NBC edits Romney rally speech to portray candidate as out of touch


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
NBC edits Romney rally speech to portray candidate as out of touch

By Perry Chiaramonte
Published June 19, 2012

NBC is taking heat again for selective editing a day after presenting video of Mitt Romney seemingly awestruck by the process of ordering a sandwich at a convenience store.

During an afternoon broadcast of "Andrea Mitchell Reports," video of the GOP presidential candidate seemed to show a politician out of touch as he discussed ordering a hoagie at Wawa.

The video clip went viral after the blogsite SooperMexican.com pointed out in a post that it appeared doctored.

“It’s amazing," Romney said, as the Pennsylvania crowd appeared to laugh. Then viewers saw Romney say, "You have a touchtone keypad, and you touch that, touch this, go pay the cashier, there’s your sandwich.”

What viewers didn't see or hear was nearly three minutes of Romney discussing the nightmare of paperwork faced by an optometrist he'd talked to in trying to get the post office to change his address. He expressed mock amazement at Wawa's efficiency to underscore how the private sector often runs circles around the clumsy bureaucracy.

Read more: NBC edits Romney rally speech to portray candidate as out of touch | Fox News
So they are trying to portray a member of the less than 1% of wealthy in the US and a guy who is a part of an obscure racist cult as out of touch with the common person? This is a guy who thinks he is part of a white race of galactic caucasian dieties sent around the galaxy to fight the minions of satan who all happen to be black or brown sinned. His family ran to mexico so they could have multiple wives. He is rich and his parents were fairly well off businesspeople who had political power. The man doesn't have a silver spoon in his mouth, he has a platinum dinner set along with fine china in his maw.

So I think the lie would be portraying Romney as anywhere close to a normal person. Hail Xenu and the galactic fedaration.
So they are trying to portray a member of the less than 1% of wealthy in the US and a guy who is a part of an obscure racist cult as out of touch with the common person? This is a guy who thinks he is part of a white race of galactic caucasian dieties sent around the galaxy to fight the minions of satan who all happen to be black or brown sinned. His family ran to mexico so they could have multiple wives. He is rich and his parents were fairly well off businesspeople who had political power. The man doesn't have a silver spoon in his mouth, he has a platinum dinner set along with fine china in his maw.

So I think the lie would be portraying Romney as anywhere close to a normal person. Hail Xenu and the galactic fedaration.

Typical liberal gives nbc a pass...ssob
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So they are trying to portray a member of the less than 1% of wealthy in the US and a guy who is a part of an obscure racist cult as out of touch with the common person? This is a guy who thinks he is part of a white race of galactic caucasian dieties sent around the galaxy to fight the minions of satan who all happen to be black or brown sinned. His family ran to mexico so they could have multiple wives. He is rich and his parents were fairly well off businesspeople who had political power. The man doesn't have a silver spoon in his mouth, he has a platinum dinner set along with fine china in his maw.

So I think the lie would be portraying Romney as anywhere close to a normal person. Hail Xenu and the galactic fedaration.

Even being generous, and assuming half of what you say is true, it's still a vast improvement over the current nutter occupying the white house.
So they are trying to portray a member of the less than 1% of wealthy in the US and a guy who is a part of an obscure racist cult as out of touch with the common person? This is a guy who thinks he is part of a white race of galactic caucasian dieties sent around the galaxy to fight the minions of satan who all happen to be black or brown sinned. His family ran to mexico so they could have multiple wives. He is rich and his parents were fairly well off businesspeople who had political power. The man doesn't have a silver spoon in his mouth, he has a platinum dinner set along with fine china in his maw.

So I think the lie would be portraying Romney as anywhere close to a normal person. Hail Xenu and the galactic fedaration.

Would you come up with a similarly idiotic and offensive crap, if the candidate were a rich, black or brown skinned Muslim?
First Thoughts: Romney's counterpunch

Romney’s counterpunch: New TV ad responds to Obama Bain/outsourcing charge… “Rapid” response? But ad comes out more than a week after the Obama camp released its latest Bain/outsourcing ad… Romney: “If you’re responding, you’re losing”… It’s Biden’s turn before the NAACP… Meanwhile, Romney received boos there, but also got praise for showing up… Where the Obama camp is advertising uncontested (versus the Romney camp)… And Romney raises money with Dick Cheney in Wyoming.

By NBC's Mark Murray, Brooke Brower, and Natalie Cucchiara

*** Romney’s counterpunch: Outside of last Friday’s jobs report, Mitt Romney and his campaign team have found themselves on the defensive over the past four weeks. On immigration. On health care (whether the mandate is a penalty or tax). On Bain Capital. On outsourcing. And now on his offshore accounts in places like Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. As the New York Times front-pages today, supporters are starting to get antsy. “Conservatives have lit up talk radio programs across the country, worrying whether Mr. Romney’s business record has been ‘Swift Boated,’ referring to attacks waged against Senator John Kerry’s military record in 2004. The Romney campaign headquarters in Boston has been inundated with advice and criticism from donors and supporters who worry that Mr. Romney has lost an opportunity to introduce himself on his own terms.” Well today, the Romney camp is responding to the Bain/outsourcing charge with a new TV ad. The ad’s message: Obama isn’t telling the truth.


First Thoughts: Romney's counterpunch - First Read
It's MSNBC, they do the same crap FOX News does, but for Liberals.

What a scoop you've got there. :rolleyes:
NBC works for the DNC and have for a long time. It is no surprise that they edit, their words for rewrite so it says what they want. Look at the Today Show getting rid of the only legitimate journalist they had and giving here a 15 minute send off. It is not wonder their rating are headed downhill and gaining speed.
Though NBC edited Romney to make him seem out of touch; in a sense, isn't he at least a little bit? I will say that I'm one who might potentially give him my vote, I'm still not sure who I really want to vote for. But the way he talks and sometimes the things he says, he doesn't understand what it's like to be a middle or low class citizen in any way.

Sure, he wears clothes and puts his pants on one leg at a time like we do. But I don't think he's ever had to ask himself the question of whether or not to spend a dollar on a McDouble or save it because you might need it later. I'm not trying to put him down or anybody who agrees with Romney in any way; I'm trying to remain observant in my opinion.

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