NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

Gee, if only President Snowflake hadn't sat around jerking off for three hours instead of sending help and/or calling off the mob. If only he had not chosen instead to stoke the mob, siccing them on his Vice President.

Ashli Babbitt and all those other dead people would be alive today.

No matter how much bullshit and smoke you tards excrete, you cannot evade this simple fact.
Gee, if only the Democrats in charge of security for that day hadn't turned down Trump's offer of National Guard troops there never would have been a freaking riot! Duh?
Gee, if only the Democrats in charge of security for that day hadn't turned down Trump's offer of National Guard troops there never would have been a freaking riot! Duh?
So the guy who instigated the riot in the first place offered troops to contain the rioters that same guy whipped into a frenzy, and then did nothing to stop them. Were you ever in the Olympics?
Reality is that Floyd had enough drugs in him to cause his lungs to not work. He was complaining about not being able to breathe BEFORE he was taken to the ground by the Police! That verdict was unjust.
Medical examiner ruled it a homicide. Your opinion on it being unjust is your problem. Reality disagrees with you.

Can I get you a tissue?
Gee, if only the Democrats in charge of security for that day hadn't turned down Trump's offer of National Guard troops there never would have been a freaking riot! Duh?

If only Democrats,tbe FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local police had not FAILED in their reposibility to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol.

Again, it took 72 hours to put up 1.7 miles of security fencing around the WH to successfully protect the WH. These people had MONTHS to prepare and still FAILED in their job.
So here's an actual example of true, mortality inducing violence on that day like no other since Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, and September 11th.

My god, not only was it a totally pointless action, that poor girl was barely up to the glass when that pig shot her dead. It was murder, deliberate, premeditated, no way in self-defense, had he wanted to scare people back from coming through the door, he could have shot seconds before this into the ceiling especially as others had already noted the gun. Instead, he waited until he had a clear, direct, deliberate target of human flesh in his sights to shoot and he did not care that it was a defenseless woman, a vet who had served her country far more than he ever did, with the express intent of seeing someone die that day.
My god, not only was it a totally pointless action, that poor girl was barely up to the glass when that pig shot her dead. It was murder, deliberate, premeditated, no way in self-defense, had he wanted to scare people back from coming through the door, he could have shot seconds before this into the ceiling especially as others had already noted the gun. Instead, he waited until he had a clear, direct, deliberate target of human flesh in his sights to shoot and he did not care that it was a defenseless woman, a vet who had served her country far more than he ever did, with the express intent of seeing someone die that day.

Conservatives had to / have to be taught a lesson about what happens when you challenge criminal, treasonous, authoritarian Democrats.
So the guy who instigated the riot in the first place offered troops to contain the rioters that same guy whipped into a frenzy, and then did nothing to stop them. Were you ever in the Olympics?
When was it that Trump instigated a riot? He told people at his rally to protest peacefully. He offered the National Guard so a riot wouldn't happen. You're a bit confused. I attribute that to watching too much CNN?
According to the autopsy report, it was a homicide. Sucks for you huh?
The autopsy report showed that Floyd had heart problems, Covid and he was high as a kite on a drug that stops your breathing if you take too much...which he did! The "homicide" ruling was bowing to public pressure!
One less ugly woman to look at IMO.

Wanna try again?

But how easily you are baited into revealing your true inner SEXIST, MISOGYNIST nature.
Just to make sure I understand. Rittenhouse is a hero for going where he had no Goddamned business being, with a weapon he had no goddamned business possessing, for standing up single handed and standing up to rioters.

The cop is a murderer for being where he was supposed to be, with a weapon he is supposed to have, doing a job he was hired to do, and standing alone against rioters.

Got it.
So here's an actual example of true, mortality inducing violence on that day like no other since Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, and September 11th.

This is old news, and I can't believe NBC hasn't taken it down.

But after posting it on various Jan. 6th threads and receiving no response, I figured it deserves its own safe space.

I'm sure all the Leftists here who are so concerned about justice and the truth will immediately begin to at least question the pre-conceived notions of the Pelosi/Cheney Jan. 6th kangaroo court.

After all, Democracy Dies In Darkness.

Wait, weren’t the “tourists” escorted in by the Capitol police?

Isn’t that what Tucker Carlson said? Here you have the “tourists” breaking in.

Gasp! Was Tucker lying?
Ashley Babbit was an unarmed protester shot and killed by police because she was not heeding their commands and represented a threat to them. Normally, the Left would torch a city, loot its businesses, and beat innocent bystanders and call for defunding the police over this. Instead, the Left lauded the police.

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