NC up a creek

NC Legislature is being slapped because they were TOO STUPID to do this the right way.
The way they wrote the law requires that you use the facilities that match your Birth Certificate.

That EXCLUDES due process for TRUE transgenders and does not recognize their VALID sex transistion or being in the PROCESS of a sex transistion..

That's the whole problem here. You cannot form a legally protected class -- when membership in that class is just simple choice or self-identification. You need a PROCESS and a DECLARATION that you are eligible to join the protected. So --- just have trans people file a declaration that CHANGES the sex on their birth cert. If they are "in process" allow them to make the change with certifications from appropriate medical/psych professionals.

Can't be "i'm in for a day or a month" type of thing. You want legal protection. You make the proper certification. It's stone simple. But what the mental midgets in NC did was -- DENY there is ever a NEED or PROCESS for changing the sex on your birth certificate. And that IS a civil rights issue because it denies them status that has been signed off on by medical/psych professionals..

And it basically says -- we don't recognize Transgenders at all... They don't exist..

Doctors can, if permitted, testify of the transition. Otherwise medical records are private.
Transgender get a legal name change and file for sexual identity. Once teens reach puberty, or right before, begin hormones. Once recognized as transgender they should be treated as that sex, be it school or public bathrooms.
Regardless of what happens, good for NC for standing up to political correctness running wild. It's about protecting women and children against predators. To bad Obama doesn't want to do this.
Good for the doj we in NC are tired of the slack jawed cross groveling yahoo's running and ruining our state
unless you have been born there or been there for a long time guno it aint your long you been there?...
28 years and a house in NY , registered to vote here most of my kids and grand kids born here
ok you have been there long fucking cletus slackjawd
You mad, bro?
NC up a creek without a paddle. DOJ should have issued a statement about violating civil right on day one

Justice Dept Says North Carolina Bathroom Law Violates Civil Rights‎ - 12 hours ago

Bigots got shit in the face. How could they have ever though such discrimination would stand?
Where is the right for men to use the ladies room at? Never saw it, just some wold ass claim libtards make up.

not men, transgender "women"

LGB are not banned from using the bathroom, why should transgender?

Do pedophile heterosexuals have to show an ID card to use the bathroom? They are far more of a threat than transgenders

People are presuming a crime by a whole group of people when none exists.


Bull, gays are still male or female

Not rocket science and the separation of genders in restrooms is not based on arbitrary reasoning, so no discrimination occurs.

When you begin the transition, including medical evaluation, you should be treated as that sex.

Would you feel batter if they carried a medical card saying they are transgender? If they go to the courts and get a name and sex change for their ID, they should be treated as that sex, w/wo surgery.

They need and have the right to be recognized by their identified gender.
NC up a creek without a paddle. DOJ should have issued a statement about violating civil right on day one

Justice Dept Says North Carolina Bathroom Law Violates Civil Rights‎ - 12 hours ago

Bigots got shit in the face. How could they have ever though such discrimination would stand?
Where is the right for men to use the ladies room at? Never saw it, just some wold ass claim libtards make up.

not men, transgender "women"

LGB are not banned from using the bathroom, why should transgender?

Do pedophile heterosexuals have to show an ID card to use the bathroom? They are far more of a threat than transgenders

People are presuming a crime by a whole group of people when none exists.


Bull, gays are still male or female

Not rocket science and the separation of genders in restrooms is not based on arbitrary reasoning, so no discrimination occurs.

When you begin the transition, including medical evaluation, you should be treated as that sex.

Would you feel batter if they carried a medical card saying they are transgender? If they go to the courts and get a name and sex change for their ID, they should be treated as that sex, w/wo surgery.

They need and have the right to be recognized by their identified gender.

Yes EXACTLY -- Their ID SHOULD accurately and ALWAYS reflect their gender. So there is no "self-identification" going on.. The process should be an application that is signed by their medical providers.

