NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

Trump always had a policy to put in place. Tell me Oprah’s

Who knows what her policies are. She hasn't said squat about running. It is the media that is speculating.
As for Trump having policies, RATFLMAO!! Is that what you call them? I call them "The first thing that comes into his vacant melon" are what his policies are.
Ah yes, the neutral media that is offering her advice and begging her to run.
Trump always had a policy to put in place. Tell me Oprah’s

Who knows what her policies are. She hasn't said squat about running. It is the media that is speculating.
As for Trump having policies, RATFLMAO!! Is that what you call them? I call them "The first thing that comes into his vacant melon" are what his policies are.
Ah yes, the neutral media that is offering her advice and begging her to run.
Because policy doesn’t matter to the media
Trump always had a policy to put in place. Tell me Oprah’s

Who knows what her policies are. She hasn't said squat about running. It is the media that is speculating.
As for Trump having policies, RATFLMAO!! Is that what you call them? I call them "The first thing that comes into his vacant melon" are what his policies are.
Ah yes, the neutral media that is offering her advice and begging her to run.
Because policy doesn’t matter to the media
Almost. They wouldn’t rally around Tim Allen. Or Mike Rowe. Or the founder of Home Depot.

Too conservative and Christian.
When did he declare that? Wasn't it Bush who signed the SOFA? Why did he sign that?
You are one of my worst students.

Barack Obama declares Iraq war a success

Actually, Obama never declared victory as you claimed in the first post.

From your link......................pay attention to the part that is underlined.......

But the president, who came to power promising to end the war, said that for all the suffering, the result was success.

"We knew this day would come. We've known it for some time. But still there is something profound about the end of a war that has lasted so long," said Obama. "It's harder to end a war than begin one. Everything that American troops have done in Iraq - all the fighting, all the dying, the bleeding and the building and the training and the partnering, all of it has landed to this moment of success."

Obama's studiously avoided declaring victory or the hubris of his predecessor, George Bush, who paraded under a banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished" just as the worst of the killing in Iraq was about to begin. But the president said that the US has left Iraq better than it found it.

For all practical purposes "the war is over" =declaring victory

unless of course you are suggesting that Obama was saying "we lost, the war is over?"

We did lose Iraq. We have to come to terms with that as a nation. It starts by first admitting the invasion was a stupid idea built entirely on lies and bullshit.

I'm open to forgiving people for supporting that war in 2002-3; I can understand the thinking of why would the President lie about something so serious like Iraq WMDs and imminent threats? So I get it. At the time, we were still running scared from 9/11 and people trusted Bush and the Conservatives, who took that trust and abused it by pushing Iraq lies.

We know now not to trust Conservatives when they tell us things. Lesson learned, and is applied in practice. I no longer trust anything Conservatives say.
Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?

Dance boy, dance!

The Clinton lovers indeed do dance over this issue everytime knowing they are backed up cornered against the wall with nowhere to run.LOL
Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?Dance boy, dance!

Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them.

Your argument seems to be that everyone should know better than to trust what Bush and the Conservatives say. And I agree with that 100% and it's precisely why I don't trust you people today.
President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?

Keep going, this is really good.
I’m still waiting to hear why President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office and Trump has control over how much States tax themselves.

Actually, Obama never declared victory as you claimed in the first post.

From your link......................pay attention to the part that is underlined.......

But the president, who came to power promising to end the war, said that for all the suffering, the result was success.

"We knew this day would come. We've known it for some time. But still there is something profound about the end of a war that has lasted so long," said Obama. "It's harder to end a war than begin one. Everything that American troops have done in Iraq - all the fighting, all the dying, the bleeding and the building and the training and the partnering, all of it has landed to this moment of success."

Obama's studiously avoided declaring victory or the hubris of his predecessor, George Bush, who paraded under a banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished" just as the worst of the killing in Iraq was about to begin. But the president said that the US has left Iraq better than it found it.

