NBC now admitting that no assault weapons used at Sandy Hook. HANDGUNS ONLY

[The male reporters wore their erections to this meet Obama off the record pheromone laden press event
Betcha the females were in the throes of ecstasy as well. Definitely needed their extra strong, heavy duty anti perspirants there. And you thought the "All the news that's fit to print" newspaper was even handed. Silly you. Boy! Do I ever have a bridge to sell you.]

"Reporter: Journalists “Swooned” Over Obama When They Got To Meet Him, “Head Over Heels”…

Via Beltway Confidential:

Buzzfeed reporter Michael Hastings shares his curious relationship with the White House Press Corps in his new campaign e-book, “Panic 2012: The Sublime and Terrifying Inside Story of Obama’s Final Campaign.”

Hastings reveals that a reporter’s life on the trail is monotonous and difficult, save for a few sweet unscripted but always off-the-record moments.

One of those off-the-record moments was an event where President Obama joined reporters for drinks while the campaign was in Orlando, Fla., an event that Hastings partially details in the book.

“The behavior of the assembled press corps was telling. Everyone, myself included, swooned. Swooned! Head over heels. One or two might have even lost their minds,” Hastings writes, as each reporter had a chance to speak personally with the president. “We were all, on some level, deeply obsessed with Obama, crushing hard, still a little love there. This was nerd heaven, a politico’s paradise, the subject himself moving among us — shaking our hands, slapping our shoulders!”"

Reporter: Journalists ?Swooned? Over Obama When They Got To Meet Him, ?Head Over Heels?? | Weasel Zippers

"former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown said that he found the Democratic Party’s fortune in the last cycle not necessarily indicative of future success. Brown said that Democrats did not win races at the state-level in the numbers they should have and, in combination with Mitt Romney’s weak candidacy, the “cult of the personality” around Obama was more responsible for his victory than the Democratic Party’s appeal."

Former Dem Mayor Of San Francisco Admits ?Cult Of Personality? Around Obama Responsible For His Re-Election? | Weasel Zippers

[You gotta know this guy was wearing one at the event.]

"At what point does the media obsession and genuflecting to Emperor get to be a little much?

Via Poor Richards News:

This has got to be one of the strangest things I’ve read in a long time. One of CNN’s political corespondents began writing President Obama letters on his inauguration day and has written the President every day of his first term…all four years!

from CNN:

Inauguration Day will signal the culmination of an effort I launched on January 20, 2009, to write a letter to the White House every single day of Barack Obama’s first term.

And I do mean every day. Weekends, holidays, when he was on vacation, and when I was on vacation. I wrote in my office, at home, in moving airplanes, cars, trains and even while running through the woods. I wrote early in the morning, in the middle of the day and late at night."

Obsessive CNN ?Journalist? Tom Foreman Has Written To President Obama Every Day Since He Was Elected-1460 Letters! | Weasel Zippers

[After the next Civil War is over, there's going to have to be some sort of settling up with these guys]

"Not even articles breathlessly titled and subtitled:

“Go for the Throat! Why if he wants to transform American politics, Obama must declare war on the Republican Party.”

Not even articles that read:

”The president who came into office speaking in lofty terms about bipartisanship and cooperation can only cement his legacy if he destroys the GOP. If he wants to transform American politics, he must go for the throat. … Obama’s only remaining option is to pulverize. Whether he succeeds in passing legislation or not, given his ambitions, his goal should be to delegitimize his opponents. Through a series of clarifying fights over controversial issues, he can force Republicans to either side with their coalition’s most extreme elements or cause a rift in the party that will leave it, at least temporarily, in disarray.”"

CBS News Political Director: Obama Must ?Destroy? Republican Party | Weasel Zippers
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who knows what other lies are being spun.

NBC Admitted: No 'Assault Rifle' Used in Newtown Shooting Independent Journal Review

Well I dunno if I can trust your source LibertyLemming, the website I'm linking to below is pretty official looking and as of Friday, 1/18, at 3:00 PM they're saying...

