NC New Welfare Drug Test Law: 1/3rd Tested Positive from Sample.

Should Welfare Applicants be Required to Take a Drug Test?

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How many studies would you need in order to drop this bullshit? This has been done......and evaluated....many times. The fact is that there is no benefit to requiring drug testing before approving public assistance. It's a scam.

Not only that, but when FL tried to do this same thing a couple of years back, they compared the results of people who were on welfare to drug tests ran by companies, and found that people on assistance were less than half as likely to pop positive than those who had jobs.

Most minimum wage jobs do not drug test. But Whoa, when they do look out! If you were to drug test a fast food restaurant you would lose about half of your employees on a conservative estimate. A surprise drug test on a business filled with minimum wage workers that haven't traditionally drug tested will show ridiculous results every time.
How many studies would you need in order to drop this bullshit? This has been done......and evaluated....many times. The fact is that there is no benefit to requiring drug testing before approving public assistance. It's a scam.
With a little work,safe bet you can get some NC state legislators, and tell them's their law not anyone on this board.

Incoherent. Have you been tested lately?
How many studies would you need in order to drop this bullshit? This has been done......and evaluated....many times. The fact is that there is no benefit to requiring drug testing before approving public assistance. It's a scam.

Not only that, but when FL tried to do this same thing a couple of years back, they compared the results of people who were on welfare to drug tests ran by companies, and found that people on assistance were less than half as likely to pop positive than those who had jobs.

Most minimum wage jobs do not drug test. But Whoa, when they do look out! If you were to drug test a fast food restaurant you would lose about half of your employees on a conservative estimate. A surprise drug test on a business filled with minimum wage workers that haven't traditionally drug tested will show ridiculous results every time.

It is no mystery that many people on welfare have problems with drugs and alcohol. I don't think spending the time and money to test them just to deny them benefits is going to be effective. Making our welfare programs more efficient by providing tools and support to get people self sufficient and off welfare should be the focus. Not sure if the drug test and deny technic is going to produce the end results that we want.
How many studies would you need in order to drop this bullshit? This has been done......and evaluated....many times. The fact is that there is no benefit to requiring drug testing before approving public assistance. It's a scam.

Yeah, It must be a scam from the evil drug testing industry. I hate those evil urinalysis cooperation's and their lobbyists. They're all behind this! :rolleyes:

It's a scam for republicans to scare up votes from idiots, actually.
Actually, what it does is expose the fact that Liberals think working Americans (many of which can be PROVEN to be drug-free, since they are tested for drugs on their jobs) should have part of their paycheck taken away to buy drugs for a bunch of worthless Libs...

Otherwise, why would it even matter to Democrats, since all of those "clean" Democrat voters that can pass the test would keep getting their benefits???
How many studies would you need in order to drop this bullshit? This has been done......and evaluated....many times. The fact is that there is no benefit to requiring drug testing before approving public assistance. It's a scam.

Not only that, but when FL tried to do this same thing a couple of years back, they compared the results of people who were on welfare to drug tests ran by companies, and found that people on assistance were less than half as likely to pop positive than those who had jobs.

Most minimum wage jobs do not drug test. But Whoa, when they do look out! If you were to drug test a fast food restaurant you would lose about half of your employees on a conservative estimate. A surprise drug test on a business filled with minimum wage workers that haven't traditionally drug tested will show ridiculous results every time.


I found a video that summarizes your post.

Yeah, this is bullshit. This method has already been deemed unconstitutional.

Newsflash, Conservitards, you need probable cause of illegal activity to demand body fluids. You can't just go using a dragnet to test the entire population of welfare recipients.

^^ That right there.

It's weird how so many can recite the Second Amendment backwards and forwards, and may be vaguely familiar with Amendment One, but then completely whiff on other equally important rights, such as:

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.​

Anyone who submits to urine-trouble screening as a condition of employment, or anything else, is part of the problem.
Fascism sucks moose cock.
Stripping people of their rights in exchange for government services is a very bad precedent. This is just resentful conservatives trying to attach a poison pill to welfare programs they don't think should exist in the first place.
Yeah, this is bullshit. This method has already been deemed unconstitutional.

Newsflash, Conservitards, you need probable cause of illegal activity to demand body fluids. You can't just go using a dragnet to test the entire population of welfare recipients.

Where were you when I was tested half a dozen times a year for every year that I served in the Marines. All the government needs is a compelling interest to test. The compelling interest for welfare is to get people back on their feet. The compelling interest for drug testing welfare applicants is to ensure that they aren't gaming the system by letting the government subsidize their drug habit. This is the antithesis of getting back on your feet.
You know, I can see people in high stress jobs being drug tested, because they have to remain sharp while they are on the job.

