NC New Welfare Drug Test Law: 1/3rd Tested Positive from Sample.

Should Welfare Applicants be Required to Take a Drug Test?

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Oh look at all the whiny liberals crying that it's no fair that a person should only be given welfare if they are a responsible adult who is trying to make it on their own but failing....

I'm willing to bet that NONE of you would tolerate your own grown adult child living at home and paying nothing for rent, utilities, daycare, groceries, but somehow finding a way to get high every day.

But US taxpayers should do just that or we don't care about the poor.

Stupidity on display.
Yes. It is. A private charity, can and indeed has every right to make whatever demands it wants of recipients, but the government can not discriminate in that way against a particular class of people because they are poor.
The government certainly can, and does, and will continue to. You don't give a shit when women are killing their don't care about that particular "class of people". You don't care when the class of people getting mowed over are rural people being mowed under by the feds in huge land grabs. You don't care when working class people get their checks raped every single month in order to support the millions of people you think shouldn't have to work to feed their families.

Unfortunately, as you've been told a million times, the government won't stop after they destroy the people you hate. Once they have that power, it will extend over EVERYBODY, and EVERYBODY will be treated exactly as they have been treating the unborn, the working man, the Christian.

Including you and the people you love.

And that has what to do with the topic :dunno:
It was a long weekend and I forgot how stupid you are.

Let's hope you are never in a position to need assistance - the fecal explosion alone would require costly damage control measures.

The government isn't raping you, you're just whining because you want to enjoy benefits but you don't want to pay for it.

You don't give a fuck about poor people (presumably they're all welfare queens scamming the system because they're lazy) and you really don't give a fuck about the unborn because you're concern starts at and ends with limiting an individual women's right to have an abortion, and has certainly never extended to the thousands of embryos destroyed in the name of improving fertility.

Oh, and Christians are the most persecuted religion in America. :lmao:

In the meantime, I'm sure you'll make a good start on criminalizing poverty - have any plans for instituting Poor Farms and Debtors Prisons again?
You should be more concerned with the imprisonment of imbeciles.

Why? You're still walking free.

Meanwhile, do you think all recipients of government benefits should be drug tested?
Yes. It is. A private charity, can and indeed has every right to make whatever demands it wants of recipients, but the government can not discriminate in that way against a particular class of people because they are poor.
The government certainly can, and does, and will continue to. You don't give a shit when women are killing their don't care about that particular "class of people". You don't care when the class of people getting mowed over are rural people being mowed under by the feds in huge land grabs. You don't care when working class people get their checks raped every single month in order to support the millions of people you think shouldn't have to work to feed their families.

Unfortunately, as you've been told a million times, the government won't stop after they destroy the people you hate. Once they have that power, it will extend over EVERYBODY, and EVERYBODY will be treated exactly as they have been treating the unborn, the working man, the Christian.

Including you and the people you love.

And that has what to do with the topic :dunno:
It was a long weekend and I forgot how stupid you are.

A woman called me "ignoramus" for using two parking spaces at Wal-Mart to park my new truck. I told her that I am an accident of birth but you are a self-made woman.

Let's hope you are never in a position to need assistance - the fecal explosion alone would require costly damage control measures.

The government isn't raping you, you're just whining because you want to enjoy benefits but you don't want to pay for it.

You don't give a fuck about poor people (presumably they're all welfare queens scamming the system because they're lazy) and you really don't give a fuck about the unborn because you're concern starts at and ends with limiting an individual women's right to have an abortion, and has certainly never extended to the thousands of embryos destroyed in the name of improving fertility.

Oh, and Christians are the most persecuted religion in America. :lmao:

In the meantime, I'm sure you'll make a good start on criminalizing poverty - have any plans for instituting Poor Farms and Debtors Prisons again?
You should be more concerned with the imprisonment of imbeciles.
Oh look at all the whiny liberals crying that it's no fair that a person should only be given welfare if they are a responsible adult who is trying to make it on their own but failing....

I'm willing to bet that NONE of you would tolerate your own grown adult child living at home and paying nothing for rent, utilities, daycare, groceries, but somehow finding a way to get high every day.

But US taxpayers should do just that or we don't care about the poor.

Stupidity on display.

Specifically, what would you propose should be done? How would not giving them welfare - stop the addiction?
Oh look at all the whiny liberals crying that it's no fair that a person should only be given welfare if they are a responsible adult who is trying to make it on their own but failing....

I'm willing to bet that NONE of you would tolerate your own grown adult child living at home and paying nothing for rent, utilities, daycare, groceries, but somehow finding a way to get high every day.

