NC New Welfare Drug Test Law: 1/3rd Tested Positive from Sample.

Should Welfare Applicants be Required to Take a Drug Test?

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And yes, the government does rape me, and my standard of living is much lower, and my kids eat a lot less, than the families on welfare.

Says who? Do you even know what the standard of living is for families on welfare?
Yes, I certainly do. I work with those families every day, and have for decades. And Coyote is one of the entitlement prigs who think that those of us who work should work harder so her family can sit on it's collective ass, do dope, and have the government feed them.
Yes. It is. A private charity, can and indeed has every right to make whatever demands it wants of recipients, but the government can not discriminate in that way against a particular class of people because they are poor.
The government certainly can, and does, and will continue to. You don't give a shit when women are killing their don't care about that particular "class of people". You don't care when the class of people getting mowed over are rural people being mowed under by the feds in huge land grabs. You don't care when working class people get their checks raped every single month in order to support the millions of people you think shouldn't have to work to feed their families.

Unfortunately, as you've been told a million times, the government won't stop after they destroy the people you hate. Once they have that power, it will extend over EVERYBODY, and EVERYBODY will be treated exactly as they have been treating the unborn, the working man, the Christian.

Including you and the people you love.

And that has what to do with the topic :dunno:
It was a long weekend and I forgot how stupid you are.

Let's hope you are never in a position to need assistance - the fecal explosion alone would require costly damage control measures.

The government isn't raping you, you're just whining because you want to enjoy benefits but you don't want to pay for it.

You don't give a fuck about poor people (presumably they're all welfare queens scamming the system because they're lazy) and you really don't give a fuck about the unborn because you're concern starts at and ends with limiting an individual women's right to have an abortion, and has certainly never extended to the thousands of embryos destroyed in the name of improving fertility.

Oh, and Christians are the most persecuted religion in America. :lmao:

In the meantime, I'm sure you'll make a good start on criminalizing poverty - have any plans for instituting Poor Farms and Debtors Prisons again?

You guys are the ones who take kids from their parents for being poor. Not me.

And for putting people in prison (and killing them) if they don't pay their taxes. And their children as well. Then taking their land.

I find it amazing that you loons can accuse us of the stuff you do daily with a straight face.

Not me - don't know who you're talking about.
North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

"State officials presented early results Tuesday of a new law that requires drug tests for welfare applicants. Of several thousand people who were screened, 89 people took the test and 21 of them tested positive.The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto."

If you accept the help of others, don't you also accept the rules and laws associated with that help.

Should those not willing or able to pay for their own food be allowed to eat lobster?

If people had to pay for all their healthcare cost would they make different decisions about their lifestyle? If you buy and smoke cigarettes, or drink alcohol shouldn't you be responsible for the health cost of those choices?
The 89 is not a random sampling. They screen people to determine who is likely on drugs. Then they order testing to confirm if they are actually on drugs.

Of the 7600 people screened.....21 people were found to have been on drugs.

That's about 1/4 of 1 percent.
24% of the 89 tested were found positive for using drugs. If they had tested all of them you would have a point, but you clearly don't. Save that crap for your dingbats cronies.

With all 89 suspected of being on drugs. Again, the 89 were not a random sampling...but those found to likely to be on drugs of the 7600 screened:

The law requiring testing of any Work First recipient suspected of being a drug user was enacted in 2013 over Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto.

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

Which means that out of 7600 screened by the law, only 21 were found to be on drugs.

That's an astonishingly low rate, roughly 1/4 of 1%

Who cares.

Anyone interested in a factual accounting of the situation. Which apparently wouldn't include you.

How many people are screened at an airport, compared to how many actually have anything against the rules on them, just as one example.

Its your argument. You tell us.

Meanwhile, of the 7600 screened, only 21 were found to be on drugs. That's a failure rate of about 0.25%

That's factually dishonest and you know it.

Your completely discounting the 73 who were ordered to be tested, and didn't even bother to show up, just as an example.

Here's the source article affirming every point I've made:

Of 7,600 applicants and recipients, about 2 percent were referred for drug testing. The 21 positive tests represent less than 0.3 percent of the people screened

North Carolina begins drug tests for welfare applicants | Myinforms

So now its 'factually dishonest' to accurately cite the source article?

