NBC/WSJ Poll: Do you trust your governor, Dr Fauci, or Donald J Trump?

Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)

I have a positive opinion of Dr. Fauci, but he is hardly infallible. He has been wrong several times since this started back in January

Fauci's miscalculations would fill a thimble.

No, not really. Fauci was saying as far back as mid January and as recently as early March Americans had nothing to worry about. Then just two weeks later he was emphatically telling everybody to expect 200,000 deaths WITH mitigation. Most of the response we are seeing by governors and other public officials have been based on this misinformation. Again, I think Fauci is an important resource and he should be highly regarded, but he is not a deity. He makes errors too and that is why we need input from different people with different backgrounds and experiences.
he also said healthy people don't need masks.

Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.
congrats Dana!!!!!! I nearly fainted. That is spot on.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)

Biden - 25%

Biden is not involved with the pandemic in the same manner Fauci, the governors, the CDC and of course the Dithering Dotard are. It was stupid to even include him in the question.
The Dithering Dorard, as you put it, is the certain Dem nominee for president. At 25% confidence for Biden handling this crises, your president is as good as gold!

Biden's lost it, obviously.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.
congrats Dana!!!!!! I nearly fainted. That is spot on.

Thank you.

Don't faint. You may hurt yourself.
I've got to go with Gov. Northam. I shudder to think what things would be like here in the Commonwealth if the gay-hating, religion-masquerading gillespie had won. I will listen to Gov. Cuomo, because he is knowledgeable and on top of things. He is into the details and will tell you flat-out. He is doing one helluva job. I like Fauci, he is a professional, he has expertise and should be listened to, but the orange whore tries to muzzle him.

*mic drop*
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)

I have a positive opinion of Dr. Fauci, but he is hardly infallible. He has been wrong several times since this started back in January

understood, but this is a brand spanking new coronavirus. & NO, it's not the 19th version of the flu like kellyanne tried selling. new symptoms & behaviors are cropping up daily. or it could be mutating - nobody knows. losing the sense of taste & smell was really weird now skin problems are being listed.

Coronavirus is causing hives and 4 other skin reactions — here’s what dermatologists warn you to look for
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.

Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.

^ ' He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.'

indeed. & this is who donny is:

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist
The intentional destruction of others while pathologically loving the self.
Posted Feb 22, 2017
Malignant Narcissism

I want to explore with you the darker side of narcissistic personality disorder, where aggression, antisocial behaviors, and suspiciousness are as prominent as their poor sense of self, fragility, and egocentricity. (Below is a video clip that explores the symptoms of malignant narcissism.)

A person with malignant narcissism has the potential to destroy families, communities, nations, and work environments. This condition reflects a hybrid or blending of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. Psychologist Eric Fromm termed the disorder in 1964. Psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg later delineated the symptoms of the condition and presented it as an intermediary between narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders.
Why is the behavior of malignant narcissism often considered dangerous?

Individuals with this profile can form connections with others. However, they process information in ways that can hurt society in general, but also the people who love or depend on them. Family, co-workers, employees, and others in their lives often have to walk on eggshells to appease a fragile ego and minimize the occurrence of their unstable, impulsive, or aggressive behaviors.

They lash out or humiliate others for infractions of even the most frivolous nature (for example, you gave an opinion that differed from theirs; you demonstrated confidence, and it made them look bad; you told a joke that involved poking fun at them).
How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.
congrats Dana!!!!!! I nearly fainted. That is spot on.

um - she's talking about yer chosen one. not fauci.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.
congrats Dana!!!!!! I nearly fainted. That is spot on.

um - she's talking about yer chosen one. not fauci.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.
congrats Dana!!!!!! I nearly fainted. That is spot on.

um - she's talking about yer chosen one. not fauci.

nope. i'm sure of it. did you open the whole exchange? she was responding to a meme embedded in there. NOT fauci.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.
congrats Dana!!!!!! I nearly fainted. That is spot on.

um - she's talking about yer chosen one. not fauci.

Sorry not Fauci. I'm talking about trump.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.
congrats Dana!!!!!! I nearly fainted. That is spot on.

um - she's talking about yer chosen one. not fauci.

nope. i'm sure of it. did you open the whole exchange? she was responding to a meme embedded in there. NOT fauci.

You are 100% correct.
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.
congrats Dana!!!!!! I nearly fainted. That is spot on.

um - she's talking about yer chosen one. not fauci.

Sorry not Fauci. I'm talking about trump.
Trump didn’t work for obammy five years ago, fauci did
Ruh-Roh - And BTW, only 8% of Americans don't trust Dr Fauci. :)


The man has spent 5 years lying through his teeth about everything.

He's been wrong about everything in regard to this pandemic and most everything else.

He attacks people and is very mean.

He has not once shown any remorse or empathy or sympathy or anything for the people of our nation, especially those who died, in all of this.

I'm surprised that as much as 36% believes a word he says.

It's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid as to believe a word from his mouth after endless lies since 2015.
congrats Dana!!!!!! I nearly fainted. That is spot on.

um - she's talking about yer chosen one. not fauci.

Sorry not Fauci. I'm talking about trump.
Trump didn’t work for obammy five years ago, fauci did

trump came down that escalator 5 years ago. He started lying to the nation to become president in 2015.

We are now in 2020.

You do the math.

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