NCAA Boycotts NC Over Bathroom Law

Let the NCAA walk....who cares? North Carolina now doesn't have to host the games. No loss.
Why would the NCAA want to ban male and female sports? That has nothing to do with the situation.
Many schools are banning gender labels.

It is beyond pathetic

What do the kids think about this stupid nonsense?
I'm sure a horny little boy thinks it's great, because now he can shower with the girls. Thanks obama.

Again, not how it works.
Bullshit, if the boy says he is a girl. Then he uses the girls bathroom. There is a forum on here about a girls parents suing the school district. Because a boy was twerking in the girls locker room with his balls dangling. What does a liberal on here to say about it? Well I'm sure she has seen worse on the internet. Thanks to Obama and all his supporters, like yourself.

If the situation is as you describe I would see that as any boy being in a place he shouldn't be and he should be punished accordingly. I would need more verified information than some internet warrior's word on it, though.
The millions in revenue is not worth fighting for if nc is going to stand its ground. Let it go let the NCAA go somewhere else.
Many schools are banning gender labels.

It is beyond pathetic

What do the kids think about this stupid nonsense?
I'm sure a horny little boy thinks it's great, because now he can shower with the girls. Thanks obama.

Again, not how it works.
Bullshit, if the boy says he is a girl. Then he uses the girls bathroom. There is a forum on here about a girls parents suing the school district. Because a boy was twerking in the girls locker room with his balls dangling. What does a liberal on here to say about it? Well I'm sure she has seen worse on the internet. Thanks to Obama and all his supporters, like yourself.

If the situation is as you describe I would see that as any boy being in a place he shouldn't be and he should be punished accordingly. I would need more verified information than some internet warrior's word on it, though.
Punished for what? Girls can't ask bra sizes or twerk?
What a homophobic bigot.
If this is so important an issue for the NCAA, why haven't they banned male and female sports?

They should lose all governmental preferences for involving themselves in politics. Including tax exempt status and antitrust protections. Call you congresscritters and tell them exactly that, I did.
It's in the forum, would it really matter to you?

So someone in the forum said that there were balls? :lol: Yeah, totally credible.
It's in there, it came up after the fact. But would it really matter?

It would matter if it were factual. It's not so your "point" is moot. There were no balls, just a girl dancing as girls do.
Did you read on down where it said he followed two girls in to a secondary locker room, and disrobed in front of them. Also asking them their bra sizes. Also if they would trade parts with them.

I did...still nothing about balls...and nothing another girl wouldn't do. You were mistaken, there were no balls a-flappin' as you claimed.
There were balls a dangling when he disrobed. So you good with that?
Many schools are banning gender labels.

It is beyond pathetic

What do the kids think about this stupid nonsense?
I'm sure a horny little boy thinks it's great, because now he can shower with the girls. Thanks obama.

Again, not how it works.
Bullshit, if the boy says he is a girl. Then he uses the girls bathroom. There is a forum on here about a girls parents suing the school district. Because a boy was twerking in the girls locker room with his balls dangling. What does a liberal on here to say about it? Well I'm sure she has seen worse on the internet. Thanks to Obama and all his supporters, like yourself.

If the situation is as you describe I would see that as any boy being in a place he shouldn't be and he should be punished accordingly. I would need more verified information than some internet warrior's word on it, though.
Why would the NCAA want to ban male and female sports? That has nothing to do with the situation.
Well if you truly think a guy can be a girl and a girl can be a guy. If you truly think that, than you are a transgenderphobe if you think having a separate boys and girls team. With this logic, there is no gender differences, see the bullshit your kind has opened?

Who said there were no gender differences? If there was no difference, there would be no reason to trans.
If a boy can wake up one day, and state he is a girl. Then can automatically use women's facilities with everyone's blessing, then their is no gender. This is exactly what liberalism is like.

It doesn't work like that. Nobody suddenly realizes they have gender identity issues. Only after a period of confusion and self evaluation can they ever know if they are in that category. It's not a lightly taken or snap decision.
Who gives a shit?

