NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

Your belief that Babbitt deserved to be shot is what confuses me, Blues Man. Why did that have to happen? Why did that officer feel the need to employ deadly force on an unarmed female protester at that moment when hundreds of other law enforcement officers did not even when they were being physically attacked?
Where did I say she deserved to be shot?

Please quote the post and when you can't find where where I did say that will you have the integrity to admit you just lied about what I said?

Somehow I doubt it.

And FYI there is a difference between a protester and a rioter and vandal.
She was climbing through the window of a barricaded door that her fellow mob member just busted out.
No, dumbass! She was trying to stop the guy from breaking the window with a helmet. He was an Antifa goon. He turned around and swung at her. There's video of it. She wasn't affiliated with him. The crowd swelled behind her and she decided to go through the door window to get away. The murderous negro cowardly officer decided to fire point blank and kill her.
And I thought Democrats always say that protesters...even violent ones...shouldn't be shot?

Ashli Babbitt hadn't assaulted Michael Byrd. She wasn't engaged in arson. Her "crime" was that she was attempting to stop the certification of an election that she viewed as fraudulent.
With violent thugs breaking windows and doors.
Just so happens Babbitt was the first one that went through the opening and deservedly, got shot.
The truth is that no politician was harmed in any way by the people who entered the Capital building and very little damage was done inside of the Capital by the protesters. Yet those protesters who simply entered the building are being put in prisons with long sentences because they were there.
YES, when they weren't supposed to be.
Very little damage?

www.reuters.com › legal › governmentAttack on U.S. Capitol caused $1.5 million in damage ...

Jun 3, 2021 · WASHINGTON, June 3 (Reuters) - Federal prosecutors on Wednesday said the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol caused $1.5 million in damages and indicated that individuals accused...
Not because they did something violent to a member of Congress or the Police but simply because they entered the building.

Contrast that with how liberal protesters had been treated across the nation even when they assaulted Police and burned government buildings. How many of THEM received long jail sentences?

Big difference.

Rob a convenience store and assault the clerk.
Then walk into any bank and demand $1.
A mob of people chanting for the death of the people you are protecting trying to climb through a door is an immediate threat

So police officers in general can whip out their MP5's and start spraying and praying when a mob starts chanting death to X?
No, dumbass! She was trying to stop the guy from breaking the window with a helmet. He was an Antifa goon. He turned around and swung at her. There's video of it. She wasn't affiliated with him. The crowd swelled behind her and she decided to go through the door window to get away. The murderous negro cowardly officer decided to fire point blank and kill her.

What color is the sky in the fantasy world you live in?
She broke in and was attacking and breaking down the doors. The stupid bitch should have stayed at home.
She wasn't a bitch Dragonlady.... She likely was a confused and brainwashed individual, by the full court press of the rightwing media conglomerate who works in unison, repeating the lies, 24/7 bombardment with Trump at the top...

On to all of their listeners and through algorithms on social media pushing fake stories in to viral mode, day in and day out.... repetition is brainwashing..... Much like the methods Cults develop to lock in their flock. She and some if not most other Trumpers imo, are victims....

Of course Trumpers don't want to hear that... Cuz....they've been Cultified.... And I'm hated for even thinking that.... But it's what I see...
With violent thugs breaking windows and doors.
Just so happens Babbitt was the first one that went through the opening and deservedly, got shot.

YES, when they weren't supposed to be.
Very little damage?

www.reuters.com › legal › governmentAttack on U.S. Capitol caused $1.5 million in damage ...

Jun 3, 2021 · WASHINGTON, June 3 (Reuters) - Federal prosecutors on Wednesday said the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol caused $1.5 million in damages and indicated that individuals accused...
Not because they did something violent to a member of Congress or the Police but simply because they entered the building.

Contrast that with how liberal protesters had been treated across the nation even when they assaulted Police and burned government buildings. How many of THEM received long jail sentences?

Big difference.

Rob a convenience store and assault the clerk.
Then walk into any bank and demand $1.
So those protesters are in prison because they caused property damage? So why aren't liberal protesters that caused FAR MORE damage then what took place that single day sitting in prisons right now?
She wasn't a bitch Dragonlady.... She likely was a confused and brainwashed individual, by the full court press of the rightwing media conglomerate who works in unison, repeating the lies, 24/7 bombardment with Trump at the top...

all of their listeners and through algorithms on social media pushing fake stories in to viral mode, day in and day out.... repetition is brainwashing..... Much like the methods Cults develop to lock in their flock. She and some if not most other Trumpers imo, are victims....

Of course Trumpers don't want to hear that... Cuz....they've been Cultified.... And I'm hated for even thinking that.... But its what I see...


What a fucking narcissist.
I try and be fair and judge every situation based upon its own individual circumstances filtered through what is reasonable.

Few people have written more about police reform or misconduct here than I have. To that end let me say this. If it was a home the shooting would be absolutely justified. The crowd was trying to break down the doors to gain entrance to where they had no business being. If someone was breaking down your door, if they were armed or not, and you shot them I’d have no real issue with it.

If it was a crowd, I’d especially have no issue if you were alone and they knew you were armed and kept coming anyway.

This wasn’t a home. It was our Nations Capital. The Cop was pulling a Horacio on the Bridge. He was alone holding the last line before the people he was defending. The crowd had to see the gun pointing at them. I have no doubt that he was shouting commands for them to stop, back off, leave the area.

But let’s play this out. This crowd, breaking windows, breaking down the doors, do you expect me to believe that they meant the cop no harm?

Babbit wasn’t shot holding her hands up. She wasn’t shot fleeing the area. She wasn’t shot in a situation where it was multiple cops and one suspect. Or even one cop and one suspect. In those cases, when the police can control the Suspect using other means. Sure. I’ll question it. But one versus dozens? Nope.

The closest you can come is the St. Louis Lawyers. There I argued it was dumb legally. They were brandishing their firearms which is a crime. I argued it was dumb Tactically. They went out to where they had no cover and no additional ammunition. It was far smarter to stay in the house where you have cover and additional support.

They may be lawyers. But they were incredibly dumb. If you have to set up for an Alamo, don’t go out and think showing the bang stick is going to scare the crowd.

I think this is bullshit from the Right. If you were at your job and a crowd was trying to break in. You would empty your weapon and reload before firing some more. So don’t pretend that if you were that cop you would just stand there and let them reach you.
Bullshit from the Right? I’m from the right and based on what I saw, she got shot because she was not heeding police commands and was a threat to law enforcement. No bullshit here….I’ve been consistent in Michael Brown and all of the other high profile unarmed suspect police shootings or cases where the police used force and the suspect died. The only bullshit is from the Left.
So those protesters are in prison because they caused property damage? So why aren't liberal protesters that caused FAR MORE damage then what took place that single day sitting in prisons right now?

The Shaman guy got 4 years and he didn't break a single thing.
Personally I would love to know the background and ID of the one guy who was shown really smacking the window around.

Do you agree with the person I responded to that Babbit was just trying to get away from the mob when she was climbing through the window?
Do you agree with the person I responded to that Babbit was just trying to get away from the mob when she was climbing through the window?

I don't know, I didn't see enough to make that call. Again, I want to know the background on the glass smash guy.

Name, political affiliations, etc.
Again, show me where "encouragement les autres" is valid policy deadly force use policy.
I don’t have to because that’s not what happened.

Babbitt was shot because she was going through that window presenting an immediate threat to lawmakers.

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