NBC News Runs Story About Muslim’s in America as Victims

Well just fuck the real victims that were ran over walking down the sidewalk in NYC. Liberal media are a bunch of turds.
NBC story on 'backlash' against 'American Muslims' stirs outrage

They are victims because bigots like you want to blame a whole category of people due to the actions of a few.

Left Wingers regard straight white males as the world's oppressors.
Muslims are part of the Democratic Party's coalition of victims.

White males are the world's oppressors.

Crack an history book, you ignoramus.

Did you... Did you just condemn the poster of blaming an entire "category" of people for the actions of a few and then, in almost the same breath, do the same with white males!?! :wtf:
One should not blame white males.....but is it a coincidence that almost all acts of terrorism and mass shootings are done by males?
Well just fuck the real victims that were ran over walking down the sidewalk in NYC. Liberal media are a bunch of turds.
NBC story on 'backlash' against 'American Muslims' stirs outrage
Most Muslims in America are vicitims of prejudice. Most Muslims in America, and everywhere, are not terrorists, yet you blame them all for the acts of a few.

An old white man, American, just killed 58 people in Las Vegas. Why don't we get rid of all old white men in the US and forbid any new ones from entering the country?
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Well just fuck the real victims that were ran over walking down the sidewalk in NYC. Liberal media are a bunch of turds.
NBC story on 'backlash' against 'American Muslims' stirs outrage
How silly! When we know YOU are the victims.

The issue isn't being a victim, it's being a potential victim.

All they have to say is, "We know most Muslims in the US are peaceful productive citizens, but there is a virulent strain within their religion and community that not only impacts our country, but most of the world as well."

No equivocations, no blanket blame, just admit they have a problem and they need to do something about it.

The Muslim world needs a combination of a Martin Luther and the French Revolution, and they need it now.
White American males:
There is a virulent strain within their community whose violence impacts our country. They need to admit they have a problem and they need to do something about it. To start with, not killing masses of people at schools, shopping centers, fast food restaurants, movies and concerts. These men have killed far more people in the US than any Muslims have.
White American males:
There is a virulent strain within their community whose violence impacts our country. They need to admit they have a problem and they need to do something about it. To start with, not killing masses of people at schools, shopping centers, fast food restaurants, movies and concerts. These men have killed far more people in the US than any Muslims have.

You are entirely correct - the numbers don't lie. Far right domestic terrorists are a greater threat.

Analysis: Deadly threat from far-right extremists is overshadowed by fear of Islamic terrorism

The Numbers Don’t Lie: White Far-Right Terrorists Pose a Clear Danger to Us All

Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS
Left Wingers regard straight white males as the world's oppressors.
Muslims are part of the Democratic Party's coalition of victims.

White males are the world's oppressors.

Crack an history book, you ignoramus.

Soooo if it was true that straight white males are the world's oppressors then why do people want to immigrate to countries founded and run by straight white males?
Well just fuck the real victims that were ran over walking down the sidewalk in NYC. Liberal media are a bunch of turds.
NBC story on 'backlash' against 'American Muslims' stirs outrage
How silly! When we know YOU are the victims.

The issue isn't being a victim, it's being a potential victim.

All they have to say is, "We know most Muslims in the US are peaceful productive citizens, but there is a virulent strain within their religion and community that not only impacts our country, but most of the world as well."

No equivocations, no blanket blame, just admit they have a problem and they need to do something about it.

The Muslim world needs a combination of a Martin Luther and the French Revolution, and they need it now.
White American males:
There is a virulent strain within their community whose violence impacts our country. They need to admit they have a problem and they need to do something about it. To start with, not killing masses of people at schools, shopping centers, fast food restaurants, movies and concerts. These men have killed far more people in the US than any Muslims have.

We are doing something about it. when they commit a crime, they get arrested, convicted and thrown in Jail. No excuses made, no justifications. McVeigh got executed. All those shooters are rotting in prison and will continue to rot.

The difference is that unlike white power morons, which are a tiny minority, already scorned by others, Militant Islam is being given a pass by people who just cannot bring themselves to criticise anyone who isn't a white heterosexual male. There is a far higher percentage of radicalized mosques and followers in Islam then there are white power churches and adherents.

Your attempt at equivocation fails on the merits.
Well just fuck the real victims that were ran over walking down the sidewalk in NYC. Liberal media are a bunch of turds.
NBC story on 'backlash' against 'American Muslims' stirs outrage
How silly! When we know YOU are the victims.

Yeah, wonder where we got that idea....

Yeah.....victims of muslims all. View attachment 158151View attachment 158152 View attachment 158153 View attachment 158154View attachment 158155 But it's all cool when Real 'Muricans! do it.

Nothing in my post suggested what you claim, and nothing in your post challenged what I actually did say,

thus, you post is invalid and my point stands.

Do you have anything to say that is not an logical fallacy?

Yeah, wonder where we got that idea....

Well just fuck the real victims that were ran over walking down the sidewalk in NYC. Liberal media are a bunch of turds.
NBC story on 'backlash' against 'American Muslims' stirs outrage
How silly! When we know YOU are the victims.

Yeah, wonder where we got that idea....

Yeah.....victims of muslims all. View attachment 158151View attachment 158152 View attachment 158153 View attachment 158154View attachment 158155 But it's all cool when Real 'Muricans! do it.
Deflecting I see
Islam is the most violent cult the world has ever known... fact
Be afraid. Be a victim.

Fear of random death is the rational response.

Taking steps to reduce or stop is the responsible thing to do.

