NC up a creek

Best thing to do is take matters into your own hands. If a member of the opposite sex shows up in your rest room, kick them out.

If it is transgender, you will be in trouble

That is not a transgender. That is a man in a bad wig and dress trying to gain access to a bathroom for the cameras.

Any camera crew trying to gain access to any bathroom would be invasion of privacy. Got a camera, put in the pocket or bag, off.

I'd go so far as to say not phone calls or text while in the bathrooms. Wait till you exit.

Can't use phones on takeoff and landings or doctor's offices, do the same for bathrooms, in both bathrooms. It is not that long. Doctor's require privacy of patients, turning off or blocking signal for phone use in bathrooms is a way of requiring privacy as well.

Got a problem with peeping toms, deal with that issue, not keeping transgenders from the bathroom of their identity.
I was awake that day in Social Studies. Federal laws trump state laws; then I went back to sleep.

Then how can Colorado's pot laws be lawful?
The DOJ is nothing more than a political activist legal team.

>>The United States Department of Justice, also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the U.S. government, responsible for the enforcement of the law<<

Law against discrimination is their concern. NC bill is a violation of federal law

No, it actually affirms federal law.

Transgender go through an extensive process and evaluation to begin living as a female/male.
If they have begun transition (hormones and/or surgery), they can legally change their gender and name. They have a right to be treated as that gender, including the use of the bathrooms.

regardless if the junk in the trunk

ID cards, perhaps. Birth certificates............ NO.

Once they legally change their gender, they should be legal to use bathrooms. They are living as that gender from that point.

Transgender are not just men in dresses.

How do you distinguish what gender a hermaphrodite is? They have a right to decide what they are, so should transgender be any different?

It would be like parents deciding what gender they wanted their child to be and then finding out they picked the wrong one.

People should take the time to learn about transgender not prejudge and persecute them.
Maybe you should learn about them. People that do know you don't compare them to hermaphrodites.
By a GURL???
Yep. Matter of fact i know an 90lb japanese girl that would put Digital in traction for a couple of months.

90lbs? Is that one of the 5th graders you've been having sex with ?
Dont project your fantasies onto the rest of the board participants.

Ahh, got your feelings hurt and ran to a mod I see :laugh:
Not really. I just make it a practice of reporting cave chimps for every infraction I see them make.

Then how can Colorado's pot laws be lawful?
The DOJ is nothing more than a political activist legal team.

>>The United States Department of Justice, also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the U.S. government, responsible for the enforcement of the law<<

Law against discrimination is their concern. NC bill is a violation of federal law

No, it actually affirms federal law.

Transgender go through an extensive process and evaluation to begin living as a female/male.
If they have begun transition (hormones and/or surgery), they can legally change their gender and name. They have a right to be treated as that gender, including the use of the bathrooms.

regardless if the junk in the trunk

ID cards, perhaps. Birth certificates............ NO.

Once they legally change their gender, they should be legal to use bathrooms. They are living as that gender from that point.

Transgender are not just men in dresses.

How do you distinguish what gender a hermaphrodite is? They have a right to decide what they are, so should transgender be any different?

It would be like parents deciding what gender they wanted their child to be and then finding out they picked the wrong one.

People should take the time to learn about transgender not prejudge and persecute them.
Though a hermaphodite May have both sexual organs they also have a genetic dominance that determines the sex. A transgender has mental issues hence the high percentage of suicide rate.
It's a matter f false equivalency and borderline insulting. One is a physical deformity, the other is mental.
Regardless of what happens, good for NC for standing up to political correctness running wild. It's about protecting women and children against predators. To bad Obama doesn't want to do this.
Good for the doj we in NC are tired of the slack jawed cross groveling yahoo's running and ruining our state
unless you have been born there or been there for a long time guno it aint your long you been there?...
Then how can Colorado's pot laws be lawful?
The DOJ is nothing more than a political activist legal team.

>>The United States Department of Justice, also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the U.S. government, responsible for the enforcement of the law<<

Law against discrimination is their concern. NC bill is a violation of federal law

No, it actually affirms federal law.

Transgender go through an extensive process and evaluation to begin living as a female/male.
If they have begun transition (hormones and/or surgery), they can legally change their gender and name. They have a right to be treated as that gender, including the use of the bathrooms.

regardless if the junk in the trunk

ID cards, perhaps. Birth certificates............ NO.