But US taxpayers should do just that or we don't care about the poor.

Stupidity on display.

Specifically, what would you propose should be done? How would not giving them welfare - stop the addiction?

First, I would NOT propose either disqualifying someone, or throwing them off welfare, if they failed on drug test.

You can't however encourage bad behavior by allowing it to just go on with no repercussions. If you're not willing to help yourself, any help you are given is a waste of time and resources.

So , if you fail a drug test you get a choice, join Narcotics Anonymous, and stay clean in the future, or lose your welfare.

See, I don't have a problem with welfare, I have a problem with ENTITLEMENTS, you aren't ENTITLED to taxpayer bought food. You aren't. You can twist the COTUS all you want (and I don't mean YOU specifically) but the fact remains if the founding fathers had meant for general welfare to mean food benefits for poor people they would have been doing so long before SNAP came along) welfare is given out of the largess of the US taxpayer, it's given b/c we recognize that there are some less fortunate out there who need and appreciate the help.

An that is what most people have a problem with here, it's not the drugs per se it's the attitude, just like people using their EBT cards on expensive vacations and such that hard working taxpayers don't even get to enjoy in many cases.
North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

"State officials presented early results Tuesday of a new law that requires drug tests for welfare applicants. Of several thousand people who were screened, 89 people took the test and 21 of them tested positive.The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto."

That's 21 out of 7600.

That's a failure rate of about 0.25%
21/89 = 24%

From the source article:

7,600 people screened from August through December21 of 89 people who were ordered to take tests came back positive

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

That's a failure rate of 0.25% or so.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs.

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.
North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

"State officials presented early results Tuesday of a new law that requires drug tests for welfare applicants. Of several thousand people who were screened, 89 people took the test and 21 of them tested positive.The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto."

That's 21 out of 7600.

That's a failure rate of about 0.25%
21/89 = 24%

From the source article:

7,600 people screened from August through December21 of 89 people who were ordered to take tests came back positive

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

That's a failure rate of 0.25% or so.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs. Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.
24% of the 89 tested were found positive for using drugs. If they had tested all of them you would have a point, but you clearly don't. Save that crap for your dingbats cronies.
North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

"State officials presented early results Tuesday of a new law that requires drug tests for welfare applicants. Of several thousand people who were screened, 89 people took the test and 21 of them tested positive.The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto."

That's 21 out of 7600.

That's a failure rate of about 0.25%
21/89 = 24%

From the source article:

7,600 people screened from August through December21 of 89 people who were ordered to take tests came back positive

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

That's a failure rate of 0.25% or so.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs.

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.

Why are you deliberately trying to mislead about the figures?

21 of 89 people tested failed the drug test True or false?
That's 21 out of 7600.

That's a failure rate of about 0.25%
21/89 = 24%

From the source article:

7,600 people screened from August through December21 of 89 people who were ordered to take tests came back positive

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

That's a failure rate of 0.25% or so.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs. Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.
24% of the 89 tested were found positive for using drugs. If they had tested all of them you would have a point, but you clearly don't. Save that crap for your dingbats cronies.

With all 89 suspected of being on drugs. Again, the 89 were not a random sampling...but those found to likely to be on drugs of the 7600 screened:

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Which means that out of 7600 screened by the law, only 21 were found to be on drugs.

That's an astonishingly low rate, roughly 1/4 of 1%
"I doubt it" is not an argument.
You lose.

Prove it. Let's see a link supporting your argument. Drugs aren't free.

I haven't made the claim of a money chain. *YOU* have. So YOU prove it.

You claimed the drugs weren't purchased. The ball's in your court.

I say cut'em off.

I think he means "purchased by the person who fail the drug test" as in a buddy may have shared the dope with the test subject.
In other words, somebody else could have bought the drugs and shared it with the test subject.

There are several ways to obtain drugs, buying is just one way.
True. You can grow your own pot. You can cook your own meth.

It costs to grow and it also costs to cook meth, the latter is very dangerous.
That's 21 out of 7600.

That's a failure rate of about 0.25%
21/89 = 24%

From the source article:

7,600 people screened from August through December21 of 89 people who were ordered to take tests came back positive

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

That's a failure rate of 0.25% or so.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs.

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.

Why are you deliberately trying to mislead about the figures?

21 of 89 people tested failed the drug test True or false?

7600 people were screened...of them 21 were found to be on drugs.

