neo classical economics- looked good on paper

Call it what you want. The simple truth is that government bureaucracies are the freaking worst way to redistribute wealth and government workers including politicians are generally a step above the village idiot when it comes to regulating the economy.
That would be your opinion. Where was it your economics degree came from??? Box of cracker jacks??? Oh, that's right. You have no economics degree. But you still talk as though you know. Which is a sure sign of ignorance. But I will give you this. You have personal knowledge of the village idiot, being one yourself.
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Call it what you want. The simple truth is that government bureaucracies are the freaking worst way to redistribute wealth and government workers including politicians are generally a step above the village idiot when it comes to regulating the economy.
That would be your opinion. Where was it your economics degree came from??? Box of cracker jacks??? Oh, that's right. You have no economics degree. But you still talk as though you know. Which is a sure sign of ignorance. But I will give you this. You have personal knowledge of the village idiot, being one yourself.
You dont need an econ degree to understand that government has failed to run any economy it has tried.
had you watched the documentary you fucktard you'd know that the pols in D.C. are merely doing what their masters (wall st banksters & the FED [their creature]) are telling them to do. :banghead:

"If you watched the documentary you would know". There are a hundred things wrong with that statement but sadly pop-culture educated Americans are conditioned to believe anything they see on film. If you think the politicians aren't responsive to your agenda join the Tea Party or if you want the democrat party to drift further left join CUSA.
Call it what you want. The simple truth is that government bureaucracies are the freaking worst way to redistribute wealth and government workers including politicians are generally a step above the village idiot when it comes to regulating the economy.
That would be your opinion. Where was it your economics degree came from??? Box of cracker jacks??? Oh, that's right. You have no economics degree. But you still talk as though you know. Which is a sure sign of ignorance. But I will give you this. You have personal knowledge of the village idiot, being one yourself.
You dont need an econ degree to understand that government has failed to run any economy it has tried.
There are no economies in the world today RUN by the gov. And I certainly never said an economy should or could successfully be run by the gov. But, every economy in the world has the government of that country involved in running the economy. On the other hand, there is NO economy in the world without significant gov involvement. That would be a libertarian economy, except more to the right. And, me boy, if you check, there are NO libertarian economies out there. None. Nada. Zip.
had you watched the documentary you fucktard you'd know that the pols in D.C. are merely doing what their masters (wall st banksters & the FED [their creature]) are telling them to do. :banghead:

"If you watched the documentary you would know". There are a hundred things wrong with that statement but sadly pop-culture educated Americans are conditioned to believe anything they see on film. If you think the politicians aren't responsive to your agenda join the Tea Party or if you want the democrat party to drift further left join CUSA.

NEWSFLASH!!! Republicorp co-opted the t party years ago. all you have to do is go to one of their DC offices and see who mans the store, :up: Establ Repubs. You really aren't very good at this. :eusa_doh:
Vote Repub so we can deregulate more & the banksters can get the OTHER 20% of the wealth. The Hank Paulsons of the world need your help in crushing the last vestiges of a middle-class in this once great nation :thup:

Vote Repub so we can deregulate more

Deregulate more? LOL!

We add thousands of pages of new regulations every year.
We have for decades.

Deregulate more? It'd be a huge improvement if we only stopped new regulations.
Deregulate? Never gonna happen.
it is pointed out in the documentary that the last generation or two forgot the preamble to the Constitution:

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

they'd much rather wring every cent out of this great nation for themselves and screw future generations.

Yeah, but enough about those big spending libs.
so one of you sheeple watched the trailer & the other two didn't watch anything. AGAIN, STFU unless you read/watch the cited mat'l. Otherwise it makes you look like a rw hack trying to score cheap political points :thup:
And we're supposed to not notice all your cheap leftist shots at anyone/anything conservative. You've got the thinnest skin of anyone on here. The 'living in a glass house' metaphor comes to mind.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

