NBC/WSJ Poll - Republicans losing on almost every issue

I expect things will change when elections roll around. Better news is it was recently determined more people are getting their news from the internet than from television.

That bodes well for conservatives.
If the GOP is losing public support on every issue then we deserve absolutely everything that is happening and will happen/.
It is inevitable.

Someday sooner or later (probably sooner but not soon enough) even the liberals and the other Democrats will realize that the conservatives have been entirely correct about the damn spending, about the debt and about the deficit.

Were you born last night? The conservatives supported Bush until the economy collapsed. The conservatives were claiming the economy was doing great before that and I was pointing out how he fought two wars and didn't create jobs, while piling up massive debt and saying debt didn't matter.

The conservatives supported putting this country in debt, when it could have been paying off the national debt and now when times are bad they want to cut spending to create another recession to blame it on Obama. That is their policy, because they know people are stupid enough to allow it to happen and then claim the obvious results won't happen. The conservatives are only looking out for the interest of their elites, who created this mess.

I love your predictable and flamingly trite retorts.

Let's stipulate (it may or may not be true, but let's just SAY it is for the sake of this discussion): President George W. Bush spent far too much money. And let us further stipulate that he was clearly one of the perpetrators of the philosophy of government that proceeds as if it is an acceptable basis to incur MASSIVE debt.

Happy now, Dumbya?

There. With that stipulated, you seem to have NO fucking problem with the way Obama is doing the very same thing only on steroids. :eusa_whistle:

If it was wrong for Pres. Bush then why are you so fucking silent about the behavior of Obama?

Let's stipulate (it may or may not be true, but let's just SAY it is for the sake of this discussion): President George W. Bush spent far too much money....

Oh crap - this is some funny stuff.

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