NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?Dance boy, dance!

Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them.

Your argument seems to be that everyone should know better than to trust what Bush and the Conservatives say. And I agree with that 100% and it's precisely why I don't trust you people today.
President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?

Keep going, this is really good.
I’m still waiting to hear why President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office and Trump has control over how much States tax themselves.

He didn't. You tried to be a sophist and conflate the discussion. Why? Because you're a garbage person.

You said this: "Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?"

I said this: "Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them."

Then you, obviously suffering from early onset Alzheimer's, said this: President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?

So you either sloppily didn't read what you were responding to, or you are trying to deliberately conflate and obfuscate the argument because you recognize you're full of shit. So you see right there is exactly how Weatherman and all Conservatives operate.
You’re my worst student by far.

Clinton told King: "People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons."

July 23, 2003
Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?Dance boy, dance!

Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them.

Your argument seems to be that everyone should know better than to trust what Bush and the Conservatives say. And I agree with that 100% and it's precisely why I don't trust you people today.
President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?

Keep going, this is really good.
I’m still waiting to hear why President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office and Trump has control over how much States tax themselves.

He didn't. You tried to be a sophist and conflate the discussion. Why? Because you're a garbage person.

You said this: "Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?"

I said this: "Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them."

Then you, obviously suffering from early onset Alzheimer's, said this: President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?

So you either sloppily didn't read what you were responding to, or you are trying to deliberately conflate and obfuscate the argument because you recognize you're full of shit. So you see right there is exactly how Weatherman and all Conservatives operate.
You’re my worst student by far.

Clinton told King: "People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons."

July 23, 2003
Link for you to bookmark.

CNN.com - Bill Clinton on Bush uranium line: 'Everybody makes mistakes' - Jul. 23, 2003
President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?.

So more of your attempt at grade-school sophistry;

Your original point was that, during the run-up to the Iraq War in 2002-3, that Bill Clinton said Saddam had WMDs. That's what you said: "Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?"

you're trying to reach back and retroactively conflate the argument with the intel Clinton had in 1998, which could have very well shown Saddam had WMDs. But between 1998 and 2003 was a period of five years. In that time, Saddam dismantled his WMD programs, which is why you didn't find shit in the ~10 years we were stuck in that garbage country beginning in 2003.

And no, deteriorating weapons buried in the Iraqi desert for 20 years don't count as WMDs that pose an imminent threat. So you can just forget about that shit argument, sophist.

Your sophistry, like your upper body strength, is weak.
You really are my slowest student.

Try 2003.

Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs


So weatherman got caught being sloppy (shocker)!

Here's the thing. Your original point was this:

"Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?"

To which, I said this:

"Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them."

To which your early onset senility responded:

"President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?"

I don't know how or why you jumped from saying Clinton was lying about WMDs while Bush was in office, to lying about WMDs when he was President. I suspect you did that because you realized your argument had backed itself into a rhetorical corner because all anyone was looking at from 2002-3 was the intel Bush was giving them.
Who knows what her policies are. She hasn't said squat about running. It is the media that is speculating.
As for Trump having policies, RATFLMAO!! Is that what you call them? I call them "The first thing that comes into his vacant melon" are what his policies are.
Ah yes, the neutral media that is offering her advice and begging her to run.
Because policy doesn’t matter to the media
Almost. They wouldn’t rally around Tim Allen. Or Mike Rowe. Or the founder of Home Depot.

Too conservative and Christian.

Mike Rowe got a degree in Communications, never worked a manual labor job a day in his life, but pretends to for the sake of gullible idiots who want to glamorize jobs that are shit, to make them feel better about themselves for underachieving even when given all the institutional advantages not afforded to women or minorities.
Obama never worked a day in his life, yet you say is the biggest job creator in history.

Never said that either. So you have a really bad habit of lying about what other people say to frame your argument in the best possible light that it cannot get based on its merits alone.
Oh. So you agree it is idiotic to say Trump is making State taxes go up.

I'm not sure.

One thing's for sure, though, health care costs are going to go up because you removed the mandate and you forced automatic PayGo cuts to Medicare and Medicaid in 2019 because your tax plan explodes the deficit to $1T. A deficit you screeched like a barnyard animal about throughout Obama's 8 years, giving you no moral leverage today.

I’ll find that post and let the idiot know you agree with me.

So that's desperation there. Clearly, you're a desperate person. You seem really weak and fragile. I feel like you could take one of your guns and shoot 500 people at a concert.
Clinton told King: "People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons."July 23, 2003

Clinton left office in 2001. That was two years before 2003. Isn't it possible that in those two years, Saddam got rid of the WMDs?

