NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

"Clinton called Trump “totally unqualified,” while an op-ed from the New York Times editorial board, headlined “Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President,” pointed out that the GOP candidate “has no experience in national security.” Three days after the election, Vox ran a piece headlined, “Donald Trump is the only U.S. president ever with no political or military experience.”

Well, dear liberals and Democrats, guess what? President Winfrey would be the second such president. Is this really what most Americans want or what the United States government needs? Another clueless celebrity in possession of the nuclear codes? Another billionaire mogul who doesn’t like paying taxes in charge of the economy? And how would it be anything other than sheer hypocrisy for Democrats to offer an unqualified, inexperienced presidential candidate to the American electorate in 2020, given all that they said about Trump in 2016?

Granted, Oprah isn’t a raging narcissist or a racist bigot; she doesn’t have ties to white nationalists, isn’t accused of colluding with a foreign government, and hasn’t been caught on tape admitting to sexual assault. Oprah would be a far superior, smarter, and more stable president than Trump in every imaginable way. But that, of course, is a low, low bar".
- Source

All this talk about a president Oprah is rather stupid and once again proves that Americans across the board, are being dumbed down and are severely lacking in critical thinking skills. They are more captivated and moved by style or form, over substance. They like to be entertained, not challenged. They react with almost child-like emotional frenzy to short term stimuli without considering the long term ramifications.

Oprah is an admirable person with many good qualities but IS NOT, presidential material.
“Oprah Winfrey for President: Have We All Gone Bonkers?”

As likely has already been correctly noted: we already went bonkers when Trump was elected.
Like it or not, the first campaign issue would be truth in advertising.

"Clinton called Trump “totally unqualified,” while an op-ed from the New York Times editorial board, headlined “Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President,” pointed out that the GOP candidate “has no experience in national security.” Three days after the election, Vox ran a piece headlined, “Donald Trump is the only U.S. president ever with no political or military experience.”

Well, dear liberals and Democrats, guess what? President Winfrey would be the second such president. Is this really what most Americans want or what the United States government needs? Another clueless celebrity in possession of the nuclear codes? Another billionaire mogul who doesn’t like paying taxes in charge of the economy? And how would it be anything other than sheer hypocrisy for Democrats to offer an unqualified, inexperienced presidential candidate to the American electorate in 2020, given all that they said about Trump in 2016?

Granted, Oprah isn’t a raging narcissist or a racist bigot; she doesn’t have ties to white nationalists, isn’t accused of colluding with a foreign government, and hasn’t been caught on tape admitting to sexual assault. Oprah would be a far superior, smarter, and more stable president than Trump in every imaginable way. But that, of course, is a low, low bar".
- Source

All this talk about a president Oprah is rather stupid and once again proves that Americans across the board, are being dumbed down and are severely lacking in critical thinking skills. They are more captivated and moved by style or form, over substance. They like to be entertained, not challenged. They react with almost child-like emotional frenzy to short term stimuli without considering the long term ramifications.

Oprah is an admirable person with many good qualities but IS NOT, presidential material.
“Oprah Winfrey for President: Have We All Gone Bonkers?”

As likely has already been correctly noted: we already went bonkers when Trump was elected.

Only the Left. Most everyone else likes what they see so far.
i have been a democrat all my life but damn the dnc is making it hard...first that ****** sharpton spoke at the convention and now this....i dont care that oprah is black...i care that she is a tv personality ..imagine the scandals course that seems to no longer matter

She was not a low life TV talk show. She has interesting people on and had a book club. She had Trump on a few times and in 2000 he said if he ran, his VP would be Oprah. She is an intelligent female and she would beat the pants off of Trump.
"Clinton called Trump “totally unqualified,” while an op-ed from the New York Times editorial board, headlined “Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President,” pointed out that the GOP candidate “has no experience in national security.” Three days after the election, Vox ran a piece headlined, “Donald Trump is the only U.S. president ever with no political or military experience.”

Well, dear liberals and Democrats, guess what? President Winfrey would be the second such president. Is this really what most Americans want or what the United States government needs? Another clueless celebrity in possession of the nuclear codes? Another billionaire mogul who doesn’t like paying taxes in charge of the economy? And how would it be anything other than sheer hypocrisy for Democrats to offer an unqualified, inexperienced presidential candidate to the American electorate in 2020, given all that they said about Trump in 2016?

