NBC/WSJ Poll - Republicans losing on almost every issue

A Winthrop University (Charlotte) poll of South Carolina last week showed President Obama had a higher approval rating, in SC, than Tea Party Queen Governor Nikki Haley.

Yes. In the reddest of red states, SC, Obama out-polled the Tea Party Governor.

Yep. This landslide is picking up steam.

Use your brain for a minute. In the reddest state with a tea party governor Obama is polling higher? Come on.

I think we are being fed a bunch of bull.
A Winthrop University (Charlotte) poll of South Carolina last week showed President Obama had a higher approval rating, in SC, than Tea Party Queen Governor Nikki Haley.

Yes. In the reddest of red states, SC, Obama out-polled the Tea Party Governor.

Yep. This landslide is picking up steam.

Use your brain for a minute. In the reddest state with a tea party governor Obama is polling higher? Come on.

I think we are being fed a bunch of bull.

Let me ask the question and I'll get you the poll results you want.
They clearly oversampled Democrats in this poll and I bet Nate Silver had a hand in this somehow. I want to see Dick Morris and Karl Rove's polls.

I think you've clearly overlooked the women's vote and how the Republicans have trampled all over their rights to privacy and access to health care. I would bet that this poll suggests that women have had enough of old white men telling them what to do.

The GOP needs to put a sock in the mouths of these stupid congressmen running around promoting transvaginal probes, repealing Roe v Wade and trying to shut down Planned Parenthood. Try that and maybe your party might see a turn around in 2016.
They clearly oversampled Democrats in this poll and I bet Nate Silver had a hand in this somehow. I want to see Dick Morris and Karl Rove's polls.

I think you've clearly overlooked the women's vote and how the Republicans have trampled all over their rights to privacy and access to health care. I would bet that this poll suggests that women have had enough of old white men telling them what to do.

The GOP needs to put a sock in the mouths of these stupid congressmen running around promoting transvaginal probes, repealing Roe v Wade and trying to shut down Planned Parenthood. Try that and maybe your party might see a turn around in 2016.

Where is there ANYTHING restricting rights to a woman's health care? Where was any bill brought up preventing a woman from buying any birth control she wants?? Planned Parenthood should not be government funded at all, just like many other groups should not...

You basically want the GOP to act like the DNC and go with big government and handouts to call for votes... The problem with the GOP is that they are being to 'big government' still and not really sticking with the conservative political ideal
What issues are Republicans losing on?

Gun control
Gay Rights
Global Warming

Once again, on the wrong side of history

DEMs pandering to give out freebies, force taxpayers to pay for others, and lie about increasing costs have snoballed many... especially those who chant for the freebies while also chanting to take more from others

And again, of course people want less taxes while others pay more.. but with govt spending, soon those who have been promised no taxes will have to be taxed... you can't think the rich can pay for it all

2nd amendment trumps whatever popularity

Gays already have rights, just as every other citizen has... protected status for a choice and personal decision is something quite different

The REPs can't be on the wrong side of that myth

Do you guys have to be wrong on EVERY issue?

No wonder you can't get elected
They clearly oversampled Democrats in this poll and I bet Nate Silver had a hand in this somehow. I want to see Dick Morris and Karl Rove's polls.

I think you've clearly overlooked the women's vote and how the Republicans have trampled all over their rights to privacy and access to health care. I would bet that this poll suggests that women have had enough of old white men telling them what to do.

The GOP needs to put a sock in the mouths of these stupid congressmen running around promoting transvaginal probes, repealing Roe v Wade and trying to shut down Planned Parenthood. Try that and maybe your party might see a turn around in 2016.

Nah. All we gotta do is promise more free shit than you guys promise and we're a shoe in.
What issues are Republicans losing on?

Gun control
Gay Rights
Global Warming

Once again, on the wrong side of history

DEMs pandering to give out freebies, force taxpayers to pay for others, and lie about increasing costs have snoballed many... especially those who chant for the freebies while also chanting to take more from others

And again, of course people want less taxes while others pay more.. but with govt spending, soon those who have been promised no taxes will have to be taxed... you can't think the rich can pay for it all

2nd amendment trumps whatever popularity

Gays already have rights, just as every other citizen has... protected status for a choice and personal decision is something quite different

The REPs can't be on the wrong side of that myth

Do you guys have to be wrong on EVERY issue?

