NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

Shitforbrains claims Hillary had no one in the CIA she could call after 8 years living in the White House.Dumbass Extravaganza.

Again, at the time, why would anyone assume that Bush would lie about intel to get us into a war and occupation of a middle east country? We now know, of course, we cannot trust you people when you say anything. Hence my distrust of all things that even remotely sniff of Conservatism.
Yeah, the left loved Bush after the 2000 election.

You’re a great laugh, keep going.
The people who attacked us on 9-11 died on 9-11, Dufus.

Sophistry. If the people who attacked us on 9/11 all died on 9/11, why did we invade Afghanistan?

So Bush did good listening to Hillary say we must attack because AQ was in Iraq.

Sophistry. Ansar-al-Islam was not Al Qaeda in Afganistan. Different groups, different goals. The common denominator was only that they were Sunni Muslims. Ansar-al-Islam were Kurds. Al Qaeda in Afghanistan were Arabs. I thought you loved the Kurds. Like most things, you don't know much about it.
“If I was a Democrat, like everyone at NBC and noted Cruise Director Bill Kristol, I’d want Oprah Winfrey to run for president too. She’s got all the qualifications to be a Dem candidate – she’s vacuous, she embraces all the required liberal taboos, and she hates the right people – that is, people like you. And, best of all, Oprah isn’t one of the horde of weirdos, losers, and mutations already threatening to run.”

Oprah Will Run In 2020 Because All The Other Democratic Candidates Are Even Worse
Hillary insisted al Queda was in Iraq.

They were. It was called Ansar-al-Islam, a Kurdish Al Qeada franchise that set up shop in Iraq in 2001. But they didn't attack us on 9/11. Bush was pretending that all Al Qaeda groups were the same. They weren't. They all had different ideologies. Ansar-al-Islam wanted an independent Sunni Kurdish state.

You're a shit student. You know nothing, Jon Snow.

You going to tell us she had no contacts in the CIA or with the previous President to verify?.

It was common knowledge in the intelligence community that Ansar-al-Islam was operating in Iraq as early as 2001. But what Bush did was try and pretend that al Qaeda was the same Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11. It wasn't. It was a completely different franchise. Like how The Avengers and The X-Men are different film franchises that both operate under the same umbrella, Marvel.

You’re dumber than a brick.

You're a shitty sophist and an even shittier liar.
Says the Dufus who claims President Elect Bush tricked President Bill Clinton into believing they had WMDs.

I never said that, you're just trying to conflate and obfuscate because you don't want to admit your support for the Iraq War was stupid and wrong.
Who gives a shit? No ones responsibility to convince there’s no WMDs but Iraqs.

There were no WMDs. That's what I don't think you want to admit. At the time of the invasion in 2003, Iraq did not have WMDs that made it an imminent threat to the United States.

I remember that because you and I argued about it on the Yahoo boards.

You insisted, at the time, that Saddam had WMDs and that he was going to give them to al Qaeda to use against us (stupid, yes, because Saddam and Al Qaeda were enemies). I told you that you were fucking stupid and wrong, and you arrogantly and rudely insisted you weren't. Even though you were. Even though you still are.

The stink of Iraq is never going to leave you.
Sad Hillary insisted on invading and Bill Clinton defended the invasion.

Yeah, because Bush was feeding everyone lies in order to get an invasion. Lies you bought. I didn't buy them, though. Most people around the world didn't.
The people who attacked us on 9-11 died on 9-11, Dufus.

Sophistry. If the people who attacked us on 9/11 all died on 9/11, why did we invade Afghanistan?

So Bush did good listening to Hillary say we must attack because AQ was in Iraq.

Sophistry. Ansar-al-Islam was not Al Qaeda in Afganistan. Different groups, different goals. The common denominator was only that they were Sunni Muslims. Ansar-al-Islam were Kurds. Al Qaeda in Afghanistan were Arabs. I thought you loved the Kurds. Like most things, you don't know much about it.
Oil. Bush invaded for oil!
YOu know what Oprah's platform is. Same as Obama and Hillary's.

You didn't care what Rubio or Kasich or Christie or Carson or Huckabee or Bush or Cruz' platform was. You knew they were all the same right?

But Trump was a little more liberal than they were. He pretended to care about the middle class and he said he would raise taxes on the rich. That's how he won swing voters. Of course he lied but you fucks don't care. But those swing voters care. They are mad and not going to vote this year or 2020.
Yeah, all those bonuses, raises and reduced taxes because of Trump has the voters mad as hell.

Ha! Was I lying? Even Republican Gov. Rick Snyder admits that Trumps tax plan is going to raise state taxes. Told you so

Gov. Rick Snyder says the federal tax overhaul will cause residents' state income taxes to increase,


God I'm smart.
Trump has the power to change the taxes States charge!
Is there nothing this incredible man can’t do!
No but he had/has the power to make our taxes go up. YOu did this. The GOP did this.