For all practical purposes "the war is over" =declaring victory

unless of course you are suggesting that Obama was saying "we lost, the war is over?"

We did lose Iraq. We have to come to terms with that as a nation. It starts by first admitting the invasion was a stupid idea built entirely on lies and bullshit.

I'm open to forgiving people for supporting that war in 2002-3; I can understand the thinking of why would the President lie about something so serious like Iraq WMDs and imminent threats? So I get it. At the time, we were still running scared from 9/11 and people trusted Bush and the Conservatives, who took that trust and abused it by pushing Iraq lies.

We know now not to trust Conservatives when they tell us things. Lesson learned, and is applied in practice. I no longer trust anything Conservatives say.
Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?

Dance boy, dance!

The Clinton lovers indeed do dance over this issue everytime knowing they are backed up cornered against the wall with nowhere to run.LOL
And for some strange reason they then start other threads and ignore the questions.
Actually, Obama never declared victory as you claimed in the first post.

From your link......................pay attention to the part that is underlined.......

But the president, who came to power promising to end the war, said that for all the suffering, the result was success.

"We knew this day would come. We've known it for some time. But still there is something profound about the end of a war that has lasted so long," said Obama. "It's harder to end a war than begin one. Everything that American troops have done in Iraq - all the fighting, all the dying, the bleeding and the building and the training and the partnering, all of it has landed to this moment of success."

Obama's studiously avoided declaring victory or the hubris of his predecessor, George Bush, who paraded under a banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished" just as the worst of the killing in Iraq was about to begin. But the president said that the US has left Iraq better than it found it.

For all practical purposes "the war is over" =declaring victory

unless of course you are suggesting that Obama was saying "we lost, the war is over?"

We did lose Iraq. We have to come to terms with that as a nation. It starts by first admitting the invasion was a stupid idea built entirely on lies and bullshit.

I'm open to forgiving people for supporting that war in 2002-3; I can understand the thinking of why would the President lie about something so serious like Iraq WMDs and imminent threats? So I get it. At the time, we were still running scared from 9/11 and people trusted Bush and the Conservatives, who took that trust and abused it by pushing Iraq lies.

We know now not to trust Conservatives when they tell us things. Lesson learned, and is applied in practice. I no longer trust anything Conservatives say.
Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?

Dance boy, dance!

The Clinton lovers indeed do dance over this issue everytime knowing they are backed up cornered against the wall with nowhere to run.LOL
And for some strange reason they then start other threads and ignore the questions.

you have noticed that as well huh?
Hillary was simply boring. She pretty much had no charisma. That was her main problem.
She had no platform. Neither does Oprah

YOu know what Oprah's platform is. Same as Obama and Hillary's.

You didn't care what Rubio or Kasich or Christie or Carson or Huckabee or Bush or Cruz' platform was. You knew they were all the same right?

But Trump was a little more liberal than they were. He pretended to care about the middle class and he said he would raise taxes on the rich. That's how he won swing voters. Of course he lied but you fucks don't care. But those swing voters care. They are mad and not going to vote this year or 2020.
Yeah, all those bonuses, raises and reduced taxes because of Trump has the voters mad as hell.

Ha! Was I lying? Even Republican Gov. Rick Snyder admits that Trumps tax plan is going to raise state taxes. Told you so

Gov. Rick Snyder says the federal tax overhaul will cause residents' state income taxes to increase,


God I'm smart.
Trump has the power to change the taxes States charge!
Is there nothing this incredible man can’t do!
No but he had/has the power to make our taxes go up. YOu did this. The GOP did this.

So don't brag about $80 every 2 weeks when you are going to cost me $100 every two weeks you shit head.
She had no platform. Neither does Oprah

YOu know what Oprah's platform is. Same as Obama and Hillary's.

You didn't care what Rubio or Kasich or Christie or Carson or Huckabee or Bush or Cruz' platform was. You knew they were all the same right?