No wonder you can't get elected

wrongwinger mantra.. keep repeating it til someone believes you
They clearly oversampled Democrats in this poll and I bet Nate Silver had a hand in this somehow. I want to see Dick Morris and Karl Rove's polls.

I think you've clearly overlooked the women's vote and how the Republicans have trampled all over their rights to privacy and access to health care. I would bet that this poll suggests that women have had enough of old white men telling them what to do.

The GOP needs to put a sock in the mouths of these stupid congressmen running around promoting transvaginal probes, repealing Roe v Wade and trying to shut down Planned Parenthood. Try that and maybe your party might see a turn around in 2016.

According to the "polls?"

Who gives a shit?

How about the REALITY of the present situation?

HERE is what the damn GOP is worth:

Days before the March 1 deadline, Senate Republicans are circulating a draft bill that would cancel $85 billion in across-the-board spending cuts and instead turn over authority to President Barack Obama to achieve the same level of savings under a plan to be filed by March 8.

The five- page document, which has the tacit support of Senate GOP leaders, represents a remarkable shift for the party. Having railed against Senate Democrats for not passing a budget, Republicans are now proposing that Congress surrender an important piece of its Constitutional “power of the purse” for the last seven months of this fiscal year.

Senate GOP ponders ceding power to President Obama - Manu Raju and David Rogers - POLITICO.com

In case anyone was wondering, the GOP is absolutely worthless.
The Republican agenda has become a one trick pony, cut spending and they have not been successful at it. To all other major legislation, they have become the party of no. 4 years of saying no, may play well with the Tea Party, but certainly not all Republicans. Since the Tea Party represents only 29% of the Republicans, they had better find some way to work with the Senate or it's going to be bad news for them in the next election just as it was in the last election.
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It is inevitable.

Someday sooner or later (probably sooner but not soon enough) even the liberals and the other Democrats will realize that the conservatives have been entirely correct about the damn spending, about the debt and about the deficit.
Not surprised. The ignorant and lazy outnumber the smart and productive and the ingnorant and lazy are reproducing much faster. It will only get worse with time.

I agree. Before you know it we will be Greece.

Wonder who the Clowns will tax when no one has anyhting left to tax?? When that 47% who pay no Fed taxes becomes 50% or 55%?

Wait till Obamacare hits us. Twenty one taxes in that sucker. Wonder if all the lefties will still be rooting Barry Boy and the Dems then?
And yet Obama still lost 4 million voters for the Democrat party this last election... Reps made up lost ground from 2008 and all Progressives can do is celebrate. Your time is coming to an end. When the majority of your base supports you so they can receive some form of welfare then you end up with a lazy uninspired voter base.

I'm not here to defend Republicans, they are dying too.
Not surprised. The ignorant and lazy outnumber the smart and productive and the ingnorant and lazy are reproducing much faster. It will only get worse with time.

I agree. Before you know it we will be Greece.

Wonder who the Clowns will tax when no one has anyhting left to tax?? When that 47% who pay no Fed taxes becomes 50% or 55%?

Wait till Obamacare hits us. Twenty one taxes in that sucker. Wonder if all the lefties will still be rooting Barry Boy and the Dems then?

Oh they will. Liberalism is a grave mental disorder and once it takes hold of you, it's permanent. We all could be living in cardboard boxes, burning worthless dollar bills for warmth and they would still say that if obama had more time, he'd fix it.
Not surprised. The ignorant and lazy outnumber the smart and productive and the ingnorant and lazy are reproducing much faster. It will only get worse with time.

I agree. Before you know it we will be Greece.

Wonder who the Clowns will tax when no one has anyhting left to tax?? When that 47% who pay no Fed taxes becomes 50% or 55%?

Wait till Obamacare hits us. Twenty one taxes in that sucker. Wonder if all the lefties will still be rooting Barry Boy and the Dems then?

Oh they will. Liberalism is a grave mental disorder and once it takes hold of you, it's permanent. We all could be living in cardboard boxes, burning worthless dollar bills for warmth and they would still say that if Obama had more time, he'd fix it.

It's sad how true what you said is. Obama's stimulus failed to do a single thing he said it would, it was well beyond an epic failure based purely on Obama's definitions and goals that he set out to achieve... So instead of being able to hold Obama accountable, something Obama ran off, accountability.... People then start claiming Obama saved us from a depression.......

