Neil Cavuto Tells Trump He Stinks In Fiery Takedown

Cavuto will be back to supporting everything Trump wants to do tomorrow. Within a week, nobody will even remember it happened. Cavuto is doing like lots of RWNJ talking heads are doing. They spend a few minutes every few weeks reporting accurately so that after Trump is gone, they can point to those few videos and claim they were against him all along.

Possibly. Shep Smith is the only steady sane person on Fox News.

Consider his fan club here.

All the crazies. :auiqs.jpg:
Fox host exposes Trump endless list of lies, saying this about the Prevaricator in Chief, "How can you drain the swamp, if you're the one muddying the water?"

Fox News Host Neil Cavuto Tells Trump He Stinks In Fiery Takedown | HuffPost

Fox host exposes Trump endless list of lies, saying this about the Prevaricator in Chief, "How can you drain the swamp, if you're the one muddying the water?"

Fox News Host Neil Cavuto Tells Trump He Stinks In Fiery Takedown | HuffPost

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Don't let it go to your head.

I would ask Cavuto "That said, would you prefer that Hillary Clinton won the presidency?"

His answer would be no surprise.

So you agree with Cavuto's statement that Trump stinks!

Fox host exposes Trump endless list of lies, saying this about the Prevaricator in Chief, "How can you drain the swamp, if you're the one muddying the water?"

Fox News Host Neil Cavuto Tells Trump He Stinks In Fiery Takedown | HuffPost

View attachment 191722

Don't let it go to your head.

I would ask Cavuto "That said, would you prefer that Hillary Clinton won the presidency?"

His answer would be no surprise.

So you agree with Cavuto's statement that Trump stinks!

No. I agree that Cavuto is entitled to an opinion, like anyone else.
I think that Republicans are readying the lifeboats and searching for their life preservers, as the Trump Titanic continues to rearrange the deck chairs. This tepid push back from GOP-TV is one of many cracks in the facade of the Trump White House, steaming full speed towards a massive iceberg.
Yeah, and to think that you libtards have been looking for President Trump to be impeached, for over 1 year now....
I think that Republicans are readying the lifeboats and searching for their life preservers, as the Trump Titanic continues to rearrange the deck chairs. This tepid push back from GOP-TV is one of many cracks in the facade of the Trump White House, steaming full speed towards a massive iceberg.
Yeah, and to think that you libtards have been looking for President Trump to be impeached, for over 1 year now....

“Over a year?” How long were YOU lot whinging about the birth certificate?!

Enjoy the next seven years.

“I guess you’re too busy draining the swamp to ever stop and smell the stink you’re creating.”

Fox News host Neil Cavuto had some harsh words for Donald Trump on Thursday: Mr. President, you stink.

The host listed some of Trump’s worst lies and misstatements, including claiming there was widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election and the recent revelation that he repaid his personal lawyer Michael Cohen for $130,000 in hush money given to porn star Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels, after he’d repeatedly denied knowing about the situation.

“How can you drain the swamp if you’re the one that keeps muddying the water?” Cavuto asked. “You didn’t know about that $130,000 payment to a porn star until you did.”

Cavuto, one of the lone voices on Fox News who calls out the president, said Trump cannot criticize the press for reporting “fake news” when he repeatedly makes false statements without correction.

More: Fox News Host Neil Cavuto Tells Trump He Stinks In Fiery Takedown

I salute Neil Cavuto for being honest. What do you think?

I think you are full of shit.
I can confirm Lakhota is full of Fact-Based Ordures. Eat'em Up!
how long you been dining?
Cavuto will be back to supporting everything Trump wants to do tomorrow. Within a week, nobody will even remember it happened. Cavuto is doing like lots of RWNJ talking heads are doing. They spend a few minutes every few weeks reporting accurately so that after Trump is gone, they can point to those few videos and claim they were against him all along.