True or false? Need some help? Here's the very first sentence of the source article:

7,600 people screened from August through December21 of 89 people who were ordered to take tests came back positive

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Was the source article 'deliberately trying to mislead about the figures? Or are you?
I agree, we have liberty and we have freedom and with both there are responsibilities and consequences. Is it asking to much that a person asking for government assistance refrain from taking illegal drugs that are ruining families and lives on a daily basis, that is almost certainly causing them to need assistance in the first place. Most drug abusers have other issues and drugs are taken to mask the issue.

Yes. It is. A private charity, can and indeed has every right to make whatever demands it wants of recipients, but the government can not discriminate in that way against a particular class of people because they are poor.
The government certainly can, and does, and will continue to. You don't give a shit when women are killing their don't care about that particular "class of people". You don't care when the class of people getting mowed over are rural people being mowed under by the feds in huge land grabs. You don't care when working class people get their checks raped every single month in order to support the millions of people you think shouldn't have to work to feed their families.

Unfortunately, as you've been told a million times, the government won't stop after they destroy the people you hate. Once they have that power, it will extend over EVERYBODY, and EVERYBODY will be treated exactly as they have been treating the unborn, the working man, the Christian.

Including you and the people you love.

And that has what to do with the topic :dunno:
It was a long weekend and I forgot how stupid you are.

Let's hope you are never in a position to need assistance - the fecal explosion alone would require costly damage control measures.

The government isn't raping you, you're just whining because you want to enjoy benefits but you don't want to pay for it.

You don't give a fuck about poor people (presumably they're all welfare queens scamming the system because they're lazy) and you really don't give a fuck about the unborn because you're concern starts at and ends with limiting an individual women's right to have an abortion, and has certainly never extended to the thousands of embryos destroyed in the name of improving fertility.

Oh, and Christians are the most persecuted religion in America. :lmao:

In the meantime, I'm sure you'll make a good start on criminalizing poverty - have any plans for instituting Poor Farms and Debtors Prisons again?

You guys are the ones who take kids from their parents for being poor. Not me.

And for putting people in prison (and killing them) if they don't pay their taxes. And their children as well. Then taking their land.

I find it amazing that you loons can accuse us of the stuff you do daily with a straight face.
Near every citizen should be drug tested because they most ALL receive something from the federal gvt...

the guy who owns a home and pays a mortgage gets a tax break and money that the guy making the same amount of money as he, who only rents, gets nothing so the guy with the mortgage should be drug tested.

anyone getting their insurance through their employer who gets a tax break for the benefit, and also gets to write off his share on his taxes should all be drug tested, while the guy who has no insurance making the same money as the guy with insurance pays more in taxes to cover the guy's tax break and employer's tax break for health insurance...the guy with insurance should have to be drug tested cuz he is getting 'something' from the gvt the other guy isn't, right?

anyone paying for college for their kids who earns the same money as the single guy pays less in taxes than the guy with no kids and the single guy has to pay MORE in taxes though making the same income to help pay for the guy with kids college....the guy paying for college getting the tax money for it should be drug tested...

I can go on and on and on....most ALL OF YOU should be drug tested.because you are "getting something" from the gvt that others are not...


Apple and oranges

Subisidies are the government saying you can keep a little of it but give me the rest

Welfare is the government handing you other people's money.
Giving one person making the same as another person, a tax break IS HANDING the govt more of one person's money than the next person's money who earns the same as you.

the person not getting the tax break is paying for the one who is getting it....there is no way around that.....imo.

They are not paying for the tax breaks, you fall into that trap that the government needs X amount of dollars from a person making 50,000 a year

And yes, the government does rape me, and my standard of living is much lower, and my kids eat a lot less, than the families on welfare.

They get to use their earned money to buy extras. I have to use my earned money to buy food, and heat, and water, and pay hefty child care, when they still were young enough to need it.

Welfare people don't have to pay for any of that shit. All their earned money goes right straight to fun.
And yes, the government does rape me, and my standard of living is much lower, and my kids eat a lot less, than the families on welfare.

Says who? Do you even know what the standard of living is for families on welfare?
21/89 = 24%

From the source article:

7,600 people screened from August through December21 of 89 people who were ordered to take tests came back positive

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

That's a failure rate of 0.25% or so.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs. Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.
24% of the 89 tested were found positive for using drugs. If they had tested all of them you would have a point, but you clearly don't. Save that crap for your dingbats cronies.

With all 89 suspected of being on drugs. Again, the 89 were not a random sampling...but those found to likely to be on drugs of the 7600 screened:

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Which means that out of 7600 screened by the law, only 21 were found to be on drugs.

That's an astonishingly low rate, roughly 1/4 of 1%

Who cares.

How many people are screened at an airport, compared to how many actually have anything against the rules on them, just as one example.
From the source article:

That's a failure rate of 0.25% or so.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs. Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.
24% of the 89 tested were found positive for using drugs. If they had tested all of them you would have a point, but you clearly don't. Save that crap for your dingbats cronies.

