NBC now admitting that no assault weapons used at Sandy Hook. HANDGUNS ONLY

I mean just look at prison life. These guys are ALREADY convicted of violent crimes and many of them, WHILE LOCKED UP FOR IT, are STILL committing violent crimes inside there.

Deterrents only go so far. It's completely unfair to take firearms out of the hands of people who could use them for defense, because you think it's going to stop criminals from comitting crimes.

I'm absolutely not for banning all guns, I think an unarmed populace is a frightening prospect.

However, I feel regulations, and enhanced background checks that determine ones mental stability won't hurt anything more than people that get butt-hurt when gun-laws are created.
You can kill a bunch of people and not violate gun control laws. You didn't know that?

Wow, that was an incredibly stupid response.

I forgot to mention that you conveniently omitted portions of my post, for obvious beneficial reasons. :thup:

That single portion demonstrates that your entire set of thinking on this subject is so far blown out of the seas of reality and logic that nothing you say can have any bearing whatsoever. You really need to step back and take some private reflection on your stance on this whole thing because right now, you're on par for the likes of Willowtree and Truthmatters for how completely unintelligent you're being right now.

Get back to us when you can figure out why your response lacked any thoughtfulness whatsoever, and actually develop a realistic comprehension of what you were replying to in the first place.
Wow, that was an incredibly stupid response.

I forgot to mention that you conveniently omitted portions of my post, for obvious beneficial reasons. :thup:

That single portion demonstrates that your entire set of thinking on this subject is so far blown out of the seas of reality and logic that nothing you say can have any bearing whatsoever. You really need to step back and take some private reflection on your stance on this whole thing because right now, you're on par for the likes of Willowtree and Truthmatters for how completely unintelligent you're being right now.

Get back to us when you can figure out why your response lacked any thoughtfulness whatsoever, and actually develop a realistic comprehension of what you were replying to in the first place.

I'd take this more seriously from someone that didn't have an over-inflated sense of intellectual superiority. :thup:

Tell me again about how laws don't deter, ever. :lol:
I mean just look at prison life. These guys are ALREADY convicted of violent crimes and many of them, WHILE LOCKED UP FOR IT, are STILL committing violent crimes inside there

Of course they are. There is no deterrent. How to you punish a person incarcerated for life? Keep him incarcerated for 20 more years after death? That's something that alot of people don't understand, particularly the "let them suffer" crowd who complain that criminals have it "too easy" in prison. Prisons that have implemented reward systems have seen alot of success at reducing misbehavior problems amongst the inmate population. If you create an incentive for good behavior, you're more likely to get it. And then, the ability to take away that reward later for bad behavior provides a deterrent.
IMO, I am pretty sure that the kids were killed with handguns and the "assault rifle" remained in the trunk.

I think it's disgusting how this simple fact is ordered to be covered up. THAT is the disgusting part of this "investigation".
IMO, I am pretty sure that the kids were killed with handguns and the "assault rifle" remained in the trunk.

I think it's disgusting how this simple fact is ordered to be covered up. THAT is the disgusting part of this "investigation".

Who ordered it to be covered up?
I'd take this more seriously from someone that didn't have an over-inflated sense of intellectual superiority.

Actually, it's not over inflated. I was 8 years old when I was evaluated by a psychiatrist who found me to be "exceptionally gifted" which I later confirmed with another evaluation as an adult. In my case, rarity is about 10,000:1; at the 99.99 percentile.

So now, before you say something else that is very foolish, I suggest you take off the blinders and recognize that YOU are the one who needs to bring yourself down to reality, and open up your mind to recognize the flaws in the way you're thinking.
I mean just look at prison life. These guys are ALREADY convicted of violent crimes and many of them, WHILE LOCKED UP FOR IT, are STILL committing violent crimes inside there

Of course they are. There is no deterrent. How to you punish a person incarcerated for life? Keep him incarcerated for 20 more years after death? That's something that alot of people don't understand, particularly the "let them suffer" crowd who complain that criminals have it "too easy" in prison. Prisons that have implemented reward systems have seen alot of success at reducing misbehavior problems amongst the inmate population. If you create an incentive for good behavior, you're more likely to get it. And then, the ability to take away that reward later for bad behavior provides a deterrent.

The deterrent once in prison is GETTING OUT OF PRISON. A lot of these guys only have a couple years to do, or LESS.

Guys in for life already committed murder most likely, and proved that there is no deterrent for them. I'm talking about the criminals of lesser offenses.
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I'd take this more seriously from someone that didn't have an over-inflated sense of intellectual superiority.

Actually, it's not over inflated. I was 8 years old when I was evaluated by a psychiatrist who found me to be "exceptionally gifted" which I later confirmed with another evaluation as an adult. In my case, rarity is about 10,000:1; at the 99.99 percentile.

So now, before you say something else that is very foolish, I suggest you take off the blinders and recognize that YOU are the one who needs to bring yourself down to reality, and open up your mind to recognize the flaws in the way you're thinking.

Yeah.....you are exceptionally gifted. You should get a t-shirt made.
I'd take this more seriously from someone that didn't have an over-inflated sense of intellectual superiority.

Actually, it's not over inflated. I was 8 years old when I was evaluated by a psychiatrist who found me to be "exceptionally gifted" which I later confirmed with another evaluation as an adult. In my case, rarity is about 10,000:1; at the 99.99 percentile.

So now, before you say something else that is very foolish, I suggest you take off the blinders and recognize that YOU are the one who needs to bring yourself down to reality, and open up your mind to recognize the flaws in the way you're thinking.

:lmao: Good one.

I'm a Navy SEAL/cia secret agent/kung-fu master/ninja/super genius.
IMO, I am pretty sure that the kids were killed with handguns and the "assault rifle" remained in the trunk.

I think it's disgusting how this simple fact is ordered to be covered up. THAT is the disgusting part of this "investigation".

You are pretty sure.....in your opinion?
I'd take this more seriously from someone that didn't have an over-inflated sense of intellectual superiority.

Actually, it's not over inflated. I was 8 years old when I was evaluated by a psychiatrist who found me to be "exceptionally gifted" which I later confirmed with another evaluation as an adult. In my case, rarity is about 10,000:1; at the 99.99 percentile.

So now, before you say something else that is very foolish, I suggest you take off the blinders and recognize that YOU are the one who needs to bring yourself down to reality, and open up your mind to recognize the flaws in the way you're thinking.

:lmao: Good one.

I'm a Navy SEAL/cia secret agent/kung-fu master/ninja/super genius.

I went to a psychologist as a child, and attempted to put a square peg into a round hole, a task which eluded me until adulthood when I determined that it fit nicely into the square hole.

And that is why I am vastly more intelligent than 99.99999 percent of Righties on PH.

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