If their tiny little brains are wired the wrong way, stuff 'em back into the closet, where they belong, out of sight of decent folk, and little children.

The small percentage (3%) of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) amongst us should not be wielding such influence over the other 97%.

Time to fix the loopholes in our legal system that allow such unclean, wicked, degenerate filth to thrive in open daylight.
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So someone in the forum said that there were balls? :lol: Yeah, totally credible.
It's in there, it came up after the fact. But would it really matter?

It would matter if it were factual. It's not so your "point" is moot. There were no balls, just a girl dancing as girls do.
Did you read on down where it said he followed two girls in to a secondary locker room, and disrobed in front of them. Also asking them their bra sizes. Also if they would trade parts with them.

I did...still nothing about balls...and nothing another girl wouldn't do. You were mistaken, there were no balls a-flappin' as you claimed.
There were balls a dangling when he disrobed. So you good with that?

If there were, it would have been reported. There was no nudity. Nobody saw any "balls". You were mistaken, move on from that.
It's in there, it came up after the fact. But would it really matter?

It would matter if it were factual. It's not so your "point" is moot. There were no balls, just a girl dancing as girls do.
Did you read on down where it said he followed two girls in to a secondary locker room, and disrobed in front of them. Also asking them their bra sizes. Also if they would trade parts with them.

I did...still nothing about balls...and nothing another girl wouldn't do. You were mistaken, there were no balls a-flappin' as you claimed.
There were balls a dangling when he disrobed. So you good with that?

If there were, it would have been reported. There was no nudity. Nobody saw any "balls". You were mistaken, move on from that.
Says the girls were told if they didn't like it they could use the basement. WAR ON WOMEN.
He then followed them into the basement and took his pants off.

You go to the park today and remove your pants. Let us know what happens.
It's in there, it came up after the fact. But would it really matter?

It would matter if it were factual. It's not so your "point" is moot. There were no balls, just a girl dancing as girls do.
Did you read on down where it said he followed two girls in to a secondary locker room, and disrobed in front of them. Also asking them their bra sizes. Also if they would trade parts with them.

I did...still nothing about balls...and nothing another girl wouldn't do. You were mistaken, there were no balls a-flappin' as you claimed.
There were balls a dangling when he disrobed. So you good with that?

If there were, it would have been reported. There was no nudity. Nobody saw any "balls". You were mistaken, move on from that.
It say he disrobed, which means he took his clothes off. Quit acting stupid to cover up for this liberal lunacy.
The NCAA is about to get it's ass sued into the stone age for illegally breaking contracts...

N.C. says, 'GO FOR IT!'
Why would the NCAA want to ban male and female sports? That has nothing to do with the situation.
Well if you truly think a guy can be a girl and a girl can be a guy. If you truly think that, than you are a transgenderphobe if you think having a separate boys and girls team. With this logic, there is no gender differences, see the bullshit your kind has opened?

Who said there were no gender differences? If there was no difference, there would be no reason to trans.
If a boy can wake up one day, and state he is a girl. Then can automatically use women's facilities with everyone's blessing, then their is no gender. This is exactly what liberalism is like.

It doesn't work like that. Nobody suddenly realizes they have gender identity issues. Only after a period of confusion and self evaluation can they ever know if they are in that category. It's not a lightly taken or snap decision.
Who gives a shit?

If their tiny little brains are wired the wrong way, stuff 'em back into the closet, where they belong, out of sight of decent folk, and little children.

The small percentage (3%) of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) amongst us should not be wielding such influence over the other 97%.

Time to fix the loopholes in our legal system that allow such unclean, wicked, degenerate filth to thrive in open daylight.

You don't understand the situation. The 3% that you call sexual deviants couldn't wield such influence over the rest of us if they wanted to. It's the majority of the rest of us who feel they should have a right to love who they want of live as the gender they are hard wired for. Your problem isn't the insignificant numbers of gay and trans people. Your problem is the majority of the country who don't share the hate and fear that has twisted your view of life. You're the minority odd ball.
Well if you truly think a guy can be a girl and a girl can be a guy. If you truly think that, than you are a transgenderphobe if you think having a separate boys and girls team. With this logic, there is no gender differences, see the bullshit your kind has opened?