With all 89 suspected of being on drugs. Again, the 89 were not a random sampling...but those found to likely to be on drugs of the 7600 screened:

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Which means that out of 7600 screened by the law, only 21 were found to be on drugs.

That's an astonishingly low rate, roughly 1/4 of 1%

Who cares.

Anyone interested in a factual accounting of the situation. Which apparently wouldn't include you.

How many people are screened at an airport, compared to how many actually have anything against the rules on them, just as one example.

Its your argument. You tell us.

Meanwhile, of the 7600 screened, only 21 were found to be on drugs. That's a failure rate of about 0.25%
21/89 = 24%

From the source article:

7,600 people screened from August through December21 of 89 people who were ordered to take tests came back positive

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

That's a failure rate of 0.25% or so.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs. Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.
24% of the 89 tested were found positive for using drugs. If they had tested all of them you would have a point, but you clearly don't. Save that crap for your dingbats cronies.

With all 89 suspected of being on drugs. Again, the 89 were not a random sampling...but those found to likely to be on drugs of the 7600 screened:

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Which means that out of 7600 screened by the law, only 21 were found to be on drugs.

That's an astonishingly low rate, roughly 1/4 of 1%
21/89 = 24%

From the source article:

7,600 people screened from August through December21 of 89 people who were ordered to take tests came back positive

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

That's a failure rate of 0.25% or so.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs.

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.

Why are you deliberately trying to mislead about the figures?

21 of 89 people tested failed the drug test True or false?

7600 people were screened...of them 21 were found to be on drugs.

True or false? Need some help? Here's the very first sentence of the source article:

7,600 people screened from August through December21 of 89 people who were ordered to take tests came back positive

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Was the source article 'deliberately trying to mislead about the figures? Or are you?
2% of the 7600 applicants were told to take the test. Of the 152 so ordered, only 89 showed. Of those 21 failed. Those who did not show up, 73 for obvious reasons, plus 21 gives us 93 of 152 and thus over 61% who effectively failed just as you have. We need more of this.

Save it for your fellow dingbats.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs. Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.
24% of the 89 tested were found positive for using drugs. If they had tested all of them you would have a point, but you clearly don't. Save that crap for your dingbats cronies.

With all 89 suspected of being on drugs. Again, the 89 were not a random sampling...but those found to likely to be on drugs of the 7600 screened:

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Which means that out of 7600 screened by the law, only 21 were found to be on drugs.

That's an astonishingly low rate, roughly 1/4 of 1%

Who cares.

Anyone interested in a factual accounting of the situation. Which apparently wouldn't include you.

How many people are screened at an airport, compared to how many actually have anything against the rules on them, just as one example.

Its your argument. You tell us.

Meanwhile, of the 7600 screened, only 21 were found to be on drugs. That's a failure rate of about 0.25%

That's factually dishonest and you know it.

Your completely discounting the 73 who were ordered to be tested, and didn't even bother to show up, just as an example.
From the source article:

That's a failure rate of 0.25% or so.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs. Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.
24% of the 89 tested were found positive for using drugs. If they had tested all of them you would have a point, but you clearly don't. Save that crap for your dingbats cronies.

With all 89 suspected of being on drugs. Again, the 89 were not a random sampling...but those found to likely to be on drugs of the 7600 screened:

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Which means that out of 7600 screened by the law, only 21 were found to be on drugs.

That's an astonishingly low rate, roughly 1/4 of 1%
From the source article:

That's a failure rate of 0.25% or so.
Not everyone is a moron. If you don't take a test you can't pass or fail it.

The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs.

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.

Why are you deliberately trying to mislead about the figures?

21 of 89 people tested failed the drug test True or false?

7600 people were screened...of them 21 were found to be on drugs.

True or false? Need some help? Here's the very first sentence of the source article:

7,600 people screened from August through December21 of 89 people who were ordered to take tests came back positive

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Was the source article 'deliberately trying to mislead about the figures? Or are you?
2% of the 7600 applicants were told to take the test. Of the 152 so ordered, only 89 showed. Of those 21 failed. Those who did not show up, 73 obvious reasons plus 21 gives us 93 of 152 and thus over 61% who effectively failed just as you have. We need more of this.

Save it for your fellow dingbats.

Your own source article agrees with me.

Of 7,600 applicants and recipients, about 2 percent were referred for drug testing. The 21 positive tests represent less than 0.3 percent of the people screened

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

So is the source article lying too? Because it says the same thing I do.

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