EVERYONE SHOULD feel better because you will likely never ever run into a legitimate tranny outside of town.
And no yahoos can ABUSE the protection by staking out the changing areas in drag.

It really is THAT SIMPLE folks.. Just do it RIGHT -- and everybody can take a quiet and safe pee once again.. ((Except for jerks like Jenner who just can't STFU about all he/she/it has "been through". As tho it isn't obvious he's WORKING for a living.. ))
Last edited:
>>The United States Department of Justice, also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the U.S. government, responsible for the enforcement of the law<<

Law against discrimination is their concern. NC bill is a violation of federal law

No, it actually affirms federal law.

Transgender go through an extensive process and evaluation to begin living as a female/male.
If they have begun transition (hormones and/or surgery), they can legally change their gender and name. They have a right to be treated as that gender, including the use of the bathrooms.

regardless if the junk in the trunk

ID cards, perhaps. Birth certificates............ NO.

Once they legally change their gender, they should be legal to use bathrooms. They are living as that gender from that point.

Transgender are not just men in dresses.

How do you distinguish what gender a hermaphrodite is? They have a right to decide what they are, so should transgender be any different?

It would be like parents deciding what gender they wanted their child to be and then finding out they picked the wrong one.

People should take the time to learn about transgender not prejudge and persecute them.
Though a hermaphodite May have both sexual organs they also have a genetic dominance that determines the sex. A transgender has mental issues hence the high percentage of suicide rate.
It's a matter f false equivalency and borderline insulting. One is a physical deformity, the other is mental.

Correct, and after years of therapy and expensive surgery you still have all the components of a male (altered, but still male).

Science cannot and will never allow a Trans male to have the life experiences of a female. No periods that often traumatize girls, no pregnancy and all the hardships it creates. No childbirth and its fears and no menopause.

Call it what you want, names mean little, it's still Male.

No different than woman that has had a hysterectomy or tubes tied.

There are birth control that suppress a woman's period. Women that are very thin or athletes don't get a period.

That is you criteria to be a women? That is stupid.

What if they get a uterus transplant but don't have the penis removed? They will have a period.

What of a man that has an accident an looses their balls or has to have them removed due to something like cancer, are they no longer a man even if they still have a penis to pee from?

What of older people that have to use catheters?

If you are in a stall, who cares what you are doing in there?

What of women using urinals instead of stall?

Not your business to inspect their genitals or medical history.

If someone acts improperly, transgender of either sex or not, that is a separate issue. What someone has in their pants is not of importance.

Have you every walked into a single bathroom on a plane or somewhere else where they door was locked? Unless you stop and stare with the door open for everyone else to take pictures it is immaterial how they dress or what they are doing.

You're the one with the problem, not the person in the bathroom.

Transgender or not, if you don't like who is in the bathroom (homeless, druggy, biker, gang member, gun totter, drag queen, male hooker, politician, preacher, mental or physical disability, color, culture, etc.) you don't stay. You don't have a right to forbid them from using the bathroom because you are prejudice.
NC up a creek without a paddle. DOJ should have issued a statement about violating civil right on day one

Justice Dept Says North Carolina Bathroom Law Violates Civil Rights‎ - 12 hours ago

Bigots got shit in the face. How could they have ever though such discrimination would stand?
Where is the right for men to use the ladies room at? Never saw it, just some wold ass claim libtards make up.

not men, transgender "women"

LGB are not banned from using the bathroom, why should transgender?

Do pedophile heterosexuals have to show an ID card to use the bathroom? They are far more of a threat than transgenders

People are presuming a crime by a whole group of people when none exists.


Bull, gays are still male or female

Not rocket science and the separation of genders in restrooms is not based on arbitrary reasoning, so no discrimination occurs.

When you begin the transition, including medical evaluation, you should be treated as that sex.

Would you feel batter if they carried a medical card saying they are transgender? If they go to the courts and get a name and sex change for their ID, they should be treated as that sex, w/wo surgery.

They need and have the right to be recognized by their identified gender.