People who are receiving welfare? No. I don't think they need to be tested. Why? If they aren't working in a job that could be hazardous to the public, there is no need for it.

Besides............of all the people I've ever known who received financial assistance, they were more interested in feeding themselves and keeping a roof over their head rather than taking drugs.
Gee, if you think it's fair for welfare recipients to have other people pay to finance their drug habit, I just might have a suggestion for you...

Have their dope dealers come to YOUR HOUSE OR JOB to collect for their drugs...

And if you think a urine-trouble test conclusively shows that (a) they paid for whatever substance shows up and (b) that they paid for it with assistance money, I just might have a suggestion for you --- take a logic class.

The compelling interest for drug testing welfare applicants is to ensure that they aren't gaming the system by letting the government subsidize their drug habit.

Looks like you need the same class.
Stripping people of their rights in exchange for government services is a very bad precedent. This is just resentful conservatives trying to attach a poison pill to welfare programs they don't think should exist in the first place.

Welfare is the very definition of stripping people of their rights for a government service. The problem is that you believe the rights should only be stripped in one direction, i.e. that people should be taxed their money to pay for the lack of industry of others whilst the beneficiaries of that money should retain their title to it despite doing acts opposite of those ends the money is intended.
Awesome thinking!

Let's test otherwise law abiding citizens who need some help paying bills and feeding their we can see if they smoked a joint last week. . If so....we can deny them the few hundred bucks of assistance they get. Then, they can resort to a criminal act to pay those bills. We can catch them and put them in jail....for 30k per year......and then pay to feed the kids some other way.

It's brilliant conservative thinking.
The compelling interest for drug testing welfare applicants is to ensure that they aren't gaming the system by letting the government subsidize their drug habit. This is the antithesis of getting back on your feet.

You could make the same claim for any government service where some people are net beneficiaries. Public schools subsidize education costs for parents. That's money they might well be spending to finance a drug habit. Should we test them too?
How many studies would you need in order to drop this bullshit? This has been done......and evaluated....many times. The fact is that there is no benefit to requiring drug testing before approving public assistance. It's a scam.

Not only that, but when FL tried to do this same thing a couple of years back, they compared the results of people who were on welfare to drug tests ran by companies, and found that people on assistance were less than half as likely to pop positive than those who had jobs.

Most minimum wage jobs do not drug test. But Whoa, when they do look out! If you were to drug test a fast food restaurant you would lose about half of your employees on a conservative estimate. A surprise drug test on a business filled with minimum wage workers that haven't traditionally drug tested will show ridiculous results every time.

And this is based on --- what? An orifice that can be tested with a proctoscope?
Stripping people of their rights in exchange for government services is a very bad precedent. This is just resentful conservatives trying to attach a poison pill to welfare programs they don't think should exist in the first place.

Welfare is the very definition of stripping people of their rights for a government service. The problem is that you believe the rights should only be stripped in one direction, i.e. that people should be taxed their money to pay for the lack of industry of others whilst the beneficiaries of that money should retain their title to it despite doing acts the opposite of those ends the money is intended.

No, I don't. I'm opposed to all government welfare. I just don't think two wrongs make a right.
Stripping people of their rights in exchange for government services is a very bad precedent. This is just resentful conservatives trying to attach a poison pill to welfare programs they don't think should exist in the first place.

Welfare is the very definition of stripping people of their rights for a government service. The problem is that you believe the rights should only be stripped in one direction, i.e. that people should be taxed their money to pay for the lack of industry of others whilst the beneficiaries of that money should retain their title to it despite doing acts the opposite of those ends the money is intended.
When will we start testing people that get a tax refund??
Stripping people of their rights in exchange for government services is a very bad precedent. This is just resentful conservatives trying to attach a poison pill to welfare programs they don't think should exist in the first place.
So you think it's fair for a lot of the people PAYING THE BILLS to be drug tested and stay drug-free, only to have part of the paycheck they EARNED taken away to buy drugs for a bunch of worthless Libs who would rather smoke crack all day than get a job and pay their own damn bills???
Stripping people of their rights in exchange for government services is a very bad precedent. This is just resentful conservatives trying to attach a poison pill to welfare programs they don't think should exist in the first place.

Welfare is the very definition of stripping people of their rights for a government service. The problem is that you believe the rights should only be stripped in one direction, i.e. that people should be taxed their money to pay for the lack of industry of others whilst the beneficiaries of that money should retain their title to it despite doing acts the opposite of those ends the money is intended.
When will we start testing people that get a tax refund??

You mean a tax credit? A tax refund is simply the money you overpaid.

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