NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

It obviously wasn't to attack Michael Byrd! They'd just let the other Police walk away unharmed.
What is it that you think Ashli Babbitt was there to do that day that made her deserving of a bullet to the neck at point blank range? Stand around in an empty House Chamber and take selfies with the other protesters?
I don’t give a shit about trying to figure out that idiot’s motives.

Her ACTIONS are the issue.
We keep going back to the same question. Why did Byrd feel it was neccessary to kill one of those protesters at THAT point in time?
And why were they smashing those windows, Lesh? What was their goal?
Because they had a death wish?

I don’t fucking CARE what insanity they were telling themselves

And no one else should either
I don’t give a shit about trying to figure out that idiot’s motives.

Her ACTIONS are the issue.
Let's look at her "actions" then! Did Ashli Babbitt assault any of the Police on the other side of the barricade? Did she assault any Police on her way into the building?
Because they had a death wish?

I don’t fucking CARE what insanity they were telling themselves

And no one else should either
Why? Because asking what their goal was makes it crystal clear that they WEREN'T there to hurt Police or members of Congress? That they WERE there to stop the certification? I've never agreed with what those protesters did that day. I'm not in favor of violent protests by either the left or the right. My issue is why Michael Byrd thought it was neccessary to kill an unarmed woman protester at that junction when NOBODY else in either the Capital Police or the Secret Service did the same even as protesters were breaching the building or entering the Senate chamber?
Let's look at her "actions" then! Did Ashli Babbitt assault any of the Police on the other side of the barricade? Did she assault any Police on her way into the building?
Her actions included being part of a violent mob that broke its way into the Capitol

Leading a mob in an attack on the last barricade protecting the House Chamber WEARING A FUCKING BACKPACK that could have well held a fucking bomb.

Breaching that barricade she KNEW was protected by armed police…

Continuing to do so when her own rioter buddies were yelling GUN GUN!!!

She fucked around and found out.

Fuck her and fuck you
Why? Because asking what their goal was makes it crystal clear that they WEREN'T there to hurt Police or members of Congress? That they WERE there to stop the certification? I've never agreed with what those protesters did that day. I'm not in favor of violent protests by either the left or the right. My issue is why Michael Byrd thought it was neccessary to kill an unarmed woman protester at that junction when NOBODY else in either the Capital Police or the Secret Service did the same even as protesters were breaching the building or entering the Senate chamber?
Not there to hurt members of Congress?

The cries of NANNNNNCY !! and Hang Mike Pence ! Notwithstanding huh?
Her actions included being part of a violent mob that broke its way into the Capitol

Leading a mob in an attack on the last barricade protecting the House Chamber WEARING A FUCKING BACKPACK that could have well held a fucking bomb.

Breaching that barricade she KNEW was protected by armed police…

Continuing to do so when her own rioter buddies were yelling GUN GUN!!!

She fucked around and found out.

Fuck her and fuck you
Interesting. So when the protesters breaching OTHER barricades...were they fired upon by the Police? Did the Police guarding the Senate chamber fire on protesters as they breached the doors there? Amazingly NO! Yet Officer Michael Byrd takes it upon himself to shoot Ashli Babbitt? Why didn't someone shoot her long before then if the rationale is that she might have a bomb in her back pack? Or is that simply an excuse given by Byrd after the fact to try to explain WHY he shot an unarmed woman?
Not there to hurt members of Congress?

The cries of NANNNNNCY !! and Hang Mike Pence ! Notwithstanding huh?
Tell me the last time that "words" hurt someone, Lesh! Tell me a single instance of protesters hurting someone once they were inside of the Capital building!
Tell me the last time that "words" hurt someone, Lesh! Tell me a single instance of protesters hurting someone once they were inside of the Capital building!
When those words are accompanied by violent ACTION ...they need to be taken seriously
Interesting. So when the protesters breaching OTHER barricades...were they fired upon by the Police?
NO. And they broke THROUGH those barricades...didn't they..

This was one barricade that police determined would NOT be breached...and it wasn't
What this idiot is trying to say is something like this.

Yes I just broke into this bank and attacked numerous police...but I won't hurt any other police if you just get out of the way and let me into the vault "peacefully".

Friggin idiot
So why were NONE of Byrd's words captured on ANY of the audio recordings, Faun? Not a single one. You can hear everything else but amazingly you can't hear him? Maybe his words are "magic words" that don't show up on recordings that record every one else's words?

Oh man, HA!

Thanks for that.

They couldn't open that door??

What's really sad is that if he'd simply allowed those protesters to breach that door and then break down the next door all they would have found was an empty chamber! Not only was the "bulk" of the House not in that chamber...the last few were in the process of being escorted out as Byrd fired his shot.

False. They would not have found an empty chamber. They would have found a chamber with some lawmakers and staff still inside.

That means they would have had to finish breaking through the first door and then break through a second door before gaining access to the House chamber...plenty of time for the last few members to be removed! So Byrd assassinated an unarmed protester for ZERO reason...something that he knows and will have to live with!

Bullshit. At thd moment Byrd pulled the trigger, there were still somd members of Congress and staff members still inside the House chamber. Byrd did his job protecting them.
I hate to point out the PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, Marener but if a command wasn't loud enough to be heard on ANY of the numerous audio recordings from that day it wasn't spoken loud enough to count for anything! If you whisper "Stop Police" and then shoot a fleeing felon they take away your badge and charge you with manslaughter! Byrd's claim that he issued a command to stop before he opened fire on an unarmed person is nothing more than him trying to save his ass!

Thomas Baranyi heard the warnings and he was standing right next to Ashes Targetpractice.
So why were NONE of Byrd's words captured on ANY of the audio recordings, Faun? Not a single one. You can hear everything else but amazingly you can't hear him? Maybe his words are "magic words" that don't show up on recordings that record every one else's words?

You got caught lying again, con. You claimed Baranyi said he tried to pull her back when he said no such thing. How come you can't argue this without propping your position up with bullshit?

As far as why we don't hear warnings on videos, I already showed you a video where some things were not heard; but were audible on another video taken just feet away.
What "insane wailing" would that be? Oh, you mean when they started screaming "Gun...Gun...Gun!" as Byrd stepped out and assassinated Babbitt? That's all of a few seconds, Marener. So according to you...Byrd was issuing his "command" about a second before he pulled the trigger? So even if Babbitt had wanted to obey his "magic" command that nobody heard and which didn't show up on any audio recordings from that day...she wouldn't have had time to react...would she?

How come Ashes Targetpractice didn't back the fuck up when she heard, "he's got a gun!!"
And yet amazingly enough...you can't hear Byrd utter a single word...because as we've now discovered...his words are "magic words" that can be heard by one person but not by anyone else or recorded on any of the multiple cell phones shooting the scene! You really going with that, Lesh? Is that the best that you've got?

You're lying again, con. Thomas Baranyi heard thd warnings. They weren't magic.

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