Yes EXACTLY -- Their ID SHOULD accurately and ALWAYS reflect their gender. So there is no "self-identification" going on.. The process should be an application that is signed by their medical providers.

EVERYONE SHOULD feel better because you will likely never ever run into a legitimate tranny outside of town.
And no yahoos can ABUSE the protection by staking out the changing areas in drag.

It really is THAT SIMPLE folks.. Just do it RIGHT -- and everybody can take a quiet and safe pee once again.. ((Except for jerks like Jenner who just can't STFU about all he/she/it has "been through". As tho it isn't obvious he's WORKING for a living.. ))

Transgender can get a legal name and sex identity change without surgery, just doctor evaluation and begin hormones and appear in court.
NC up a creek without a paddle. DOJ should have issued a statement about violating civil right on day one

Justice Dept Says North Carolina Bathroom Law Violates Civil Rights‎ - 12 hours ago

Bigots got shit in the face. How could they have ever though such discrimination would stand?
Where is the right for men to use the ladies room at? Never saw it, just some wold ass claim libtards make up.

not men, transgender "women"

LGB are not banned from using the bathroom, why should transgender?

Do pedophile heterosexuals have to show an ID card to use the bathroom? They are far more of a threat than transgenders

People are presuming a crime by a whole group of people when none exists.


Bull, gays are still male or female

Not rocket science and the separation of genders in restrooms is not based on arbitrary reasoning, so no discrimination occurs.

When you begin the transition, including medical evaluation, you should be treated as that sex.

Would you feel batter if they carried a medical card saying they are transgender? If they go to the courts and get a name and sex change for their ID, they should be treated as that sex, w/wo surgery.

They need and have the right to be recognized by their identified gender.

None of that changes the fact, a males a male!

Without the life experiences that only a born woman has, a card, a doctors note and zero amount of theropy will change the biological fact!

You are what you were born.
Where is the right for men to use the ladies room at? Never saw it, just some wold ass claim libtards make up.

not men, transgender "women"

LGB are not banned from using the bathroom, why should transgender?

Do pedophile heterosexuals have to show an ID card to use the bathroom? They are far more of a threat than transgenders

People are presuming a crime by a whole group of people when none exists.


Bull, gays are still male or female

Not rocket science and the separation of genders in restrooms is not based on arbitrary reasoning, so no discrimination occurs.

When you begin the transition, including medical evaluation, you should be treated as that sex.

Would you feel batter if they carried a medical card saying they are transgender? If they go to the courts and get a name and sex change for their ID, they should be treated as that sex, w/wo surgery.

They need and have the right to be recognized by their identified gender.

Yes EXACTLY -- Their ID SHOULD accurately and ALWAYS reflect their gender. So there is no "self-identification" going on.. The process should be an application that is signed by their medical providers.

EVERYONE SHOULD feel better because you will likely never ever run into a legitimate tranny outside of town.
And no yahoos can ABUSE the protection by staking out the changing areas in drag.

It really is THAT SIMPLE folks.. Just do it RIGHT -- and everybody can take a quiet and safe pee once again.. ((Except for jerks like Jenner who just can't STFU about all he/she/it has "been through". As tho it isn't obvious he's WORKING for a living.. ))

Transgender can get a legal name and sex identity change without surgery, just doctor evaluation and begin hormones and appear in court.

I can put corvette emblems all over a Dodge minivan

It's a dodge minivan!
No, it actually affirms federal law.

Transgender go through an extensive process and evaluation to begin living as a female/male.
If they have begun transition (hormones and/or surgery), they can legally change their gender and name. They have a right to be treated as that gender, including the use of the bathrooms.

regardless if the junk in the trunk

ID cards, perhaps. Birth certificates............ NO.

Once they legally change their gender, they should be legal to use bathrooms. They are living as that gender from that point.

Transgender are not just men in dresses.

How do you distinguish what gender a hermaphrodite is? They have a right to decide what they are, so should transgender be any different?

