Negative pricing seen spreading from oil to gas as European demand slumps. Kaput Pugabe?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
as i predicted...
Oil prices have fallen to the lowest since 1991 level . With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher.
European gas markets are facing the prospect of also slipping into the red after a slump in demand and surging inventories pushed prices into low single digits.
In the European benchmark gas market, the Dutch TTF hub, the day-ahead price was down 20% at 2.50 euros per megawatt hour, equivalent to less than $1 per million British thermal units (mmBtu). Prompt UK prices were up to 30% lower.

Some traders are expecting European gas contracts for near-term delivery to go to zero or even turn negative - which could force sellers to give gas away - following a similar move in the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil price last month.

“If supply remains this strong until storage is full, we can possibly see negative prices at some point, as there is no sign of relief from the demand side,” a European gas trader said.

“If it will happen today or next week, it’s hard to say.
Negative pricing seen spreading from oil to gas as European demand slumps - Reuters


USA got the new OIL - Gas markets in Europe , Terrible news for Pugabe and his gas-station. question for how long Pugabe´s gas-station can survive without European buyers ?



related : Best news for the last 30 years! A new oil pipeline intermarium will appear in Belarus and kill Juch Great news for EU, terrible for Nigeria in snow " Gas prices in "russia (Muscovy) " were higher than in Europe"

Interesting article. I don't keep up with any commodities and didn't realize just how bad things have gotten for the industry,

Some traders are expecting European gas contracts for near-term delivery to go to zero or even turn negative - which could force sellers to give gas away - following a similar move in the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil price last month.
What that spells is a lack of demand or faith industry will be returning to any capacity anytime soon, among other issues.
Russia and the Sauds flooded the world with oil, the price collapsed, now its coming back.
That was the ultimate in stupidity, that oil glut made no sense. Is Putin really that stupid?
The US topped off the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for a few pennies, thanks Vlad!!
Oil went from $60/bbl to $0/bbl back up to $33/bbl. I'm glad I didn't buy ARAMCO.

fresh update :

LOL)) down empire Juchi. "Turkey turns away from "russian" gas Turkey turns away from Russian gas Compared to 2018, the drop was more than 14 times: then in the first quarter Turkey purchased 8.8 billion cubic meters (2.93 billion on average per month)."
Russia and the Sauds flooded the world with oil, the price collapsed, now its coming back.
That was the ultimate in stupidity, that oil glut made no sense. Is Putin really that stupid?
The US topped off the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for a few pennies, thanks Vlad!!
Oil went from $60/bbl to $0/bbl back up to $33/bbl. I'm glad I didn't buy ARAMCO.

View attachment 340656
Russia and the Sauds flooded the world with oil, the price collapsed, now its coming back.
That was the ultimate in stupidity, " Oil /Gas are dying, much coal in 20c. , what is wrong with taking markets from the weakest (Muscovy) player

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so called half-truth.

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so-called half-truth.

NO. It is all about the oath. I just know that Colonel Strelkov REFUSED to answer 3 questions before and will refuse to answer them now :

- WHO sent him with an armed group to Donbass and Who ordered him to leave Donbass immediately when the popular movement there accepted the anti-oligarchic direction.

- And also to the question about the downed Malaysian Boeing.

Let's not forget that Colonel Strelkov is still a reserve officer and bound by a military oath

His answer: “The militias HAD NO such complexes at that time and there weren’t even operators who could manage such a complex if it were. It’s Ukraine’s fault that not only didn’t close the airspace over the combat zones but also redirected this the plane along the course, passing over the areas where there were fierce battles were going

From myself, I can say that the goal of the Ukrainian air defense forces was Putin's plane, which for some time went along a parallel course with the Malaysian Boeing, although at different heights. The so-called Ukrainians wanted to bring him down. This was even observed by a Ukrainian pilot, who then unexpectedly "committed suicide." Consider that you received Strelkov's answer to this question. So he answered me.

Strelkov is today a well-known opposition politician who, in a certain situation, may become the head of state in a deep crisis. And here you can ask him any questions as far as Putin, the regime, and the outcomes.

Strelkov may not answer those questions. As far as that will be me who will provide a translation, I will give my interpretations of those 2 questions.

Have a good night
So, you are going to prohibit the most interesting questions. So, what is the point of such channel? To talk about Putin? There are plenty of sources already about him and his corrupted regime.

Putun's plane is bs. I can't imagine who can accept this theory seriously.

Russian Patriots.
And they want another one dictator. History doesn't teach these idiots anything.
What that spells is a lack of demand or faith industry will be returning to any capacity anytime soon, among other issues.

"Gas supplies via the Yamal-Europe pipeline, which carries gas from Russia via Belarus and Poland to Germany, fell to almost zero on Monday. This is according to European gas operators, writes .

According to Gascade, gas supplies at the Malnow point on the Polish-German border over the weekend began to decline gradually and by Monday morning reached 461,468 kWh, which is 105 times less than the volume of the nomination. At the same time since the beginning of the month the volume of deliveries varied from about 17-32 million kWh.

The long-term Russian-Polish agreement on gas transit from Russia to the west on the Polish section of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline expired on May 17. Now deliveries are made on the basis of auctions conducted by the operator of the Polish gas transmission network - the company Gaz System. On Friday, 28.5 million kWh of more than 38 million kWh was purchased at a day-to-day auction. On Saturday it is twice less - 12.5 million.

On May 23, only 4 million kW / h was sold at auction for pumping gas on Sunday. On May 24, no capacity was reserved at all. Only on Monday night at the auction was reserved 4 million kWh for the next so-called gas day, which begins at 06:00 am and ends exactly 24 hours later - at 06:00 am the next day.

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