Once they legally change their gender, they should be legal to use bathrooms. They are living as that gender from that point.

Transgender are not just men in dresses.

How do you distinguish what gender a hermaphrodite is? They have a right to decide what they are, so should transgender be any different?

It would be like parents deciding what gender they wanted their child to be and then finding out they picked the wrong one.

People should take the time to learn about transgender not prejudge and persecute them.
Though a hermaphodite May have both sexual organs they also have a genetic dominance that determines the sex. A transgender has mental issues hence the high percentage of suicide rate.

and someone that asexual or intersex.......................

They have to decide what if any gender they most identify with.
Best thing to do is take matters into your own hands. If a member of the opposite sex shows up in your rest room, kick them out.

If it is transgender, you will be in trouble

That is not a transgender. That is a man in a bad wig and dress trying to gain access to a bathroom for the cameras.

Any camera crew trying to gain access to any bathroom would be invasion of privacy. Got a camera, put in the pocket or bag, off.

I'd go so far as to say not phone calls or text while in the bathrooms. Wait till you exit.

Can't use phones on takeoff and landings or doctor's offices, do the same for bathrooms, in both bathrooms. It is not that long. Doctor's require privacy of patients, turning off or blocking signal for phone use in bathrooms is a way of requiring privacy as well.

Got a problem with peeping toms, deal with that issue, not keeping transgenders from the bathroom of their identity.

So if you find yourself in this situation, who are you to tell the person they are a man ?
Hypocrite !
NC up a creek without a paddle. DOJ should have issued a statement about violating civil right on day one

Justice Dept Says North Carolina Bathroom Law Violates Civil Rights‎ - 12 hours ago

Bigots got shit in the face. How could they have ever though such discrimination would stand?
Where is the right for men to use the ladies room at? Never saw it, just some wold ass claim libtards make up.

not men, transgender "women"

LGB are not banned from using the bathroom, why should transgender?

Do pedophile heterosexuals have to show an ID card to use the bathroom? They are far more of a threat than transgenders

People are presuming a crime by a whole group of people when none exists.

Best thing to do is take matters into your own hands. If a member of the opposite sex shows up in your rest room, kick them out.

If it is transgender, you will be in trouble

That is not a transgender. That is a man in a bad wig and dress trying to gain access to a bathroom for the cameras.

Any camera crew trying to gain access to any bathroom would be invasion of privacy. Got a camera, put in the pocket or bag, off.

I'd go so far as to say not phone calls or text while in the bathrooms. Wait till you exit.

Can't use phones on takeoff and landings or doctor's offices, do the same for bathrooms, in both bathrooms. It is not that long. Doctor's require privacy of patients, turning off or blocking signal for phone use in bathrooms is a way of requiring privacy as well.

Got a problem with peeping toms, deal with that issue, not keeping transgenders from the bathroom of their identity.

So if you find yourself in this situation, who are you to tell the person they are a man ?
Hypocrite !

Transgender will have gone through evaluation, begun treatment and legally changed gender identity. Once they live as that gender, they have a right to be treated as that gender.

We are talking about transgender, not transvestites or drag queens

You're such a bigot. That young man was just exercising his civil rights. How dare you imply the woman has a right to privacy. He also has a right to take some pictures of her naked body and go home and enjoy said photos. are not bright enough to know the difference between this HETERO male peeping tom and trans people just wanting to go to the bathroom. In fact, are you a supporter of MORE peeping toms like many of the RWrs here are?

HAHA You are such a DUMBASS. What part about mixing the sexes in these rooms INVITES the perverts and gives them EASIER access don't you get??? Good Lord. By trying to accommodate a very small percentage of the population you're putting a much, much larger percentage of the population at risk from these perverts. Dude, this isn't fucking rocket science. Even YOU should be able to comprehend this. smh
Thank you for pretty much proving my point about you having trouble seeing the difference.

That was lame. C'mon, at least try and debate your ridiculous point.
I'm sorry to have upset you.....but you need to be more afraid of male hetero family members than trans people wanting to just go potty.....but by all means close your eyes to the real danger and eat up all that red meat about the scary trans people.
Regardless of what happens, good for NC for standing up to political correctness running wild. It's about protecting women and children against predators. To bad Obama doesn't want to do this.
Good for the doj we in NC are tired of the slack jawed cross groveling yahoo's running and ruining our state
unless you have been born there or been there for a long time guno it aint your long you been there?...
28 years here and a house in NY , registered to vote here most of my kids and grand kids born here
Last edited:
Yep. Matter of fact i know an 90lb japanese girl that would put Digital in traction for a couple of months.

