NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

Obama never worked a day in his life, yet you say is the biggest job creator in history.

Yeah he has. Certainly worked a lot harder when Pres than the moron in chief who occupies that office now.
No he hasn’t.
Yes he did. Trumps always golfing and everyone else has been delegated all the work
Outdoor Recreation
2001-2008 Bad
2008-2017 Good
2017-Present Bad
Obama never worked a day in his life, yet you say is the biggest job creator in history.

Yeah he has. Certainly worked a lot harder when Pres than the moron in chief who occupies that office now.
No he hasn’t.
Yes he did. Trumps always golfing and everyone else has been delegated all the work
Outdoor Recreation
2001-2008 Bad
2008-2017 Good
2017-Present Bad
Your new schtick
Obama never worked a day in his life, yet you say is the biggest job creator in history.

Yeah he has. Certainly worked a lot harder when Pres than the moron in chief who occupies that office now.
No he hasn’t.
Yes he did. Trumps always golfing and everyone else has been delegated all the work
Outdoor Recreation
2001-2008 Bad
2008-2017 Good
2017-Present Bad
Your new schtick
Tell me more about the President can control how much States can tax their people. The Derp thinks your full of crap too on that.

2001-2008 Bad
2017-Present Bad
It’s easy when you’re handed a functioning economy not a Great Recession. Greatest Recession since the Great Depression
Yes, you would consider a 0.7% GDP to be a functional economy, you’re a lefty.

Here's what the GDP was in 2016 (Obama's last year).

What was the GDP in 2016?
Current-dollar GDP increased 3.0 percent, or $532.5 billion, in 2016 to a level of $18,569.1 billion, compared with an increase of 3.7 percent, or $643.5 billion, in 2015 (table 1 and table 3). Real GDI increased 1.6 percent in 2016, compared with an increase of 2.5 percent in 2015 (table 1).Mar 30, 2017
Gross Domestic Product: Fourth Quarter and Annual 2016 (Third ...

Obama DID hand Trump a functioning economy.

2001-2008 Bad
2017-Present Bad
It’s easy when you’re handed a functioning economy not a Great Recession. Greatest Recession since the Great Depression
Yes, you would consider a 0.7% GDP to be a functional economy, you’re a lefty.

Here's what the GDP was in 2016 (Obama's last year).

What was the GDP in 2016?
Current-dollar GDP increased 3.0 percent, or $532.5 billion, in 2016 to a level of $18,569.1 billion, compared with an increase of 3.7 percent, or $643.5 billion, in 2015 (table 1 and table 3). Real GDI increased 1.6 percent in 2016, compared with an increase of 2.5 percent in 2015 (table 1).Mar 30, 2017
Gross Domestic Product: Fourth Quarter and Annual 2016 (Third ...

Obama DID hand Trump a functioning economy.
If I have a dollar and I increase that to 2 dollars, that’s a 100% increase. But still a dollar.
Real GDP - 2.1%
Real GDI - 1.0%
Per your link
Math R hard.
So according to the MSM it turns out it was a really bad idea to elect a television personality with no political experience president. The solution is to elect another televison personality with no political experience president because it is a black woman and she is "really smart". That's about as stupid as it gets.
So according to the MSM it turns out it was a really bad idea to elect a television personality with no political experience president. The solution is to elect another televison personality with no political experience president because it is a black woman and she is "really smart". That's about as stupid as it gets.

No. Electing a dumb arse celebrity is as stupid as it gets. And the Depolorables did so.
View attachment 170743
Obviously you don't know Trumps history of being a scumbag snake. I think it's funny you elected a snake to clean up the swamp. LOL. Fucking idiots. No wonder America is shit.

Luckily for me I make more than most of you stupid cock suckers.

Its too bad that you voted for O twice and left this country in such horrid shape. It will take a few years to clean up the stench and stain that was left by O.
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.
You’re a liar and an asshole.

You're wrong as usual. About 98 percent of that fluffy picture didn't happen. You're lying once again, just like O lied for years to the people yet you took it as gospel. Its really no wonder that you're so delusional.
All of it happened. You can’t stand or admit the great accomplishments Obama had.
View attachment 170743
Its too bad that you voted for O twice and left this country in such horrid shape. It will take a few years to clean up the stench and stain that was left by O.
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.
You’re a liar and an asshole.

You're wrong as usual. About 98 percent of that fluffy picture didn't happen. You're lying once again, just like O lied for years to the people yet you took it as gospel. Its really no wonder that you're so delusional.
All of it happened. You can’t stand or admit the great accomplishments Obama had.

If you got welfare under Obama or a Obamaphone, that's not considered a great accomplishment.

2001-2008 Bad
2017-Present Bad
It’s easy when you’re handed a functioning economy not a Great Recession. Greatest Recession since the Great Depression
Yes, you would consider a 0.7% GDP to be a functional economy, you’re a lefty.
Great Recession.

Did corporations obstruct Obama’s like the republicans did?

Did trump have over 3% growth 2017?
So according to the MSM it turns out it was a really bad idea to elect a television personality with no political experience president. The solution is to elect another televison personality with no political experience president because it is a black woman and she is "really smart". That's about as stupid as it gets.
The mistake was electing another republican. The house and senate should have stayed democratic too. For example Darrell Issa shouldn’t have been narrowly re elected. How did that happen to such a bad actor?
What Clinton believed to be true in 2001 has nothing to do with what was true in 2003.

In 2001, those things were unaccounted for. They weren't by 2003. Clinton didn't know that because he was getting the same intel his wife was, the same intel we all were. The same intel that was lies.

In 2001, those things were unaccounted for. They weren't by 2003.

Really? You have a list of those WMDs that the UN inspectors found and destroyed 2001-2003?
Clinton told King: "People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons."July 23, 2003

Clinton left office in 2001. That was two years before 2003. Isn't it possible that in those two years, Saddam got rid of the WMDs?

And besides which, we didn't find any there.

So he didn't have them.

So the intel presented by you guys to everyone in 2002-3 was bullshit. In fact, it was probably the same 2 year old intel Clinton was referring to. If you're invading a country based on 2 year old intel, then you're invading for another reason.

Conservatives can quibble with how wrong they are about details, but you cannot quibble with the fact that time is linear.

Sadaam did get rid of his WMD when he realized that the US was coming, he sent that shit to Syria.

Surely you don't really believe he destroyed his own chemical weapons cache and development programs ?
Really? You have a list of those WMDs that the UN inspectors found and destroyed 2001-2003?

The fact that we didn't find any means there weren't any there.

You're the ones who insisted they were there. 8 years, $1T, and 4,500 lives later, not one was found.

So you all lied.
So does anyone at all know any of Oprah's political stance on anything? Or is this just a "black woman should be president" thing?

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