NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

Unless someone was climbing through the window of the locked door at the same time she was; there was no danger of the police officer hitting anyone else.

I hope they billed her family for the bullet.
Trust me…her white family has paid far more than the cost of a bullet to negroes….all legit people have.
So you’re fine with Chauvin going to jail and Byrd receiving a medal. Sounds good, we agree on that.
Like I said….you jungle people rape and kill us all day every day….it’s what you do, it’s in your DNA….you can’t help it….this shit is no revelation. Lincoln fucked us all up our ass with an 8’ broom stick for life.
Gee, if only President Snowflake hadn't sat around jerking off for three hours instead of sending help and/or calling off the mob. If only he had not chosen instead to stoke the mob, siccing them on his Vice President.

Ashli Babbitt and all those other dead people would be alive today.

No matter how much bullshit and smoke you tards excrete, you cannot evade this simple fact.
So here's an actual example of true, mortality inducing violence on that day like no other since Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, and September 11th.

This is old news, and I can't believe NBC hasn't taken it down.

But after posting it on various Jan. 6th threads and receiving no response, I figured it deserves its own safe space.

I'm sure all the Leftists here who are so concerned about justice and the truth will immediately begin to at least question the pre-conceived notions of the Pelosi/Cheney Jan. 6th kangaroo court.

After all, Democracy Dies In Darkness.

Literally MILLIONS of dollars in damage from looting, rioting, burning, domestic terrorism, more attacks on and attempted murder of police than on J6, murderers (and FAR FEWER arrests / convictions) ALL OVER THE COUNTRY because of 'excessive use of force' against a career criminal crackhead resulted in his death.


But an unarmed white female US veteran is murdered due to 'excessive force', a point-blank shooting ('assassination') from an armed security member, and suddenly the same Democrats who defended and encouraged more BLM / Antifa violence in the name of George Floyd are declaring, 'this 'criminal white girl' deserved it / had it coming'.

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Medical examiner disagrees with you.

You guys were saying something about reality?
According to the report, Floyd's death had been caused by the "combined effects of Mr Floyd's being restrained by police, underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system".

Reality is that Floyd had enough drugs in him to cause his lungs to not work. He was complaining about not being able to breathe BEFORE he was taken to the ground by the Police! That verdict was unjust. He resisted arrest. Was taken to the ground which is common procedure. I don't expect Police to be medical experts. That jury did. But that verdict was always more about satisfying the liberal mob than justice!

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