Nearly twenty horses killed and mutilated since the beginning of the year in France


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
This is really disgusting.


The black series continues. Since February, mysterious cases of horses, ponies and donkeys killed and mutilated have multiplied all over France. Last macabre discovery to date: a pony was found dead Tuesday, August 25 in Saint-Vallier, in the Drôme, an ear cut, the skull and diaphragm exploded and a part of its muzzle sliced.

Some horse owners put forward the hypothesis of experienced culprits, accustomed to approaching horses without frightening them.

They are surely people who know horses. It is not easy to suddenly kill a 400-kilogram animal in the middle of the meadows, observes Serge Lecomte, president of the French Equitation Federation (FFE), at “Libération”. Investigations also showed that the mutilations were carried out in a clear manner. It reminds me of a few arena glories and the bullfighting world. Cutting off the ear like a trophy is a symbol.” Since the mutilations are carried out almost surgically, the author or authors must have «a great knowledge of the anatomy of equidae», advances a veterinarian on BFMTV.

The satanist track studied
Several investigations have been initiated as a result of these acts of cruelty. Thursday, August 27, the gendarmerie de l'Yonne released a portrait-robot of an individual who fled, accompanied by another man, surprised while they were stabbing a horse in Villefranche-Saint-Phal, on the night of August 24 to 25.

This is a sketch of a suspect caught in the act of mutilating horses
The track of a sect is studied while the modes of operation are similar from one aggression to another. According to information from the «Parisien», the Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Fight against Sectarian Excesses (Miviludes), which depends on the Minister for Citizenship

Link in French : CARTE. Près de vingt chevaux tués et mutilés depuis le début de l’année en France
Same problem in Davie Florida. Lots of horses mutilated or stolen.

The number of mobile "Meat Vendors" (people with portable smokers and grills setting up at random places and many local events) seems to coincide with the slaughtering.

I also suspect Chinese and Asian restaurants in the area trapping domestic cats and dogs all over the place as "Diversity" becomes nationwide.
People from many Asian nations feel it is perfectly normal to eat cat and dog meat.
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There’s been a lot of cruelty toward horses in France this assholes go after horses, I love animals and I ride horses. I live in the countryside and a good shot between the eyes is what they deserves whoever comes after the horses.
There’s been a lot of cruelty toward horses in France this assholes go after horses, I love animals and I ride horses. I live in the countryside, and a good shot between the eyes is what tey deserves, whoever comes after the horses.

I'd blame the Canadians and the Japanese. They're still two of the largest importers of horses for meat.

Canadians and Japanese are never to be trusted.
It's really tragic what these poor critters are enduring. I hope they catch the bastards soon.....and toss them off of a tall cliff.
There’s been a lot of cruelty toward horses in France this assholes go after horses, I love animals and I ride horses. I live in the countryside and a good shot between the eyes is what they deserves whoever comes after the horses.

The Minister of the Interior asks all horse owners to do nothing, not to intervene, to let the bloodthirsty come and to cut our animals to pieces .It's the mentality here no weapons to defend against the bastards who attack our animals and ourselves.

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