NBC/WSJ Poll: Do you trust your governor, Dr Fauci, or Donald J Trump?

Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)

Funny they left Joe Biden off your meme who came in at 26%...

Nobody's heard from Joe of late for obvious reasons. He doesn't do Daily Disinformation Rallies from the Bully Pulpit.
No, Biden gave up his daily briefings because he was losing it.
President Trump's daily briefings on the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic are apparently working to his political benefit, The Atlantic reports.

A Democratic strategist, speaking on condition of anonymity, described a private research initiative in which voters were shown a 90-second clip of a recent briefing. Trump's general election performance against his likely Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, reportedly improved by more than two percentage points after voters watched the clip. Considering most polls are indicating a tight contest, that's quite a shift after such a small amount of footage.
I trust Dr. Fauci. I trust Gov. Northam. I would never trust this trump guy with anything.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)

Funny they left Joe Biden off your meme who came in at 26%...

Nobody's heard from Joe of late for obvious reasons. He doesn't do Daily Disinformation Rallies from the Bully Pulpit.
No, Biden gave up his daily briefings because he was losing it.
President Trump's daily briefings on the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic are apparently working to his political benefit, The Atlantic reports.

A Democratic strategist, speaking on condition of anonymity, described a private research initiative in which voters were shown a 90-second clip of a recent briefing. Trump's general election performance against his likely Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, reportedly improved by more than two percentage points after voters watched the clip. Considering most polls are indicating a tight contest, that's quite a shift after such a small amount of footage.

Biden seems out of touch with reality. Them Democrats might want to reconsider who their nominee is or they need to surround him with people who can speak for him.
I trust my Republican Governor. Today he announced, he would not be extending the safe-at-home directive past it's present end date of May, 30, and that plans are being made to reopen some state parks. Of course I trust Fauci, and Birx also. I hope it all works out. Nobody trusts trump. He does not make decisions based on science, but on politics and economic impact.
Ohhhhh nbc!

Ohhhh - Rupert Murdoch's wild-eyed lib-rul Wall Street Journal! :auiqs.jpg:

Wall Street Journal - Right Center Bias - Republican - Conservative - Credible

Factual Reporting: Mostly Factual - Mostly Credible and Reliable


  • Overall, we rate the Wall Street Journal Right-Center biased due to low biased news reporting in combination with a strongly right biased editorial stance. We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting rather than High, due to anti-climate, anti-science stances and occasional misleading editorials.
Its how they love or hate the president isn't it? Nothing else matters. All the premium movie stations are purely Prog Socialist. Every self produced program is anti Republican. All the bad Presidents are Republican by their programs. Or made to look bad anyway. Its sickening. Many people realize it. Many do not or get their feel good out of it.

Interesting - So the premium movie channels are all anti-Trump now?

Boy, you are SOOO deprived of your beloved RW Pro-Trump media. I mean, all ya got is Sinclair Broadcasting (largest owner of local TeeVee stations in America) - Fox, OAN, Newsmax, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Infowars, AmericanStinker, DailySmeller, and about a thousand others.

Cry me a river! :auiqs.jpg:

It is not a thousand others. TV is the most popular medium. 95% is pure Prog propaganda. Even a conservative comedy or drama has elements of Prog agendas in it. Tell me I can watch all the talk shows that are on the major over the air networks that are conservative. You would have to name each one to prove yourself. Prog propagandists are endless. And most of them will not be around to lift a finger to help the peasant if/when this system collapses. For they provide nothing!
My governor is Gay Gavin Gruesome Newsom. I would not trust Nancy Pelosi's favorite nephew to tell me whether it's raining out. If he tells you his name he's probably lying.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)

Funny they left Joe Biden off your meme who came in at 26%...

Nobody's heard from Joe of late for obvious reasons. He doesn't do Daily Disinformation Rallies from the Bully Pulpit.
No, Biden gave up his daily briefings because he was losing it.
President Trump's daily briefings on the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic are apparently working to his political benefit, The Atlantic reports.

