Neo-Confederate libertarians are not conservatives.

lol...are Cons still defending their racism in this thread?

Let me guess, you oppose the 1964 CRA because it infringed on "liberty".

Civil Rights for the Uncivilized. Integration caused disintegration. It was passed against the will of the majority, so it is invalid. The ruling class sought to humiliate the majority, so it forced upon us a fake "social conscience" mandate to cover up its design to put down one race while pretending that it was all about lifting up another race.

Actually it was needed to get the democrats to stop oppressing the black populous...
While we talk about it seeing as the CSA held men and women in bondage and treated them as property and slaughtered them like cattle I would say Jefferson Davis was the true Tyrant...So to all you Lincoln hating assholes truth is without him NONE of you would have the freedoms you have now.

Lincoln was really dishonest in his Gettysburg Address when he claimed that the war was about preserving Government of the People. If the South would have won or been allowed to secede, the result would have been two representative republics, each no different from the united republic before the war. Lincoln was a sharp lawyer twisting and spinning words and concept so skillfully that his bloated, bloviating nonsense has been designated a classic in oratory. It only would have been relevant to the battlefield if given by Washington at Yorktown.

Significant in our Chickenhawk ascendancy, his speech excusing the policy of the letting the rich buy their way out of the draft also made no sense. He blithely dismissed it all by saying that's the way things have always been done. He could have made the same excuse about slavery, but the Republicans needed Abolitionism as a break from the past in order to get the South to secede, which gave the plutocrats free rein on tariffs. After victory, the Replutocans raped the prostrate South economically and confirmed the reign of the Robber Barons and sweatshops up North.
Apples and oranges. You cant hide the fact that confederate democrats were evil slavers and traitors to the country.
You're worse than a broken record, Cork. Not only do you repeat, but the lines you repeat are patently false based on hisotrical knowledge. it's like your record is spinning counter clockwise with a massive gash after the first ten seconds of play.

Stock the cooler, boy. Be useful.
The founding of the Libertarian Party is not the founding of libertarianism. And I doubt you could trace the word back to Jesus.

But you can trace it back to the birth of Judas Iscariot, who was delivered by the Roman obstetrician Ronus Paulus.

Unless I'm much mistaken it was the government who paid Judas in the first place.

It was private money from the Jewish High Priests. Even back then, the Religious Right had an alliance with Libretardians like Ronus Dufus Paulus. God's Only Party and Greedheads On Parole share the same acronym.
While we talk about it seeing as the CSA held men and women in bondage and treated them as property and slaughtered them like cattle I would say Jefferson Davis was the true Tyrant...So to all you Lincoln hating assholes truth is without him NONE of you would have the freedoms you have now.

Lincoln was really dishonest in his Gettysburg Address when he claimed that the war was about preserving Government of the People. If the South would have won or been allowed to secede, the result would have been two representative republics, each no different from the united republic before the war. Lincoln was a sharp lawyer twisting and spinning words and concept so skillfully that his bloated, bloviating nonsense has been designated a classic in oratory. It only would have been relevant to the battlefield if given by Washington at Yorktown.

Significant in our Chickenhawk ascendancy, his speech excusing the policy of the letting the rich buy their way out of the draft also made no sense. He blithely dismissed it all by saying that's the way things have always been done. He could have made the same excuse about slavery, but the Republicans needed Abolitionism as a break from the past in order to get the South to secede, which gave the plutocrats free rein on tariffs. After victory, the Replutocans raped the prostrate South economically and confirmed the reign of the Robber Barons and sweatshops up North.
Apples and oranges. You cant hide the fact that confederate democrats were evil slavers and traitors to the country.
Absolute truth.

Southern conservatives.
I don't blame you for trying to disassociate yourself from Paul.

But he's your poster boy.

Like it or not.

Gotta love a retard that thinks everyone with the same last name is the same person.

As right as Romney!

Without his Daddy's money and position as Governor of Mission, Muttophobe Mitt would have been a real nobody. The most he might have become on his own would have been as a moderately successful businessman in the Tough Love niche of dogtraining.
Why pick at semantics? KKK members can be liberal just as libertarians and Civil War Confederate reinactors can be conservative. What's the point? It beats talking about Barry Hussein?
While we talk about it seeing as the CSA held men and women in bondage and treated them as property and slaughtered them like cattle I would say Jefferson Davis was the true Tyrant...So to all you Lincoln hating assholes truth is without him NONE of you would have the freedoms you have now.

