NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

I don't know. I think she would be well read (she reads) and pretty up on things, before she even thought of running. She is intelligent and came from nothing and built a fortune. I think she'd care about the health of the country, health of the environment, health care for all, education more affordable, and inner city clean up.

As far as I know she was not a reality TV show actor, but I saw a movie she was in and she did a fine job acting, like a pro, and well she is one smart lady.

That's all cool n all, but she does NOT have enough bankruptcies to qualify so nope.
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"Clinton called Trump “totally unqualified,” while an op-ed from the New York Times editorial board, headlined “Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President,” pointed out that the GOP candidate “has no experience in national security.” Three days after the election, Vox ran a piece headlined, “Donald Trump is the only U.S. president ever with no political or military experience.”

Well, dear liberals and Democrats, guess what? President Winfrey would be the second such president. Is this really what most Americans want or what the United States government needs? Another clueless celebrity in possession of the nuclear codes? Another billionaire mogul who doesn’t like paying taxes in charge of the economy? And how would it be anything other than sheer hypocrisy for Democrats to offer an unqualified, inexperienced presidential candidate to the American electorate in 2020, given all that they said about Trump in 2016?

Granted, Oprah isn’t a raging narcissist or a racist bigot; she doesn’t have ties to white nationalists, isn’t accused of colluding with a foreign government, and hasn’t been caught on tape admitting to sexual assault. Oprah would be a far superior, smarter, and more stable president than Trump in every imaginable way. But that, of course, is a low, low bar".
- Source

All this talk about a president Oprah is rather stupid and once again proves that Americans across the board, are being dumbed down and are severely lacking in critical thinking skills. They are more captivated and moved by style or form, over substance. They like to be entertained, not challenged. They react with almost child-like emotional frenzy to short term stimuli without considering the long term ramifications.

Oprah is an admirable person with many good qualities but IS NOT, presidential material.
“Oprah Winfrey for President: Have We All Gone Bonkers?”

As likely has already been correctly noted: we already went bonkers when Trump was elected.

Only the Left. Most everyone else likes what they see so far.

Just who constitutes "everyone else"?

Those of sound mind with an understanding of American foundational thought.

I haven't seen anyone coming out of the right wing who has exhibited any of these qualities.

That's because you yourself have no clue concerning American foundational thought.

I would like to see more debates of the traditional style and/or "round table" discussions, with the participants coming prepared with a thorough knowledge of history, legal precedent, and generally accepted procedure. No name-callers who run from legitimate questions should be allowed.

Good luck. For most, this is coffee break entertainment, not an avocation.
Oprah Winfrey for President: Have We All Gone Bonkers?

"We" have not. "They" have.

This from the guy that voted for a game show host to be president.

Beats the drunken bag lady any day of the week.

Unfortunately, I cannot even disagree with that one. I can't belive our country is so fucked up that we were stuck choosing between gonorrhea or syphilis. Sadly, it will not be any better come 2020, or 2024, or 2028 because the zealots from both sides control the nomination process now and we will never have a sane, normal person get nominated again.
“Oprah Winfrey for President: Have We All Gone Bonkers?”

As likely has already been correctly noted: we already went bonkers when Trump was elected.

Only the Left. Most everyone else likes what they see so far.

Just who constitutes "everyone else"?

Those of sound mind with an understanding of American foundational thought.

I haven't seen anyone coming out of the right wing who has exhibited any of these qualities.

That's because you yourself have no clue concerning American foundational thought.

I would like to see more debates of the traditional style and/or "round table" discussions, with the participants coming prepared with a thorough knowledge of history, legal precedent, and generally accepted procedure. No name-callers who run from legitimate questions should be allowed.

Good luck. For most, this is coffee break entertainment, not an avocation.

The unfortunate thing is that the lack of this sort of discourse is what sent this country so off course. The future of this country is not merely "coffee break entertainment." These clowns are fooling around with a 3,000 mile-wide country in which over 300 people live, which has a very large nuclear capability and many problems with infrastructure and with social issues relating to the health and safety of our people. Calling people names like "libtard" and worse, things like the "c" and "n" words does not provide any intelligent or persuasive advocacy. They are just the emanations of a spoiled bunch of people with a very misguided, and unearned sense of entitlement.
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”

Oh brother... what dirt do you have on Oprah...Haaa Haaa...? Nothing!

Let's see....she brought women to see Harvey Weinstein and her academy for girls in Africa has had sex scandals. There may be more if we dig.
As for her personally, seeing Trump's face for four years will be bothersome, but that ugly cow's face in ours daily in the news for four years would be nauseating.
If the left wants to put up a black woman for president, they could at least pick one that's photogenic, perhaps, Halle Berry, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Mariah Carey, or Nikki Minaj.
any links to these nuggets from anything reputable?
Based on where we are right now, she makes sense. We're just going in a really, really, really weird direction right now.

Not really. We are just tired of politics as usual.

These guys get to Washington, they get nothing done, and you wonder why we embrace the "Celebrity" candidate?