** UPDATE ** State Police Identify Weapons in Sandy Hook Investigation


Department of Emergency Services &
Public Protection
Connecticut State Police
Public Information Office
1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, Connecticut 06457​
Reuben Bradford
CommissionerColonel Danny R. Stebbins
Deputy Commissioner
Division of State PoliceFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
January 18, 2013

** UPDATE **


In previous press conferences, the Connecticut State Police clearly identified all of the weapons seized from the crime scene at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
To eliminate any confusion or misinformation, we will again describe and identify the weapons seized at the school crime scene.

Seized inside the school:
#1. Bushmaster .223 caliber-- model XM15-E2S rifle with high capacity 30 round clips

#2. Glock 10 mm handgun

#3. Sig-Sauer P226 9mm handgun

Seized from suspect’s car in parking lot:

#4. Izhmash Canta-12 12 gauge Shotgun (seized from car in parking lot)

This case remains under investigation.
Lt. J. Paul Vance

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Geneva]Content Last Modified on 1/18/2013 3:00:40 PM[/FONT]

I gotta tell ya......if I were an idiot and started one of these bullshit threads......I would be too embarrassed to show up again. But these nutters don't seem capable of embarrassment.

who knows what other lies are being spun.

NBC Admitted: No 'Assault Rifle' Used in Newtown Shooting Independent Journal Review

The president already presented what he is going to do on the firearm issue and that didn't include a assault rifles ban, are you stupid?

He also said that the Middle Class was not going to see an increase in taxes during his election speeches and come January '13, America's Middle Class woke up to find they had LESS take-home pay. Que estupido

who knows what other lies are being spun.

NBC Admitted: No 'Assault Rifle' Used in Newtown Shooting Independent Journal Review

The president already presented what he is going to do on the firearm issue and that didn't include a assault rifles ban, are you stupid?

He also said that the Middle Class was not going to see an increase in taxes during his election speeches and come January '13, America's Middle Class woke up to find they had LESS take-home pay. Que estupido

OMG Obama didn't deliver every campaign promise he ever made. :ack-1:

What's that, like the first time its happened since the last administration?
I'd take this more seriously from someone that didn't have an over-inflated sense of intellectual superiority.

Actually, it's not over inflated. I was 8 years old when I was evaluated by a psychiatrist who found me to be "exceptionally gifted" which I later confirmed with another evaluation as an adult. In my case, rarity is about 10,000:1; at the 99.99 percentile.

So now, before you say something else that is very foolish, I suggest you take off the blinders and recognize that YOU are the one who needs to bring yourself down to reality, and open up your mind to recognize the flaws in the way you're thinking.
^^^What a fuckin' douchebag>>>
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYdwe3ArFWA]The Most Interesting Man In the World: People hang on his every word, even the prepositions - YouTube[/ame]

who knows what other lies are being spun.

NBC Admitted: No 'Assault Rifle' Used in Newtown Shooting Independent Journal Review

The president already presented what he is going to do on the firearm issue and that didn't include a assault rifles ban, are you stupid?

He also said that the Middle Class was not going to see an increase in taxes during his election speeches and come January '13, America's Middle Class woke up to find they had LESS take-home pay. Que estupido

Whenever righty's get caught trusting one of their own sources they;
A) Run and hide (preferred)
B) Change the subject
C) Apologize (never)

But what the heck, I'll bite on the subject change -- so LeftofLeft, do you think we should start a petition asking congress to relinquish their control of the purse-strings to President Obama?
I gotta tell ya......if I were an idiot and started one of these bullshit threads......I would be too embarrassed to show up again. But these nutters don't seem capable of embarrassment.

When one decides the end justifies the means a lie is a minor infraction in the world of the fringe.
^^^What a fuckin' douchebag

Never claimed not to be. :D But it's interesting.....Bob insulting me is not "being a douche bag." But me affirming a positive quality about myself....now that's douche bag. Sounds like a typical loser liberal. Can't stand the idea of people CAPABLE.
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You guys keep starting new threads over and over. It still won't make it true.
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^^^What a fuckin' douchebag

Never claimed not to be. :D But it's interesting.....Bob insulting me is not "being a douche bag." But me affirming a positive quality about myself....now that's douche bag. Sounds like a typical loser liberal. Can't stand the idea of people CAPABLE.

A genius would have completed that last sentence. Or...maybe you really are a genius and are performing a public service by forcing the rest of us to exercise our brains. Hmmmmmm.

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