Lincoln was really dishonest in his Gettysburg Address when he claimed that the war was about preserving Government of the People. If the South would have won or been allowed to secede, the result would have been two representative republics, each no different from the united republic before the war. Lincoln was a sharp lawyer twisting and spinning words and concept so skillfully that his bloated, bloviating nonsense has been designated a classic in oratory. It only would have been relevant to the battlefield if given by Washington at Yorktown.

Significant in our Chickenhawk ascendancy, his speech excusing the policy of the letting the rich buy their way out of the draft also made no sense. He blithely dismissed it all by saying that's the way things have always been done. He could have made the same excuse about slavery, but the Republicans needed Abolitionism as a break from the past in order to get the South to secede, which gave the plutocrats free rein on tariffs. After victory, the Replutocans raped the prostrate South economically and confirmed the reign of the Robber Barons and sweatshops up North.
Apples and oranges. You cant hide the fact that confederate democrats were evil slavers and traitors to the country.

Nope, they weren't traitors according to the definition in the Constitution. If they were, then why weren't they all hung? Lincoln's actions as president, on the other hand, do fit the definition of "treason." He made war on states of the union. He's a traitor.

Also, Northerners were also "slavers." So neither of your distinctions is valid.
Libertarian is more than a political party, it's also a political ideology like liberalism or conservatism. In that respect, Amash and Massie are libertarians, rather than conservatives, who happen to be members of the Republican Party. Anybody who doesn't understand that simple concept should not be discussing libertarianism at all.

Does that make everyone a libertarian that has just one viewpoint that intersects with the libertarian party plank?
what the libertarian position is in the first place. Not every issue is cut and dry.


Well the Libretardians are all Cut and Run on the War on Terror. After all, that's just an Israeli problem and the Israelis are just Jews!
Lincoln was really dishonest in his Gettysburg Address when he claimed that the war was about preserving Government of the People. If the South would have won or been allowed to secede, the result would have been two representative republics, each no different from the united republic before the war. Lincoln was a sharp lawyer twisting and spinning words and concept so skillfully that his bloated, bloviating nonsense has been designated a classic in oratory. It only would have been relevant to the battlefield if given by Washington at Yorktown.

Significant in our Chickenhawk ascendancy, his speech excusing the policy of the letting the rich buy their way out of the draft also made no sense. He blithely dismissed it all by saying that's the way things have always been done. He could have made the same excuse about slavery, but the Republicans needed Abolitionism as a break from the past in order to get the South to secede, which gave the plutocrats free rein on tariffs. After victory, the Replutocans raped the prostrate South economically and confirmed the reign of the Robber Barons and sweatshops up North.
Apples and oranges. You cant hide the fact that confederate democrats were evil slavers and traitors to the country.

Nope, they weren't traitors according to the definition in the Constitution. If they were, then why weren't they all hung? Lincoln's actions as president, on the other hand, do fit the definition of "treason." He made war on states of the union. He's a traitor.

Also, Northerners were also "slavers." So neither of your distinctions is valid.

Where does it say in the constitutions states have the right to cause a civil war to keep slaves again?
From your own link, Dullard:

The libertarian party was founded because LOLberal progressive authoritarians, hijacked the term liberal. Which is exactly what libertarians are - classical liberal. You LOLberals today aren't liberals at all. You are authoritarian progressives.

What! No mention of the CR of 64? So that wasn't historically important!

That can mean only this: That Ron Paul and other Southern Conservatives, have hijacked the Libertarian Party!

Ron Paul would be a southern Democrat not a conservative.

The Libretardian pope, Paul II, is a Rubber Ducky from Kain't-tucky.
Apples and oranges. You cant hide the fact that confederate democrats were evil slavers and traitors to the country.

Nope, they weren't traitors according to the definition in the Constitution. If they were, then why weren't they all hung? Lincoln's actions as president, on the other hand, do fit the definition of "treason." He made war on states of the union. He's a traitor.

Also, Northerners were also "slavers." So neither of your distinctions is valid.

Where does it say in the constitutions states have the right to cause a civil war to keep slaves again?

They didn't cause a Civil war, so your question is a straw man.
Nope, they weren't traitors according to the definition in the Constitution. If they were, then why weren't they all hung? Lincoln's actions as president, on the other hand, do fit the definition of "treason." He made war on states of the union. He's a traitor.

Also, Northerners were also "slavers." So neither of your distinctions is valid.

Where does it say in the constitutions states have the right to cause a civil war to keep slaves again?

They didn't cause a Civil war, so your question is a straw man.
Yes, the southerners committed Acts of War that started the Civil War.

They had been itching for a fight well over a decade. SC drew up secession papers in their convention in 1852. They were nearfire ready to go at it in 1856. Electing Buchanan calmed them down a bit, and he was every bit the suckass they wanted him to be.

