neo classical economics- looked good on paper

You dont need an econ degree to understand that government has failed to run any economy it has tried.
There are no economies in the world today RUN by the gov. And I certainly never said an economy should or could successfully be run by the gov. But, every economy in the world has the government of that country involved in running the economy. On the other hand, there is NO economy in the world without significant gov involvement. That would be a libertarian economy, except more to the right. And, me boy, if you check, there are NO libertarian economies out there. None. Nada. Zip.
A logical fallacy, reductio ad absurdum.
Rabbi Rules!
Which is, of course, another way of Rabbi saying he has no argument. As usual.
Jesus, Rabbi, you are incompetent. All this time I have given you, months by now, and you still have no successful libertarian economy. And now you can name no nation without a major government position in the economy of that nation.


Max Keiser=LOL!

Banks create money from nothing=incredibly silly
Jesus, me boy, did you see who thanked you?? You are in bed with congenital idiots. Probably because what you posted was so much the opposite of profound. So, are you another of the brainless cons who labels economists based on what they are studying and their results?? Of course you are.

Says the congenital idiot. LOL!
This thread was a an attempt to wake people up the fact that

A) "elected" officials Washington doesn't work for them

B) $$$ in politics (from the financial services) are the reason

C) worshiping neo classical economics is for low-info, rw, sheeple

D) Inadvertently illustrating that everyone, at least those that clicked on this thread, are in a slumber & don't even care enough to see why. gawd but you people are idiots.

YOU ARE nothing but a idot; programmed to whine about the system in place; and "rw sheeple" without offering alternatives and anything better.
Try reading the docs provided, dipshit. Then you may learn something. ......................Nah, you never learn anything. You simply post dogma.

very few, if any of the rw neo classical ideologues read my supplied links or watched the documentary which is prolly over their heads anyway. IDK why I thought I'd awaken them for their .01%- induced slumber
Same Old Progressive story:

The <Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%> are holding down the working man!!

Same old stale Marxist whine in new wineskins
Not at all. But yours is, of course, the same old con tool dogma. It is not the 1%. But the politicians that the 1% own. Like, uh, lets see, why YOU dipshit. Except the rich versions of you. You really are immaterial.

This thread was a an attempt to wake people up the fact that

A) "elected" officials Washington doesn't work for them

B) $$$ in politics (from the financial services) are the reason

C) worshiping neo classical economics is for low-info, rw, sheeple

D) Inadvertently illustrating that everyone, at least those that clicked on this thread, are in a slumber & don't even care enough to see why. gawd but you people are idiots.

YOU ARE nothing but a idot; programmed to whine about the system in place; and "rw sheeple" without offering alternatives and anything better.
Try reading the docs provided, dipshit. Then you may learn something. ......................Nah, you never learn anything. You simply post dogma.

things were MUCH better for AVERAGE AMERICANS when Republicans ran things

true story

things are better now for ONLY the richest Americans in this; the eighth-straight year of Progressive Majority Rule

true story
You must have proof for your drivel, right??? like sources???? Of course you do not. You simply paste drivel. Kind of lost control of my thought process there. You are, of course, incapable of proving ANYTHING. You have no source, as usual. You are a congenital idiot, as normal. Just posting con dogma.

There are no economies in the world today RUN by the gov. And I certainly never said an economy should or could successfully be run by the gov. But, every economy in the world has the government of that country involved in running the economy. On the other hand, there is NO economy in the world without significant gov involvement. That would be a libertarian economy, except more to the right. And, me boy, if you check, there are NO libertarian economies out there. None. Nada. Zip.
A logical fallacy, reductio ad absurdum.
Rabbi Rules!
Which is, of course, another way of Rabbi saying he has no argument. As usual.
Jesus, Rabbi, you are incompetent. All this time I have given you, months by now, and you still have no successful libertarian economy. And now you can name no nation without a major government position in the economy of that nation.

pos-repped & friends request sent :cool:
Same Old Progressive story:

The <Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%> are holding down the working man!!

Same old stale Marxist whine in new wineskins
Not at all. But yours is, of course, the same old con tool dogma. It is not the 1%. But the politicians that the 1% own. Like, uh, lets see, why YOU dipshit. Except the rich versions of you. You really are immaterial.

You Progressives are such uneducated tools. Your failure to understand basic economics is eclipsed by your fundamental ignorance of history. Every Progressive dictatorship out with the same sob story, "They (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%) are responsible for your misery! Help us get rid of them!" And you dumb fuckers go along. Then the leaders take all the stuff the (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%) and you're either fertilizer or slave labor.

Max Keiser=LOL!

Banks create money from nothing=incredibly silly
Jesus, me boy, did you see who thanked you?? You are in bed with congenital idiots. Probably because what you posted was so much the opposite of profound. So, are you another of the brainless cons who labels economists based on what they are studying and their results?? Of course you are.

Says the congenital idiot. LOL!
So you are a brainless con. got it.
Same Old Progressive story:

The <Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%> are holding down the working man!!