It would be like parents deciding what gender they wanted their child to be and then finding out they picked the wrong one.

People should take the time to learn about transgender not prejudge and persecute them.
Though a hermaphodite May have both sexual organs they also have a genetic dominance that determines the sex. A transgender has mental issues hence the high percentage of suicide rate.
It's a matter f false equivalency and borderline insulting. One is a physical deformity, the other is mental.

Correct, and after years of therapy and expensive surgery you still have all the components of a male (altered, but still male).

Science cannot and will never allow a Trans male to have the life experiences of a female. No periods that often traumatize girls, no pregnancy and all the hardships it creates. No childbirth and its fears and no menopause.

Call it what you want, names mean little, it's still Male.

No different than woman that has had a hysterectomy or tubes tied.

There are birth control that suppress a woman's period. Women that are very thin or athletes don't get a period.

That is you criteria to be a women? That is stupid.

What if they get a uterus transplant but don't have the penis removed? They will have a period.

What of a man that has an accident an looses their balls or has to have them removed due to something like cancer, are they no longer a man even if they still have a penis to pee from?

What of older people that have to use catheters?

If you are in a stall, who cares what you are doing in there?

What of women using urinals instead of stall?

Not your business to inspect their genitals or medical history.

If someone acts improperly, transgender of either sex or not, that is a separate issue. What someone has in their pants is not of importance.

Have you every walked into a single bathroom on a plane or somewhere else where they door was locked? Unless you stop and stare with the door open for everyone else to take pictures it is immaterial how they dress or what they are doing.

You're the one with the problem, not the person in the bathroom.

Transgender or not, if you don't like who is in the bathroom (homeless, druggy, biker, gang member, gun totter, drag queen, male hooker, politician, preacher, mental or physical disability, color, culture, etc.) you don't stay. You don't have a right to forbid them from using the bathroom because you are prejudice.

Good lord, you are either remarkably dense, or a tranny.

A woman can take the pill to suppress her period or keep from getting pregnant.

A man does it for?

Correct, no purpose at all, same as a trans.

Making the trans (drum roll please)

Where is the right for men to use the ladies room at? Never saw it, just some wold ass claim libtards make up.

not men, transgender "women"

LGB are not banned from using the bathroom, why should transgender?

Do pedophile heterosexuals have to show an ID card to use the bathroom? They are far more of a threat than transgenders

People are presuming a crime by a whole group of people when none exists.


Bull, gays are still male or female

Not rocket science and the separation of genders in restrooms is not based on arbitrary reasoning, so no discrimination occurs.

When you begin the transition, including medical evaluation, you should be treated as that sex.

Would you feel batter if they carried a medical card saying they are transgender? If they go to the courts and get a name and sex change for their ID, they should be treated as that sex, w/wo surgery.

They need and have the right to be recognized by their identified gender.

Yes EXACTLY -- Their ID SHOULD accurately and ALWAYS reflect their gender. So there is no "self-identification" going on.. The process should be an application that is signed by their medical providers.

EVERYONE SHOULD feel better because you will likely never ever run into a legitimate tranny outside of town.
And no yahoos can ABUSE the protection by staking out the changing areas in drag.

It really is THAT SIMPLE folks.. Just do it RIGHT -- and everybody can take a quiet and safe pee once again.. ((Except for jerks like Jenner who just can't STFU about all he/she/it has "been through". As tho it isn't obvious he's WORKING for a living.. ))

Transgender can get a legal name and sex identity change without surgery, just doctor evaluation and begin hormones and appear in court.

All that said, it remains incredibly more close biologically to........

The Gender it was born.
NC up a creek without a paddle. DOJ should have issued a statement about violating civil right on day one

Justice Dept Says North Carolina Bathroom Law Violates Civil Rights‎ - 12 hours ago

Bigots got shit in the face. How could they have ever though such discrimination would stand?
Where is the right for men to use the ladies room at? Never saw it, just some wold ass claim libtards make up.

not men, transgender "women"

LGB are not banned from using the bathroom, why should transgender?