Could you imagine if every time you failed to do something you found a way to credit yourself for something even grater than what you set out to accomplish?

It would be as if started a diet and your goal was to lose 20 pounds, and instead you gained 7 pounds. Then you turn around and say "Wow, I managed to not gain 30 pounds, lucky I started that new diet because I would have been waaaay worse off!" Maybe the all candy diet was not the way to go....
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All this poll tells me is that the public is falling for the bullshit being fed to them by the Obama-run media.
It is inevitable.

Someday sooner or later (probably sooner but not soon enough) even the liberals and the other Democrats will realize that the conservatives have been entirely correct about the damn spending, about the debt and about the deficit.

Were you born last night? The conservatives supported Bush until the economy collapsed. The conservatives were claiming the economy was doing great before that and I was pointing out how he fought two wars and didn't create jobs, while piling up massive debt and saying debt didn't matter.

The conservatives supported putting this country in debt, when it could have been paying off the national debt and now when times are bad they want to cut spending to create another recession to blame it on Obama. That is their policy, because they know people are stupid enough to allow it to happen and then claim the obvious results won't happen. The conservatives are only looking out for the interest of their elites, who created this mess.
They clearly oversampled Democrats in this poll and I bet Nate Silver had a hand in this somehow. I want to see Dick Morris and Karl Rove's polls.

I think you've clearly overlooked the women's vote and how the Republicans have trampled all over their rights to privacy and access to health care. I would bet that this poll suggests that women have had enough of old white men telling them what to do.

The GOP needs to put a sock in the mouths of these stupid congressmen running around promoting transvaginal probes, repealing Roe v Wade and trying to shut down Planned Parenthood. Try that and maybe your party might see a turn around in 2016.

Nah. All we gotta do is promise more free shit than you guys promise and we're a shoe in.

"they [Americans] want the sort of America that the Democratic Santa Claus offers, which is a "we" society that allows for a strong middle class and basic protections from old age, sickness, and unemployment. In other words, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Speaking of free shit - it was Ronald Reagan's economic advisor that came up with the term "Two Santa Clauses".

Jude Wanniski's (i.e. Reagan's) strategy was, since the Democrats strategy of creating security and safety nets and promoting the General Welfare for the old, the infirm, the vulnerable, etc, the Republicans should gift their wealthy donors by gifting them with massive tax cuts, then-----then huge subsidies to their natural constituencies, then...

Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years

Santa Claus Faces the Democratic Firing Squad?

28 Nov 2012 By Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks, The Daily Take

On the day after the election, Rush Limbaugh blamed Santa Claus for Mitt Romney's defeat.

"Conservativism did not lose last night," Limbaugh said. "It's just very difficult to beat Santa Claus. It is practically impossible to beat Santa Claus. People are not going to vote against Santa Claus," Limbaugh concluded.
The night before, on Election Night, as the tide was turning against Romney, fellow Republican kingpin Bill O'Reilly said, "50% of the voting public wants stuff. They want things. Who is going to give them things? President Obama. He knows it and he ran on it." In other words, President Obama won by playing Santa Claus.

Even Mitt Romney himself blamed "Santa Claus" Obama. After his loss, Romney told donors, "The Obama campaign was following the old playbook of giving a lot of stuff to groups that they hoped they could get to vote for them and be motivated to go out to the polls, specifically the African American community, the Hispanic community and young people." Referring to President Obama's reforms that allowed young people to stay on their parents' health insurance plans, Romney called it a "big gift to young people."

These men, especially Rush Limbaugh, perfectly summed up the message the Republican establishment took from their election defeat, which is, "It is practically impossible to beat Santa Claus."

But this is something Republicans have known for quite a long time.

They first learned this lesson in the 1930's and 40's after the New Deal, when Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt played the role of Santa Claus and gave the American people Social Security and unemployment insurance. At the time, Republicans played Scrooge arguing that we couldn't afford it. They played the role of Scrooge in the 1960's, too, as Democratic President Lyndon Johnson played Santa Claus as well, and gave the American people Medicare and other Great Society programs to cut poverty.

And what did Republicans get for playing Scrooge? Electoral defeat after electoral defeat. Starting with FDR's big win in 1936, with the lone exception of the 2-year "Do-Nothing Congress" elected in 1946, Republicans never held a majority in the House of Representatives until 1995. And the way they were able to finally come out of this political slump was by listening to a Republican strategist/faux economist named Jude Wanniski who wrote a transformative article for the National Observer in 1976 that laid out the new Republican path to power.