And besides which, we didn't find any there.

So he didn't have them.

So the intel presented by you guys to everyone in 2002-3 was bullshit. In fact, it was probably the same 2 year old intel Clinton was referring to. If you're invading a country based on 2 year old intel, then you're invading for another reason.

Conservatives can quibble with how wrong they are about details, but you cannot quibble with the fact that time is linear.
Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them.

Your argument seems to be that everyone should know better than to trust what Bush and the Conservatives say. And I agree with that 100% and it's precisely why I don't trust you people today.
President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?

Keep going, this is really good.
I’m still waiting to hear why President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office and Trump has control over how much States tax themselves.

He didn't. You tried to be a sophist and conflate the discussion. Why? Because you're a garbage person.

You said this: "Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?"

I said this: "Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them."

Then you, obviously suffering from early onset Alzheimer's, said this: President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?

So you either sloppily didn't read what you were responding to, or you are trying to deliberately conflate and obfuscate the argument because you recognize you're full of shit. So you see right there is exactly how Weatherman and all Conservatives operate.
You’re my worst student by far.

Clinton told King: "People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons."

July 23, 2003
Link for you to bookmark.

CNN.com - Bill Clinton on Bush uranium line: 'Everybody makes mistakes' - Jul. 23, 2003

Yes, everyone does make mistakes. Like you, in this thread.
President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?.

So more of your attempt at grade-school sophistry;

Your original point was that, during the run-up to the Iraq War in 2002-3, that Bill Clinton said Saddam had WMDs. That's what you said: "Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?"

you're trying to reach back and retroactively conflate the argument with the intel Clinton had in 1998, which could have very well shown Saddam had WMDs. But between 1998 and 2003 was a period of five years. In that time, Saddam dismantled his WMD programs, which is why you didn't find shit in the ~10 years we were stuck in that garbage country beginning in 2003.

And no, deteriorating weapons buried in the Iraqi desert for 20 years don't count as WMDs that pose an imminent threat. So you can just forget about that shit argument, sophist.

Your sophistry, like your upper body strength, is weak.
You really are my slowest student.

Try 2003.

Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs


So weatherman got caught being sloppy (shocker)!

Here's the thing. Your original point was this:

"Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?"

To which, I said this:

"Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them."

To which your early onset senility responded:

"President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?"

I don't know how or why you jumped from saying Clinton was lying about WMDs while Bush was in office, to lying about WMDs when he was President. I suspect you did that because you realized your argument had backed itself into a rhetorical corner because all anyone was looking at from 2002-3 was the intel Bush was giving them.
You really are my worst student. Bush became President in 2001. Bill Clinton made his statement about 2001 in 2003.

Tell us how Bill Clinton was fooled by Bush, dumbass.
Weatherman is such a fat, lazy, sloppy leech that he doesn't even read that to which he's responding.
Clinton told King: "People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons."July 23, 2003

Clinton left office in 2001. That was two years before 2003. Isn't it possible that in those two years, Saddam got rid of the WMDs?

And besides which, we didn't find any there.

So he didn't have them.

So the intel presented by you guys to everyone in 2002-3 was bullshit. In fact, it was probably the same 2 year old intel Clinton was referring to. If you're invading a country based on 2 year old intel, then you're invading for another reason.

Conservatives can quibble with how wrong they are about details, but you cannot quibble with the fact that time is linear.
Hillary insisted al Queda was in Iraq.

You going to tell us she had no contacts in the CIA or with the previous President to verify?

You’re dumber than a brick.
What Clinton believed to be true in 2001 has nothing to do with what was true in 2003.

In 2001, those things were unaccounted for. They weren't by 2003. Clinton didn't know that because he was getting the same intel his wife was, the same intel we all were. The same intel that was lies.
You really are my worst student. Bush became President in 2001. Bill Clinton made his statement about 2001 in 2003.

How many years are there between 2001 and 2003?

Tell us how Bill Clinton was fooled by Bush, dumbass.

Bush was pretending the intel he was presenting everyone in 2002-3 was as solid as the intel Clinton had in 2001.
Who gives a shit? No ones responsibility to convince there’s no WMDs but Iraqs.

So said your precious UN, shitforbrains.
What Clinton believed to be true in 2001 has nothing to do with what was true in 2003.

In 2001, those things were unaccounted for. They weren't by 2003. Clinton didn't know that because he was getting the same intel his wife was, the same intel we all were. The same intel that was lies.
Shitforbrains claims Hillary had no one in the CIA she could call after 8 years living in the White House.