Granted, Oprah isn’t a raging narcissist or a racist bigot; she doesn’t have ties to white nationalists, isn’t accused of colluding with a foreign government, and hasn’t been caught on tape admitting to sexual assault. Oprah would be a far superior, smarter, and more stable president than Trump in every imaginable way. But that, of course, is a low, low bar".
- Source

All this talk about a president Oprah is rather stupid and once again proves that Americans across the board, are being dumbed down and are severely lacking in critical thinking skills. They are more captivated and moved by style or form, over substance. They like to be entertained, not challenged. They react with almost child-like emotional frenzy to short term stimuli without considering the long term ramifications.

Oprah is an admirable person with many good qualities but IS NOT, presidential material.

she wouldn't be my choice. but she's smarter and more successful than the wackjob in the Oval Office.

and she's sane..... unlike the person there now.
Actually, Oprah was able to build a multi-billion dollar company (unlike Trump who just inherited money) and she probably has a much better handle on issues.

She'd probably put together a better team than Trump has.

Harvey Weinstein for the "Status of Women" Portfolio?



as opposed to the genital grabbing admitted sexual predator who likes watching 15 year old girls get undressed.

quiet, loon.

and for the umpteenth time....


now be quiet
"Clinton called Trump “totally unqualified,” while an op-ed from the New York Times editorial board, headlined “Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President,” pointed out that the GOP candidate “has no experience in national security.” Three days after the election, Vox ran a piece headlined, “Donald Trump is the only U.S. president ever with no political or military experience.”

Well, dear liberals and Democrats, guess what? President Winfrey would be the second such president. Is this really what most Americans want or what the United States government needs? Another clueless celebrity in possession of the nuclear codes? Another billionaire mogul who doesn’t like paying taxes in charge of the economy? And how would it be anything other than sheer hypocrisy for Democrats to offer an unqualified, inexperienced presidential candidate to the American electorate in 2020, given all that they said about Trump in 2016?

Granted, Oprah isn’t a raging narcissist or a racist bigot; she doesn’t have ties to white nationalists, isn’t accused of colluding with a foreign government, and hasn’t been caught on tape admitting to sexual assault. Oprah would be a far superior, smarter, and more stable president than Trump in every imaginable way. But that, of course, is a low, low bar".
- Source

All this talk about a president Oprah is rather stupid and once again proves that Americans across the board, are being dumbed down and are severely lacking in critical thinking skills. They are more captivated and moved by style or form, over substance. They like to be entertained, not challenged. They react with almost child-like emotional frenzy to short term stimuli without considering the long term ramifications.

Oprah is an admirable person with many good qualities but IS NOT, presidential material.
Well, we've gone off the rails.

Style over substance, image over reality, flash over foundation.

And everyone seems to be terribly angry at anyone who disagrees with them.

Those we choose to "lead" us (or entertain us) are a reflection of our society.

Not good.
Oprah is more off the rail than the orange Russian tool?
"Clinton called Trump “totally unqualified,” while an op-ed from the New York Times editorial board, headlined “Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President,” pointed out that the GOP candidate “has no experience in national security.” Three days after the election, Vox ran a piece headlined, “Donald Trump is the only U.S. president ever with no political or military experience.”

Well, dear liberals and Democrats, guess what? President Winfrey would be the second such president. Is this really what most Americans want or what the United States government needs? Another clueless celebrity in possession of the nuclear codes? Another billionaire mogul who doesn’t like paying taxes in charge of the economy? And how would it be anything other than sheer hypocrisy for Democrats to offer an unqualified, inexperienced presidential candidate to the American electorate in 2020, given all that they said about Trump in 2016?

Granted, Oprah isn’t a raging narcissist or a racist bigot; she doesn’t have ties to white nationalists, isn’t accused of colluding with a foreign government, and hasn’t been caught on tape admitting to sexual assault. Oprah would be a far superior, smarter, and more stable president than Trump in every imaginable way. But that, of course, is a low, low bar".
- Source

All this talk about a president Oprah is rather stupid and once again proves that Americans across the board, are being dumbed down and are severely lacking in critical thinking skills. They are more captivated and moved by style or form, over substance. They like to be entertained, not challenged. They react with almost child-like emotional frenzy to short term stimuli without considering the long term ramifications.