So don't brag about $80 every 2 weeks when you are going to cost me $100 every two weeks you shit head.
President has zero power to alter Federal taxes outside of agreeing or disagreeing with Congress. He has zero control over what States charge.

Try again. How did Trump raise taxes States charge?
Omg you mother fuckers sound like bush supporters again. I could go back and dig up these same arguments from 2009. Stfu you
Yeah, all those bonuses, raises and reduced taxes because of Trump has the voters mad as hell.

Ha! Was I lying? Even Republican Gov. Rick Snyder admits that Trumps tax plan is going to raise state taxes. Told you so

Gov. Rick Snyder says the federal tax overhaul will cause residents' state income taxes to increase,


God I'm smart.
Trump has the power to change the taxes States charge!
Is there nothing this incredible man can’t do!
No but he had/has the power to make our taxes go up. YOu did this. The GOP did this.

So don't brag about $80 every 2 weeks when you are going to cost me $100 every two weeks you shit head.
President has zero power to alter Federal taxes outside of agreeing or disagreeing with Congress. He has zero control over what States charge.

Try again. How did Trump raise taxes States charge?
Omg you mother fuckers sound like bush supporters again. I could go back and dig up these same arguments from 2009. Stfu you

Yup. He will never admit he was wrong about Iraq because his ego is too fragile.
Who gives a shit? No ones responsibility to convince there’s no WMDs but Iraqs.

There were no WMDs. That's what I don't think you want to admit. At the time of the invasion in 2003, Iraq did not have WMDs that made it an imminent threat to the United States.

I remember that because you and I argued about it on the Yahoo boards.

You insisted, at the time, that Saddam had WMDs and that he was going to give them to al Qaeda to use against us (stupid, yes, because Saddam and Al Qaeda were enemies). I told you that you were fucking stupid and wrong, and you arrogantly and rudely insisted you weren't. Even though you were. Even though you still are.

The stink of Iraq is never going to leave you.
Sad Hillary insisted on invading and Bill Clinton defended the invasion.

Yeah, because Bush was feeding everyone lies in order to get an invasion. Lies you bought. I didn't buy them, though. Most people around the world didn't.
Damn President Elect Bush tricked the Clintons!
Ha! Was I lying? Even Republican Gov. Rick Snyder admits that Trumps tax plan is going to raise state taxes. Told you so

Gov. Rick Snyder says the federal tax overhaul will cause residents' state income taxes to increase,


God I'm smart.
Trump has the power to change the taxes States charge!
Is there nothing this incredible man can’t do!
No but he had/has the power to make our taxes go up. YOu did this. The GOP did this.

So don't brag about $80 every 2 weeks when you are going to cost me $100 every two weeks you shit head.
President has zero power to alter Federal taxes outside of agreeing or disagreeing with Congress. He has zero control over what States charge.

Try again. How did Trump raise taxes States charge?
Omg you mother fuckers sound like bush supporters again. I could go back and dig up these same arguments from 2009. Stfu you

Yup. He will never admit he was wrong about Iraq because his ego is too fragile.
Damn Bush tricked the gullible blonde bimbo!
Yeah, all those bonuses, raises and reduced taxes because of Trump has the voters mad as hell.

Ha! Was I lying? Even Republican Gov. Rick Snyder admits that Trumps tax plan is going to raise state taxes. Told you so

Gov. Rick Snyder says the federal tax overhaul will cause residents' state income taxes to increase,


God I'm smart.
Trump has the power to change the taxes States charge!
Is there nothing this incredible man can’t do!
No but he had/has the power to make our taxes go up. YOu did this. The GOP did this.

So don't brag about $80 every 2 weeks when you are going to cost me $100 every two weeks you shit head.
President has zero power to alter Federal taxes outside of agreeing or disagreeing with Congress. He has zero control over what States charge.

Try again. How did Trump raise taxes States charge?
Omg you mother fuckers sound like bush supporters again. I could go back and dig up these same arguments from 2009. Stfu you
Bush is more popular than Obama.
Ha! Was I lying? Even Republican Gov. Rick Snyder admits that Trumps tax plan is going to raise state taxes. Told you so

Gov. Rick Snyder says the federal tax overhaul will cause residents' state income taxes to increase,


God I'm smart.
Trump has the power to change the taxes States charge!
Is there nothing this incredible man can’t do!
No but he had/has the power to make our taxes go up. YOu did this. The GOP did this.

So don't brag about $80 every 2 weeks when you are going to cost me $100 every two weeks you shit head.
President has zero power to alter Federal taxes outside of agreeing or disagreeing with Congress. He has zero control over what States charge.

Try again. How did Trump raise taxes States charge?
Omg you mother fuckers sound like bush supporters again. I could go back and dig up these same arguments from 2009. Stfu you
Bush is more popular than Obama.
FOX NEWS: Mike Pence Is Our Next President and Nancy Pelosi will soon be taking away by the men in white coats

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