90lbs? Is that one of the 5th graders you've been having sex with ?
Dont project your fantasies onto the rest of the board participants.

Ahh, got your feelings hurt and ran to a mod I see :laugh:
Not really. I just make it a practice of reporting cave chimps for every infraction I see them make.

No thanks. I'm married so I have my own at home. if i wanted something different I could just go up the street to the white woman that has been trying to give me some for over a decade since I moved in.
Regardless of what happens, good for NC for standing up to political correctness running wild. It's about protecting women and children against predators. To bad Obama doesn't want to do this.
Good for the doj we in NC are tired of the slack jawed cross groveling yahoo's running and ruining our state
unless you have been born there or been there for a long time guno it aint your long you been there?...
28 years and a house in NY , registered to vote here most of my kids and grand kids born here
ok you have been there long fucking cletus slackjawd
If a man is predator, no bathroom sign is going to stop them.
This doesn't mean that every one else should just give up when the laws that are out there concerning anything are out there for a reason.They are there to keep people safe and if people can't deal with what happens to themselves should they break them laws, they shouldn't break them laws to begin with.

God bless you always!!!

Best thing to do is take matters into your own hands. If a member of the opposite sex shows up in your rest room, kick them out.

If it is transgender, you will be in trouble

That is not a transgender. That is a man in a bad wig and dress trying to gain access to a bathroom for the cameras.

Any camera crew trying to gain access to any bathroom would be invasion of privacy. Got a camera, put in the pocket or bag, off.

I'd go so far as to say not phone calls or text while in the bathrooms. Wait till you exit.

Can't use phones on takeoff and landings or doctor's offices, do the same for bathrooms, in both bathrooms. It is not that long. Doctor's require privacy of patients, turning off or blocking signal for phone use in bathrooms is a way of requiring privacy as well.

Got a problem with peeping toms, deal with that issue, not keeping transgenders from the bathroom of their identity.

So if you find yourself in this situation, who are you to tell the person they are a man ?
Hypocrite !

I personally don't have a problem with unisex bathrooms instead of gender.
I don't care who is in the next stall.

If they (male or female) invade my privacy, not just asking for toilet paper, that is a different issue.
Not like adults or most children don't know what the anatomy of both look like. Most children know what they parents look like naked. Smaller kids take showers with their parents, especially after the beach. As adults get older they have to care for their parents, including bathroom and showers needs. Doctors, nurses, hospice, paramedics, police, etc. don't what either gender look like naked, not just with their pants down.

Basic anatomy should be no secret. Not like there is lot to see on a toilet. With stall door closed, there is nothing to see.

I don't understand the fuss. Even soldiers tend to their fellows of other gender in the field. They do their job out in the open, maybe turn their back to their unit if they are a tad shy. I wouldn't care if men and women in the military had to take showers together as a group.

Unwanted touching of either sex is a red light. Everyone of both (all) sexes should know to ask before making an advance, every base every time. Not a bad idea for spouses to ask, not expect or take.

People don't have a problem at nude beaches,buildings or camps. Why are bathrooms such a terror? It is a human body, no bid deal.

This is the 21st century, not the middle ages. This is the US not Saudi Arabia or Yemen. We see people in bathing suits that leave nothing to the imagination, even around children. We see giant billboards of people in the near nudity. In some countries full nudity is allowed for advertising.

I consider this all much ado about nothing.

We are all just people.

If someone of either sex tried to "flash" me, I'd probably be hysterical laughing, not run screaming down the street. Human body should hold no fear to anyone.

Many have seen streakers or mooner at some time. It is just flesh.

We are born naked, why should the body be something we are ashamed of or hide?
Best thing to do is take matters into your own hands. If a member of the opposite sex shows up in your rest room, kick them out.

If it is transgender, you will be in trouble

That is not a transgender. That is a man in a bad wig and dress trying to gain access to a bathroom for the cameras.

Any camera crew trying to gain access to any bathroom would be invasion of privacy. Got a camera, put in the pocket or bag, off.

