Neo-Confederate libertarians are not conservatives.

Good point.

Had the Confederacy succeeded in the war, and won independence; they would not have lasted a decade. They utterly lacked any sort of industrial base. They had a poor infrastructure, as you noted, with no hope of developing further railroads without the aid of the industrial North. They faced a hostile Southern neighbor in Mexico - who would not have hesitated in seizing the opportunity to regain lost territory.

All of this begs the question of why the North did not simple let the South secede? It was doomed to failure and the South would have been crawling back sooner, rather than later.
Bad precedent.

Besides, you can't just let states take federal property. That is property of the whole of the people.

What if Kentucky decided to just declare independence and say, hey, Fort Knox belongs to us now. Too bad.

Can't do it. Besides, as I showed earlier, South Carolina ceded all rights to Fort Sumter in 1836. It wasn't hers to just take.

Nor were the forts and military instillations or the Mint filled with Gold they siezed before Lincoln was inaugurated. Or the US Ships they fired on, and captured for their own use as Man of War vessels in January 1861.

You can't just go stealing federal government property and say: hey, it's ours now. Go fuck yourselves.
It is almost as if the see the confederates as robin hood fighting against a evil tyrant.....Except the confederates were not doing anything for the people. They were doing it to keep AMERICANS in bondage.

The slaves were Africans, not Americans. Real Americans had it worse than them in the sweatshops up North. You'll deny it frantically, but you really have an elitist plutocrat's snobbery towards your fellow Americans.
We all know that Thantos is a moron;

But let me illustrate the depth with this passage from Murray Rothbard - founder of the Libertarian Party.

{It is pointless to criticize such passages as only selected instances of cruel treatment, counterbalanced by acts of kindness by Byrd and other planters toward their slaves. For the point is not only that the slave system was one where such acts could take place; the point is that threats of brutality underlay the whole relationship. For the essence of slavery is that human beings, with their inherent freedom of will, with individual desires and convictions and purposes, are used as capital, as tools for the benefit of their master. The slave is therefore habitually forced into types and degrees of work that he would not have freely undertaken; by necessity, therefore, the bit and the lash become the motor of the slave system. The myth of the kindly master camouflages the inherent brutality and savagery of the slave system.}
The slaves were Africans, not Americans. Real Americans had it worse than them in the sweatshops up North. You'll deny it frantically, but you really have an elitist plutocrat's snobbery towards your fellow Americans.

Do me a favor, would you?

Support the other side, okay?

Yes, let's be clear that whatever it is he's talking about, it's not libertarianism.
The Constitution demands that slavery remained intact?

Nice try.. the constitution can be and WAS amended... to eliminate slavery in this nation

That does not change the FACT that Lincoln did not have the power to override the constitution and change the constitution and he DID NOT FREE THE SLAVES... I gave the date wherein all slaves in the US were freed.. and that date was AFTER Lincoln's death

You lose... end of story... your myth is not fact
You are correct presidents do not take part in the Amendment process, they do however use to bully pulpit to give it voice, to either support or reject - which has an affect on those who may or may not support it.

After Lincoln's reelection, he made passage of the 13th Amendment his top priority.

In his State of the Union address, after his reelection he told Congress:

“[T]here is only a question of time as to when the proposed amendment will go to the States for their action. And as it is to so go, at all events, may we not agree that the sooner the better?”

It was passed by both houses in January of 65, and then presented to Lincoln.

Here it is:

You see that there? On the right hand side?

Abraham Lincoln's signature.

He did something else no other President had done before - or since - to an Amendment that would be ratified: He signed it.

With that, and his Emancipation Proclamation, which *did* immediately freed tens of thousands of slaves, and inspired tens of thousands more to go to the North and take up arms against the South...

He is, and will forever be known as The Great Emancipator.

Whether you accept it or not.

No.. it did not... sorry.. Dates are dates, facts are facts... adopted on December 6, 1865

And whether he is known for something or not is irrelevant... Many persons are known more for myth than for fact
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Bad precedent.

Besides, you can't just let states take federal property. That is property of the whole of the people.

What if Kentucky decided to just declare independence and say, hey, Fort Knox belongs to us now. Too bad.

Can't do it. Besides, as I showed earlier, South Carolina ceded all rights to Fort Sumter in 1836. It wasn't hers to just take.

Nor were the forts and military instillations or the Mint filled with Gold they siezed before Lincoln was inaugurated. Or the US Ships they fired on, and captured for their own use as Man of War vessels in January 1861.

You can't just go stealing federal government property and say: hey, it's ours now. Go fuck yourselves.
It is almost as if the see the confederates as robin hood fighting against a evil tyrant.....Except the confederates were not doing anything for the people. They were doing it to keep AMERICANS in bondage.

The slaves were Africans, not Americans. Real Americans had it worse than them in the sweatshops up North. You'll deny it frantically, but you really have an elitist plutocrat's snobbery towards your fellow Americans.
I didnt know those born in this country were not considered Americans...Where in the constitution your heroes the CSA pissed on does it say that?
Nice try.. the constitution can be and WAS amended... to eliminate slavery in this nation

That does not change the FACT that Lincoln did not have the power to override the constitution and change the constitution and he DID NOT FREE THE SLAVES... I gave the date wherein all slaves in the US were freed.. and that date was AFTER Lincoln's death

You lose... end of story... your myth is not fact
You are correct presidents do not take part in the Amendment process, they do however use to bully pulpit to give it voice, to either support or reject - which has an affect on those who may or may not support it.

After Lincoln's reelection, he made passage of the 13th Amendment his top priority.

In his State of the Union address, after his reelection he told Congress:

“[T]here is only a question of time as to when the proposed amendment will go to the States for their action. And as it is to so go, at all events, may we not agree that the sooner the better?”

It was passed by both houses in January of 65, and then presented to Lincoln.

Here it is:

You see that there? On the right hand side?

Abraham Lincoln's signature.

He did something else no other President had done before - or since - to an Amendment that would be ratified: He signed it.

With that, and his Emancipation Proclamation, which *did* immediately freed tens of thousands of slaves, and inspired tens of thousands more to go to the North and take up arms against the South...

He is, and will forever be known as The Great Emancipator.

Whether you accept it or not.

No.. it did not... sorry.. Dates are dates, facts are facts... adopted on December 6, 1865

And whether he is known for something or not is irrelevant... Many persons are known more for myth than for fact

How very progressive of you to ignore facts that dont meet your ideology.

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