Hence why he wasn’t impeached or indicted…

and then Shifty stopped using an actual investigation and prosecutor, to try and impeach the president and instead used parody
cool, and OLC, DOJ and adam shifty and the house determined there wa son obstruction. Hence why he wasn’t impeached or indicted…
Because idiot.
Trump's cult sucked their dear leader's ass, didn't listen to the evidence, didn't call one witness, just dismissed it.........................TRAITORS.
and then Shifty stopped using an actual investigation and prosecutor, to try and impeach the president and instead used parody
You skipped the coffee and went straight for the orange kool-aid.
Because idiot.
Trump's cult sucked their dear leader's ass, didn't listen to the evidence, didn't call one witness, just dismissed it.........................TRAITORS.

You skipped the coffee and went straight for the orange kool-aid.
Adam Shifty is not a trump fan…so not sure what you mean
Step away from the orange kool-aid.
It was the republicans nitwit.
the republicans didn’t run the house, Shifty was in charge of the Committee and could have impeached on that if the evidence supported it. It didn’t, and the public knew that since mueller report was public. Hence why he didn’t, and then decided to impeach on his own. based on parody
the republicans didn’t run the house, Shifty was in charge of the Committee and could have impeached on that if the evidence supported it. It didn’t, and the public knew that since mueller report was public. Hence why he didn’t, and then decided to impeach on his own. based on parody
Like I stated.
"Step away from the orange kool-aid".
Trump WAS impeached.........................TWICE.
Like I stated.
"Step away from the orange kool-aid".
Trump WAS impeached.........................TWICE.
not based on the mueller report…not based on obstruction, the House exonerated him based on the mueller report

Shifty then took it on his own to impeach based on parody…and obviously when he had to show the evidence, trump was exonerated by the senate…twice
not based on the mueller report…not based on obstruction, the House exonerated him based on the mueller report
Never stated Trump was impeached based on the Mueller report.
You stated Mueller never mentioned obstruction by Trump in the Mueller report.
I proved you were wrong...................again.
How you figured the impeachment trial was based on the Mueller report?

Maybe..................the orange kool-aid.
Shifty then took it on his own to impeach based on parody…and obviously when he had to show the evidence, trump was exonerated by the senate…twice
The traitors in the senate were slobbering over the orange retard.
Well, if that's the case, should Biden tell the investigators, prosecutors and the courts to fuck off, like Trump and his cult did?

They're heads would explode.

I don't hear about either Biden, obstructing an investigation like Trump and his cult did.
OP claim it is a witch hunt, ridicule, insult or character assignations against the accusers.

Biden has admitted to burning through cash to pay for drugs and partying with strangers who routinely stole from him, and he struggled to pay multiple mortgages or keep up with alimony and child support payments to his ex-wife. In his autobiography, “Beautiful Things,” he says the money from Burisma “turned into a major enabler during my steepest skid into addiction” and “hounded me to spend recklessly, dangerously, destructively. Humiliatingly. So I did.”

In a February 2017 divorce filing, an attorney for Biden’s ex-wife said the couple’s outstanding debts were “shocking and overwhelming” and that they owed $313,000 in back taxes. According to the filing, they had bounced checks to their housekeeper and owed money to doctors and therapists. The filing alleged that Hunter Biden had spent copiously on drugs, strip clubs, prostitutes and girlfriends “while leaving the family with no money to pay legitimate bills.”

You would never hear of the Trump family crime syndicate make such an admission.

I say let them investigate, let every single person, making the accusations, testify, backing their claims IN PERSON, NOT affidavits, including of course, Hunter and Joe, if Trumptards can make a case, then so be it.
Lol, Mueller's Russian collusion hoax investigation. That proved Trump to be the cleanest president in our history. I bet you wouldn't survive an investigation like that.
Never stated Trump was impeached based on the Mueller report.
You stated Mueller never mentioned obstruction by Trump in the Mueller report.
I proved you were wrong...................again.
How you figured the impeachment trial was based on the Mueller report?

Maybe..................the orange kool-aid.

The traitors in the senate were slobbering over the orange retard.
1) when did i say he never mentioned it?
2) following the law doesn’t make one a traitor. Using parody to impeach someone is an abusive of power though
Lol, Mueller's Russian collusion hoax investigation. That proved Trump to be the cleanest president in our history. I bet you wouldn't survive an investigation like that.
Holy fuck, Q NUT.

A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – and at least five other people, including Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.
The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.
The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting.
He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans. On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.
When The New York Times was about to report on email exchanges between Goldstone and Trump Jr., Trump Jr. himself published the emails.
In early July 2017, it was reported that President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement.
The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys.[8] In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting.

Robert Mueller, the special counsel of the Department of Justice in charge of Russia-related investigations, investigated the emails and the meeting, and their relation to the Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

THAT'S collusion, moron.
1) when did i say he never mentioned it?
2) following the law doesn’t make one a traitor. Using parody to impeach someone is an abusive of power though
Post 24 dumbass.

1) Cool, that was done by Congressional Republicans...not law enforcement, and it was limited to Ukraine....this is about CHINA
2) yep...Mueller looked into POTENTIAL obstruction, and found nothing to indict him on, turned it over to the Dems in the House, and they found nothing to impeach him on. NOTHING

Moreover, Trump NEVER took any executive priv during that investigation by Mueller....fully cooperated.

'Looked into" and found nothing?
Post the story from NBC rather than Red State.

The story from NBC is posted/linked in the OP and has been ...
Don't be so eager to dismiss something simply because you failed at due diligence.

Holy fuck, Q NUT.

A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – and at least five other people, including Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.
The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.
The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting.
He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans. On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.
When The New York Times was about to report on email exchanges between Goldstone and Trump Jr., Trump Jr. himself published the emails.
In early July 2017, it was reported that President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement.
The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys.[8] In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting.

Robert Mueller, the special counsel of the Department of Justice in charge of Russia-related investigations, investigated the emails and the meeting, and their relation to the Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

THAT'S collusion, moron.
It is known that the russian collusion story was made up. Only a fool still believes it.

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