Same old stale Marxist whine in new wineskins
Not at all. But yours is, of course, the same old con tool dogma. It is not the 1%. But the politicians that the 1% own. Like, uh, lets see, why YOU dipshit. Except the rich versions of you. You really are immaterial.

You Progressives are such uneducated tools. Your failure to understand basic economics is eclipsed by your fundamental ignorance of history. Every Progressive dictatorship out with the same sob story, "They (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%) are responsible for your misery! Help us get rid of them!" And you dumb fuckers go along. Then the leaders take all the stuff the (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%) and you're either fertilizer or slave labor.
Thanks, me boy, for proving my point!!!! As long as you are an idiot, may as well be a major idiot. And you prove you are pretty much every time you post. Never an impartial source. Ever.
Not at all. But yours is, of course, the same old con tool dogma. It is not the 1%. But the politicians that the 1% own. Like, uh, lets see, why YOU dipshit. Except the rich versions of you. You really are immaterial.

You Progressives are such uneducated tools. Your failure to understand basic economics is eclipsed by your fundamental ignorance of history. Every Progressive dictatorship out with the same sob story, "They (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%) are responsible for your misery! Help us get rid of them!" And you dumb fuckers go along. Then the leaders take all the stuff the (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%) and you're either fertilizer or slave labor.
Thanks, me boy, for proving my point!!!! As long as you are an idiot, may as well be a major idiot. And you prove you are pretty much every time you post. Never an impartial source. Ever.

Who is you're impartial source, the Obama pajama boy?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
You Progressives are such uneducated tools. Your failure to understand basic economics is eclipsed by your fundamental ignorance of history. Every Progressive dictatorship out with the same sob story, "They (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%) are responsible for your misery! Help us get rid of them!" And you dumb fuckers go along. Then the leaders take all the stuff the (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%) and you're either fertilizer or slave labor.
Thanks, me boy, for proving my point!!!! As long as you are an idiot, may as well be a major idiot. And you prove you are pretty much every time you post. Never an impartial source. Ever.

Who is you're impartial source, the Obama pajama boy?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
You are still at bat, me boy. Still waiting for your successful libertarian economy. Which you can not name. Because it does not exist. Must be pitiful to be the water boy for a bunch of rich tools that make you believe in something that is fiction. So, me boy, tell us again how well your libertarian society and the resultant economy has worked so well somewhere. Because, dipshit, you can not and you know it. Failed in every case it was started. Abject failure. And you keep proposing the principles. Which makes you IRRELEVANT. TOTALLY IRRELEVANT, ME BOY. KEEP IT UP. I LOVE IT WHEN YOU DO ALL THE WORK OF PROVING YOURSELF A FOOL.
Jesus, me boy, did you see who thanked you?? You are in bed with congenital idiots. Probably because what you posted was so much the opposite of profound. So, are you another of the brainless cons who labels economists based on what they are studying and their results?? Of course you are.

Says the congenital idiot. LOL!
So you are a brainless con. got it.

That would make you algae. Got it.
Thanks, me boy, for proving my point!!!! As long as you are an idiot, may as well be a major idiot. And you prove you are pretty much every time you post. Never an impartial source. Ever.

Who is you're impartial source, the Obama pajama boy?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
You are still at bat, me boy. Still waiting for your successful libertarian economy. Which you can not name. Because it does not exist. Must be pitiful to be the water boy for a bunch of rich tools that make you believe in something that is fiction. So, me boy, tell us again how well your libertarian society and the resultant economy has worked so well somewhere. Because, dipshit, you can not and you know it. Failed in every case it was started. Abject failure. And you keep proposing the principles. Which makes you IRRELEVANT. TOTALLY IRRELEVANT, ME BOY. KEEP IT UP. I LOVE IT WHEN YOU DO ALL THE WORK OF PROVING YOURSELF A FOOL.

An almost perfect example of the libertarian economy is the United States before 1914. the reason libertarian economies seldom exist for long is because there are so many prehensile parasites like you in the world who don't want to work and would like to live on the fruit of other people's labor. They choose to make their living by voting rather than working.

Sloth and envy are two of the 7 deadly sins and they're the reason the world is being destroyed.
There are no economies in the world today RUN by the gov. And I certainly never said an economy should or could successfully be run by the gov. But, every economy in the world has the government of that country involved in running the economy. On the other hand, there is NO economy in the world without significant gov involvement. That would be a libertarian economy, except more to the right. And, me boy, if you check, there are NO libertarian economies out there. None. Nada. Zip.
A logical fallacy, reductio ad absurdum.
Rabbi Rules!
Which is, of course, another way of Rabbi saying he has no argument. As usual.
Jesus, Rabbi, you are incompetent. All this time I have given you, months by now, and you still have no successful libertarian economy. And now you can name no nation without a major government position in the economy of that nation.

