NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

Gee, if only the Democrats in charge of security for that day hadn't turned down Trump's offer of National Guard troops there never would have been a freaking riot! Duh?
You're delusional.
If the orange traitor, wanted the National Guard at the capitol, they would have been there.

So, why would the retard request the NG anyway?
Never called out the NG for ANY of his pity rallies.
Was Trump EXPECTING "something"?
Ashley Babbit was an unarmed protester shot and killed by police because she was not heeding their commands and represented a threat to them. Normally, the Left would torch a city, loot its businesses, and beat innocent bystanders and call for defunding the police over this. Instead, the Left lauded the police.

I try and be fair and judge every situation based upon its own individual circumstances filtered through what is reasonable.

Few people have written more about police reform or misconduct here than I have. To that end let me say this. If it was a home the shooting would be absolutely justified. The crowd was trying to break down the doors to gain entrance to where they had no business being. If someone was breaking down your door, if they were armed or not, and you shot them I’d have no real issue with it.

If it was a crowd, I’d especially have no issue if you were alone and they knew you were armed and kept coming anyway.

This wasn’t a home. It was our Nations Capital. The Cop was pulling a Horacio on the Bridge. He was alone holding the last line before the people he was defending. The crowd had to see the gun pointing at them. I have no doubt that he was shouting commands for them to stop, back off, leave the area.

But let’s play this out. This crowd, breaking windows, breaking down the doors, do you expect me to believe that they meant the cop no harm?

Babbit wasn’t shot holding her hands up. She wasn’t shot fleeing the area. She wasn’t shot in a situation where it was multiple cops and one suspect. Or even one cop and one suspect. In those cases, when the police can control the Suspect using other means. Sure. I’ll question it. But one versus dozens? Nope.

The closest you can come is the St. Louis Lawyers. There I argued it was dumb legally. They were brandishing their firearms which is a crime. I argued it was dumb Tactically. They went out to where they had no cover and no additional ammunition. It was far smarter to stay in the house where you have cover and additional support.

They may be lawyers. But they were incredibly dumb. If you have to set up for an Alamo, don’t go out and think showing the bang stick is going to scare the crowd.

I think this is bullshit from the Right. If you were at your job and a crowd was trying to break in. You would empty your weapon and reload before firing some more. So don’t pretend that if you were that cop you would just stand there and let them reach you.
You're delusional.
If the orange traitor, wanted the National Guard at the capitol, they would have been there.

So, why would the retard request the NG anyway?
Never called out the NG for ANY of his pity rallies.
Was Trump EXPECTING "something"?
Of course he was expecting something! Any rational person would have. It's why he offered the National Guard. A better question would be why was that offer turned down given what being heard about potentially massive protest?
I try and be fair and judge every situation based upon its own individual circumstances filtered through what is reasonable.

Few people have written more about police reform or misconduct here than I have. To that end let me say this. If it was a home the shooting would be absolutely justified. The crowd was trying to break down the doors to gain entrance to where they had no business being. If someone was breaking down your door, if they were armed or not, and you shot them I’d have no real issue with it.

If it was a crowd, I’d especially have no issue if you were alone and they knew you were armed and kept coming anyway.

This wasn’t a home. It was our Nations Capital. The Cop was pulling a Horacio on the Bridge. He was alone holding the last line before the people he was defending. The crowd had to see the gun pointing at them. I have no doubt that he was shouting commands for them to stop, back off, leave the area.

But let’s play this out. This crowd, breaking windows, breaking down the doors, do you expect me to believe that they meant the cop no harm?

Babbit wasn’t shot holding her hands up. She wasn’t shot fleeing the area. She wasn’t shot in a situation where it was multiple cops and one suspect. Or even one cop and one suspect. In those cases, when the police can control the Suspect using other means. Sure. I’ll question it. But one versus dozens? Nope.

The closest you can come is the St. Louis Lawyers. There I argued it was dumb legally. They were brandishing their firearms which is a crime. I argued it was dumb Tactically. They went out to where they had no cover and no additional ammunition. It was far smarter to stay in the house where you have cover and additional support.

They may be lawyers. But they were incredibly dumb. If you have to set up for an Alamo, don’t go out and think showing the bang stick is going to scare the crowd.

I think this is bullshit from the Right. If you were at your job and a crowd was trying to break in. You would empty your weapon and reload before firing some more. So don’t pretend that if you were that cop you would just stand there and let them reach you.
You have no doubt that he was shouting commands for them to back off? You obviously never listened to audio on the videos taken that day then because he doesn't say a word before he steps out of hiding and fires. The only thing you can hear are protesters yelling that someone has a gun and then the shot that kills Babbitt! That Police officer is the ONLY law enforcement person at the Capital that day to use deadly force and he used it against someone that was unarmed and wasn't attacking him! Giving that coward a medal disgusts me!
Of course he was expecting something! Any rational person would have.
Why was Trump expecting anything different than the rest of the pity rallies he has held?
It's why he offered the National Guard. A better question would be why was that offer turned down
No, a better question is how does ANYONE turn down a request by a president?
People don't, Trump and his cult are LYING, the request was NEVER made.
given what being heard about potentially massive protest?
Yep. The OP did nothing but prove the shot was justified.

Are you kidding?

What exactly did she DO?

The cop was on the other side of the friggin' door for chrissake. She presented no imminent threat whatsoever to anyone, and that is an objective fact.