Do pedophile heterosexuals have to show an ID card to use the bathroom? They are far more of a threat than transgenders

People are presuming a crime by a whole group of people when none exists.


Bull, gays are still male or female

Not rocket science and the separation of genders in restrooms is not based on arbitrary reasoning, so no discrimination occurs.

When you begin the transition, including medical evaluation, you should be treated as that sex.

Would you feel batter if they carried a medical card saying they are transgender? If they go to the courts and get a name and sex change for their ID, they should be treated as that sex, w/wo surgery.

They need and have the right to be recognized by their identified gender.

None of that changes the fact, a males a male!

Without the life experiences that only a born woman has, a card, a doctors note and zero amount of theropy will change the biological fact!

You are what you were born.

Even Cruz accepts that LGBT are born that way.
Transgender is born with the brain of the opposite gender as their body. Can't transplant the full head, till next year, but they can change their body to reflect who they should be.

Yes, they are what they are born as. Some are born to be transgender. It begins in the womb in the early stages of brain development.

If you don't understand this, you are ignorant and did not bother to learn about transgender.

Transgender is not just cross dressing, it is who they see themselves as.

Transgender see themselves are actual women in the wrong body. They are not men. Their genitals are a cosmetic abnormality like a sixth finger or third arm.

If you don't like your body image, change it. That is what transgenders are doing.

The final SRS is both difficult and expensive. It is not like breast implants or getting a nose fixed.
Last edited:
Transgender go through an extensive process and evaluation to begin living as a female/male.
If they have begun transition (hormones and/or surgery), they can legally change their gender and name. They have a right to be treated as that gender, including the use of the bathrooms.

regardless if the junk in the trunk

ID cards, perhaps. Birth certificates............ NO.

Once they legally change their gender, they should be legal to use bathrooms. They are living as that gender from that point.

Transgender are not just men in dresses.

How do you distinguish what gender a hermaphrodite is? They have a right to decide what they are, so should transgender be any different?

It would be like parents deciding what gender they wanted their child to be and then finding out they picked the wrong one.

People should take the time to learn about transgender not prejudge and persecute them.
Though a hermaphodite May have both sexual organs they also have a genetic dominance that determines the sex. A transgender has mental issues hence the high percentage of suicide rate.
It's a matter f false equivalency and borderline insulting. One is a physical deformity, the other is mental.

Correct, and after years of therapy and expensive surgery you still have all the components of a male (altered, but still male).

Science cannot and will never allow a Trans male to have the life experiences of a female. No periods that often traumatize girls, no pregnancy and all the hardships it creates. No childbirth and its fears and no menopause.

Call it what you want, names mean little, it's still Male.

No different than woman that has had a hysterectomy or tubes tied.

There are birth control that suppress a woman's period. Women that are very thin or athletes don't get a period.

That is you criteria to be a women? That is stupid.

What if they get a uterus transplant but don't have the penis removed? They will have a period.

What of a man that has an accident an looses their balls or has to have them removed due to something like cancer, are they no longer a man even if they still have a penis to pee from?

What of older people that have to use catheters?

If you are in a stall, who cares what you are doing in there?

What of women using urinals instead of stall?

Not your business to inspect their genitals or medical history.

If someone acts improperly, transgender of either sex or not, that is a separate issue. What someone has in their pants is not of importance.

Have you every walked into a single bathroom on a plane or somewhere else where they door was locked? Unless you stop and stare with the door open for everyone else to take pictures it is immaterial how they dress or what they are doing.

You're the one with the problem, not the person in the bathroom.

Transgender or not, if you don't like who is in the bathroom (homeless, druggy, biker, gang member, gun totter, drag queen, male hooker, politician, preacher, mental or physical disability, color, culture, etc.) you don't stay. You don't have a right to forbid them from using the bathroom because you are prejudice.

Good lord, you are either remarkably dense, or a tranny.