Of 7600 screened.....only 21 were found to be on drugs.
The government certainly can, and does, and will continue to. You don't give a shit when women are killing their don't care about that particular "class of people". You don't care when the class of people getting mowed over are rural people being mowed under by the feds in huge land grabs. You don't care when working class people get their checks raped every single month in order to support the millions of people you think shouldn't have to work to feed their families.

Unfortunately, as you've been told a million times, the government won't stop after they destroy the people you hate. Once they have that power, it will extend over EVERYBODY, and EVERYBODY will be treated exactly as they have been treating the unborn, the working man, the Christian.

Including you and the people you love.

And that has what to do with the topic :dunno:
It was a long weekend and I forgot how stupid you are.

Let's hope you are never in a position to need assistance - the fecal explosion alone would require costly damage control measures.

The government isn't raping you, you're just whining because you want to enjoy benefits but you don't want to pay for it.

You don't give a fuck about poor people (presumably they're all welfare queens scamming the system because they're lazy) and you really don't give a fuck about the unborn because you're concern starts at and ends with limiting an individual women's right to have an abortion, and has certainly never extended to the thousands of embryos destroyed in the name of improving fertility.

Oh, and Christians are the most persecuted religion in America. :lmao:

In the meantime, I'm sure you'll make a good start on criminalizing poverty - have any plans for instituting Poor Farms and Debtors Prisons again?

You guys are the ones who take kids from their parents for being poor. Not me.

And for putting people in prison (and killing them) if they don't pay their taxes. And their children as well. Then taking their land.

I find it amazing that you loons can accuse us of the stuff you do daily with a straight face.

Not me - don't know who you're talking about.

Yes, you. Though you probably really don't know what you support, you're stupid enough that it's conceivable...
And yes, the government does rape me, and my standard of living is much lower, and my kids eat a lot less, than the families on welfare.

I seriously doubt that.

They get to use their earned money to buy extras. I have to use my earned money to buy food, and heat, and water, and pay hefty child care, when they still were young enough to need it.

Unless they scam the system, if they are earning money, they still pay for childcare, some utilities, transportation, etc. Welfare doesn't give you that much.

Welfare people don't have to pay for any of that shit. All their earned money goes right straight to fun.
Not necessarily. There will always be welfare recipients who are like that, but I seriously doubt that is a majority.
And that has what to do with the topic :dunno:
It was a long weekend and I forgot how stupid you are.

Let's hope you are never in a position to need assistance - the fecal explosion alone would require costly damage control measures.

The government isn't raping you, you're just whining because you want to enjoy benefits but you don't want to pay for it.

You don't give a fuck about poor people (presumably they're all welfare queens scamming the system because they're lazy) and you really don't give a fuck about the unborn because you're concern starts at and ends with limiting an individual women's right to have an abortion, and has certainly never extended to the thousands of embryos destroyed in the name of improving fertility.

Oh, and Christians are the most persecuted religion in America. :lmao:

In the meantime, I'm sure you'll make a good start on criminalizing poverty - have any plans for instituting Poor Farms and Debtors Prisons again?

You guys are the ones who take kids from their parents for being poor. Not me.

And for putting people in prison (and killing them) if they don't pay their taxes. And their children as well. Then taking their land.

I find it amazing that you loons can accuse us of the stuff you do daily with a straight face.

Not me - don't know who you're talking about.

Yes, you. Though you probably really don't know what you support, you're stupid enough that it's conceivable...

What a juvenile retort.
And yes, the government does rape me, and my standard of living is much lower, and my kids eat a lot less, than the families on welfare.

I seriously doubt that.

They get to use their earned money to buy extras. I have to use my earned money to buy food, and heat, and water, and pay hefty child care, when they still were young enough to need it.

Unless they scam the system, if they are earning money, they still pay for childcare, some utilities, transportation, etc. Welfare doesn't give you that much.

Welfare people don't have to pay for any of that shit. All their earned money goes right straight to fun.
Not necessarily. There will always be welfare recipients who are like that, but I seriously doubt that is a majority.

Some form of Fraud (usually inaccurate information) is reported in about 2.6% of welfare cases according to the Department of Labor

Which means that there's no evidence of fraud in 97.4% of welfare cases.
You know, I can see people in high stress jobs being drug tested, because they have to remain sharp while they are on the job.

People who are receiving welfare? No. I don't think they need to be tested. Why? If they aren't working in a job that could be hazardous to the public, there is no need for it.