I'd go so far as to say not phone calls or text while in the bathrooms. Wait till you exit.

Can't use phones on takeoff and landings or doctor's offices, do the same for bathrooms, in both bathrooms. It is not that long. Doctor's require privacy of patients, turning off or blocking signal for phone use in bathrooms is a way of requiring privacy as well.

Got a problem with peeping toms, deal with that issue, not keeping transgenders from the bathroom of their identity.

So if you find yourself in this situation, who are you to tell the person they are a man ?
Hypocrite !

I personally don't have a problem with unisex bathrooms instead of gender.
I don't care who is in the next stall.

If they (male or female) invade my privacy, not just asking for toilet paper, that is a different issue.
Not like adults or most children don't know what the anatomy of both look like. Most children know what they parents look like naked. Smaller kids take showers with their parents, especially after the beach. As adults get older they have to care for their parents, including bathroom and showers needs. Doctors, nurses, hospice, paramedics, police, etc. don't what either gender look like naked, not just with their pants down.

Basic anatomy should be no secret. Not like there is lot to see on a toilet. With stall door closed, there is nothing to see.

I don't understand the fuss. Even soldiers tend to their fellows of other gender in the field. They do their job out in the open, maybe turn their back to their unit if they are a tad shy. I wouldn't care if men and women in the military had to take showers together as a group.

Unwanted touching of either sex is a red light. Everyone of both (all) sexes should know to ask before making an advance, every base every time. Not a bad idea for spouses to ask, not expect or take.

People don't have a problem at nude beaches,buildings or camps. Why are bathrooms such a terror? It is a human body, no bid deal.

This is the 21st century, not the middle ages. This is the US not Saudi Arabia or Yemen. We see people in bathing suits that leave nothing to the imagination, even around children. We see giant billboards of people in the near nudity. In some countries full nudity is allowed for advertising.

I consider this all much ado about nothing.

We are all just people.

If someone of either sex tried to "flash" me, I'd probably be hysterical laughing, not run screaming down the street. Human body should hold no fear to anyone.

Many have seen streakers or mooner at some time. It is just flesh.

We are born naked, why should the body be something we are ashamed of or hide?

The Victorian era mindset matches the mindset of most conservatives. They are fucking uptight about sex.
If it is transgender, you will be in trouble

That is not a transgender. That is a man in a bad wig and dress trying to gain access to a bathroom for the cameras.

Any camera crew trying to gain access to any bathroom would be invasion of privacy. Got a camera, put in the pocket or bag, off.

I'd go so far as to say not phone calls or text while in the bathrooms. Wait till you exit.

Can't use phones on takeoff and landings or doctor's offices, do the same for bathrooms, in both bathrooms. It is not that long. Doctor's require privacy of patients, turning off or blocking signal for phone use in bathrooms is a way of requiring privacy as well.

Got a problem with peeping toms, deal with that issue, not keeping transgenders from the bathroom of their identity.

So if you find yourself in this situation, who are you to tell the person they are a man ?
Hypocrite !

I personally don't have a problem with unisex bathrooms instead of gender.
I don't care who is in the next stall.

If they (male or female) invade my privacy, not just asking for toilet paper, that is a different issue.
Not like adults or most children don't know what the anatomy of both look like. Most children know what they parents look like naked. Smaller kids take showers with their parents, especially after the beach. As adults get older they have to care for their parents, including bathroom and showers needs. Doctors, nurses, hospice, paramedics, police, etc. don't what either gender look like naked, not just with their pants down.

Basic anatomy should be no secret. Not like there is lot to see on a toilet. With stall door closed, there is nothing to see.

I don't understand the fuss. Even soldiers tend to their fellows of other gender in the field. They do their job out in the open, maybe turn their back to their unit if they are a tad shy. I wouldn't care if men and women in the military had to take showers together as a group.

Unwanted touching of either sex is a red light. Everyone of both (all) sexes should know to ask before making an advance, every base every time. Not a bad idea for spouses to ask, not expect or take.

People don't have a problem at nude beaches,buildings or camps. Why are bathrooms such a terror? It is a human body, no bid deal.

This is the 21st century, not the middle ages. This is the US not Saudi Arabia or Yemen. We see people in bathing suits that leave nothing to the imagination, even around children. We see giant billboards of people in the near nudity. In some countries full nudity is allowed for advertising.