But Trump was a little more liberal than they were. He pretended to care about the middle class and he said he would raise taxes on the rich. That's how he won swing voters. Of course he lied but you fucks don't care. But those swing voters care. They are mad and not going to vote this year or 2020.
Yeah, all those bonuses, raises and reduced taxes because of Trump has the voters mad as hell.

Ha! Was I lying? Even Republican Gov. Rick Snyder admits that Trumps tax plan is going to raise state taxes. Told you so

Gov. Rick Snyder says the federal tax overhaul will cause residents' state income taxes to increase,


God I'm smart.
Trump has the power to change the taxes States charge!
Is there nothing this incredible man can’t do!
No but he had/has the power to make our taxes go up. YOu did this. The GOP did this.

So don't brag about $80 every 2 weeks when you are going to cost me $100 every two weeks you shit head.
President has zero power to alter Federal taxes outside of agreeing or disagreeing with Congress. He has zero control over what States charge.

Try again. How did Trump raise taxes States charge?
Ha! Was I lying? Even Republican Gov. Rick Snyder admits that Trumps tax plan is going to raise state taxes. Told you so

Gov. Rick Snyder says the federal tax overhaul will cause residents' state income taxes to increase,


God I'm smart.
Trump has the power to change the taxes States charge!
Is there nothing this incredible man can’t do!

Everyone remember this post...because in about three years, Weatherman's going to be saying he never liked Trump, never supported him, and was never a Conservative.
How much did he make Jerry Brown raise Calif taxes, Dufus?

CA is doing fine. Better than every single Red State.
Why are you afraid to tell us how the President Now has the authority to raise state taxes?

Oh yeah, more leftist BS.

I never made that claim. You're confusing me with someone else.
Trump has the power to change the taxes States charge!
Is there nothing this incredible man can’t do!

Everyone remember this post...because in about three years, Weatherman's going to be saying he never liked Trump, never supported him, and was never a Conservative.
How much did he make Jerry Brown raise Calif taxes, Dufus?

CA is doing fine. Better than every single Red State.
Why are you afraid to tell us how the President Now has the authority to raise state taxes?

Oh yeah, more leftist BS.

I never made that claim. You're confusing me with someone else.
I’m pretty sure you at least went along with it.

You did however claim President Clinton was taking national security advice from President Elect Bush, I wish to hear more about this.
President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?.

So more of your attempt at grade-school sophistry;

Your original point was that, during the run-up to the Iraq War in 2002-3, that Bill Clinton said Saddam had WMDs. That's what you said: "Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?"

you're trying to reach back and retroactively conflate the argument with the intel Clinton had in 1998, which could have very well shown Saddam had WMDs. But between 1998 and 2003 was a period of five years. In that time, Saddam dismantled his WMD programs, which is why you didn't find shit in the ~10 years we were stuck in that garbage country beginning in 2003.

And no, deteriorating weapons buried in the Iraqi desert for 20 years don't count as WMDs that pose an imminent threat. So you can just forget about that shit argument, sophist.

Your sophistry, like your upper body strength, is weak.
Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?Dance boy, dance!

Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them.

Your argument seems to be that everyone should know better than to trust what Bush and the Conservatives say. And I agree with that 100% and it's precisely why I don't trust you people today.
will cause residents' state income taxes to increase,”

Tell us about the Presidents new powers over how much States tax their citizens.

I never said that. You're confusing me with someone else because you're furiously typing and not checking your work.
Trump always had a policy to put in place. Tell me Oprah’s

Who knows what her policies are. She hasn't said squat about running. It is the media that is speculating.
As for Trump having policies, RATFLMAO!! Is that what you call them? I call them "The first thing that comes into his vacant melon" are what his policies are.
Ah yes, the neutral media that is offering her advice and begging her to run.
Because policy doesn’t matter to the media
Almost. They wouldn’t rally around Tim Allen. Or Mike Rowe. Or the founder of Home Depot.