Besides............of all the people I've ever known who received financial assistance, they were more interested in feeding themselves and keeping a roof over their head rather than taking drugs.

Yo, if they have money for Drugs? They have money for food!!! Need to reduce the waste in Government, this is a good start!!!

Follow The Money!
View attachment 71262

Cuts both ways. If we've got money to drug-test millions of people, we obviously have the money to feed them.
And yes, the government does rape me, and my standard of living is much lower, and my kids eat a lot less, than the families on welfare.

I seriously doubt that.

They get to use their earned money to buy extras. I have to use my earned money to buy food, and heat, and water, and pay hefty child care, when they still were young enough to need it.

Unless they scam the system, if they are earning money, they still pay for childcare, some utilities, transportation, etc. Welfare doesn't give you that much.

Welfare people don't have to pay for any of that shit. All their earned money goes right straight to fun.
Not necessarily. There will always be welfare recipients who are like that, but I seriously doubt that is a majority.

I seriously doubt that even a large minority are like that, so that poster is wrong to generalize, but there are enough frauds and users that we can't just ignore the problem either.
You know, I can see people in high stress jobs being drug tested, because they have to remain sharp while they are on the job.

People who are receiving welfare? No. I don't think they need to be tested. Why? If they aren't working in a job that could be hazardous to the public, there is no need for it.

Besides............of all the people I've ever known who received financial assistance, they were more interested in feeding themselves and keeping a roof over their head rather than taking drugs.

Yo, if they have money for Drugs? They have money for food!!! Need to reduce the waste in Government, this is a good start!!!

Follow The Money!
View attachment 71262

Cuts both ways. If we've got money to drug-test millions of people, we obviously have the money to feed them.

And now North Carolina has even more money to feed the deserving

Tough shit to all you whiny liberals, the American people increasingly want drug testing for welfare. Deal with it. That's just the bottom line here.
Fraud rates tend to hover at around 2.5%. Sizable enough to try and combat, I agree. But well below any threshold for blanket condemnation.
You know, I can see people in high stress jobs being drug tested, because they have to remain sharp while they are on the job.

People who are receiving welfare? No. I don't think they need to be tested. Why? If they aren't working in a job that could be hazardous to the public, there is no need for it.

Besides............of all the people I've ever known who received financial assistance, they were more interested in feeding themselves and keeping a roof over their head rather than taking drugs.

Yo, if they have money for Drugs? They have money for food!!! Need to reduce the waste in Government, this is a good start!!!

Follow The Money!
View attachment 71262

Cuts both ways. If we've got money to drug-test millions of people, we obviously have the money to feed them.
How much do you think it costs to feed a family per day?

Oh wait, you've never had to pay to feed your family. Well it costs a lot more than the occasional piss test. Having seen the financial information on both programs, I know.
Fraud rates tend to hover at around 2.5%. Sizable enough to try and combat, I agree. But well below any threshold for blanket condemnation.

I disagree with blanket condemnation as well. But I believe the actual fraud is MUCH higher than 2.5%. I believe it's probably more likely in the 10-20% range
Fraud rates tend to hover at around 2.5%. Sizable enough to try and combat, I agree. But well below any threshold for blanket condemnation.

I disagree with blanket condemnation as well. But I believe the actual fraud is MUCH higher than 2.5%. I believe it's probably more likely in the 10-20% range
Fifty or more. It happens across a broad spectrum...people lie about whether or not they're getting money, they lie about whether or not their businesses (there are a LOT of 'self employed' who get snap benefits). They lie about their disabilities, they lie about everything. And every lie they tell intentionally is a felony.

But they do it anyway. Because nobody will do anything. They're rewarded for dishonesty, laziness and stupidity, so that's the sort of people they become.

I don't condemn all the people who are on welfare. They've been trained to accept it, trained to think they need it, trained to vote for it every time they get an opportunity. I condemn the welfare system itself, and I condemn those who are old enough that they know that the system causes the problems that it pretends to fix...and who want it anyway because they're so stupid, and so lazy, that they just can't see their way out of accepting the bribes the government says it will give them....rental subsidies, energy subsidies, housing subsidies, farming subsidies, free medical.
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Fraud rates tend to hover at around 2.5%. Sizable enough to try and combat, I agree. But well below any threshold for blanket condemnation.