Titled "Taxes and a Two-Santa Theory," Wanniski warned that Republicans, "embrace the role of Scrooge, playing into the hands of the Democrats, who know the first rule of successful politics is Never Shoot Santa Claus." He said, "As long as Republicans have insisted on balanced budgets, their influence as a party has shriveled."
And since, as Limbaugh lamented, you can't beat Santa Claus, then Wanniski said Republicans need to play Santa Claus themselves - the Santa Claus of tax cuts! Wanniski wrote, "The only thing wrong ... is the failure of the Republican Party to play Santa Claus... The Two Santa Claus Theory holds that Republicans should concentrate on tax reduction."

In other words, Democrats can give "gifts" like Social Security and Medicare and Republicans can counter with gifts like massive tax cuts, which is exactly what they did when Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980 and picked Wanniski as an adviser.another dimension to Wanniski's strategy that he doesn't explicitly lay out in his article. And that's this: If Republicans, by playing Santa Claus on their own, successfully pass their tax cuts (as Reagan and Bush 2 did) without cutting spending, then the government will be starved of revenue until eventually it can't afford the Democratic Party's social services like Social Security, unemployment insurance and Medicare; all things that Republicans have labeled as "gifts." And if Republicans scream and yell enough about the deficit they've created with their tax cuts, then maybe – just maybe – it will force the Democrats to reverse roles, play Scrooge, and eventually shoot Santa Claus.

It was a brilliant political strategy that for more than 30 years has worked flawlessly.

Thanks to their tax cuts, Republican Presidents have added nearly $10 trillion in debt to the nation's balance books since Reagan, which is far more than Democratic Presidents. And yet, it's the Republican Party that pretends to be the most concerned about the national debt, devoting every breath to nightmare scenarios of what might happen if we don't bring our annual deficits under control by cutting social spending.


With the help of the corporate media, Republicans have managed to create this false equivalency that says if taxes go up on the wealthiest 2% of Americans, then the rest of the nation has to suffer from deep budget cuts to social welfare programs, the unemployed need to get by with fewer benefits, and senior citizens have to work longer before they can qualify for Medicare. To them, this is what a "balanced approach" looks like.

Despite claims from the White House that Social Security is off the negotiating table, both President Obama and Vice President Biden have thrown support behind a sort of "grand bargain" like Simpson-Bowles that will leave the Republican Santa Claus that delivered low tax rates nicked by paper-cuts, but leave the Democratic Santa Claus a shot-up bloodied mess.

Recognizing what might be on the horizon, Progressive Senator Bernie Sanders said after the election, "We're going to send a loud message to the leadership in the House, in the Senate and President Obama. Do not cut Social Security, do not cut Medicare, do not cut Medicaid. Deficit reduction is a serious issue but it must be done in a way that is fair. We must not balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, the sick, the children or the poor." In other words, don't shoot the Democrat's Santa Claus to reduce the deficit.

What Bernie Sanders and other Progressives understand is Democrats haven't been playing Santa Claus for the last 80 years just to win elections. They've been playing Santa Claus to save the nation and our economic system as we know it. Faced with a Great Depression and Communist revolutions around the world, Roosevelt had to enact the New Deal just to save capitalism itself in America. Faced with the crisis of poverty in the 1960's and the hardships senior citizens were facing upon retirement, LBJ enacted the Great Society and Medicare – not because the people wanted "gifts" from Santa Claus, but because people needed help - and providing for the "general welfare" is, according to our Constitution, one of the main purposes for which our government itself was created.

And, despite what Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and other Cons say, providing student loan relief isn't a "gift," it's a necessity now that outstanding student loan debt has topped $1 trillion. Ensuring women have access to contraceptives isn't a "gift," it's a right. Proving undocumented workers with a pathway to citizenship isn't a "gift," it's the humane thing to do. And making sure impoverished children have healthcare isn't a "gift," it's the moral thing to do.

Americans have handed Democrats electoral victories through the decades because they want the sort of America that the Democratic Santa Claus offers, which is a "we" society that allows for a strong middle class and basic protections from old age, sickness, and unemployment. In other words, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."


"Money is like manure, when you stack it up in piles, it stinks;
when you spread it out widely over fields, it makes things grow."


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