Dumbass Extravaganza.
Hillary insisted al Queda was in Iraq.

They were. It was called Ansar-al-Islam, a Kurdish Al Qeada franchise that set up shop in Iraq in 2001. But they didn't attack us on 9/11. Bush was pretending that all Al Qaeda groups were the same. They weren't. They all had different ideologies. Ansar-al-Islam wanted an independent Sunni Kurdish state.

You're a shit student. You know nothing, Jon Snow.

You going to tell us she had no contacts in the CIA or with the previous President to verify?.

It was common knowledge in the intelligence community that Ansar-al-Islam was operating in Iraq as early as 2001. But what Bush did was try and pretend that al Qaeda was the same Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11. It wasn't. It was a completely different franchise. Like how The Avengers and The X-Men are different film franchises that both operate under the same umbrella, Marvel.

You’re dumber than a brick.

You're a shitty sophist and an even shittier liar.
Hillary insisted al Queda was in Iraq.

They were. It was called Ansar-al-Islam, a Kurdish Al Qeada franchise that set up shop in Iraq in 2001. But they didn't attack us on 9/11. Bush was pretending that all Al Qaeda groups were the same. They weren't. They all had different ideologies. Ansar-al-Islam wanted an independent Sunni Kurdish state.

You're a shit student. You know nothing, Jon Snow.

You going to tell us she had no contacts in the CIA or with the previous President to verify?.

It was common knowledge in the intelligence community that Ansar-al-Islam was operating in Iraq as early as 2001. But what Bush did was try and pretend that al Qaeda was the same Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11. It wasn't. It was a completely different franchise. Like how The Avengers and The X-Men are different film franchises that both operate under the same umbrella, Marvel.

You’re dumber than a brick.

You're a shitty sophist and an even shittier liar.
The people who attacked us on 9-11 died on 9-11, Dufus.

So Bush did good listening to Hillary say we must attack because AQ was in Iraq.

You enjoy me boxing your ears, don’t you.
Who gives a shit? No ones responsibility to convince there’s no WMDs but Iraqs.

There were no WMDs. That's what I don't think you want to admit. At the time of the invasion in 2003, Iraq did not have WMDs that made it an imminent threat to the United States.

I remember that because you and I argued about it on the Yahoo boards.

You insisted, at the time, that Saddam had WMDs and that he was going to give them to al Qaeda to use against us (stupid, yes, because Saddam and Al Qaeda were enemies). I told you that you were fucking stupid and wrong, and you arrogantly and rudely insisted you weren't. Even though you were. Even though you still are.

The stink of Iraq is never going to leave you.
Hillary insisted al Queda was in Iraq.

They were. It was called Ansar-al-Islam, a Kurdish Al Qeada franchise that set up shop in Iraq in 2001. But they didn't attack us on 9/11. Bush was pretending that all Al Qaeda groups were the same. They weren't. They all had different ideologies. Ansar-al-Islam wanted an independent Sunni Kurdish state.

You're a shit student. You know nothing, Jon Snow.

You going to tell us she had no contacts in the CIA or with the previous President to verify?.

It was common knowledge in the intelligence community that Ansar-al-Islam was operating in Iraq as early as 2001. But what Bush did was try and pretend that al Qaeda was the same Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11. It wasn't. It was a completely different franchise. Like how The Avengers and The X-Men are different film franchises that both operate under the same umbrella, Marvel.

You’re dumber than a brick.

You're a shitty sophist and an even shittier liar.
Says the Dufus who claims President Elect Bush tricked President Bill Clinton into believing they had WMDs.
Shitforbrains claims Hillary had no one in the CIA she could call after 8 years living in the White House.Dumbass Extravaganza.

Again, at the time, why would anyone assume that Bush would lie about intel to get us into a war and occupation of a middle east country? We now know, of course, we cannot trust you people when you say anything. Hence my distrust of all things that even remotely sniff of Conservatism.
Who gives a shit? No ones responsibility to convince there’s no WMDs but Iraqs.

There were no WMDs. That's what I don't think you want to admit. At the time of the invasion in 2003, Iraq did not have WMDs that made it an imminent threat to the United States.

I remember that because you and I argued about it on the Yahoo boards.

You insisted, at the time, that Saddam had WMDs and that he was going to give them to al Qaeda to use against us (stupid, yes, because Saddam and Al Qaeda were enemies). I told you that you were fucking stupid and wrong, and you arrogantly and rudely insisted you weren't. Even though you were. Even though you still are.

The stink of Iraq is never going to leave you.
Sad Hillary insisted on invading and Bill Clinton defended the invasion.

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