I disagree with blanket condemnation as well. But I believe the actual fraud is MUCH higher than 2.5%. I believe it's probably more likely in the 10-20% range
Fifty or more. It happens across a broad spectrum...people lie about whether or not they're getting money, they lie about whether or not their businesses (there are a LOT of 'self employed' who get snap benefits). They lie about their disabilities, they lie about everything. And every lie they tell intentionally is a felony.

But they do it anyway. Because nobody will do anything. They're rewarded for dishonesty, laziness and stupidity, so that's the sort of people they become.

Can you back any of that with actual evidence? Or is this just a 'you citing yourself' kinda thing?
You know, I can see people in high stress jobs being drug tested, because they have to remain sharp while they are on the job.

People who are receiving welfare? No. I don't think they need to be tested. Why? If they aren't working in a job that could be hazardous to the public, there is no need for it.

Besides............of all the people I've ever known who received financial assistance, they were more interested in feeding themselves and keeping a roof over their head rather than taking drugs.

Yo, if they have money for Drugs? They have money for food!!! Need to reduce the waste in Government, this is a good start!!!

Follow The Money!
View attachment 71262

Cuts both ways. If we've got money to drug-test millions of people, we obviously have the money to feed them.

And now North Carolina has even more money to feed the deserving

Tough shit to all you whiny liberals, the American people increasingly want drug testing for welfare. Deal with it. That's just the bottom line here.

I doubt it. The cost of screening and drug testing uses that up.
You know, I can see people in high stress jobs being drug tested, because they have to remain sharp while they are on the job.

People who are receiving welfare? No. I don't think they need to be tested. Why? If they aren't working in a job that could be hazardous to the public, there is no need for it.

Besides............of all the people I've ever known who received financial assistance, they were more interested in feeding themselves and keeping a roof over their head rather than taking drugs.

Yo, if they have money for Drugs? They have money for food!!! Need to reduce the waste in Government, this is a good start!!!

Follow The Money!
View attachment 71262

Cuts both ways. If we've got money to drug-test millions of people, we obviously have the money to feed them.

And now North Carolina has even more money to feed the deserving

Tough shit to all you whiny liberals, the American people increasingly want drug testing for welfare. Deal with it. That's just the bottom line here.

I doubt it. The cost of screening and drug testing uses that up.

No, it doesn't. You have a skewed sense of how much drug testing costs. It used to cost us $10/per head when I was doing them. That was 20 years ago. So if it's even 2x that much, people aren't being tested every day or every week...if they are booted off foodstamps and are even tested every month (which will never happen) you save $184 per month per head.

Sounds good to me.
But here's the problem....we have multiple states where pot is legal now. So if they test positive for pot, there's nothing anybody can do about it anyway.
You know, I can see people in high stress jobs being drug tested, because they have to remain sharp while they are on the job.

People who are receiving welfare? No. I don't think they need to be tested. Why? If they aren't working in a job that could be hazardous to the public, there is no need for it.

Besides............of all the people I've ever known who received financial assistance, they were more interested in feeding themselves and keeping a roof over their head rather than taking drugs.

Yo, if they have money for Drugs? They have money for food!!! Need to reduce the waste in Government, this is a good start!!!

Follow The Money!
View attachment 71262

Cuts both ways. If we've got money to drug-test millions of people, we obviously have the money to feed them.

And now North Carolina has even more money to feed the deserving

Tough shit to all you whiny liberals, the American people increasingly want drug testing for welfare. Deal with it. That's just the bottom line here.

I doubt it. The cost of screening and drug testing uses that up.

No, it doesn't. You have a skewed sense of how much drug testing costs. It used to cost us $10/per head when I was doing them. That was 20 years ago. So if it's even 2x that much, people aren't being tested every day or every week...if they are booted off foodstamps and are even tested every month (which will never happen) you save $184 per month per head.

Sounds good to me.

Its roughly $30 per test. And it costs far more than it saves.

Because the Florida law requires that applicants who pass the test be reimbursed for the cost, an average of $30, the cost to the state was $118,140. This is more than would have been paid out in benefits to the people who failed the test, Mr. Newton said.

As a result, the testing cost the government an extra $45,780, he said.

So given that your assumptions have been actively disproven.....why would I accept your assumptions as having any predictive value? Remember.....your only source is yourself. And you're clearly inadequate to carry your argument.

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