Too conservative and Christian.

Mike Rowe got a degree in Communications, never worked a manual labor job a day in his life, but pretends to for the sake of gullible idiots who want to glamorize jobs that are shit, to make them feel better about themselves for underachieving even when given all the institutional advantages not afforded to women or minorities.
President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?.

So more of your attempt at grade-school sophistry;

Your original point was that, during the run-up to the Iraq War in 2002-3, that Bill Clinton said Saddam had WMDs. That's what you said: "Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?"

you're trying to reach back and retroactively conflate the argument with the intel Clinton had in 1998, which could have very well shown Saddam had WMDs. But between 1998 and 2003 was a period of five years. In that time, Saddam dismantled his WMD programs, which is why you didn't find shit in the ~10 years we were stuck in that garbage country beginning in 2003.

And no, deteriorating weapons buried in the Iraqi desert for 20 years don't count as WMDs that pose an imminent threat. So you can just forget about that shit argument, sophist.

Your sophistry, like your upper body strength, is weak.
You really are my slowest student.

Try 2003.

Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs
Trump always had a policy to put in place. Tell me Oprah’s

Who knows what her policies are. She hasn't said squat about running. It is the media that is speculating.
As for Trump having policies, RATFLMAO!! Is that what you call them? I call them "The first thing that comes into his vacant melon" are what his policies are.
Ah yes, the neutral media that is offering her advice and begging her to run.
Because policy doesn’t matter to the media
Almost. They wouldn’t rally around Tim Allen. Or Mike Rowe. Or the founder of Home Depot.

Too conservative and Christian.

Mike Rowe got a degree in Communications, never worked a manual labor job a day in his life, but pretends to for the sake of gullible idiots who want to glamorize jobs that are shit, to make them feel better about themselves for underachieving even when given all the institutional advantages not afforded to women or minorities.
Obama never worked a day in his life, yet you say is the biggest job creator in history.
Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?Dance boy, dance!

Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them.

Your argument seems to be that everyone should know better than to trust what Bush and the Conservatives say. And I agree with that 100% and it's precisely why I don't trust you people today.
President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?

Keep going, this is really good.
I’m still waiting to hear why President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office and Trump has control over how much States tax themselves.

He didn't. You tried to be a sophist and conflate the discussion. Why? Because you're a garbage person.

You said this: "Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?"

I said this: "Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them."

Then you, obviously suffering from early onset Alzheimer's, said this: President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?

So you either sloppily didn't read what you were responding to, or you are trying to deliberately conflate and obfuscate the argument because you recognize you're full of shit. So you see right there is exactly how Weatherman and all Conservatives operate.
Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?Dance boy, dance!

Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them.

Your argument seems to be that everyone should know better than to trust what Bush and the Conservatives say. And I agree with that 100% and it's precisely why I don't trust you people today.
will cause residents' state income taxes to increase,”

Tell us about the Presidents new powers over how much States tax their citizens.

I never said that. You're confusing me with someone else because you're furiously typing and not checking your work.
Oh. So you agree it is idiotic to say Trump is making State taxes go up.

I’ll find that post and let the idiot know you agree with me.
I’m pretty sure you at least went along with it.

Pretty sure? Sounds pretty squishy to me, pal. We have the capability to search posts, you know. So you can just go and look at my posts for yourself. Unless you're too entitled, fat, and lazy...which I suspect.

You did however claim President Clinton was taking national security advice from President Elect Bush, I wish to hear more about this.

I never claimed that, you just don't know how to read:

You said this: "Why did Hillary lie about AQ in Iraq and Bill lie about WMDs being in Iraq while Bush was Prez?"

I said this: "Because they were relying on the information Bush was giving them."

Then you, obviously suffering from early onset Alzheimer's, said this: President Bill Clinton took advice from Bush on national security issues while Bill was in office?

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