Who said there were no gender differences? If there was no difference, there would be no reason to trans.
If a boy can wake up one day, and state he is a girl. Then can automatically use women's facilities with everyone's blessing, then their is no gender. This is exactly what liberalism is like.

It doesn't work like that. Nobody suddenly realizes they have gender identity issues. Only after a period of confusion and self evaluation can they ever know if they are in that category. It's not a lightly taken or snap decision.
Who gives a shit?

If their tiny little brains are wired the wrong way, stuff 'em back into the closet, where they belong, out of sight of decent folk, and little children.

The small percentage (3%) of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) amongst us should not be wielding such influence over the other 97%.

Time to fix the loopholes in our legal system that allow such unclean, wicked, degenerate filth to thrive in open daylight.

You don't understand the situation. The 3% that you call sexual deviants couldn't wield such influence over the rest of us if they wanted to. It's the majority of the rest of us who feel they should have a right to love who they want of live as the gender they are hard wired for. Your problem isn't the insignificant numbers of gay and trans people. Your problem is the majority of the country who don't share the hate and fear that has twisted your view of life. You're the minority odd ball.
No gays has been accepted, transgendered well they can do what they want. The final draw is letting them into locker and bathrooms of the opposite sex.
Who said there were no gender differences? If there was no difference, there would be no reason to trans.
If a boy can wake up one day, and state he is a girl. Then can automatically use women's facilities with everyone's blessing, then their is no gender. This is exactly what liberalism is like.

It doesn't work like that. Nobody suddenly realizes they have gender identity issues. Only after a period of confusion and self evaluation can they ever know if they are in that category. It's not a lightly taken or snap decision.
Who gives a shit?

If their tiny little brains are wired the wrong way, stuff 'em back into the closet, where they belong, out of sight of decent folk, and little children.

The small percentage (3%) of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) amongst us should not be wielding such influence over the other 97%.

Time to fix the loopholes in our legal system that allow such unclean, wicked, degenerate filth to thrive in open daylight.

You don't understand the situation. The 3% that you call sexual deviants couldn't wield such influence over the rest of us if they wanted to. It's the majority of the rest of us who feel they should have a right to love who they want of live as the gender they are hard wired for. Your problem isn't the insignificant numbers of gay and trans people. Your problem is the majority of the country who don't share the hate and fear that has twisted your view of life. You're the minority odd ball.
No gays has been accepted, transgendered well they can do what they want. The final draw is letting them into locker and bathrooms of the opposite sex.

All I can do is offer you a tissue. I don't think anybody is going to change the decision of the country right now. I'm sure that's disappointing to you.
Well if you truly think a guy can be a girl and a girl can be a guy. If you truly think that, than you are a transgenderphobe if you think having a separate boys and girls team. With this logic, there is no gender differences, see the bullshit your kind has opened?

Who said there were no gender differences? If there was no difference, there would be no reason to trans.
If a boy can wake up one day, and state he is a girl. Then can automatically use women's facilities with everyone's blessing, then their is no gender. This is exactly what liberalism is like.

It doesn't work like that. Nobody suddenly realizes they have gender identity issues. Only after a period of confusion and self evaluation can they ever know if they are in that category. It's not a lightly taken or snap decision.
Who gives a shit?

If their tiny little brains are wired the wrong way, stuff 'em back into the closet, where they belong, out of sight of decent folk, and little children.

The small percentage (3%) of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) amongst us should not be wielding such influence over the other 97%.

Time to fix the loopholes in our legal system that allow such unclean, wicked, degenerate filth to thrive in open daylight.

You don't understand the situation. The 3% that you call sexual deviants couldn't wield such influence over the rest of us if they wanted to. It's the majority of the rest of us who feel they should have a right to love who they want of live as the gender they are hard wired for. Your problem isn't the insignificant numbers of gay and trans people. Your problem is the majority of the country who don't share the hate and fear that has twisted your view of life. You're the minority odd ball.
The left love to promote evil and sexual perversion.

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