I think Fox is so deeply intertwined with the GOP, that they rise and fall together, and I think Murdoch sees the Trump Titanic will swallow up Fox News in the whirlpool as it slips under the waves, and is starting to put some distance between the two, while it still can. They still are a Sean Hannity mouthpiece for all things Trump, but we will see if this shift continues. Good stuff.
It's the reverse. The opposition media gets a bigger boost because more angry people who's party isn't in power want to get their fix of confirmation bias.

While Obama was in office, CNN, MSNBC and the like were in obfuscation mode while Fox was in attack mode. Now the exact opposite is true. It's pretty easy to see when you're not in the tank for one of those sides.

“I guess you’re too busy draining the swamp to ever stop and smell the stink you’re creating.”

Fox News host Neil Cavuto had some harsh words for Donald Trump on Thursday: Mr. President, you stink.

The host listed some of Trump’s worst lies and misstatements, including claiming there was widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election and the recent revelation that he repaid his personal lawyer Michael Cohen for $130,000 in hush money given to porn star Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels, after he’d repeatedly denied knowing about the situation.

“How can you drain the swamp if you’re the one that keeps muddying the water?” Cavuto asked. “You didn’t know about that $130,000 payment to a porn star until you did.”

Cavuto, one of the lone voices on Fox News who calls out the president, said Trump cannot criticize the press for reporting “fake news” when he repeatedly makes false statements without correction.

More: Fox News Host Neil Cavuto Tells Trump He Stinks In Fiery Takedown

I salute Neil Cavuto for being honest. What do you think?
"smell the stink you are creating" is not the same as "you stink." Creating a smelly dinner (like fish stew) is not the same as personally smelling like fish.
Cavuto was a little careful there with his words. When he approaches Trump with a can of Febreeze, there you go.

“I guess you’re too busy draining the swamp to ever stop and smell the stink you’re creating.”

Fox News host Neil Cavuto had some harsh words for Donald Trump on Thursday: Mr. President, you stink.

The host listed some of Trump’s worst lies and misstatements, including claiming there was widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election and the recent revelation that he repaid his personal lawyer Michael Cohen for $130,000 in hush money given to porn star Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels, after he’d repeatedly denied knowing about the situation.

“How can you drain the swamp if you’re the one that keeps muddying the water?” Cavuto asked. “You didn’t know about that $130,000 payment to a porn star until you did.”

Cavuto, one of the lone voices on Fox News who calls out the president, said Trump cannot criticize the press for reporting “fake news” when he repeatedly makes false statements without correction.

More: Fox News Host Neil Cavuto Tells Trump He Stinks In Fiery Takedown

I salute Neil Cavuto for being honest. What do you think?

I think you are full of shit.
I can confirm Lakhota is full of Fact-Based Ordures. Eat'em Up!
you must be talking about another lakota.....
I salute Neil Cavuto for being honest. What do you think?
I think Cavuto and the rest of the Fox News lickspittles will never wash the stink of Trump off themselves, no matter how much soap and whitewash they use.
Cavuto needs his tonsils and adenoids taken out....I want to reach through the TV and tear em for him......he's got investments in China....everybody knows it....he's a shill for globalists and left his patriotism behind long ago.

“I guess you’re too busy draining the swamp to ever stop and smell the stink you’re creating.”

Fox News host Neil Cavuto had some harsh words for Donald Trump on Thursday: Mr. President, you stink.

The host listed some of Trump’s worst lies and misstatements, including claiming there was widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election and the recent revelation that he repaid his personal lawyer Michael Cohen for $130,000 in hush money given to porn star Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels, after he’d repeatedly denied knowing about the situation.

“How can you drain the swamp if you’re the one that keeps muddying the water?” Cavuto asked. “You didn’t know about that $130,000 payment to a porn star until you did.”

Cavuto, one of the lone voices on Fox News who calls out the president, said Trump cannot criticize the press for reporting “fake news” when he repeatedly makes false statements without correction.

More: Fox News Host Neil Cavuto Tells Trump He Stinks In Fiery Takedown

I salute Neil Cavuto for being honest. What do you think?

Where is the russia collusion in this?

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