If the rationale for electing Trump is valid, then the same would apply to WInfrey, who is far more personally successful and isn't a crazy person.
You’re a fucking moron for thinking so. She’s nothing but a human tabloid and exploiter of fucked up people, that’s how she got her start.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama
and this is the point. we're in a "revenge" mode and look where it's headed. we can keep up the hate and slams on "the other side" and it will continue. or we can come to our collective senses and find some common ground and pull away from the extremes.
Oprah has never even run a lemonade stand or run a popeyes restaurant, so how will she run the world?
makes you wonder how someone so ill equipped to live in this world could make billions on her own.
Just another hypocrite elite fraud. Winfrey was well-aware of Weinstein's crimes all along. Yet she did nothing. Playing the 'caring hero' now, is way too little too late.

It's easy to be SHOCKED AND APPALLED once everyone finds out that you LIKELY KNEW what was going on.

They are fucking frauds. They are not feminists. They are simply elite arrogant smug Democrats.

One of Weinstein’s accusers said that Oprah took her to Weinstein to have sex in exchange for stardom.

Posted in this thread with links already.

Harvey Weinstein and Oprah Winfrey are good friends, will that hurt her when she runs in 2020
Just another hypocrite elite fraud. Winfrey was well-aware of Weinstein's crimes all along. Yet she did nothing. Playing the 'caring hero' now, is way too little too late.

It's easy to be SHOCKED AND APPALLED once everyone finds out that you LIKELY KNEW what was going on.

They are fucking frauds. They are not feminists. They are simply elite arrogant smug Democrats.

One of Weinstein’s accusers said that Oprah took her to Weinstein to have sex in exchange for stardom.
It'll be in here somewhere www.infowars.com

No dumbass, it isn't.
Didn't one of Weinstein's accusers say that Oprah and Naomi Campbell were bringing young aspiring actresses to him for him to "make them a star" (have sex).


Oprah Just Wound Up In The Middle Of Harvey Weinstein's Sex Scandal

British Actress Kadian Noble: Harvey Weinstein Used Oprah and Naomi Campbell To Seduce Me!

The actress' name is Kadian Noble
Typical Limbaugh lie.
Oprah and Campbell NEVER brought Nobel or anyone else to Tramp's BFF Weinstein.

Limbaugh never said it, Nobel did. Suddenly now you liberals don't believe the woman? Hypocrite.
Based on where we are right now, she makes sense. We're just going in a really, really, really weird direction right now.

Not really. We are just tired of politics as usual.

These guys get to Washington, they get nothing done, and you wonder why we embrace the "Celebrity" candidate?

If the rationale for electing Trump is valid, then the same would apply to WInfrey, who is far more personally successful and isn't a crazy person.
You’re a fucking moron for thinking so. She’s nothing but a human tabloid and exploiter of fucked up people, that’s how she got her start.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama
and this is the point. we're in a "revenge" mode and look where it's headed. we can keep up the hate and slams on "the other side" and it will continue. or we can come to our collective senses and find some common ground and pull away from the extremes.

The Left has slipped too far off the graph for that. It has become downright bizarre.
One of Weinstein’s accusers said that Oprah took her to Weinstein to have sex in exchange for stardom.
That is a Limbaugh LIE.
What Nobel actually said was she ASSUMED Weinstein could help her after SEEING Oprah and Campbell with Weinstein at a London event. She never said Oprah took her to Weinstein, that is a lie fabricated by your lying scum MessiahRushie.

I don't listen to Rush, I have a job. Oprah and Naomi did introduced her.
The Trump campaign ad just writes itself....

If Weinstein ran as a D, he’d get the D nomination.
'Oprah Winfrey for President: Have We All Gone Bonkers?'

No...just Liberals.
NObody's going to still be caring about Harvey in two years.

Probably all this hysteria is going to be something we are going to look back on with a lot of embarrassment.

Bull shit. The left will be pushing the toxic masculinity/rape/sexual misconduct angle during the election cycle in two years and Oprah's close ties to Weinstein with come out. that is if she runs.
"Clinton called Trump “totally unqualified,” while an op-ed from the New York Times editorial board, headlined “Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President,” pointed out that the GOP candidate “has no experience in national security.” Three days after the election, Vox ran a piece headlined, “Donald Trump is the only U.S. president ever with no political or military experience.”

Well, dear liberals and Democrats, guess what? President Winfrey would be the second such president. Is this really what most Americans want or what the United States government needs? Another clueless celebrity in possession of the nuclear codes? Another billionaire mogul who doesn’t like paying taxes in charge of the economy? And how would it be anything other than sheer hypocrisy for Democrats to offer an unqualified, inexperienced presidential candidate to the American electorate in 2020, given all that they said about Trump in 2016?

Granted, Oprah isn’t a raging narcissist or a racist bigot; she doesn’t have ties to white nationalists, isn’t accused of colluding with a foreign government, and hasn’t been caught on tape admitting to sexual assault. Oprah would be a far superior, smarter, and more stable president than Trump in every imaginable way. But that, of course, is a low, low bar".
- Source

All this talk about a president Oprah is rather stupid and once again proves that Americans across the board, are being dumbed down and are severely lacking in critical thinking skills. They are more captivated and moved by style or form, over substance. They like to be entertained, not challenged. They react with almost child-like emotional frenzy to short term stimuli without considering the long term ramifications.

Oprah is an admirable person with many good qualities but IS NOT, presidential material.

ANyoe who would claim that Trump "has ties to white nationalists" or has "admitted to sexual assault" is a liar or a fool.

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