No, it says your argument is invalid. Which it is.
DOn't go calling people idiots when you post crap like that and think it's brilliant, me boy.
I'm not particularly fixated on capitalism. But I do want to preserve individual liberty and private property.
I'm not particularly fixated on capitalism. But I do want to preserve individual liberty and private property.
They are inseparable. Free market capitalism depends on those factors. When you are free to own, earn and own more those with the ability and dedication will prosper. Collectivist cry foul, one man has more so he unfairly benefited somehow and big government's primary function is to distribute fairness. You cut the pie and we pick the piece.
Who is you're impartial source, the Obama pajama boy?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
You are still at bat, me boy. Still waiting for your successful libertarian economy. Which you can not name. Because it does not exist. Must be pitiful to be the water boy for a bunch of rich tools that make you believe in something that is fiction. So, me boy, tell us again how well your libertarian society and the resultant economy has worked so well somewhere. Because, dipshit, you can not and you know it. Failed in every case it was started. Abject failure. And you keep proposing the principles. Which makes you IRRELEVANT. TOTALLY IRRELEVANT, ME BOY. KEEP IT UP. I LOVE IT WHEN YOU DO ALL THE WORK OF PROVING YOURSELF A FOOL.

An almost perfect example of the libertarian economy is the United States before 1914. the reason libertarian economies seldom exist for long is because there are so many prehensile parasites like you in the world who don't want to work and would like to live on the fruit of other people's labor. They choose to make their living by voting rather than working.

Sloth and envy are two of the 7 deadly sins and they're the reason the world is being destroyed.
Yes. And there you are. The sloth.
A logical fallacy, reductio ad absurdum.
Rabbi Rules!
Which is, of course, another way of Rabbi saying he has no argument. As usual.
Jesus, Rabbi, you are incompetent. All this time I have given you, months by now, and you still have no successful libertarian economy. And now you can name no nation without a major government position in the economy of that nation.

No, it says your argument is invalid. Which it is.
DOn't go calling people idiots when you post crap like that and think it's brilliant, me boy.
Again, you can find no successful libertarian economy. Failed again, me boy. Here, this may help:

"History is littered with failed libertarian utopias, but PayPal cofounder and billionaire venture capitalist Peter Thiel believes an artificial floating nation-state 200 miles off the coast of San Francisco could change that..."
Libertarian Island: A billionaire's utopia - The Week

Funny. Most give up on libertarianism before they reach puberty. But if you can not name a libertarian economy, you can at least be a laughing stock.
I'm not particularly fixated on capitalism. But I do want to preserve individual liberty and private property.
They are inseparable. Free market capitalism depends on those factors. When you are free to own, earn and own more those with the ability and dedication will prosper. Collectivist cry foul, one man has more so he unfairly benefited somehow and big government's primary function is to distribute fairness. You cut the pie and we pick the piece.
If you were capable of thought, and if you tried to define the term free market capitalism, you would define a libertarian ideal that does not exist. You exist in a fantasy. So, is ignorance bliss???
Not at all. But yours is, of course, the same old con tool dogma. It is not the 1%. But the politicians that the 1% own. Like, uh, lets see, why YOU dipshit. Except the rich versions of you. You really are immaterial.

You Progressives are such uneducated tools. Your failure to understand basic economics is eclipsed by your fundamental ignorance of history. Every Progressive dictatorship out with the same sob story, "They (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%) are responsible for your misery! Help us get rid of them!" And you dumb fuckers go along. Then the leaders take all the stuff the (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%) and you're either fertilizer or slave labor.
Thanks, me boy, for proving my point!!!! As long as you are an idiot, may as well be a major idiot. And you prove you are pretty much every time you post. Never an impartial source. Ever.
Thats his trademark around here sadly :( Whats even sadder is: he isn't alone. Getting a con to provide an even tangentially agreeable source is like pulling teeth around here.
Thanks, me boy, for proving my point!!!! As long as you are an idiot, may as well be a major idiot. And you prove you are pretty much every time you post. Never an impartial source. Ever.

Who is you're impartial source, the Obama pajama boy?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
You are still at bat, me boy. Still waiting for your successful libertarian economy. Which you can not name. Because it does not exist. Must be pitiful to be the water boy for a bunch of rich tools that make you believe in something that is fiction. So, me boy, tell us again how well your libertarian society and the resultant economy has worked so well somewhere. Because, dipshit, you can not and you know it. Failed in every case it was started. Abject failure. And you keep proposing the principles. Which makes you IRRELEVANT. TOTALLY IRRELEVANT, ME BOY. KEEP IT UP. I LOVE IT WHEN YOU DO ALL THE WORK OF PROVING YOURSELF A FOOL.

I'm not particularly fixated on capitalism. But I do want to preserve individual liberty and private property.

thats the point of the OP. READ IT!!! :banghead:


There is > one form of capitalism. The current sham model, which COINCIDENTALLY favors the owners of Washington D.C, is :up: neo classical
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