NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

When did Babbitt ever "attack" that officer?
He said THEM.... Them as in the senators and Congressmen he was hired to protect, that she and rioters were trying to get to, by bashing in windows, one that she mindlessly and sadly.... crawled through. :(
Gee, if only F0X didn't lie to you about everything. No such offer was ever made.

If https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-235651652542n
I suggest you read things before you cite them, Dragonlady! That article doesn't state that the offer wasn't made...it simply states that the people that turned down the offer was not Pelosi but rather the Sgt. at Arms of the Capital who reports to Pelosi. The offer WAS made and the offer WAS refused!
The truth is that no politician was harmed in any way by the people who entered the Capital building
That’s because members of Congress were protected by Capitol police, one of whom used lethal force to do so.
She was climbing through the window of a barricaded door that her fellow mob member just busted out. Had she made it through she would have opened the door for the whole mob that was chanting for the death of the people being protected behind that door.

If she was climbing through a window at my house the exact same thing would have happened to her.

Police deadly force rules are different than self defense deadly force rules.

Show me where "encouragement les autres" is a viable reason for use of lethal force in a police manual of procedures.
He said THEM.... Them as in the senators and Congressmen he was hired to protect, that she and rioters were trying to get to, by bashing in windows, one that she mindlessly and sadly.... crawled through. :(
So share with us exactly how many Senators or Congressmen were attacked in any way by even a single protester, Care? Do we assassinate people for breaking windows?
Hell, I've had the whole deck thrown down on me, including the Russian card, race card, sexist card, homophobe card, bigot card, nazi card, mean-spirited card, deplorable card, incel card, klan card, and the other 42 cards in the deck.

I should get an award for being such a bad person. :04:
Here's your award. :fu:
She broke in and was attacking and breaking down the doors. The stupid bitch should have stayed at home.
No, she was not breaking down doors. She was trying to stop an Antifa goon from breaking the window with a helmet. The guy turned around and swung at her. There's video of it.
Only one, and the first person to reach her after she was shot was another cop.

That is because the rest of the mob ran away like cockroaches after the shot. Shows what a bunch of fucking cowards they are
Police deadly force rules are different than self defense deadly force rules.

Show me where "encouragement les autres" is a viable reason for use of lethal force in a police manual of procedures.

Deadly force is authorized to protect the lives of others.
I'm not a democrat.

I'm not a republican either

Does that confuse you?
Your belief that Babbitt deserved to be shot is what confuses me, Blues Man. Why did that have to happen? Why did that officer feel the need to employ deadly force on an unarmed female protester at that moment when hundreds of other law enforcement officers did not even when they were being physically attacked?
They moved out of the way, didn't run away. I said the closest, not all of them.

Yes, because worrying a trigger happy cop is going to shoot you next is being a coward......

They ran like the fucking cowards they are

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