A woman can take the pill to suppress her period or keep from getting pregnant.

A man does it for?

Correct, no purpose at all, same as a trans.

Making the trans (drum roll please)


You might personally disagree, but a legal man can give birth. Just because you don't understand does not mean it can't happen.

Yes, in a couple of years a uterus transplant will allow a male from birth give birth. Already been done in animals.

Next year a full head transplants will be allowed as well. First patient has already been approved. There has already been a successful brain transplant back in '08.

There is also a male "pill" that is both safer and more effective than female pill.

We transplant animal organs to humans, we might soon transplant the human brain to an animal.

Just because your born looking one way done not mean you have to stay like that your whole life. We might even transplant a brain into a machine soon, perhaps extend life to hundreds of year.

What was know or assume in the iron age does not mean we are still so limited.

Time for bigots to evolve. This is the 21st century.
Transgender go through an extensive process and evaluation to begin living as a female/male.
If they have begun transition (hormones and/or surgery), they can legally change their gender and name. They have a right to be treated as that gender, including the use of the bathrooms.

regardless if the junk in the trunk

ID cards, perhaps. Birth certificates............ NO.

Once they legally change their gender, they should be legal to use bathrooms. They are living as that gender from that point.

Transgender are not just men in dresses.

How do you distinguish what gender a hermaphrodite is? They have a right to decide what they are, so should transgender be any different?

It would be like parents deciding what gender they wanted their child to be and then finding out they picked the wrong one.

People should take the time to learn about transgender not prejudge and persecute them.
Though a hermaphodite May have both sexual organs they also have a genetic dominance that determines the sex. A transgender has mental issues hence the high percentage of suicide rate.
It's a matter f false equivalency and borderline insulting. One is a physical deformity, the other is mental.

Correct, and after years of therapy and expensive surgery you still have all the components of a male (altered, but still male).

Science cannot and will never allow a Trans male to have the life experiences of a female. No periods that often traumatize girls, no pregnancy and all the hardships it creates. No childbirth and its fears and no menopause.

Call it what you want, names mean little, it's still Male.

No different than woman that has had a hysterectomy or tubes tied.

There are birth control that suppress a woman's period. Women that are very thin or athletes don't get a period.

That is you criteria to be a women? That is stupid.

What if they get a uterus transplant but don't have the penis removed? They will have a period.

What of a man that has an accident an looses their balls or has to have them removed due to something like cancer, are they no longer a man even if they still have a penis to pee from?

What of older people that have to use catheters?

If you are in a stall, who cares what you are doing in there?

What of women using urinals instead of stall?

Not your business to inspect their genitals or medical history.

If someone acts improperly, transgender of either sex or not, that is a separate issue. What someone has in their pants is not of importance.

Have you every walked into a single bathroom on a plane or somewhere else where they door was locked? Unless you stop and stare with the door open for everyone else to take pictures it is immaterial how they dress or what they are doing.

You're the one with the problem, not the person in the bathroom.

Transgender or not, if you don't like who is in the bathroom (homeless, druggy, biker, gang member, gun totter, drag queen, male hooker, politician, preacher, mental or physical disability, color, culture, etc.) you don't stay. You don't have a right to forbid them from using the bathroom because you are prejudice.

Good lord, you are either remarkably dense, or a tranny.

A woman can take the pill to suppress her period or keep from getting pregnant.

A man does it for?

Correct, no purpose at all, same as a trans.

Making the trans (drum roll please)


wrong on both counts

NC up a creek without a paddle. DOJ should have issued a statement about violating civil right on day one

Justice Dept Says North Carolina Bathroom Law Violates Civil Rights‎ - 12 hours ago

Bigots got shit in the face. How could they have ever though such discrimination would stand?
The federal government has no credibility on this issue nor any other… LOL

Move to yemen
The federal government and the country are not one in the same... Dumbass
NC up a creek without a paddle. DOJ should have issued a statement about violating civil right on day one

Justice Dept Says North Carolina Bathroom Law Violates Civil Rights‎ - 12 hours ago

Bigots got shit in the face. How could they have ever though such discrimination would stand?
The federal government has no credibility on this issue nor any other… LOL

I live in a civilized and progressive state ( Despite having a jackass for a governor)
To bad everyone can't


This week, we urged elected officials to pass bill S2043 that would prohibit publicly funded travel to states that enforce anti-LGBT laws.