Ignoring it, denial and doing nothing is the act of a fool and a coward.
Left Wingers regard straight white males as the world's oppressors.
Muslims are part of the Democratic Party's coalition of victims.

White males are the world's oppressors.

Crack an history book, you ignoramus.

Soooo if it was true that straight white males are the world's oppressors then why do people want to immigrate to countries founded and run by straight white males?
Straight white females.
Well just fuck the real victims that were ran over walking down the sidewalk in NYC. Liberal media are a bunch of turds.
NBC story on 'backlash' against 'American Muslims' stirs outrage

They are victims because bigots like you want to blame a whole category of people due to the actions of a few.

What about the dead Americans? Are they victims too? Maybe to a lesser extent?
Those lying dead at the concert in Las Vegas, at Sandy Hook, at that church in Charleston, at the WalMart in Colorado, the High School in Colorado, the movie theater in Colorado would agree that they were victims too.
How silly! When we know YOU are the victims.

Yeah, wonder where we got that idea....

Yeah.....victims of muslims all. View attachment 158151View attachment 158152 View attachment 158153 View attachment 158154View attachment 158155 But it's all cool when Real 'Muricans! do it.
Deflecting I see
Islam is the most violent cult the world has ever known... fact
Be afraid. Be a victim.

Fear of random death is the rational response.

Taking steps to reduce or stop is the responsible thing to do.

Ignoring it, denial and doing nothing is the act of a fool and a coward.
Bull....no one wants "to reduce or stop"
Well just fuck the real victims that were ran over walking down the sidewalk in NYC. Liberal media are a bunch of turds.
NBC story on 'backlash' against 'American Muslims' stirs outrage

They are victims because bigots like you want to blame a whole category of people due to the actions of a few.

What about the dead Americans? Are they victims too? Maybe to a lesser extent?
Those lying dead at the concert in Las Vegas, at Sandy Hook, at that church in Charleston, at the WalMart in Colorado, the High School in Colorado, the movie theater in Colorado would agree that they were victims too.

Nothing I have ever said, has implied otherwise.

It would quite the asshole move to suggest that that was what I did.

Is that what you are doing?

Meanwhile, while waiting for you to clarify that one, my point stands.

What about the dead Americans? Are they victims too? Maybe to a lesser extent?
Yeah, wonder where we got that idea....

Yeah.....victims of muslims all. View attachment 158151View attachment 158152 View attachment 158153 View attachment 158154View attachment 158155 But it's all cool when Real 'Muricans! do it.
Deflecting I see
Islam is the most violent cult the world has ever known... fact
Be afraid. Be a victim.

Fear of random death is the rational response.

Taking steps to reduce or stop is the responsible thing to do.

Ignoring it, denial and doing nothing is the act of a fool and a coward.
Bull....no one wants "to reduce or stop"

Err, what?

YOu don't believe that I and the vast majority of Americans want to reduce or stop terrorist attacks?

That's a pretty radical claim you just made.

Would you like to explain your reasoning behind that insane sounding claim?
Deflecting I see
Islam is the most violent cult the world has ever known... fact
Be afraid. Be a victim.

Fear of random death is the rational response.

Taking steps to reduce or stop is the responsible thing to do.

Ignoring it, denial and doing nothing is the act of a fool and a coward.
Bull....no one wants "to reduce or stop"

Err, what?

YOu don't believe that I and the vast majority of Americans want to reduce or stop terrorist attacks?

That's a pretty radical claim you just made.

Would you like to explain your reasoning behind that insane sounding claim?
Nope....didn't stop the terror of Colorado (three, maybe even four cases there)...the terror in Connecticut...the terror in Oklahoma City....the terror in Charleston.....no desire whatsoever to end that terror. And I agree. The First and Second Amendments are sacrosanct.......
Deflecting I see
Islam is the most violent cult the world has ever known... fact
Be afraid. Be a victim.

Fear of random death is the rational response.

Taking steps to reduce or stop is the responsible thing to do.

Ignoring it, denial and doing nothing is the act of a fool and a coward.
Bull....no one wants "to reduce or stop"

Err, what?

YOu don't believe that I and the vast majority of Americans want to reduce or stop terrorist attacks?

That's a pretty radical claim you just made.

Would you like to explain your reasoning behind that insane sounding claim?
Nope....didn't stop the terror of Colorado (three, maybe even four cases there)...the terror in Connecticut...the terror in Oklahoma City....the terror in Charleston.....no desire whatsoever to end that terror. And I agree. The First and Second Amendments are sacrosanct.......

That's vague and confusing.

You seem to be arguing that the lack of gun control demonstrates that no one wants to reduce or stop mass murder.

Is that what you meant to say?
Be afraid. Be a victim.

Fear of random death is the rational response.

Taking steps to reduce or stop is the responsible thing to do.

Ignoring it, denial and doing nothing is the act of a fool and a coward.
Bull....no one wants "to reduce or stop"

Err, what?

YOu don't believe that I and the vast majority of Americans want to reduce or stop terrorist attacks?

That's a pretty radical claim you just made.

Would you like to explain your reasoning behind that insane sounding claim?
Nope....didn't stop the terror of Colorado (three, maybe even four cases there)...the terror in Connecticut...the terror in Oklahoma City....the terror in Charleston.....no desire whatsoever to end that terror. And I agree. The First and Second Amendments are sacrosanct.......

That's vague and confusing.

You seem to be arguing that the lack of gun control demonstrates that no one wants to reduce or stop mass murder.

Is that what you meant to say?
What is vague and confusing about being an American supporting the First and Second Amendments?
More victims of muslims:


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