they'd much rather wring every cent out of this great nation for themselves and screw future generations.[/QUOTE]17 plus trillion in debt and climbing....
I call that screwing future generations. FYI the Constitution is not a communist manifesto so your interpretation is a bit off. We the people have (or should have) the freedom to prosper. It is not carte blanche for government to do tax, spend and regulate the people.
That would be your opinion. Where was it your economics degree came from??? Box of cracker jacks??? Oh, that's right. You have no economics degree. But you still talk as though you know. Which is a sure sign of ignorance. But I will give you this. You have personal knowledge of the village idiot, being one yourself.
You dont need an econ degree to understand that government has failed to run any economy it has tried.
There are no economies in the world today RUN by the gov. And I certainly never said an economy should or could successfully be run by the gov. But, every economy in the world has the government of that country involved in running the economy. On the other hand, there is NO economy in the world without significant gov involvement. That would be a libertarian economy, except more to the right. And, me boy, if you check, there are NO libertarian economies out there. None. Nada. Zip.
A logical fallacy, reductio ad absurdum.
Rabbi Rules!
This thread was a an attempt to wake people up the fact that

A) "elected" officials Washington doesn't work for them

B) $$$ in politics (from the financial services) are the reason

C) worshiping neo classical economics is for low-info, rw, sheeple

D) Inadvertently illustrating that everyone, at least those that clicked on this thread, are in a slumber & don't even care enough to see why. gawd but you people are idiots.
This thread was a an attempt to wake people up the fact that

A) "elected" officials Washington doesn't work for them

B) $$$ in politics (from the financial services) are the reason

C) worshiping neo classical economics is for low-info, rw, sheeple

D) Inadvertently illustrating that everyone, at least those that clicked on this thread, are in a slumber & don't even care enough to see why. gawd but you people are idiots.

YOU ARE nothing but a idot; programmed to whine about the system in place; and "rw sheeple" without offering alternatives and anything better.
things were MUCH better for AVERAGE AMERICANS when Republicans ran things

true story

things are better now for ONLY the richest Americans in this; the eighth-straight year of Progressive Majority Rule

true story
This thread was a an attempt to wake people up the fact that

A) "elected" officials Washington doesn't work for them

B) $$$ in politics (from the financial services) are the reason

C) worshiping neo classical economics is for low-info, rw, sheeple

D) Inadvertently illustrating that everyone, at least those that clicked on this thread, are in a slumber & don't even care enough to see why. gawd but you people are idiots.

The thread was a gross failure from the beginning.
Elected officials in DC have many constituents.
Money will always be in politics in a free society. No doubt Cuba and North Korea run elections without any funding. Is that what libs want?
Neo classical economics brought more people out of poverty than any other system.
Liberals are bad at math, bad at history, and poor at reasoning.
Same Old Progressive story:

The <Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%> are holding down the working man!!

Same old stale Marxist whine in new wineskins
Same Old Progressive story:

The <Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%> are holding down the working man!!

Same old stale Marxist whine in new wineskins
Not at all. But yours is, of course, the same old con tool dogma. It is not the 1%. But the politicians that the 1% own. Like, uh, lets see, why YOU dipshit. Except the rich versions of you. You really are immaterial.


Max Keiser=LOL!

Banks create money from nothing=incredibly silly
Jesus, me boy, did you see who thanked you?? You are in bed with congenital idiots. Probably because what you posted was so much the opposite of profound. So, are you another of the brainless cons who labels economists based on what they are studying and their results?? Of course you are.
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This thread was a an attempt to wake people up the fact that

A) "elected" officials Washington doesn't work for them

B) $$$ in politics (from the financial services) are the reason

C) worshiping neo classical economics is for low-info, rw, sheeple

D) Inadvertently illustrating that everyone, at least those that clicked on this thread, are in a slumber & don't even care enough to see why. gawd but you people are idiots.

YOU ARE nothing but a idot; programmed to whine about the system in place; and "rw sheeple" without offering alternatives and anything better.
Try reading the docs provided, dipshit. Then you may learn something. ......................Nah, you never learn anything. You simply post dogma.
things were MUCH better for AVERAGE AMERICANS when Republicans ran things

true story

things are better now for ONLY the richest Americans in this; the eighth-straight year of Progressive Majority Rule

true story
You must have proof for your drivel, right??? like sources???? Of course you do not. You simply paste drivel. Kind of lost control of my thought process there. You are, of course, incapable of proving ANYTHING. You have no source, as usual. You are a congenital idiot, as normal. Just posting con dogma.

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