You're not being honest, you're simply defending your original position, which has ossified over the last two years based on mindless propaganda.

If only Ashley had black skin - or progressive politics - the news would tell you to see it a different way entirely - and of course, you would.
I try and be fair and judge every situation based upon its own individual circumstances filtered through what is reasonable.

Few people have written more about police reform or misconduct here than I have. To that end let me say this. If it was a home the shooting would be absolutely justified. The crowd was trying to break down the doors to gain entrance to where they had no business being. If someone was breaking down your door, if they were armed or not, and you shot them I’d have no real issue with it.

If it was a crowd, I’d especially have no issue if you were alone and they knew you were armed and kept coming anyway.

This wasn’t a home. It was our Nations Capital. The Cop was pulling a Horacio on the Bridge. He was alone holding the last line before the people he was defending. The crowd had to see the gun pointing at them. I have no doubt that he was shouting commands for them to stop, back off, leave the area.

But let’s play this out. This crowd, breaking windows, breaking down the doors, do you expect me to believe that they meant the cop no harm?

Babbit wasn’t shot holding her hands up. She wasn’t shot fleeing the area. She wasn’t shot in a situation where it was multiple cops and one suspect. Or even one cop and one suspect. In those cases, when the police can control the Suspect using other means. Sure. I’ll question it. But one versus dozens? Nope.

The closest you can come is the St. Louis Lawyers. There I argued it was dumb legally. They were brandishing their firearms which is a crime. I argued it was dumb Tactically. They went out to where they had no cover and no additional ammunition. It was far smarter to stay in the house where you have cover and additional support.

They may be lawyers. But they were incredibly dumb. If you have to set up for an Alamo, don’t go out and think showing the bang stick is going to scare the crowd.

I think this is bullshit from the Right. If you were at your job and a crowd was trying to break in. You would empty your weapon and reload before firing some more. So don’t pretend that if you were that cop you would just stand there and let them reach you.

Please show me in any police policy manual where "encouragement les autres" is a valid justification for lethal force.

If that's the case local PD's could just start spraying and praying when confronted by protesters that outnumber them.
Are you kidding?

What exactly did she DO?

The cop was on the other side of the friggin' door for chrissake. She presented no imminent threat whatsoever to anyone, and that is an objective fact.

You're not being honest, you're simply defending your original position, which has ossified over the last two years based on mindless propaganda.

If only Ashley had black skin - or progressive politics - the news would tell you to see it a different way entirely - and of course, you would.

She was climbing through the window of a barricaded door that her fellow mob member just busted out. Had she made it through she would have opened the door for the whole mob that was chanting for the death of the people being protected behind that door.

If she was climbing through a window at my house the exact same thing would have happened to her.
“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” McConnell said. “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.”
It wasn't a request...it was an offer and that offer was turned down. Why?
No, it wasn't an "offer".

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg said last week that former President Donald Trump did in fact request National Guard troops be deployed in Washington D.C. before the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Kellogg said he was present at the time of Trump’s request, and Congress should release his testimony to the public.

Trump has repeatedly claimed he requested National Guard troops be activated in D.C. to provide security as he called on supporters to gather in D.C. to protest the certification of the 2020 election results for Joe Biden. Trump’s claim has been substantiated by members of his administration, but rejected by some members of Congress.
Gee, if only the Democrats in charge of security for that day hadn't turned down Trump's offer of National Guard troops there never would have been a freaking riot! Duh?

Gee, if only F0X didn't lie to you about everything. No such offer was ever made.

If https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-235651652542n
I thought republicans always say they want rioters and vandals to be shot.
And I thought Democrats always say that protesters...even violent ones...shouldn't be shot?

Ashli Babbitt hadn't assaulted Michael Byrd. She wasn't engaged in arson. Her "crime" was that she was attempting to stop the certification of an election that she viewed as fraudulent. The truth is that no politician was harmed in any way by the people who entered the Capital building and very little damage was done inside of the Capital by the protesters. Yet those protesters who simply entered the building are being put in prisons with long sentences because they were there. Not because they did something violent to a member of Congress or the Police but simply because they entered the building. Contrast that with how liberal protesters had been treated across the nation even when they assaulted Police and burned government buildings. How many of THEM received long jail sentences?
And I thought Democrats always say that protesters...even violent ones...shouldn't be shot?

Ashli Babbitt hadn't assaulted Michael Byrd. She wasn't engaged in arson. Her "crime" was that she was attempting to stop the certification of an election that she viewed as fraudulent. The truth is that no politician was harmed in any way by the people who entered the Capital building and very little damage was done inside of the Capital by the protesters. Yet those protesters who simply entered the building are being put in prisons with long sentences because they were there. Not because they did something violent to a member of Congress or the Police but simply because they entered the building. Contrast that with how liberal protesters had been treated across the nation even when they assaulted Police and burned government buildings. How many of THEM received long jail sentences?
I'm not a democrat.

I'm not a republican either

Does that confuse you?
Are you kidding?

What exactly did she DO?

The cop was on the other side of the friggin' door for chrissake. She presented no imminent threat whatsoever to anyone, and that is an objective fact.

You're not being honest, you're simply defending your original position, which has ossified over the last two years based on mindless propaganda.

If only Ashley had black skin - or progressive politics - the news would tell you to see it a different way entirely - and of course, you would.

She broke in and was attacking and breaking down the doors. The stupid bitch should have stayed at home.

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