NC house bill seeks to make homosexual "marriage" a state issue again defying the SC

Even if it gets a hearing, it will die in committee.
It should be a state issue everywhere and it should be handled by the legislature or by referendum everywhere instead of by the courts. The federal government has no business getting involved in this.
yea so people who are being discriminated against can just move from state to state?
It should be a state issue everywhere and it should be handled by the legislature or by referendum everywhere instead of by the courts. The federal government has no business getting involved in this.
yea so people who are being discriminated against can just move from state to state?
Or they can organize within their state and change the law.
It should be a state issue everywhere and it should be handled by the legislature or by referendum everywhere instead of by the courts. The federal government has no business getting involved in this.
yea so people who are being discriminated against can just move from state to state?
Or they can organize within their state and change the law.
or we can avoid stripping their rights :2up:
It should be a state issue everywhere and it should be handled by the legislature or by referendum everywhere instead of by the courts. The federal government has no business getting involved in this.
yea so people who are being discriminated against can just move from state to state?
Or they can organize within their state and change the law.
or we can avoid stripping their rights :2up:
That's what elections are for, to assert your rights and preferences.
That's what elections are for, to assert your rights and preferences.

So you would be cool with people in a state voting on gun rights?

How about religious rights?

Religious rights are protected by the Constitution as are gun rights so states have only a limited ability to legislate on these matters, but the seven articles of the Constitution make clear that the federal government's rights and powers are to be limited to only a few areas such as foreign affairs, war and interstate commerce, but successive federal administrations have gnawed away at the Constitution and Supreme courts have invented rights not specified in the Constitution until it is legitimate today to ask if what is written in the Constitution is at all relevant to the way the country is governed.
Religious rights are protected by the Constitution as are gun rights so states have only a limited ability to legislate on these matters, but the seven articles of the Constitution make clear that the federal government's rights and powers are to be limited to only a few areas such as foreign affairs, war and interstate commerce, but successive federal administrations have gnawed away at the Constitution and Supreme courts have invented rights not specified in the Constitution until it is legitimate today to ask if what is written in the Constitution is at all relevant to the way the country is governed.

So Federal intrusion is OK for things you like, but not for things you don't like even though the 14th Amendment extended Federal oversight of State laws.

Got it.

Remember the Bill of Rights (1st and 2nd Amendment governing religion and gun ownership of course) only applied to the Federal government prior to the 14th. Before that States could even have a State sponsored religion or infringe on Gun rights if they decided to do so.

Religious rights are protected by the Constitution as are gun rights so states have only a limited ability to legislate on these matters, but the seven articles of the Constitution make clear that the federal government's rights and powers are to be limited to only a few areas such as foreign affairs, war and interstate commerce, but successive federal administrations have gnawed away at the Constitution and Supreme courts have invented rights not specified in the Constitution until it is legitimate today to ask if what is written in the Constitution is at all relevant to the way the country is governed.

So Federal intrusion is OK for things you like, but not for things you don't like even though the 14th Amendment extended Federal oversight of State laws.

Got it.

Remember the Bill of Rights (1st and 2nd Amendment governing religion and gun ownership of course) only applied to the Federal government prior to the 14th. Before that States could even have a State sponsored religion or infringe on Gun rights if they decided to do so.

The 14th amendment was concerned only with the rights of freed slaves and the fact it has been used to erode the seven articles of the Constitution is an outrage. The framers of the Constitution having only recently won our freedom from Briatain, understood that the more distant the government was from the people it governed the less sensitive it will be to the needs of the people, in effect the less democratic it would be, so they limited the jurisdiction of the federal government to only those issues that concerned all the states as a group, such as war and interstate commerce, and left to the states all other matters.

There is no reason to believe the federal government is more competent to decide issues of gun ownership or religion or marriage than the state governments and there is every reason to believe the federal government is less sensitive to the needs and preferences of the people in the various states than their own state governments.

The issue is not where I stand on various issues but that as federal administrations continue to lie about what the second amendment really meant or what the 14th amendment really meant and successive courts invent rights never specified in law, it leaves the government established by the Constitution in tatters and raises the question of whether we are a Constitutional democracy anymore.

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