Oprah is an admirable person with many good qualities but IS NOT, presidential material.
Nobody knows the real Oprah....but we do know she is just a continuation of Obama policies that got us where we are today.
She would be the ultimate puppet in the White House.
She would be simply an empty pantsuit only there to let back in all of the corruption that has been going on for the last 24-30 years.
If you want the rest of America to turn into California and specifically be like Hollywood, vote for Oprah.
It would be like letting Harvey Weinstein and George Soros into the Oval Office.
"Clinton called Trump “totally unqualified,” while an op-ed from the New York Times editorial board, headlined “Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President,” pointed out that the GOP candidate “has no experience in national security.” Three days after the election, Vox ran a piece headlined, “Donald Trump is the only U.S. president ever with no political or military experience.”

Well, dear liberals and Democrats, guess what? President Winfrey would be the second such president. Is this really what most Americans want or what the United States government needs? Another clueless celebrity in possession of the nuclear codes? Another billionaire mogul who doesn’t like paying taxes in charge of the economy? And how would it be anything other than sheer hypocrisy for Democrats to offer an unqualified, inexperienced presidential candidate to the American electorate in 2020, given all that they said about Trump in 2016?

Granted, Oprah isn’t a raging narcissist or a racist bigot; she doesn’t have ties to white nationalists, isn’t accused of colluding with a foreign government, and hasn’t been caught on tape admitting to sexual assault. Oprah would be a far superior, smarter, and more stable president than Trump in every imaginable way. But that, of course, is a low, low bar".
- Source

All this talk about a president Oprah is rather stupid and once again proves that Americans across the board, are being dumbed down and are severely lacking in critical thinking skills. They are more captivated and moved by style or form, over substance. They like to be entertained, not challenged. They react with almost child-like emotional frenzy to short term stimuli without considering the long term ramifications.

Oprah is an admirable person with many good qualities but IS NOT, presidential material.
Well, we've gone off the rails.

Style over substance, image over reality, flash over foundation.

And everyone seems to be terribly angry at anyone who disagrees with them.

Those we choose to "lead" us (or entertain us) are a reflection of our society.

Not good.
Oprah is more off the rail than the orange Russian tool?
Who said that?
she wouldn't be my choice. but she's smarter and more successful than the wackjob in the Oval Office.

and she's sane..... unlike the person there now.

Remember the time we elected the Peanut Farmer?
Or the time we elected the Actor?
Or the time we almost elected the Tech CEO
Or the time we "elected' (not really) the Game Show Host.

Here's the thing, we are always looking for the "outsider" to clean things up in Washington. They almost always go native the minute they get there. But the only guy who ran as a Washington Insider and won since Watergate was George H. Bush.

The real danger here is that we no longer really believe in the political process. 2016 wasn't just bad because Trump "won" (not really), it was bad because Commie Bernie could have won. We put these guys in demanding change and the run into the glacial morass of the Judiciary, Congress and the Bureaucracy. Then we go looking for the next outside who is going to fix things.
Nobody knows the real Oprah....but we do know she is just a continuation of Obama policies that got us where we are today.
She would be the ultimate puppet in the White House.
She would be simply an empty pantsuit only there to let back in all of the corruption that has been going on for the last 24-30 years.
If you want the rest of America to turn into California and specifically be like Hollywood, vote for Oprah.
It would be like letting Harvey Weinstein and George Soros into the Oval Office.

Seems to me that Hollywood was able to purge Harvey Weinstein.

I'm still waiting for Red State America to purge Trump.
she wouldn't be my choice. but she's smarter and more successful than the wackjob in the Oval Office.and she's sane..... unlike the person there now.

The author of that article didn't have a bad thing to say about Oprah but that wasn't his point. He was warning democrats and liberals NOT to make the same mistake the simplistic right made in electing trump.....all based of superficial qualities. I like Oprah and while she's not my idol (I have none) I do respect her for what humanitarian good she has accomplished. trump certainly hasn't accomplished any humanitarian good, just the opposite. Still, I will not vote for her as president.
i have been a democrat all my life but damn the dnc is making it hard...first that ****** sharpton spoke at the convention and now this....i dont care that oprah is black...i care that she is a tv personality ..imagine the scandals course that seems to no longer matter

She was not a low life TV talk show. She has interesting people on and had a book club. She had Trump on a few times and in 2000 he said if he ran, his VP would be Oprah. She is an intelligent female and she would beat the pants off of Trump.

Interesting people! Book club!


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