Lincoln getting elected was what it took. They never even waited for him to take office to officially secede and commence hostilities.
... He made war on states of the union. He's a traitor.
Southerners started the war before Lincoln even walked into office.

Really? What battle was fought before Lincoln walked into office?
A little Timeline for you, from the SC Convention forward:

December 20, 1860: South Carolina convention passes ordinance of secession.
December 24, 1860: Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis introduces a "compromise" proposal which would effectively make slavery a national institution.
December 26, 1860: Major Anderson moves Federal garrison in Charleston, SC, from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter.
January 3, 1861: Georgia seizes Fort Pulaski. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 4, 1861: Alabama seizes U.S. arsenal at Mount Vernon. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 5, 1861: Alabama seizes Forts Morgan and Gaines. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 6, 1861: Florida seizes Apalachicola arsenal. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE ARSENAL BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 7, 1861: Florida seizes Fort Marion. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 8, 1861: Floridians try to seize Fort Barrancas but are chased off.
January 9, 1861: Mississippi secedes.

Star of the West fired on in Charleston Harbor <-- FIRING ON A SHIP - A CLEAR ACT OF WAR

January 10, 1861: Florida secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. arsenal at Baton Rouge, as well as Forts Jackson and St. Philip.
January 11, 1861: Alabama secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. Marine Hospital.

January 14, 1861: Louisiana seizes Fort Pike. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 19, 1861: Georgia secedes.
January 26, 1861: Louisiana secedes.
January 28, 1861: Tennessee Resolutions in favor of Crittenden Compromise offered in Congress.
February 1, 1861: Texas secedes.
February 8, 1861: Provisional Constitution of the Confederacy adopted in Montgomery, AL.

Arkansas seizes U.S. Arsenal at Little Rock.
February 12, 1861: Arkansas seizes U.S. ordnance stores at Napoleon.
February 18, 1861: Jefferson Davis inaugurated as President of the Confederacy.
March 4, 1861: Abraham Lincoln inaugurated as 16th President of the United States.
March 21, 1861: "Cornerstone speech" delivered by Alexander Stephens. (This is where the Confederate V President lays it out clearly: Slavery is the Cornerstone of the Confederacy.)

April 12, 1861: Fort Sumter fired upon by Confederates.
Need more?

The first shots were fired in January of 1861.

Buchanan was President and he was trying to resupply Sumter.

Click to enlarge

The South fired upon the Union Steamship Star of the West

They took another ship and seized it: "The Marion."

Then converted her to a Man of War ship.

Star of the West

Note the date on the Harpers Weekly newspaper: January, 1861, linked above.

WE publish herewith pictures of the United States steam-sloop Brooklyn, and of the steamship Star of the West, and of the steamship Marion, which three vessels figured so prominently in the movements of last week; and on page 37 we give a large plan of Charleston harbor, showing the forts, etc., together with a view of Fort Johnson. These pictures w ill enable our readers to realize what is going on in this most memorable contest of the present age.
On Wednesday morning, January 9, 1861, the

first shots were fired At daybreak on that morning at the steamship Star of the West, with 250 United States troops on board, attempted to enter the harbor of Charleston for the purpose of communicating with Fort Sumter

The people of Charleston had been warned of her coming and of her errand by telegraph. They determined to prevent her reaching Fort Sumter. Accordingly, as soon as she came within range, batteries on Morris Island and at Fort Moultrie opened on her. The first shot was fired across her bows ; whereupon she increased her speed, and hoisted the stars and stripes. Other shots were then fired in rapid

succession from Morris Island, two or more of which hulled the steamer, and compelled her to put about and go to sea. The accompanying picture shows the Star of the West as she entered Charleston harbor; the plan will explain the situation of the forts, and the position of the steamer when she was fired upon. The channel through which she passed runs close by Morris Island for some distance.
Fort Sumter made no demonstration, except at the port-holes, where guns were run out bearing on Morris Island.

They did this before Lincoln even set foot in the office. Before they had even all officially Seceded. An ACT OF WAR.
Where does it say in the constitutions states have the right to cause a civil war to keep slaves again?

They didn't cause a Civil war, so your question is a straw man.
Yes, the southerners committed Acts of War that started the Civil War.

Wrong, secession isn't an act of war.

They had been itching for a fight well over a decade. SC drew up secession papers in their convention in 1852. They were nearfire ready to go at it in 1856. Electing Buchanan calmed them down a bit, and he was every bit the suckass they wanted him to be.

Lincoln getting elected was what it took. They never even waited for him to take office to officially secede and commence hostilities.

They wanted to secede. That's all they wanted. Lincoln is the one who wanted war.

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