A Democratic strategist, speaking on condition of anonymity, described a private research initiative in which voters were shown a 90-second clip of a recent briefing. Trump's general election performance against his likely Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, reportedly improved by more than two percentage points after voters watched the clip. Considering most polls are indicating a tight contest, that's quite a shift after such a small amount of footage.

Biden seems out of touch with reality. Them Democrats might want to reconsider who their nominee is or they need to surround him with people who can speak for him.

Trump is the one who is out of touch with reality. If Republicans had any sense, they would dump Trump.
I trust my Republican Governor. Today he announced, he would not be extending the safe-at-home directive past it's present end date of May, 30, and that plans are being made to reopen some state parks. Of course I trust Fauci, and Birx also. I hope it all works out. Nobody trusts trump. He does not make decisions based on science, but on politics and economic impact.
Amen :thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I've got to go with Gov. Northam. I shudder to think what things would be like here in the Commonwealth if the gay-hating, religion-masquerading gillespie had won. I will listen to Gov. Cuomo, because he is knowledgeable and on top of things. He is into the details and will tell you flat-out. He is doing one helluva job. I like Fauci, he is a professional, he has expertise and should be listened to, but the orange whore tries to muzzle him.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)

I have a positive opinion of Dr. Fauci, but he is hardly infallible. He has been wrong several times since this started back in January

Fauci's miscalculations would fill a thimble. Donnie's fill the pool at Mar-a-Lago. :)
Ohhhhh nbc!

Ohhhh - Rupert Murdoch's wild-eyed lib-rul Wall Street Journal! :auiqs.jpg:

Wall Street Journal - Right Center Bias - Republican - Conservative - Credible

Factual Reporting: Mostly Factual - Mostly Credible and Reliable


  • Overall, we rate the Wall Street Journal Right-Center biased due to low biased news reporting in combination with a strongly right biased editorial stance. We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting rather than High, due to anti-climate, anti-science stances and occasional misleading editorials.
Its how they love or hate the president isn't it? Nothing else matters. All the premium movie stations are purely Prog Socialist. Every self produced program is anti Republican. All the bad Presidents are Republican by their programs. Or made to look bad anyway. Its sickening. Many people realize it. Many do not or get their feel good out of it.

Interesting - So the premium movie channels are all anti-Trump now?

Boy, you are SOOO deprived of your beloved RW Pro-Trump media. I mean, all ya got is Sinclair Broadcasting (largest owner of local TeeVee stations in America) - Fox, OAN, Newsmax, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Infowars, AmericanStinker, DailySmeller, and about a thousand others.

Cry me a river! :auiqs.jpg:

It is not a thousand others. TV is the most popular medium. 95% is pure Prog propaganda. Even a conservative comedy or drama has elements of Prog agendas in it. Tell me I can watch all the talk shows that are on the major over the air networks that are conservative. You would have to name each one to prove yourself. Prog propagandists are endless. And most of them will not be around to lift a finger to help the peasant if/when this system collapses. For they provide nothing!

Not true, younger people get their news online and not from the TeeVee. But okay, let's play your game - Fox, OAN, and Sinclair alone dominate TeeVee news viewership. So you're 95% butt nugget should be return to it's rightful location.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)

I have a positive opinion of Dr. Fauci, but he is hardly infallible. He has been wrong several times since this started back in January

Fauci's miscalculations would fill a thimble.

No, not really. Fauci was saying as far back as mid January and as recently as early March Americans had nothing to worry about. Then just two weeks later he was emphatically telling everybody to expect 200,000 deaths WITH mitigation. Most of the response we are seeing by governors and other public officials have been based on this misinformation. Again, I think Fauci is an important resource and he should be highly regarded, but he is not a deity. He makes errors too and that is why we need input from different people with different backgrounds and experiences.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)

Funny they left Joe Biden off your meme who came in at 26%...

Nobody's heard from Joe of late for obvious reasons. He doesn't do Daily Disinformation Rallies from the Bully Pulpit.
he is going through lobotomies.

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