I consider this all much ado about nothing.

We are all just people.

If someone of either sex tried to "flash" me, I'd probably be hysterical laughing, not run screaming down the street. Human body should hold no fear to anyone.

Many have seen streakers or mooner at some time. It is just flesh.

We are born naked, why should the body be something we are ashamed of or hide?

The Victorian era mindset matches the mindset of most conservatives. They are fucking uptight about sex.

Victorians were far less "prudish" than many portray them to have been. It might in many places to be LGBT but there were many famous public figures out of the closet.

Behind closed doors people were reading sex manuals and tantalizing novels that were very explicit. Sexual experimentation might have been unspoken but quite wide spread.

Most women did not "lay back and think of England", they enjoyed a health sex life.

I grew up in a very repressive region but I am still amazed by the attitudes of some in the US. I knew more about equality over there than among far right extremists here.

Enough with the hate and prejudice. I've seen too many massacres and war over less.

All people should be treated the same. We all share this planet together.

I don't care if people have their sex organs on their head and walk around on six legs. They are just people.
NC Legislature is being slapped because they were TOO STUPID to do this the right way.
The way they wrote the law requires that you use the facilities that match your Birth Certificate.

That EXCLUDES due process for TRUE transgenders and does not recognize their VALID sex transistion or being in the PROCESS of a sex transistion..

That's the whole problem here. You cannot form a legally protected class -- when membership in that class is just simple choice or self-identification. You need a PROCESS and a DECLARATION that you are eligible to join the protected. So --- just have trans people file a declaration that CHANGES the sex on their birth cert. If they are "in process" allow them to make the change with certifications from appropriate medical/psych professionals.

Can't be "i'm in for a day or a month" type of thing. You want legal protection. You make the proper certification. It's stone simple. But what the mental midgets in NC did was -- DENY there is ever a NEED or PROCESS for changing the sex on your birth certificate. And that IS a civil rights issue because it denies them status that has been signed off on by medical/psych professionals..

And it basically says -- we don't recognize Transgenders at all... They don't exist..
The DOJ is nothing more than a political activist legal team.

>>The United States Department of Justice, also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the U.S. government, responsible for the enforcement of the law<<

Law against discrimination is their concern. NC bill is a violation of federal law

No, it actually affirms federal law.

Transgender go through an extensive process and evaluation to begin living as a female/male.
If they have begun transition (hormones and/or surgery), they can legally change their gender and name. They have a right to be treated as that gender, including the use of the bathrooms.

regardless if the junk in the trunk

ID cards, perhaps. Birth certificates............ NO.

Once they legally change their gender, they should be legal to use bathrooms. They are living as that gender from that point.

Transgender are not just men in dresses.

How do you distinguish what gender a hermaphrodite is? They have a right to decide what they are, so should transgender be any different?

It would be like parents deciding what gender they wanted their child to be and then finding out they picked the wrong one.

People should take the time to learn about transgender not prejudge and persecute them.
Though a hermaphodite May have both sexual organs they also have a genetic dominance that determines the sex. A transgender has mental issues hence the high percentage of suicide rate.
It's a matter f false equivalency and borderline insulting. One is a physical deformity, the other is mental.

Correct, and after years of therapy and expensive surgery you still have all the components of a male (altered, but still male).

Science cannot and will never allow a Trans male to have the life experiences of a female. No periods that often traumatize girls, no pregnancy and all the hardships it creates. No childbirth and its fears and no menopause.

Call it what you want, names mean little, it's still Male.
NC up a creek without a paddle. DOJ should have issued a statement about violating civil right on day one

Justice Dept Says North Carolina Bathroom Law Violates Civil Rights‎ - 12 hours ago

Bigots got shit in the face. How could they have ever though such discrimination would stand?
Where is the right for men to use the ladies room at? Never saw it, just some wold ass claim libtards make up.

not men, transgender "women"

LGB are not banned from using the bathroom, why should transgender?

Do pedophile heterosexuals have to show an ID card to use the bathroom? They are far more of a threat than transgenders

People are presuming a crime by a whole group of people when none exists.


Bull, gays are still male or female

Not rocket science and the separation of genders in restrooms is not based on arbitrary reasoning, so no discrimination occurs.

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