Nebraska Supreme Court upholds law restricting abortion and transsexualism for minors


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2024
Let's hope this is an eventual double whammy for the death cult. The second being a hopefully less confused teen population, and hence, fewer suicides and other problems.

Let's hope these legislators eliminate this 40 hours of therapy and get rid of this crap altogether. I'm sure this "therapy" will be run by sick perverts. Part of the therapy should include clergy and God-trusting people.

To add insult to injury, your tax dollars pay for baby killing and perversion of youth. Enough already.

LB 574 restricts puberty blockers, hormone therapies and genital or non-genital surgeries for minors with gender dysphoria. The restrictions apply to Nebraska minors under 19 years old. The law does not restrict trans health care treatment for adults.

Youths must receive at least 40 hours of “gender-identity-focused contact hours of therapy” before puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones can be prescribed.

Also under the law, abortion is now banned in Nebraska after 12 weeks’ gestational age.
Nebraska Supreme Court upholds law restricting abortion and trans health care for minors • Nebraska Examiner
11 week old fetus. Wonder how many women have totally regretted and despaired killing the life inside her. There are some who have sought redemption.



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