Today, our Director of Programs, Aaron Potenza, testified in front of the chamber saying, "Transgender people are not sexual predators, we are not pedophiles. And as every expert medical and psychiatric body has stated, we are not mentally ill. We are individuals from all walks of life, who have at least two things in common: we don’t identify with the sex we were assigned at birth, and we need to go to the bathroom."

Today we celebrate as that bill, sponsored by Senator Raymond Lesniak, passed in the Senate State Government Committee 3 to 2.
Though a hermaphodite May have both sexual organs they also have a genetic dominance that determines the sex. A transgender has mental issues hence the high percentage of suicide rate.
It's a matter f false equivalency and borderline insulting. One is a physical deformity, the other is mental.

Correct, and after years of therapy and expensive surgery you still have all the components of a male (altered, but still male).

Science cannot and will never allow a Trans male to have the life experiences of a female. No periods that often traumatize girls, no pregnancy and all the hardships it creates. No childbirth and its fears and no menopause.

Call it what you want, names mean little, it's still Male.

No different than woman that has had a hysterectomy or tubes tied.

There are birth control that suppress a woman's period. Women that are very thin or athletes don't get a period.

That is you criteria to be a women? That is stupid.

What if they get a uterus transplant but don't have the penis removed? They will have a period.

What of a man that has an accident an looses their balls or has to have them removed due to something like cancer, are they no longer a man even if they still have a penis to pee from?

What of older people that have to use catheters?

If you are in a stall, who cares what you are doing in there?

What of women using urinals instead of stall?

Not your business to inspect their genitals or medical history.

If someone acts improperly, transgender of either sex or not, that is a separate issue. What someone has in their pants is not of importance.

Have you every walked into a single bathroom on a plane or somewhere else where they door was locked? Unless you stop and stare with the door open for everyone else to take pictures it is immaterial how they dress or what they are doing.

You're the one with the problem, not the person in the bathroom.

Transgender or not, if you don't like who is in the bathroom (homeless, druggy, biker, gang member, gun totter, drag queen, male hooker, politician, preacher, mental or physical disability, color, culture, etc.) you don't stay. You don't have a right to forbid them from using the bathroom because you are prejudice.

Good lord, you are either remarkably dense, or a tranny.

A woman can take the pill to suppress her period or keep from getting pregnant.

A man does it for?

Correct, no purpose at all, same as a trans.

Making the trans (drum roll please)


You might personally disagree, but a legal man can give birth. Just because you don't understand does not mean it can't happen.

Yes, in a couple of years a uterus transplant will allow a male from birth give birth. Already been done in animals.

Next year a full head transplants will be allowed as well. First patient has already been approved. There has already been a successful brain transplant back in '08.

There is also a male "pill" that is both safer and more effective than female pill.

We transplant animal organs to humans, we might soon transplant the human brain to an animal.

Just because your born looking one way done not mean you have to stay like that your whole life. We might even transplant a brain into a machine soon, perhaps extend life to hundreds of year.

What was know or assume in the iron age does not mean we are still so limited.

Time for bigots to evolve. This is the 21st century.

There is a male pill, note the word MALE. Are you so warped to believe it suppresses the MALE PERIOD! It stops the MALE FROM BECOMING PREGNANT?

Even your argument on a governmental designation is warped, the government does not control BIOLOGY.

And NO MALE HAS EVER GIVEN BIRTH!, It's a biological impossibility.

Proceed oh great wizard. We all know you and your biology converting government are just men behind the curtain.

Seriously, you can't make this shit up.

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