NBC/WSJ Poll: Do you trust your governor, Dr Fauci, or Donald J Trump?

Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.
congrats Dana!!!!!! I nearly fainted. That is spot on.

um - she's talking about yer chosen one. not fauci.

Sorry not Fauci. I'm talking about trump.
Trump didn’t work for obammy five years ago, fauci did

trump came down that escalator 5 years ago. He started lying to the nation to become president in 2015.

We are now in 2020.

You do the math.
he became president, how is that a lie?

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