NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

Keep on presenting your case, Marener. With each post you make Byrd look like more of a coward than before!
People on the left side of the door saw the gun, Lesh! It was right in front of them. They were the ones yelling "Gun!" People on the right side of the doors most likely never DID see the gun because it would have been off to their left! You know...like Faun already admitted? Duh?
At the very least you understand that people just feet away from Ashes Babbitt we’re yelling GUN GUN!!
And the kicker is that the guy who was standing right behind Ashes said HE heard Byrd command her to stop.

And HE thought the shooting was unjustified (being a fellow MAGArat)
At the very least you understand that people just feet away from Ashes Babbitt we’re yelling GUN GUN!!
I've always understood that because I actually looked at all of the video that was taken of that shooting and I know where Byrd was and where Babbitt was. The people shouting "Gun" were on the left side of the doors...where Byrd emerged from hiding with his gun in firing position! People on the right side of the doors wouldn't have seen him coming...something that Faun was honest enough to admit! Perhaps you and Marener should "huddle" with him and get your talking points down?
I've always understood that because I actually looked at all of the video that was taken of that shooting and I know where Byrd was and where Babbitt was. The people shouting "Gun" were on the left side of the doors...where Byrd emerged from hiding with his gun in firing position! People on the right side of the doors wouldn't have seen him coming...something that Faun was honest enough to admit! Perhaps you and Marener should "huddle" with him and get your talking points down?
But they would have heard the shouts of GUN!
And the kicker is that the guy who was standing right behind Ashes said HE heard Byrd command her to stop.

And HE thought the shooting was unjustified (being a fellow MAGArat)
And yet amazingly enough...you can't hear Byrd utter a single word...because as we've now discovered...his words are "magic words" that can be heard by one person but not by anyone else or recorded on any of the multiple cell phones shooting the scene! You really going with that, Lesh? Is that the best that you've got?
Oh and Byrd wasn’t “hiding” He was positioned on that end of the barricade.
And yet amazingly enough...you can't hear Byrd utter a single word...because as we've now discovered...his words are "magic words" that can be heard by one person but not by anyone else or recorded on any of the multiple cell phones shooting the scene! You really going with that, Lesh? Is that the best that you've got?
Again. YOU admit that shouts of GUN GUN could be heard and were ignored
Oh and Byrd wasn’t “hiding” He was positioned on that end of the barricade.
Oh, he wasn't "hiding" but he was out of sight to the left of the doors? How pray tell is that different than hiding, Lesh? You can't see Byrd through those doors until he steps out to take his shot. You can't see him on any of the videos shot that day! That's hiding, my friend.
Oh, he wasn't "hiding" but he was out of sight to the left of the doors? How pray tell is that different than hiding, Lesh? You can't see Byrd through those doors until he steps out to take his shot. You can't see him on any of the videos shot that day! That's hiding, my friend.
It’s only hiding because YOU want to make it sound nefarious

That was where he was positioned
So here's an actual example of true, mortality inducing violence on that day like no other since Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, and September 11th.

This is old news, and I can't believe NBC hasn't taken it down.

But after posting it on various Jan. 6th threads and receiving no response, I figured it deserves its own safe space.

I'm sure all the Leftists here who are so concerned about justice and the truth will immediately begin to at least question the pre-conceived notions of the Pelosi/Cheney Jan. 6th kangaroo court.

After all, Democracy Dies In Darkness.

Maybe in her next life she won't be stupid enough to join in an assault upon the US Capitol and the US Congress while it was in the midst of its Constitutional duty to formally certify a presidential election and transfer power peacefully... her death lies squarely upon the shoulders of the Purveyor of the Big Election Lie.

Not that it matters a bit... that slimy kokksukker uses people and thinks they're gullible-but-useful trailer-trash who can serve as Dumb-Muscle-on-Command.
And I'm not trying to make it sound "nefarious"...I'm pointing out how cowardly it is to step out of hiding and shoot someone without warning...something that would most likely get any OTHER Police Officer fired from their job!
Maybe in her next life she won't be stupid enough to join in an assault upon the US Capitol and the US Congress while it was in the midst of its Constitutional duty to formally certify a presidential election and transfer power peacefully... her death lies squarely upon the shoulders of the Purveyor of the Big Election Lie.
I'm curious, Kondor. Let's say Officer Byrd doesn't shoot Babbitt? What happens at that point? The House Chamber has now been evacuated. If the protesters break through that doorway and then through the next doorway...what exactly is it that they're going to do? What is going to be any different than what took place in the Senate Chamber? They're there to stop the certification process and they've succeeded. What happens next? What happened in the Senate Chamber?
And I'm not trying to make it sound "nefarious"...I'm pointing out how cowardly it is to step out of hiding and shoot someone without warning...something that would most likely get any OTHER Police Officer fired from their job!
Get the fuck outta here.

Any other policeman … yells stop and if the movement is not immediately stopped… he fires

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